Ride of the Valkyries: Agatha vs Rise

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Ride of the Valkyries: Agatha vs Rise

Unread post by pikazard »

Standard match: Victory achieved through pinfall, submission or knockout.

Rise's rather shocking addition to the LAW roster had gathered a lot of attention from its fans, for better or worse it seemed like she was a ticket seller. How many of those tickets were from her fans who supported her and how many of them were from people who wanted to see her lose was another matter. For that reason she had been booked for quite a few matches pretty soon after her debut. The first of these matches was against Agatha Svensson, a foreign woman who was quite physically intimidating for someone in the lightweight division. She looked like some kind of viking warrior! The woman seemed quite scary to Rise, but people were paying to watch Rise fight her, so she was determined to put on a show.

With that in mind Rise walked out of the gorilla position to massive cheers, which she responded to by waving to the audience and giving out flirtatious winks to men in the crowd who caught her eye. When she made it to the ring she hopped up to the ring mat and turned around, blowing a kiss to the audience before climbing into the ring. Rise couldn't help but notice that there were fewer people in the audience than in her debut, but there was nothing to be done about that. Now that she was in the ring she was just focused on her performance in the upcoming competition. With these thoughts in her mind she would watch Agatha closely as the Scandinavian woman made her entrance.
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Re: Ride of the Valkyries: Agatha vs Rise

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*Once Risette had finished her entrance, the crowd returned to a calm quietness in anticipation for the blonde bombshell to burst through the opaque curtains. In an instant, Agatha exploded onto the scene, striking her signature pose by stretching her hands outwards and snarling towards the audience, instantaneously earning her a humungous pop from the spectators in attendance! To the norse goddess, there was no other feeling in the world that could compare to claiming a hard fought victory through the talent and aptitude of your fighting prowess, and tonight, she would add yet another notch to her winning record by introducing Risette to an unimaginable world of pain! As the camera's began to flash from all sides, Agatha couldn't help but smirk from the abundant attention she was receiving, basking in the glow of the illumination of the excited onlookers!*
*After a moment of relishing the cheering from her overzealous fans, Agatha casually strode towards the occupied arena,scaling the steel steps before springing over the highest rope, landing on the platforms of her ornate boots with a powerful* "Thunk!" *That generated a thunderclap of fear. Gazing towards Risette from across the ring, the warrior queen licked the edges of her lips before approaching the center of the ring, gesturing for Risette to come hither.* "Pleasure to meet yah, Rise. Allow me to test your abilities in combat!" *She demanded with a gregarious grin stretching from ear to ear!*

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Re: Ride of the Valkyries: Agatha vs Rise

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Rise watched as her opponent for the night made her appearance, earning her massive applause from the audience. Rise could tell just by looking at Agatha that the Scandinavian woman was strong, she gave off the aura of a warrior from the way she walked as she made her way to the ring. Agatha entered the ring with a leap over the top rope, making a thunderous impact upon landing that made Rise take a step back instinctively, only to find the ropes blocking her path.

Before the match begun Agatha beckoned Rise over, making the idol flinch, but it seemed like she just wanted to greet her "The pleasure's all mine, Agatha. I'm looking forward to it." Rise forced a playful smile that would look as convincing as the real thing. No one would likely suspect anything from looking at her expression, although if Agatha was observant enough she might notice that Rise was shaking slightly. While Agatha was not exactly a giant at 5'8 she towered over the 5'1 Rise, something which was made very clear to the idol in such a close vicinity to the warrior woman.

Rise would walk to the corner before the match begun. When the bell rang Rise would swallow before taking a few steps forward with her arms raised defensively. She waited to see what Agatha would do before responding accordingly. Or trying to, at least.
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Re: Ride of the Valkyries: Agatha vs Rise

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*While starting to become overwhelmed by the mere prospect of fighting someone like Rise, hearing her share the blonde bombshell's optimistic outlook towards the impending battle only served to further her elation. However, her keen eye for detail noticed something quite peculiar- It almost appeared as though her opponent was trembling, presumably with anticipation. Agatha couldn't believe her eyes; she had finally found someone as overzealous as she was! Releasing a monstrous chortle, the valkyrie could hardly contain herself!*

"Excited for our fight, are yah?" *She remarked with her native, scandinavian accent abundantly present. It wouldn't be long before the bell rang out with a sonorous* "Clang clang clang!" *Which was all the motivation Agatha needed to propel herself forward and straight into the action. Dashing across the ring in the blink of an eye, she extended her hands outwards and would initially attempt a lock up to try and gauge just how powerful Rise was on her feet.*

"Let me see if you're as capable as you look!" *She shouted in a booming voice, lurching her muscular body forward in a test of strength to try and bowl Rise over with her indomitable power!*

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Re: Ride of the Valkyries: Agatha vs Rise

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After Rise had greeted the Scandinavian wrestler and falsely expressed her excitement for the match ahead Agatha let out a monstrous laugh which made Rise jump and almost cry out, though she managed to stop herself. As she prepared for the match to officially begin she thanked her luck that Agatha hadn't noticed that and had interpreted her fear for excitement.

Agatha's excitement over her misunderstanding of Rise's attitude led to an energetic start to the match as she crossed the distance between herself and Rise in no time at all, taking Rise off guard with her speed. Rise barely held her hands out in time to latch onto Agatha's. Rise tried to match Agatha's strength, but the womans muscular body held more power in it than Rise could handle and she was brought down to her knees in mere seconds, gritting her teeth in a pained expression as her petite frame was straining from the pressure "Ugh, so... strong..."

For the moment the Scandinavian Sledgehammer had Rise locked down and incapable of fighting back.
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Re: Ride of the Valkyries: Agatha vs Rise

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*Overzealously attempting to impose her will over the much more inexperienced rookie, Agatha continued to surge forward with a superfluous degree of power. Inch by inch, she continued to invade Risette's personal space, until finally, she dropped her grip entirely and wrapped her arms around the svelte female's waist for a bearhug!*

"Yes, yes I am!" *The bombshell appropriately responded, showcasing her immeasurable strength by effortlessly lifting her foe off the ground.* "My divine power is a gift from father Odin!" *Retaining her natural passion for fighting, Agatha whirled Rise around in a circle before subsequently dropping her against the canvas for a humungous suplex!*
Last edited by SubtleRoar on Fri Mar 13, 2020 1:27 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ride of the Valkyries: Agatha vs Rise

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Rise struggled to push back against Agatha and stop her from approaching, but with the gap in the women's respective levels of strength it was as futile as trying to hold back a tidal wave. Agatha slowly invaded Rise's personal space, getting uncomfortably close before abandoning her hold on Rise's hands to wrap her arms around Rise. For a second Rise was almost relieved that the strain on her arms was gone, but that relief quickly vanished when she was picked up and spun around "Waaaaaaah!"

Rise was then dropped painfully onto the ground, earning a scream of pain from the idol that made good use of her trained vocal cords. Rise lay spread out on the canvas, taking time to process everything that just happened while staring up at the ceiling. She was certainly not in any state to get back up on her own without at least a few seconds to recover. Time she felt like she wasn't going to be given.
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Re: Ride of the Valkyries: Agatha vs Rise

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*Having anticipated her attack to connect, Agatha relinquished her victim before springing back to her feet. She felt a surge of energy course throughout her body, which inevitably caused the audience to applaud her impressive feat of athleticism. However, she wasn't quite finished with Risette just yet.*

"Please, do not take take this as personal ire! I desire competition, not hostility!" *The enthusiastic Scandinavian reassured her injured competition, but refused to abdicate her role as the dominant force between the two of them. In a split second, Agatha launched herself upward, executing a near perfect flip to perform a moonsault on the unsuspecting Rise!*
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Re: Ride of the Valkyries: Agatha vs Rise

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Rise felt an ache all over her body as she lay on the ground following Agatha's suplex, her chest rose and sank as she breathed while looking up to the sky. She heard the crowd cheer Agatha and vaguely heard Agatha telling her not to take it personally. Easy for her to say, she's not the one who just got hit with that suplex. Normally a single suplex wouldn't be enough to keep a wrestler down like this so early in the match, but frankly Rise was not used to getting hit with moves like that.

For that reason she was slow to react when Agatha threw herself into the air, not realising what she was doing until the Scandinavian had already landed on top of the poor girl "Gack!" her legs bucked up as the moonsault impacted and forced the air from her lungs. She let out a groan from underneath the taller woman as she meekly tried to push her off, there was not much else she could do in this state.
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Re: Ride of the Valkyries: Agatha vs Rise

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*Continuing to apply the pressure on Rise, Agatha wasted little time in firmly establishing herself as a force to be reckoned with while between the ropes! Hearing the ever-satisfying sound of her opponent crying out in agony as her somersault flip hit its mark, the Scandinavian Sledgehammer decided to remain stationary for the time being, slipping her hand underneath Rise's calf and lifting it upward to try and execute a quick pin! The moderator overseeing the fight noticed this, and began counting the instant Agatha lifted her limb.*
"ONE!" *She shouted through the loudspeakers, causing the audience to lean forward in unison out of sheer intrigue. It was relatively early on in the skirmish, and even though Agatha's swift and effective moves had left Rise writhing in pain, perhaps she still had enough energy leftover to try and turn things around. Regardless, she was put on a timer, and if she didn't do something soon, this match would be over before it even had a chance to start!*

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