Karen S. Vs Dana A. - Right In The Face

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The Ominous Future
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Re: Karen S. Vs Dana A. - Right In The Face

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Holding onto Dana, Karen looked around her, checking to see if the ropes were within reach on the off chance she went for a submission finisher on Dana. Unsurprisingly with her ego, she was confident she could have squeezed even a woman of Dana's size and strength out, had she been fresh. But far from it, and with her body strained from merely holding Dana upright, there was only one move to go for.

"Fucking..." Muttering to herself, Karen's mutter would be made in tandem with Karen's hand snapping to Dana's throat!

Her other arm going to Dana's own, to put it up and over her own neck-clenching arm, Karen would put the very last of her strength into hoisting the massive woman up!

Even if it was for but a fraction of a second, with Dana's feet only coming a inch or two off the ground, Karen would tilt her frame into her chokeslam attempt, as she tried to have Dana's head lead the charge to the ground; the amazon seeking to end things with her own variation of a standard chokeslam, that she had dubbed - Throttle Drive!

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Re: Karen S. Vs Dana A. - Right In The Face

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Dana was on the mat, exhausted. It was clear that she was unable to muster enough strength to fight back, and it looked like Karen was about to do something to finish her off. Then, she was picked up by the younger woman, who proceeded to bring one hand to her throat. At first, she wasn't sure what Karen was planning, but when Karen used the last bit of her strength to hoist her up, her eyes widened.

While her feet only came two inches off the mat as she was hoisted up by Karen, Dana knew that there had to be something devastating from the move. Sure enough, Karen then threw her down with a variation of chokeslam, only that she made sure that Dana's head would meet the mat first. Unable to stop this from happening, Dana's head impacted against the canvas as Karen hit her with her Throttle Drive.


Dana was shaken beyond belief, and she ended up slumping against the mat, her eyes closed. The move managed to extinguish the last bit of her strength, and now Karen was free to seize her victory, with Dana unable to do anything to stop her. She was now on her side, breathing shallowly, the pain in her head prevented her from processing what was happening to her at the moment.

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Re: Karen S. Vs Dana A. - Right In The Face

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Karen didn't so much roar back, neither in celebration nor in hopes of snagging a more effective pin, as much as she did simply fall atop of Dana the moment she drove her hefty frame into her canvas. Her hand on Dana's throat would slip to her shoulder, pushing down but in the meakest of manners. If Dana was to kick out of what was to be a very limp-bodied pinfall attempt, it certainly wouldn't be because of Karen's next-to non-existent strength pushing down on her.

Eyes shut as her head rested just below Dana's bust, Karen tried to open one just a little, as she heard the referee slide next to the duo. With the pinfall attempt registered by the official, Karen could but lay and pray, as she put all stock on that finishing move of hers being enough to end this.


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Re: Karen S. Vs Dana A. - Right In The Face

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Dana was laid out on the mat, somehow unable to process anything with her mind due to the throbbing pain in her head. She could feel the weight of her opponent on top of her, and she could hear the sound of the referee counting for the pin. She tried to move, but somehow, her body was disobeying her order. It was clear now that she was unable to move anymore, and she didn't have enough strength left to fight.


In the end, Dana just closed her eyes, quietly accepting that she had lost. It was kind of aggravating to be defeated by the likes of Karen, but at the very least, it was a very hard-fought battle. Truth be told, she was quite impressed by what Karen had brought on the table, and if the circumstances were different, she might have done things differently with the younger woman.


And with that, the match was over. The referee called for the bell, signalling the end of the match. Karen was announced as the winner, and despite what the crowd might have thought about both women, the crowd showed their appreciation to the show that was given to them. It could even be considered an instant classic for years to come.

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Re: Karen S. Vs Dana A. - Right In The Face

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Against a foe of this quality and reputation, Karen would have literally jumped for joy, had she had the ability. Instead, she could but get to all fours, her arm shrugged by the referee, before she snapped it back to her. She'd celebrate this win, in her own way, likely a obnoxious one, but not right now. All she could do was focus on breathing, for had she done anything but, she may have slumped next to Dana and fallen asleep.

It was in this moment that Karen came to realise the obvious. This was a win in the records, but it hardly felt to be one. Dana near ripped her head off every which way a hundred times, and it was only through sheer luck, or perhaps something more, that she avoided Dana's sure-win manoeuvre mere moments before.

Finally coming back to her knees, Karen pushed all thoughts of what-ifs and what-could-have-beens, as she gasped up at the audience. Of the wins Karen did have on her record, this would most certainly be among the most noted.

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Re: Karen S. Vs Dana A. - Right In The Face

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Dana remained on the mat even as Karen got up. She didn't feel like engaging her at the moment as she felt happier lying down there, resting. Her eyes remained closed, ignoring all the noises around her. Honestly, despite the aggravating feeling of being defeated by someone like Karen, Dana wasn't all that upset with her loss. Granted, it was due to her being quite experienced in this field that she could take a loss with just a shrug. After all, despite her age, it would never be to late to learn something from her losses.

So, Dana would be waiting for Karen to make her exit so that she could leave after soon after that. She was looking forward to a shower and a good night rest so that she could recover and heal her battered body.

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Re: Karen S. Vs Dana A. - Right In The Face

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Winner By Pinfall: Karen Starring

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