Natascha Najek vs Tina Meyer

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Natascha Najek vs Tina Meyer

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Match Type: Standard Match
Rules: Victory is determined by Pin Fall, Submission, Knock Out, Count Out or Disqualification

Tina Meyer


Natascha Najek
Tina was preparing in the locker room for her next fight, which was to take place in the LAW arena. It was supposed to be her tenth fight. She was very proud and pleased about this. She loved this sport. She was dressed, as usual, in a one-piece tight swimsuit with white and blue stripes emphasizing her muscular figure. Preparing to fight in the locker room, Tina tied her wrestling boots. When she got up she made a few jumps, wanting to check that the shoes were well stretched and fit. Then she decided to drag several times to the left and to the right. Then she smiled although you could notice a slight nervousness even though she had already fought in LAW before.

All she knew about her opponent was that he was of similar height and slightly heavier than Tina. In addition, Tina knew that the wrestler with whom she will fight today comes from Russia. She was also aware that her opponent was known as an arrogant and mean bitch. Tina was also well aware that her opponent liked to crush and humiliate her opponents. That's why in this duel she decided to check if her opponent was in fact what other people say, and of course in this fight Tina was going to dominate and humiliate her opponent.

Finally the moment came ... Time to go out to the ring. She heard the music: "Just Close Your Eyes".
Tina put on a black sweatshirt and ran down the hall toward the ring. Along the way, she saw several fans reaching out to her. Running, she touched those hands, greeting her supporters. The audience cheered. When Tina reached the ring, she decided to slip under the bottom rope and then intended to run through the middle of the ring and headed for the turnbuckle, entered the turnbuckle, waving her hand, greeting the audience, then took off her sweatshirt and twisted it several times and threw it towards the audience. Then she decided to jump off the turnbuckle and head to the center of the ring. She decided to make a perfect split and flex her biceps wanting to show how athletic and muscular she is. It was a standard element of her program, which she tried to repeat every time she appeared in the ring.
At that moment, she heard the announcer introduce her: "... weighing 195 lbs and having 6.1" Tina Meyer ... "
Then Tina decided to head to the corner to wait for the arrival of her opponent.

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Re: Natascha Najek vs Tina Meyer

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Meanwhile Natasha would be in her looker room, in front of her a sandbag. The heavy Russian would smash short range punches into the heavy boxing bag to warm herself up and get her blood flowing. Behind the bag was a small screen showing the entrance of her opponent. Natasha already dislike this woman, she was giving the crowed such a show. A typical wrestler, she was more of a entertainer then she was a fighter. Most likely her muscles where for show as well. The Russian would finish her warm up with a spinning back hand to the sandbag. The bag would swing heavily from left to right. The Russian would step back and take off her trainingsjaket. SO far no one has called her to the backstage area to get ready for her entrance but still she was assuming that someone would come any moment. The Russian would throw all her stuff she didn´t needed into her locker and would then grab her flagpole leaving the locker room. When she was stepping outside she would surprise a stuff worker who was about to pick her up. The Russian fighter wouldn´t pay the small woman no mind at all and just walk past her.

The arena would get a little bit darker and the titantron would turn red and yellow while the Soviet March started to play. Natasha would entere the arena and would hold her flag up high. The crowed would imidently start to boo the Russian heavyweight. They didn´t hate her because of her nationality but the way she was acting and fighting in the ring. The Russian would wave her flag around for a while the music played above her head. She would smirk while slowly starting to move her legs forwards and marching down to the ring. “Introducing her opponent. Standing tall at 6’5” and bringing a fighting weight of 220lbs to the ring. She is coming from the ice cold Russia and is called the “iron wall”. She crushes her opponent between her strong and ice cold claws! Natascha Najek!

The Russian woman would take her time and would circle the ring once with her flag still up high. Soon she would put the flag down in a holster that was placed there by one of the stuff workers. The Russian would then slowly walk up the ramp to enter the ring, climbing in under the top rope. It wasn´t like she was athletic enough to make a big entrance, she just didn´t want to waste time.
Normally it was commend to greed your opponent before the match and wish good luck. But Natasha would walk right to her corner waiting for the ring bell. When it would finally ring she would slowly move forwards trying to close in the distance to her opponent. She wouldn´t say a single word before she suddenly shoot forwards closing in the distance to her opponent. Natasha would throw a hook to the belly of her opponent trying to start this match off fast and rough. She would follow this up with a straight jab to the jawline of the german fighter.

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Re: Natascha Najek vs Tina Meyer

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When the lights in the arena dimmed and the titantron turned red, Tina noticed that her opponent's figure was emerging in the distance. When the opponent entered the ring, the Soviet march was heard. Tina noticed that the opponent was holding the flag of Russia and then waving the flag.
Tina knew her opponent was of similar height and a bit heavier than her. Both wrestlers were standing in their corners. Tina, standing in the corner, watched her opponent and wondered what tactics to use to defeat Natasha. Tina's nervousness, which could still be seen in the cloakroom, slowly passed, finally came here to fight and show her opponent her power.

When the bell rang, the wrestlers headed to the center of the ring. When Tina was already in the middle of the ring, she shouted to her opponent with a smile: "We'll see how strong you are ..." and stretched out her hand because she wanted to say hello. However, the opponent did not answer a word. Natasha suddenly lunged forward and hit the hook straight into Tina's stomach. Uuugghh ... !!! We can say that it was Tina's mistake, because she did not prepare the defense and the first blow hit her stomach. Tina slightly flexed in pain. However, the Russian wrestler did not intend to stop there, because he released a second blow this time straight into Tina's jaw. Aaarrrggghhh ... !!!!

The German wrestler slightly staggered and backed away. Then Tina grabbed the jaw with her hand, slightly turned her head once left and right, and then said to the opponent, "You will not show me anything else, these are your skills ??? .. !!!"
The fight began and Tina's concentration seemed to be dormant. It can be said that these two blows finally caused the message to Tina that it was time to focus on the fight and if she was going to win she had to be focused.

These two blows seemed to enrage Tina. He will assume the position to attack and try to approach the Russian wrestler. When it is close enough, it will throw a powerful kick straight into the opponent's stomach. If this works, the opponent will feel great pain, because this blow, if it hits the place it is about to hit, will wreak havoc on the opponent's guts ...

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Re: Natascha Najek vs Tina Meyer

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Natasha would see how her two hits just hit the mark. She would smile happy about that seeing how the head of her opponent did snap to the side after the last heavy punch to the head. She didn´t want to waste any time and would follow up on the move right away the Russian would do one big step forwards and moved into follow up with more punches. But when the heavyweight was moving in she was unwillingly moving in right into the forwards directed kick of her opponent. The foot of Tina would smash her right into her abs and press the air out of her. The girl would stop dead in her tracks and would lean forwards. She would stumble backwards slowly and dizzy unable to keep her attack on. The Russian would bring some distance between the two before putting her hands back up into a defensive position.

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Re: Natascha Najek vs Tina Meyer

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When Tina kicked straight in the stomach of her opponent, the blow hit the place that was supposed to hit and wreaked havoc in the guts of the opponent. Natasha felt dazed and slightly backed away. Then she adopted a defensive position. Tina wasn't going to stop, however. She was perfectly aware that her opponent would try to use every moment and moment of inattention, so she tried to be very focused.

Therefore, after this kick, Tina will immediately approach the opponent. When she saw Natasha leaning forward and trying to straighten herself again to later defend herself, Tina would not allow it, because she decided to immediately grab and embrace her powerful arm with the head of the opponent. I will try to put them in the front headlock. Then she will try to push hard, trying to strangle the opponent. Then she'll try to pull hard down because she was going to do DDT. She learned and remembered this blow after the last fight. Because in this other fight she became a victim of this movement. If successful, Natasha will fall and hit her head straight on the mat and will feel even more daze and confusion ...

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Re: Natascha Najek vs Tina Meyer

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Tina would feel how her opponent would catch her in a front headlock squeezing her neck tightly. The Russian would put her hands onto the arm that was pressing into her throat and would try to plea it away. But the arm of Tina was locked in tight and so Natasha had no chance of removing it easily… she would still try to power her way out of this but suddenly she was pulled forwards. She would look in shock when the mat was coming closer and her opponent would drive her down into the floor with a big DDT. The whole ring would shake after this and Natasha would bounce back up and end up laying on her side groaning in pain.

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Re: Natascha Najek vs Tina Meyer

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When Tina managed to perform DDT and her opponent lay on the mat and writhed in pain, the German wrestler did not intend to stop there. Tina smiled gently because she felt satisfaction. When Tina stood up and saw her opponent lying on her side, she would try to perform a powerful kick straight into the opponent's back.

She intended to do it in such a way that the opponent under the influence of this blow turned and lay on the mat on his stomach. Then he will try to sit on the back of his opponent. If successful, Tina will try to put the opponent's hands on her thighs and grab her hands on the opponent's head and chin and then decided to pull the opponent's head up and back firmly, while her body decided to press the opponent's back firmly against the mat. She thought, "Die in Camel clutch." If she succeeds and her opponent doesn't resist, he'll deal a lot of pain and weaken Natasha even more.

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Re: Natascha Najek vs Tina Meyer

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Natasha would get one powerful kick in the back while she was still down. She would arch her back and scream in pain before she was throw over onto her belly. She would lay there groaning in pain. The Russian was about to put her hands onto the mat and try to get up to her knees when her opponent would suddenly come down and take a seat right on her back. She would breathe out loudly before feeling two hands grabbing her chin. She would know what was coming right away and only one moment later she was caught in this camel clutch. The Russian woman´s head was torn backwards with so much force that she though Tina tried to rip her head off. The fighter would struggle and try to break free again, but the grip of her opponent onto her was to strong she had no chance to get out. Soon she would start to scream out in pain when she was bend backwards so much that her upper body was almost to a 90° ankle to the ground.

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Re: Natascha Najek vs Tina Meyer

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Tina was proud and pleased as the fight began to move in the right direction. Natasha's body was under great pressure in Camel clutch. The audience cheered because the match could end at any moment when Natasha couldn't stand the pressure. It certainly wasn't a comfortable position for the opponent. Tina tried to pull her chin and head up more and more, while her back tried to press the opponent's body against the mat. Tina was well aware that the pain the opponent is feeling right now is terrible. You could hear Natasha howling in pain when her upper half of her body flexed almost to 90 ° !!! It was a great sound for Tina's ears. Wonderful music - to hear your opponent moaning in pain.

The audience cheered because they came to the arena to see a really good spectacle, and such a view where one gladiator squeezes the remaining strength from the other warrior is really worth watching. Tina tried to persuade Natasha to give up, even though the match had just begun, she shouted: "Give up !!! ... You have no chance !!!! .... Today you will die in torment ... !!!" However, it could be seen that the Russian warrior was a really tough wrestler, she did not intend to give up, although maybe ... ??? .... No one could determine how long the wrestlers last in this position, certainly for Natasha it seemed that this torment lasts forever ...

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Re: Natascha Najek vs Tina Meyer

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Natasha would hear the chanting of the crowd… she was in pain she was suffering but she was far form done! The russan woman would pull her arms backwards and warp them around the legs of her opponent very tightly. She would almost try to squeeze them that way. In the next moment Natasha would pull her legs forwards trying slip her own knees under her body pushing her upper body upwards. She would also have to lift the body of Tina up with her, the german fighter was no lightweight at any stretch. The Russian would slowly and surly make it back up to her feet with her opponent having a piggy ride on her back, but this wouldn´t stop her. Natasha would start to pull one leg forwards to push one foot onto the ground in the next moment she would push herself up to her feet, dragging the two fighters up. When she was standing against she got her opponent on her back in a piggy ride… The Russian started to sprint forwards and jump towards one of the corners of the ring trying to squash her opponents body between herself and the steal turnbuckles of the ring. This should maybe slow her down.

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