Valentina Nieto/Asuna Fujino - Testing The Waters

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The Ominous Future
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Re: Valentina Nieto/Asuna Fujino - Testing The Waters

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Valentina knew the match was over; and not in her favour either. To continue here would only draw more pain to the Spaniard's leg, and with the issue of pride somewhat heavily on the line, Valentina had little interest in drawing out her defeat any longer. She simply had to be careful about how she went about bringing the fight to a mutual end, rather than offend the redhead to the point she may force it to continue. Nervously, she went for broke, stepping forward on that wobbly leg, with arm outstretched.

"G..Good match.." Her smirk grew with a hint of concern, as she tried to offer Asuna a handshake to end the bout officially.

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Re: Valentina Nieto/Asuna Fujino - Testing The Waters

Unread post by Satoshi »

Asuna sighed. Seeing Valentina's unstable leg, and worried expression made her unwilling to punish her just for the sake of a proper submission that barely mattered. Instead she stepped forward, shaking Valentina's hand. "It was tough." She replied with a friendly tone. "You alright?" She asked shortly after. Injuring another wrestler would not have been the best entry to LAW, and definitely not for Asuna who wanted to be on good terms with the rest of the wrestlers on the rosters if possible.

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Re: Valentina Nieto/Asuna Fujino - Testing The Waters

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Valentina simply nodded, with as much pride as she could successfully salvaged from the whole fiasco. Had the fight gone on any longer, the result would have been as expected; the only real question as to whether how much more Valentina's leg would suffer. She already knew she'd likely need tomorrow off her feet to soothe the ache, so was somewhat eager to avoid a day turning into several, or even more.

"Ye..Yeh.." She'd mutter, hand to the redheads shoulder. "Good match. Gonna...I'm gonna need you to help me to the locker room though.." Her eyes closing in a smirk, the Spanish beauty turned, somewhat eager for both a shower and a rest.

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Re: Valentina Nieto/Asuna Fujino - Testing The Waters

Unread post by Satoshi »

Asuna smiled after the reply, glad that her opponent didn't holde a grudge, but she to admit to herself she also enjoyed securing such a clear victory in the spar. Regardless of her thoughts, however, she soon stepped beside Valentina, offering hers houlder as she would reach under the girl's farther armpit to help hold her up with her arm. "No problem." She said as she started walking along, letting Valentina set the pace. She would only stop at the ropes, not exactly sure how to go about that with the limping girl leaning on her. If Valentina came up with a solution she would follow her instructions, before continuing to guide her out all the way to the dressing room.

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