Belinda Northman

121-169 lbs / 54.6-76.657 kg
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Belinda Northman

Unread post by Devastated »

Name: Belinda Northman
Alias: The Shooting Star
Age: 22
Eyes: Red
Hair: Blonde
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 142 lbs.
Nationality: Sweden/America
Alignment: Face
Entrance music: Night Sky Patrol of Tomorrow (Cover) - Raon Lee

Wrestling Style: Belinda's style is very much that of an all-rounder, she has a varied skill set which allows her to perform moves from strikes to slams as well as highflying moves. With her athletic build and her quickness she is well suited for a fast paced offense as well as a long dragged out brawl. A primary definition of Belinda's way as a wrestler is what can easily be called Konjō (something she learned upon coming to Japan) it's a very willpower and guts focused style.

She is just as likely to perform something like a missile dropkick as she is to do a powerbomb. What can be said is that she does prefer to keep things moving. Unless she is locking in a submission hold that is. Her style is therefore quite fluid and adaptable, as she can be more considered a jack of all trades.

Preferred Attacks: German Suplex, DDT, Spear, Arm bar, Boston Crab, Spinebuster, Hip Attack, Fisherman's Suplex, Northern Lights Suplex, Missile Drop Kick, Plancha, Headbutt, Leg Lariat. Alabama Slam, Sliding D.
Preferred Matches: Up for Anything!

Signature moves:

Sky Arrow - Usually done from either bouncing off of the ropes, or from the top turnbuckle, Belinda leaps towards her opponent forearm primed as she smashes it into either their chest or face upon impact with a flying forearm smash.
Moon Drop - Grabbing a hold of her opponent by wrapping her arms around their waist, usually after having shoved their head in between her thighs, Belinda lifts her opponent upside down with their back against the front of Belinda. Where she next hooks their arms behind her legs and then throws herself forward and down onto the mat, to smash her opponent into the canvas front first for a Belly to Back inverted slam.

Andromeda - With her opponent down on their front, Belinda will stand on the back of their knees and lock up their shins and feet around her own, locking those legs up as she reaches forward and grabs onto their arms by their wrists next. Rocking back until she's lying flat on her back with her opponent up in a deadly ceiling hold. Belinda will then aim to put her opponent to a great deal of pain, she also usually transitions this into a Romero Dragon Sleeper at times.
Stardust - With her opponent seated anywhere really, but usually in the center of the ring or in the corner, Belinda will charge towards them and drop into a slide to then slam her forearm into their face or chest.

Finishing move/s:

Big Dipper - Pulling her opponent upside down much like if she's preparing them for her signature - Moon Drop, Belinda instead jumps up and then spikes their head into the canvas as she goes for a jumping sitout piledriver.
Orion's Cross - Belinda's favored submission hold, grabbing her opponents legs and crossing them before she will start to lean back and bridge over their downed frame. Locking in a Bridging Cross-Legged Boston Crab!
Shooting Star Elbow - From the top turnbuckle, Belinda will jump off! Throwing her lower body out to the side as she will angle herself so that all of the weight will be directed into her opponent elbow first as she comes down with a Diving Elbow Drop!
Lunar Eclipse - Locking her legs around one of her opponents legs, and then her arms next, Belinda rolls them over onto their shoulders and begins to stretch those legs out and backwards, trying to cause as much strain as she can to those leg joints while also trying to keep their shoulders on the mat, working quite effectively as both a dangerous submission hold as well as a solid pin, the Banana Split Submission hold.

Belinda is for the most part a nice and upbeat girl, she's got a fairly happy personality and a positive mindset for the most part. She's someone who can be defined by the word of Guts or rather, Konjō. She's a girl full of willpower and desire to do her best, with hard work and effort she will always try and surpass her past limits and better herself, that's her moto basically. She tries to be ready for whatever can be thrown at her, but if she's not she doesn't try and let the hardships that come her way get her down.

She's the kind of girl who will put a lot of faith and trust in people who are close to her, who wants the best for others. She's always willing to help out and usually the kind to try and cheer people up should she notice them being down, however...she is also respectful of people's wishes. Not an overtly imposing person in those matters.

When it comes to competitions and wrestling especially, Belinda can become extremely competitive. She can even show a few traits she might have picked up from her older sister at times. After all, a Northman doesn't like being shown up or talked down to, but while Belinda is more chill about it...she can be a hopelessly competitive person at times.


Belinda was born in Sweden and lived there for the first three years of her life until her parents moved her to America, for work related reasons. Not exactly something that Belinda remembers. She was always a rather good kid, polite, kind and obedient. Though from a very young age she became rather interested in wrestling. By chance catching a match or two on the TV when she was still a kid, it sparked an interest from an early age, seeing the sportsmanship, the performances, the athleticism was all something that enticed her.

From there that interest grew and grew as she got older and older, when she entered her teens she started to train and work out, her parents were apprehensive towards it at first, because of the dangers and injuries that could happen, but seeing as Belinda was so interested in it and showed so much passion for it it was hard for them to say no for long. The blonde began to train harder and started to go to a wrestling training center where she got taught the basics and even more.

When she reached the age of 16, Belinda started to wrestle for real. In front of a crowd, she did quite okay. She didn't win, but that wasn't what mattered to her, instead she got to do what she wanted to do. She continued to perform and do her best for the next two years, wrestling at least once every week in front of a crowd. When she turned 18, Belinda decided to take her chances and went to Japan to try her hand at wrestling over there. Having gotten more and more interested in Japanese wrestlers. When she was wandering around a bit in this foreign land, on her way to a federation she had gotten a chance to try out at, Belinda sort of got lost. When she happened upon a redheaded woman who she felt looked sort of familiar but she just couldn't place her.

Asking the woman for directions sort of worked as she was being guided to...a place. After explaining where she was going and why, it seemed as if the redhead had other plans. As she brought her to a place known as El Palacio instead, which was apparently a wrestling organization in it's own right. The redhead had brought Belinda to her own federation instead of the one that the blonde had asked directions for, it was then it dawned on her who this woman was Ouka Shumisen, a woman whom Belinda had seen in a magazine where she had been called one of the top rated heels in the country. Bringing that up and exclaiming how great it was to meet such a high ranking heel....sort of lead to a match between the two.

The match was an intense back and forth slugfest between two evenly matched competitors, and while Ouka may have claimed the victory. Belinda wasn't going to back down! She came back to El Palacio the very next day and challenged Ouka again! Soon enough they had a brimming rivalry where they clashed over and over again, going back and forth for a good deal of matches. Ending their rivalry/feud after a rather ridiculous amount of matches against one another, both official and unofficial the two of them decided to call a truce and instead try their hand at other things. Firstly, forming a tag team with each other, after an innocent discussion about how amazing they'd be together since they basically know each other's style and attitude inside and out by this point....the other was, because of them slowly building up feelings for one another over the course of their rivalry...they are to try other things.

However, they both decided that they couldn't do that at El Palacio. As such, they would test their fate at LAW!


Ring Attire

Alt. Colors
Workout Attire
Normal Clothing

Friends: Ouka Shumisen
Allies: Ouka Shumisen
Partner: Ouka Shumisen
Family: Cecilia Northman
Rivals: Ouka Shumisen, Chigusa Yuuki
Idols: Alaina Sanders
Last edited by Devastated on Fri Feb 26, 2021 4:28 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Belinda Northman

Unread post by Devastated »


1. More Than Just a Fist Bump (Unofficial Bed Wrestling Match) - In Progress?
2. Belinda Northman Vs. Wildfire - Submission Debut Match WIN
3. Belinda Northman Vs. Amber Skye WIN
4. Belinda Northman Vs. Chigusa Yuuki - WIN
5. Can I have your autograph? (Meeting her Idol Alaina Sanders)
6. Belinda Northman Vs. Ashley Lucas WIN
7. Wings of Love Vs. Fist Bump - In Progress?
8. Catching up: Ashley and Belinda
9. Helena DuBois vs. Belinda Northman LOSS
10. The Dominion (Derek Young) vs. Belinda Northman- The Gauntlet Part 1
11. Cage Match: Helena DuBois vs. Belinda Northman - pt.2 - WIN
12. Belinda Northman Vs. Kagura Rine - WIN
13. Mighty Yukiko Vs. Belinda Northman In Progress

Overall Match Record: 6/1/0 (W/L/D)

Match Outcome
Belinda Northman (d) Vs. Wildfire (d) Belinda Northman O - Wildfire X
via Submission
Belinda Northman Vs. Amber Skye - Tables Match Belinda Northman O - Amber Skye X
Belinda Northman Vs. Chigusa Yuuki Belinda NorthmanO - Chigusa Yuuki X
via Pinfall
Belinda Northman Vs. Ashley Lucas Belinda Northman O - Ashley Lucas X
via Submission
Helena DuBois vs. Belinda Northman Helena DuBois O - Belinda Northman X
via Pinfall
Helena DuBois vs. Belinda Northman II - Cage Match Helena DuBois X - Belinda Northman O
via Pinfall
Belinda Northman Vs. Kagura Rine Belinda Northman O - Kagura Rine X
via Pinfall
Last edited by Devastated on Sun Apr 10, 2022 11:42 pm, edited 10 times in total.

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