Family Gifts are Best Served Bloodied

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Family Gifts are Best Served Bloodied

Unread post by Taskmaster12 »

Ayame has meant to do this when she made her debut. But this would have to do. Her big sister was likely working out or meeting with her loyal fanbase, which meant she had time to leave behind a special gift, an odd one for most people but in her mind the perfect gift. She drove up to her house, a modest looking one for a women who had a pretty big ego ( expected of anyone who would call themselves a Queen or anything and actually believe it) and she parked her car, stepping out and looking around for signs she was still here before moving closer to the house. She looked through the windows and everything, then she saw that all of her doors were closed and her personal stuff was missing from where she usually keeps it while she’s inside, she wasn’t home. “Perfect.” Ayame muttered moving back to her car to get her gift and bring it to the door. She began fumbling with her keychain. Sure she could have just left it there and be done with it. But she didn’t want to risk it getting stolen. And she liked surprising her sister.

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Re: Family Gifts are Best Served Bloodied

Unread post by ragaz »

Currently, Juri was hiding behind a corner, close to her new ''friend'' Kyoko's house. Up until this point, Juri has done a good amount of research and scheming behind the scenes. She had an evil plan to destroy Kyoko for good and now she was about to initiate stage one of her evil plan. She was following her target. She was following her for a while now in more than one sense of the word and when she saw Ayame next to the door of Kyoko's apartment, it was about time to make her move.

She hurried over to Ayame, whose back was turned, before slowing down to normal speed as if she was walking normally. Yo, you trying to break in or something? Juri asked as she saw Ayame taking her time with the keys. Of course, Juri was well aware who Ayame was and had a 90% suspicion that she had keys to Kyoko's house, which was perfect for her intentions. It was a joke to Juri, but she hoped that it would startle Ayame.
Juri would also walk over beside Ayame and try to hug her left arm over Ayame's shoulder, a bro-hug. So what'cha doing here, sweetheart?
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Re: Family Gifts are Best Served Bloodied

Unread post by Taskmaster12 »

Ayame was fidgeting with her key chain, getting to Kyoko’s key when she heard a voice call out to her. Thankfully not Kyoko’s but it still made Ayame jump and turn towards her with all the speed of a cat who’d been startled. The women, was no one Ayame had seen before, except maybe in poster and she had a look about her that just rang of being a fighter. But that wasn’t what weirded her out, what did the trick was her coming in close and pulling her into a sorta hug like they were old pals. Ayame looked around, unsure of how to respond and not knowing what this women could want. “Me? N-no. I don’ here but I do know the person who does so I was letting myself in...” Ayame, asked while looking around and making sure the women didn’t trip over her gift or something.

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Re: Family Gifts are Best Served Bloodied

Unread post by ragaz »

That seemed to startle the cute girl, it was cute, just what Juri wanted. She was feeling like she was starting to control the situation. "Yeah... That sounds like something a burglar would say..." Juri commented to tease the girl further when she noticed that Ayame was carrying something with her...

Juri would the deliver a friendly slap on Ayames back and laugh it off. " Just kidding, hahaha! Oh, what have you got there? A present? Since when do burglars bring presents?" Juri jested further and the present gave Juri an idea for her own supposed reason for being here. "Joking, man, haha! Anyway, me and kyoko are kind of a sparring partners, so I came for some... Aaand you could say I've got a gift for her too..."
Well, Juri did indeed have a present in mind for Kyoko, but it wasn't anything Ayame could possibly think of, as it was Ayame herself, broken and beaten... Of course, Juri was wearing an unzipped coat over her gym wear, so it might give Kyokos sister some implications that Juri might have something in her pocket, plus she was putting her abs on display, so it should seem probable that Kyoko could have someone like Juri to be her sparring partner.

Her position was looking good and now it was time to make her next move. "So, maybe it would be better if I left it inside..." Juri would suggest, hoping that Ayame would let her in, where she could start "unpacking" her "gift".
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Re: Family Gifts are Best Served Bloodied

Unread post by Taskmaster12 »

Ayame really didn’t like this women’s chumminess. She had no problem with being nice to strangers at all, and she herself made a point to be nice to everyone if she could help it. But this girl was so over the top of her buddy moments it felt almost fake like she wanted something. Ayame was contemplating just trying again later but then she shook off the thought. She shouldn’t be worried what could this girl do? Ayame knew she wasn’t a burglar so this chick had nothing on her, at most she would ruin her surprise but that’s it. Then she told her that she was Kyoko’s sparring partner and then she started see the lie for what it was, the way this women acted and the way she looked with her right abs on display. “Kyoko’s sparing partner? You mean her personal trainer she pays and works with weekly and who I know by face and name? Nice try lady but I know exactly who you are.” Ayame clicked her tounge as she looked at the women. “You must be new to her fan club. Cause if you had bothered you know she wouldn’t mind meeting you. But you shouldn’t try and come to her home. She might get the wrong idea and think your creepy.

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Re: Family Gifts are Best Served Bloodied

Unread post by ragaz »

''I'll fucking kill you...'' Was what Juri thought when she listened to Ayame speak. Rubbing the back of her head and giggling with her eyes closed like a typical anime cliche. Juri was having a hard time resisting the urge to show some Chuck Norris moves to her right here and now, but she wanted this to go smoothly, so she needed to get into a most advantageous situation/position before striking. Hahah! I never said I'm her trainer, we've just sparred a few times together and I'm into what she's into... It took herculean effort from Juri to say that instead of lashing out, but she managed to contain her anger somehow. ''Does this bitch really think I'm Kyoko's fangirl, keep this up and you'll find yourself in an early and expensive grave.'' Juri told Ayame in her own mind.

Since you're here, I thought it would be better to leave it inside, but if it makes you uncomfortable, then I'll be on my way... Juri would play reverse psychology and start walking away. Ideally, she would hope that Ayame would stop her and invite her inside, but if not, then Juri would be slowly walking away and waiting until Ayame would start with the door lock. The moment that would happen, Juri would sprint towards Kyoko's sister at max speed before leaping into the air and perform a jump-roundhouse kick, aiming to kick Ayame in the spine and smash her body between her foot and the door.
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Re: Family Gifts are Best Served Bloodied

Unread post by Taskmaster12 »

Juri tried to play it off but Ayame could tell that there was a lie here, and given she went from saying she was a sparring partner to someone who sparred with her on occasion it was clear that she had been caught. Though she didn’t exactly confess to being a fan either she did confess to having a gift for her, though she didn’t show Ayame. Not that she asked, though she did have questions she felt that it was better to just get on with what she was already doing. “If you have a gift for her I’d leave it on the couch, fan sparring partner or not Kyoko wouldn’t like me letting you roam around in her house. So just be quick about it.” Ayame went to the door to let herself and Juri in, she just wanted to leave them by her bedroom door which should make it pretty easy for her to find.

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Re: Family Gifts are Best Served Bloodied

Unread post by ragaz »

Juri started to walk away and make her ''leave'', but Ayame decided to let Juri in, asking Juri to be quick about it. Well, of course, I have better things to do... Juri promised, but truth be told, Juri planned to really take her time placing her gift for Kyoko... Now she only needed the right time and the right location to place the ''gift''.

And the two walked inside. Juri ''politely'' closed the door behind her and proceeded to walk behind Ayame. She had to strike Ayame right now, because if she followed her any longer without dropping the gift, this would turn out more difficult than planned. What she was about to do, did not bother Juri's conscience in the slightest.

As she walked behind Ayame, Juri was taking off her jacket and if Ayame kept looking forward, she would, in a fast movement, wrap it around Ayame's throat from behind and make a hard pull backwards while at the same time bringing her knee forwards for a wicked smash into Ayame's back. If it went as planned, Juri would wrap her jacket around Ayame's throat properly and squeeze it. Oh I will leave the gift inside, but I can't promise I'll be quick about it!
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Re: Family Gifts are Best Served Bloodied

Unread post by Taskmaster12 »

Ayame let Juri in wondering what her gift had to be that she decided to come here rather then just wait and give it to Kyoko personally. But if she was quick about it it’s not like it would matter. Going to her couch looking to leave her gift there she placed it there gently before she felt the women’s jacket come around her throat! Followed shortly by the knee to her back, “Hnngh! Gnnnhh!” Ayame gagged struggling like a fish caught on a line trying to free herself. She didn’t have time to ask what was going on, she just had to try and survive.

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Re: Family Gifts are Best Served Bloodied

Unread post by ragaz »

And the next move was in motion, Juri put her jacket to use to wrap it around Ayame's neck to choke her and hold her in place before ramming a knee into her back to pacify her.
Now with her jacket properly wrapped and squeezing on Ayame's throat, Juri started choking the girl out, though that wasn't her real intention, since she wanted to make the girl suffer.

And so, instead of choking her out right away, she would use the jacket as a handle to swing/toss Ayame head first into a nearby wall. Because the gift is YOU!
If that worked, Juri would inspect the effectiveness of her first move and then decide how to proceed.
Sloth's Harem

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