Triple Threat Heavyweight Championship Match: No Disqualifications. Victory to be determined via the first pin-fall, submission, knockout, count out, or disqualification.
The winner will become or remain L.A.W.'s Heavyweight Champion
Last edited by winner3 on Wed Feb 12, 2020 1:59 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Finally, it had come to this. All of Astrid's time in LAW - no, in wrestling - was leading up to this moment. While the Norwegian might have held titles in smaller independent leagues, it was nothing on this level. Tonight, though, not only was she booked for LAW's flagship show and in the main event, but she stood a chance of proving herself worthy of holding the promotion's Heavyweight Championship, and demonstrating herself to be the greatest wrestler in her weight class. Just to be considered for the opportunity was thrilling to Astrid, but even better yet was the thought that she could win it. Astrid thought back to her time in training, in building up her reputation in smaller local companies before moving on to competing throughout Europe, and soon, the rest of the world as well. She had come far from when she was just a hopeful girl determined to live up to the legacy of her family. Astrid only wished that her father could see where she was now.
But there was more on the line now than the championship and Astrid's pride. After the qualifying match to determine who would become number one contender had ended in a double count out, with Astrid being thrown into the reigning champion Linda Halloween, the blonde was left with a score to settle with her fellow hopeful - one Cali McCloud. Just thinking back on that made Astrid clench her fist, biting her lip as was gripped by the rising tensions. It was thanks to Cali that Astrid's worthiness to challenge for the title was even in question. But, as their last match had failed to produce a clear victor, the stakes were set - and the match would be fought between the two challengers as well as the champion, with the winner taking all. A lot hung in the balance for Astrid. If she wanted to emerge the true victor, in her heart, she would have to prove her superiority over Cali and make it known once and for all that she deserved her position. And of course, there was still Linda - the champion, with the string of past victories to prove it.
It was a lot to ask for. But Astrid felt she was capable. After all, her determination and dedication to her life's calling had never failed her before.
"Dad..." Astrid said, as she stood up from her seat backstage. "I'm going to make you proud."
Back out on stage, the lights were dimmed, and the crowd sat in silence as every set of eyes was fixed on the ring. This year's We Are LAW had been a whirlwind of action, and with each match there was sure to be many a moment to remember. But it was all building up to this - the main event. It would be a tall order for this to surpass all that had come before it in this night, but the fans were already sure it would live up to the hype. Astrid and Cali had both shown themselves to be capable challengers to Linda, and even now there were whispered murmurs as to who would win. Everyone's guess seemed just as plausible. But now, it was time to know for sure.
At last, the lights began to raise on the ring. For a main event of this caliber, LAW ring announcer Misa Otomura was standing in the ring, where she would proclaim the match to come. She shouted into the microphone with gusto, cheering for the action to follow.
"Ladies and gentlemen, THIS is our main event! The following match shall be a triple threat match for the LAW Heavyweight Championship, and is scheduled for one fall! And now, our first contender! From Stavanger, Norway; at 6'1 and weighing 188 pounds! ASTRIIIIID OSTBEEEEEEEERG!" Appearance
Misa's excitement was mirrored in the cheers of the crowd as Astrid's music began to fill the speakers, and the blonde had the enthusiasm to match. A grin was on her face as she stepped out onto the entrance ramp, with her head held high. Grinning, she hoisted a fist in the air, drawing on the applause of her supporters as she made her way down to the ring. There, she climbed over the ropes and went to her corner. Astrid stood, hands on her hips, as she faced the ramp and waited on her opponents to arrive.
Last edited by CaptainL on Thu Feb 13, 2020 3:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Cali was in the gorilla position, staring down at her feet in what seemed to be in a trance. Just last year, Cali was in the undercard of the anniversary show where she squashed Jem in record time and showed the crowd what Cali brought to the ring. One year later, Cali was now in the main event and competing for the Heavyweight championship. Granted, she would've preferred the match to be one on one, but the number one contenders match had ended in a draw when neither Astrid or Cali could make it back to the ring. Still, this was an opportunity that rarely came to a newcomer like her and Cali was not willing to let the opportunity slip through her fingers.
She exhaled a held breath, remembering the path she walked to get to this point. She couldn't lose, not knowing when a title shot like this will come again. Cali was brought back to reality when Astrid's music ended and one of the staff tapped Cali on the shoulder to let her know that it was her turn to head to the ring. Attire
Cali was clad in an black and pink variant of her suit, harking to her beginnings as she felt it was appropriate for the occasion. Pulling on her jacket, Cali's music started and the rising star made her way to the ring.
"Introducing the next challenger: From Asheville, North Carolina! Weighing in at 176 pounds... Cali McCloud!"
Cali stared at the sea of people watching her walk down the ramp, the same crowd that had watched her in the pre-show last year were now eager to see if the promising wrestler can win the big one. With an enthusiastic roar, made her way to the ring while flashing smiles towards her adoring fans. Entering the ring, Cali locked eyes with the larger Astrid and immediately the crowd could feel the tension between the two as both ladies still had unfinished business.
Last edited by Faeron on Thu Feb 13, 2020 2:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Linda Halloween was currently chancing into her wrestling attire which consisted of a pair of long boots in the colors of the flag of the USA , Biker shorts and her tanktop like her boots were styled in the colors of the USA flag as on her right breasts their would be stars while on the left it was just the colors of the flag.Still while she was doing that she would think about the last six months. As it had bin an amazing time as she had won her first championship of her career , and even successfully defended it twice since winning it. However tonight's match was going to be the toughest challenge she had faced since becoming champion.Since rather then having to face one wrestler she was facing two wrestlers , and from what she had seen in that match between Cali and Astrid she had her work cut out for her.
After she had finished getting dressed she would leave the dressing room as she wore her championship around her waist as she made her way to the gorilla position. As she waited for her music to begin playing the blond would talk with some of the crew members backstage to pass the time when she heard ''living in America by James Brown'' begin to come out of the speakers. With her entrance music playing it was time to make her way to the ring as the American wrestler would step onto the entrance ramp as she waved at the cheering fans as she began to walk down to the ring. Halfway down the ramp she would hear the ring announcer say ''''Now entering from Flat Rock, Michigan weighing in at around 170ibs ,It Law's defending heavyweight champion Linda Halloween'' '
Once the announcer had said her name the blond had reached the ring as she climbed up the steel steps as she stepped over the top rope to get into the ring. Once she got inside the ring she would remove the championship belt as she gave it to the referee who would then hand it over to the time keeper who would keep it save. With her belt now in good hands the blond would look first at Cali , and then Astrid as she said ''so hope you two are ready to get your butts kicked as I ain't ready yet to give up my championship tonight. So prepare to walk backstage empty handed ladies'' Linda
As her opponents for the match took their places in the ring, Astrid looked around her. Her gaze fell on Linda, and she let out a huff - the reigning champion would be a worthy opponent indeed, if she had won the tournament to crown the inaugural title holder and defended it for this long. She was without a doubt the greatest foe Astrid had faced up to this point in her career - and yet, when she looked over at Cali, her heart was beating even faster in her chest, as her eyes narrowed in contempt. If all had gone according to plan, she thought, Cali wouldn't even be here at all. But here she was, and Astrid was going to have to settle the score with her, too. She knew there was unfinished business between them, but come the conclusion of this match, Astrid would make sure it would come to its conclusion.
Still, she faced over at Linda, putting her hands on her hips as she took a stance. "Whether you are ready or not...we're all here because we stand a chance of holding the title. And to that, I say...may the best woman win."
Cali watched as the champion finally made her entrance with the red leather strap around Linda's toned waist. That was the prize and at the end of night, Cali planned on being the one to hold it above her head. Cali heard the final taunts being said between Linda and Astrid and interjected.
"I'm not leaving this arena without that championship!" Cali said as she pointed towards the belt outside of the ring, looking at both blondes.
"Destiny beckons me and I won't be denied!"
With that, Cali took her position and readied herself as the bell rang for the match to start.
Linda did not have to wait long for either of the challengers to give her an answer as Astrid would reply that she did not care if the former Navy seal was ready to give up her belt or not. That all three wrestlers in the ring stand an chance of holding the title , and finished it off by saying that may the best woman win. An statement that the blond could agree with.
However what Cali had to say was kind of hilarious as Linda just replied ''did you seriously just quote what every cliche villain says when their about to accomplish their goals? As that was rather pathetic. Still if you think you got destiny on your side then I will counter that with will and determination as I do agree with Astrid that the best woman will walk away with the belt. Still that woman is me''as she took her position as the referee called for the bell.
Hearing what her opponents had to say, Astrid narrowed her eyes towards Cali with a groan. It seemed that the result of the #1 Contenders match had done little to temper her aggression, and she still felt not merely deserving of the title, but entitled to it. Linda, by contrast, was being far more of a good sport, leaving things up to the match to determine. Astrid knew who she was more agreeable to - but, either way, she wouldn't underestimate the abilities of either of these two women. Going up against either would be a challenge, but both was another story! Nevertheless, Astrid took the time to flex and loosen up, preparing herself for the challenge ahead of her. She nodded to Linda before she got down into a stance, anticipating when the match would begin.
Soon enough, the bell was off! Astrid moved in closer to the center of the ring, prepared to make her move. She eyed Cali closely, already prepared for her to try and catch her unaware. The consequence of this, however, meant her eyes would be off Linda!
Cali figured that she might have gone a bit overboard with her phrasing, but she still felt the confidence. As the bell rang, Cali kept an eye out on Astrid, whom she felt would be a persistent rival throughout this match and Linda who could be quite crafty in this match. In a match of this chaotic scenario, Cali needed to turn the contest into a one on one affair and she noticed Astrid nearing her and decided that the larger woman needed to go first and charged in with a forearm aimed at Astrid's face.
The bell would ring as at first all three wrestlers would look at each other as Linda wondered who would make the first move. As these kind of matches could become unpredictable as alliances could be made , and just as quickly broken when it suited the wrestler in question as she watched when Cali would be the one to make the first move. As she charged towards Astrid as the former navy seal would do the same as she tried to cut off her fellow blond's path by moving behind her so that Cali could hit the other wrestler with an forearm to the face.