Ossi/Rangiku - Doctors Aid

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The Ominous Future
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Ossi/Rangiku - Doctors Aid

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Minus The Glasses
Clad in what she would deem to be her usual doctors attire, minus the glasses, Rangiku made sure to adjust her top as to have next to no buttons holding onto the other side of said shirt. With her cleavage massively on show, you wouldn't need to gawp at Rangiku long to realise that the doctor did not have her usual set of undergarments on. For it being a curious day, she opted for a curious attire; namely that of essentially a white wrestlers top and bottoms beneath her shirt and skirt, given what she was doing today!

Sparring, of all things!

With perhaps the most unsuspecting of victims, as Rangiku's open invitation to the LAW roster had been answered by a figure whom for all she knew, was a completely serious wrestler! Unaware of the fact that Rangiku merely wanted to test how she matched up to those trained to fight and wrestle, given it was now something of her career to render them incapable of leaving her grasp!

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Re: Ossi/Rangiku - Doctors Aid

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Ossi was furious. She couldn't believe she had to waste her time with this. With this amateur! But, given the sorry state of Ossi's LAW tenure so far, the manageress had seen fit to put her forward in response to the open invitation. Now she would have to spar with this doctor turned wrestling-wannabe. Clad in her seldom used gym gear of white cropped top and pink hot pants, Ossi strutted to the allotted sparring ring in the gymnasium.
Climbing into the ring, she eyed this Rangiku up and down disdainfully, her eyes immediately drawn to the woman's enormous cleavage.

"So you're the one responsible for wasting my time?" Ossi snorted. "Let's make this quick, woman. I have plenty of other, better places to be. What exactly are your rules for this little spar?"

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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Re: Ossi/Rangiku - Doctors Aid

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Rangiku felt it rather obvious whom her opponent would be as she emerged in the gym, even before Ossi made her way towards her. The thinner woman held something of a swagger to her that told Rangiku she wasn't taking this seriously. Against anyone else, Rangiku wouldn't have blamed her; she herself was only medical staff, in search of someone to practice scuffling against. But Ossi to her chagrin would discover that in this encounter, Rangiku would most certainly not be adhering to the standard rules Ossi's fellow wrestlers would follow.

"Hello there..." Rangiku hummed, leaning forward as she grinned. "I think this is the part where you tell me your name..." The ginger practically ignored the request for sparring rules, as she demanded something of a proper introduction.

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Re: Ossi/Rangiku - Doctors Aid

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"My name?" Ossi scowled at the busty doctor. "My name is Ossi Shamar! Heiress of the House of Shamar, and I have more important things to do than give training spars to the likes of you." Folding her arms she walked up until she stood face to face with Rangiku, looking the woman up and down, unimpressed.

"Now, what are our rules, woman?" she demanded a second time, having provided Rangiku with her introduction.

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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Re: Ossi/Rangiku - Doctors Aid

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Rangiku was a little taken aback, given that in her near years worth of being within LAW, she had never encountered a introduction of such a variety! Then again, she had never stepped foot in the ring, even a practice one. And as Ossi opted to get in her face in search of the rules, whilst likely attempting some form of intimidation, Rangiku began to ask herself why she hadn't come to a ring sooner!

Rather than give a verbal response, Rangiku opted for a curious one as Ossi pressed so close. The ginger putting her hands to her own hips, before rearing her body back then forward, for a chesty shove!

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Re: Ossi/Rangiku - Doctors Aid

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Ossi stood glaring eye-to-eye with Rangiku, irate that she was wasting her time here. With her introduction made, maybe this doctor would just leave and save the Syrian heiress the trouble.

However, it seemed she had underestimated the fire of Rangiku. With a surprising, sudden movement, the busty medical marvel swayed back and then jammed her breasts forward, shoving her chest into Ossi's!

"WAAGHH!" Ossi yelped in surprise as she stumbled backwards, before tripping and falling in an undignified heap on the training mats. With her cheeks flushing crimson in embarrassment and anger she scrambled back to her feet, leaping to face Rangiku.

"How dare you!" she blustered furiously, and then lunged at Rangiku looking for a grapple, no longer caring what rules might be in play in the training spar.

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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Re: Ossi/Rangiku - Doctors Aid

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Letting loose a laugh so loud it nearly shook the roof, Rangiku didn't have to frequent many wrestling matches to know Ossi was coming for her. Parting her legs and pressing her big rear back, she'd try to make herself as firm as possible when Ossi came into her. She was far from strong, but far from weak; perhaps a little above average would have been the apt description, though the moves she did enjoy to use were employed with strength and vigour.

The problem was, naturally, that she'd have to get Ossi into them first. The ginger doctor shoving into her furious foe in near enough an equal manner to which she was given, as her hands tied up as best they could.

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Re: Ossi/Rangiku - Doctors Aid

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Ossi rushed into Rangiku with indignant anger, with no real plan in the incensed Syrian's mind. She hit her opponent, their hands meeting, but to Ossi's dismay she found herself stopped cold by the unyielding body of her adversary.

"GNNH!" she growled shrilly as she tried to push the doctor backwards, to no avail. Worse, it seemed that Rangiku actually had the upper hand in strength! Eyes going wide with disbelief, Ossi shook her head as slowly she was pushed backwards, muscles straining desperately to stop the push!

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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Re: Ossi/Rangiku - Doctors Aid

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Finding she had the power advantage, even by a little, Rangiku regardless held up little intent on keeping this contest going long. Rather, with her hands tied up with Ossi's own, she'd seek to slowly but surely bring them out to her side, where they wouldn't be in the way for what came next.

Seeing as how her confident foe didn't enjoy the bust bash that started off their encounter, Rangiku opted for another one, if taken further!

The ginger doctor laughing as she kicked off her feet, practically jumping at Ossi bust first, to try and land on her!

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Re: Ossi/Rangiku - Doctors Aid

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Ossi tried futilely to stop Rangiku's push but to her immense fury the woman was overpowering her. She gritted her teeth, straining in desperation as the doctor slowly but surely pushed her hands down to her sides.

"Nooooo!" she wailed, shaking her head from side to side as though denying what was happening. This was supposed to be an easy spar with someone who didn't even know how to wrestle! But already things were getting out of hand for the prissy Arab beauty. Things got worse a moment later, when the busty woman leaped forward, breasts thrust out to slam into Ossi!

"Gaahhh!" Ossi blurted in dismay as Rangiku's massive bust struck her chest. Off balance already, the Syrian heiress was knocked over by the impact and to her embarrassment and frustration, found herself pinned flat beneath the busty doctor against the training mat! "NO! Unhand me!" she quipped shrilly, wriggling against Rangiku's voluptuous frame in desperation.

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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