Beachside Squash: Yuna vs Carina

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Beachside Squash: Yuna vs Carina

Unread post by Knight-Day »

Coast near Osaka, Beach Match with victory by one fall.
In the midday dozens of law fans surrounded a wrestling ring behind a beach. The sound of rushing waves mingled with that of the crowd’s excited cheers. Inside the blue roped ring at the center stood a middle aged female referee. Soon rock music played out from a ramp and out came Carina smiling ear to ear while wearing a white robe.

The west coast huntress walked down the ramp before rolling herself into the ring. Standing up Carina removed the robe revealing her healthy figure clad only in a white bikini and barefoot. She waved at the audience with her right hand.

Then she was given a microphone Carina spoke in passable Japanese. “Good afternoon Osaka!” Letting the cheers go on for a moment she subsequently added.

“You’re all in for a treat today. Yours truly is wrestling with a mystery opponent for one fall. Whoever they better not disappoint because I don’t hold back!”

The crowd screamed in unison thrilled for what’s to come. Done Carina gave back the microphone. Still in the center of the ring she stretched in some quick warm ups, waiting in anticipation.
Last edited by Knight-Day on Thu Feb 06, 2020 12:32 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Beachside Squash: Yuna vs Carina

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Yuna had to smile contentedly to herself as she looked herself over in the mirror at the impromptu dressing room that had been set up on the beach. She was clearly doing something right to look this good at 40. Not only could she fit into her bikini, it flattered her form quite nicely - well, okay, perhaps it was a bit on the small side, but as far as Yuna was concerned that wasn't necessarily a bad thing! It'd certainly catch quite a few eyes - and to be getting that sort of attention at her age, Yuna thought, was something many women would envy!

Gathering up a tan robe, Yuna slung it over her shoulders and fixed the belt in the front, inspecting herself one last time in the mirror to make sure she looked good. When she was satisfied, she turned to head out onto the ramp, passing through the crowd. On seeing who the mystery opponent would be, the crowd issued a cheer, many knowing Yuna from her prior matches in LAW. If she approached this with the same energy as she did those bouts, this was sure to be interesting! The referee passed her the microphone from Carina, where it was now Yuna's turn to address them.

"Thank you, all of you, for coming out to wish me well! I'm glad to know you're all excited...and trust me, if you aren't already, you will be," she added, waggling her eyebrows teasingly and drawing another cheer at the thought of what she might mean. Then, she looked over at Carina. "As for you...I must say, Carina, you're a very pretty young lady. And I know that you probably have a lot of hungry eyes on you in this crowd right now. You're probably wondering how an older lady like me is going to match up to that...well, I think we might as well show you!"

Undoing the belt on her robe, Yuna let it fall, revealing her thickly-built body beneath - and to considerable applause!
Yuna put her hands on her hips and posed for the crowd, smiling wider as they cheered for her. It was that sort of reception she lived for. But so too, she was curious about how Carina was going to respond, and she kept her eyes trained on the blonde, anticipating her move. Even before the match had begun, Yuna was playing to the crowd, trying to win them to her side. How Carina would take that would be anyone's guess!
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Re: Beachside Squash: Yuna vs Carina

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Watching the other wrestler appear, Carina raised an eyebrow in curiosity. Bigger and older that much certain. Given her experiences with larger competitors Carina knew she needed to watch herself. The young blond stood where she was as Yuna entered the ring with the shouts of the fans surrounding them.

Soon Yuna made her own speech to both her and the audience. Crossing her arms over the chest she listened. Carina’s eyes widened in surprise as Yuna disrobed much to the crowd’s utter delight. For a moment Carina was red with envy but shook her head to snap out of it. Getting ahold of herself the former heiress defiantly stepped closer to Yuna.

Looking up at the forty year old woman in the eyes she then declared. “Nice figure but that won’t save ya from me. Don’t hold back because I won’t.”

Done she went to a corner and waited for the bell to ring.

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Re: Beachside Squash: Yuna vs Carina

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Yuna took a moment to stand in the ring and pose, eating up the cheers she was getting from the crowd. Nobody could ever call her modest when it came to these matters, but she was perfectly happy to play to her fans, and she blew them a few kisses and winked in their direction. And, by the sounds of their cheers, they were eating it up.

And, when she turned back to Carina, the fact that the younger woman seemed jealous of all the attention she was getting was not lost on Yuna. She snickered a little to her. The idea that women almost half her age could be jealous of her looks was an invigorating thought, and now it was making her even more hyped up to show her skills in the beachside ring. Regardless, Carina was ready to give it her all - and Yuna wasn't all about fun and games. She was prepared to prove herself!

"Oh, don't worry," Yuna said. "I'm not going to..."

She retreated to her own corner, winking at Carina as she did. And, soon enough, the match was on!


From the onset of the action, Yuna was prepared to use her size and force to her advantage. She advanced toward Carina to close the distance, slowly and methodically at first, as though she was prepared for a lockup. But it was all to guide her into a false sense of security - as as soon as she was close enough, Yuna would strike, charging straight towards the blonde as she raised her hip to try and strike her with it!
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Re: Beachside Squash: Yuna vs Carina

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Carina displayed a competitive grin while Yuna winked at her. Despite the brave exterior the west coast huntress did feel somewhat concerned and still a bit jealous. Focus Carina you can do this. She told herself when the bell finally rang. Coming out of her corner in a wrestling stance toward Yuna.

She was planning a surprise move as they edged closer but her rival attacked first! Taken off guard by the sudden motion Carina was struck in chest by Yuna’s hip. With the wind knocked out of her Carina fell wheezing in for air. She attempted to sit up but Yuna was within reach of her now.

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Re: Beachside Squash: Yuna vs Carina

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Even before the match had begun, Yuna had landed a few blows on her opponent through her taunts; even if she didn't know it from how Carina was hiding her true emotions, Yuna was no stranger to getting in her opponent's head and using her confidence to weaken them. And this, it seemed, would be no exception.

But all psychological tactics aside, Yuna also knew about hitting people! She came in with a strong showing right out of the gate, as she charged right at Carina to hit her with a hip to the chest, her weight crashing into her with enough force to send the blonde toppling off her feet. Yuna chuckled at this, standing over her as she struck a pose with her hand on her hip. "Oh, what's this? Having trouble staying on your feet, hmm?" she teased. With how Yuna was standing back, Carina would be able to rise to a seated position on her own volition - but Yuna wasn't about to let that stick. She kicked out at her now, trying to send her onto her back once again, and to keep the sole of her foot planted against Carina's chest to hold her there!
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Re: Beachside Squash: Yuna vs Carina

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Barely suppressing a scowl at the tease Carina tried to focus on getting to her feet. Instead just as she sat up the blond was kicked back down by her opponent. Wincing in pain Carina subsequently found herself restrained to the mat by Yuna’s foot on her chest.

She’s already kicking my ass! The Californian realized with new found alarm. With a grunt she tried to knock the foot off of her. Outside the crowd watched with loud anticipation, wondering what is going to happen next.

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Re: Beachside Squash: Yuna vs Carina

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Standing above Carina in such a dominant position - especially for the start of the match - Yuna felt a rush, as she smirked down on her opponent. The crowd was already cheering for her, and she lifted her arms to urge them on, as though she was already winning! The display, she was sure, would all be especially bothersome to Carina, who had to lay there and watch Yuna gloat every step of the way.

However, while Carina was lighter than her older opponent, Yuna's greater weight wasn't always an advantage. Now Carina bridged her back to offset the weight pressing down on top of her, and Yuna was forced to take a step back as a result. The former apartment wrestler skidded back, leaning forward to try to brace her weight as she stepped off of Carina, and in that moment, Yuna's momentum was, even for a few seconds, halted!
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Re: Beachside Squash: Yuna vs Carina

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Carina grinned at forcing Yuna back. While the older wrestler balanced herself to prevent a fall the west coast huntress saw an opportunity. While still on the mat Carina would then spin at the back of Yuna’s legs. She was attempting to knock her rival down, using both of her own legs.

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Re: Beachside Squash: Yuna vs Carina

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Teetering on only one solid foot, Yuna was still trying to rebalance herself as she was forced back off of Carina, and with her opponent being smaller, younger, and more agile, it was no surprise that the blonde had the opportunity to react first! Swinging her legs, she was able to trip Yuna up and bowl her off of the ground, causing her to flop onto her back. Yuna's bosom jiggled from the momentum as she fell against the canvas, the tremors going through her body, and her arms fell at her sides with the sound of her groans, leaving her open!
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