Vamp Suzumori vs. Azure Frost - Vampire vs. Ninja

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Vamp Suzumori vs. Azure Frost - Vampire vs. Ninja

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Standard Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent.
Normal rules apply.

It had been a while since the last time Vamp had her match, and tonight, she aimed to impress as she planned to emerge victorious. This time, wearing her gothic-style wrestling outfit, Vamp Suzumori waited for her cue to make her entrance, and once she was given the cue, she would make her way to the ramp, her music playing from the loudspeakers.
Vamp Suzumori
Strutting down the ramp, Vamp garnered quite a following, as evidenced by the loud cheers from the crowd. Smiling confidently, the petite vampire made her way to the ring, and once she arrived, she would climb up the apron before entering the ring. She would get to the center of the ring and raise her arm, getting the crowd to cheer some more for her.

After that, she would go to one of the turnbuckles as she would wait for her opponent for the night. Her eyes were at the entrance so that she could see her opponent making her appearance. She crossed her arms over her chest as she waited, and while doing so, she tapped her foot against the mat. Whoever her opponent would be, Vamp was certain that she could defeat her in this ring.

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Re: Vamp Suzumori vs. Azure Frost - Vampire vs. Ninja

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Azure was excited for this upcoming match. Her opponent, Vamp, is said to be a vampire. She only knew about Vampires from the TV shows and knew that they are troubling and extremely powerful, like they had superhuman strength. She would see if that is the case. For this match, her clothing choice was different. Instead of going for her typical shinobi girl outfit. She decided to go for a more urban look. Hearing her theme song playing, she made her enterence heading for the ring.
She would be cheered by audience and she would blow kisses towards the audience, dashing down the ramp. With a swift move, she would slide into the ring side. Her opponent was there waiting for her. Until the theme song finishes, she would jump on the ropes clapping and lifting her fist on pointing the sky. Then, she went to her side checking her opponent out. She was cuter than she though she would be. "Are you really a vampire? You are too cute to be a vampire."
Last edited by DarkMagician on Wed Feb 19, 2020 2:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Vamp Suzumori vs. Azure Frost - Vampire vs. Ninja

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Vamp waited for her opponent to show up, and when she really did show up, the petite vampire scoffed, thinking that this would be an easy match for her. With her arms still crossed over her chest, she waited for her opponent, Azure Frost, to make her way into the ring. Once Azure was inside the ring, she stepped away from the corner so that she could take a closer look to the one whom she would be facing tonight.

"Hmph..." Vamp harrumphed haughtily when Azure questioned her. "What a foolish question. Your doubt will be your undoing." She held out her arms in a dramatic manner as she continued, "I, the Nightmare Princess, shall show you my strength and prove it to you that I am a vampire! Undying and eternal!!" She clenched her fists. "Hope you are prepared, my prey. I shall feast on your blood once I stand victorious over you..." She said, showing her sharpened canine (which happened to be fake, by the way).

So far, things were going good for Vamp. She still retained her vampire persona, and she hoped that she wouldn't lose he composure and start acting childish later. Despite her dedication in maintaining her gothic persona, she was still a pretty immature person on the inside, and she could lose her patience if things didn't go her way.

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Re: Vamp Suzumori vs. Azure Frost - Vampire vs. Ninja

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Azure's eyes were sparked with excitement. Vamp was acting weird and all but Azure was too naive to believe what she had been told as she had recently escaped her prison like life back at Dojo in isolation from the modern world. Vamp even had sharper canine teeth which she showed with pride.

"No way... you-u you-u are actually a vampire." She would press her palms into her cheeks trying to soothe her brewing excitement. She started bombarding Vamp with absurd questions: "Can you turn into a bat like in the movies?", "Do you have superstrength?", "Do you drink blood and.. and... are really you afraid of garlic?"
Last edited by DarkMagician on Wed Feb 19, 2020 2:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Vamp Suzumori vs. Azure Frost - Vampire vs. Ninja

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Vamp smiled smugly, thinking that she might have given a good first impression to her opponent. But she wasn't prepared to be bombarded by those questions from Azure, who rapidly asked her about her being a vampire and all sort of stuff. Vamp's eyes widened, bewildered and overwhelmed by those questions. "T-that's... i-it's... y-you see... ughhh..."

Knowing that she couldn't simply bullshit her way out of these questions, she decided to just brush them off. "E-enough!! I have no obligation to answer your foolish questions!!" Her voice boomed as she spoke to Azure. "The most important thing here is that I will defeat you and feast on your blood upon your defeat!! Whatever I am does not matter at all!!" She said with dignified tone, which was rather diminished by her flustered look.

The referee would then get close to them and politely ask whether they were ready for the match. Vamp dismissively told her that she was ready. The match would begin once both wrestlers were ready, in which the bell would be rung.

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Re: Vamp Suzumori vs. Azure Frost - Vampire vs. Ninja

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"Yatta. I am going to fight against a real life vampire." She was jumping up and down with excitement. Upon hearing the words "... feast on your blood" she actually believed it and got frightened a bit.

The referee got close to them asking whether they were ready. Vamp told her she was ready, when referee turned to Azure to get take her approval to start the fight. She asked the referee if her opponent was allowed to bite her during the match. Annoyed by the absurdity of the question she would sigh in annoyance, still answering the question by politely saying “No.” and would start the match afterwards.

Azure took her stance, jumping up and down. She would allow her opponent to take the initiate. She was certain that she had superpowers.

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Re: Vamp Suzumori vs. Azure Frost - Vampire vs. Ninja

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Vamp scoffed at the enthusiasm that Azure displayed. She thought that in this ring, she deserved to be treated seriously, and she would make sure to make her remember that once the match started. She would wait for the bell to be sounded, and once the match began, she would take a stance, watching her opponent carefully.

When she saw that Azure was waiting for her to make her first move, Vamp would take the initiative, stepping forward before attempting to deliver a chop right across her opponent's chest, looking to stagger her with a strike first before she could follow up with a more devastating attack.

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Re: Vamp Suzumori vs. Azure Frost - Vampire vs. Ninja

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Vamp took the initiate as she stepped forward closing the gap between them. Once they were in a closer range, she attacked. She attempted to deliver a chop right at Azure. Azure was not so eager to take hits head on, so she would swiftly bend herself backwards while stepping back a little to some degree to avoid the attack. This might leave her opponent open, so she would try poking one or two punches to Vamp's head before getting into a defensive stance once again. "Can't you vampires levitate?"

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Re: Vamp Suzumori vs. Azure Frost - Vampire vs. Ninja

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Vamp clicked her tongue when Azure managed to avoid being hit by her chop, and in retaliation to Vamp's attack, Azure tried to hit her with a few punches, which the petite vampire dodged by ducking. She would close in, shortening the distance between herself and her opponent as she would then try to deliver an uppercut right under her opponent's chin.

"W-why should I even bother to do that to someone lowly like you?! Hmph!!" Vamp barked regardless whether her attack managed to hit or not. Despite being questioned like that, Vamp would continue acting as if she were a real vampire.

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Re: Vamp Suzumori vs. Azure Frost - Vampire vs. Ninja

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Vamp dodged Azure's punches ducking only to launch an uppercut of her own after shortening their distances. Azure was keeping a keen eye on her opponent's movements as she saw the uppercut coming in her way.

She would try to catch Vamp's punching hand by the wrist, turning around pulling on the arm to throw off her balance. If that move worked, she would try finishing her move by throwing her opponent over her shoulder back-first.

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