Sonic Cat [D] vs. Dr. Mina Takemi

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Sonic Cat [D] vs. Dr. Mina Takemi

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Dr. Mina Takemi had been developing something of a reputation for herself. She was a capable wrestler with a body fans loved. That being said, The Ring Therapist hadn't been able to conquer the upper card. As such, she had become something of a gatekeeper. A proving ground for the newer women of LAW to prove themselves! To look triumphant in victory, or at least, sexy in defeat!
Amy Winehouse, Teach Me Tonight
Dr. Takemi's entrance hit! The arena was shrouded in green light. She stepped out onto the stage, bathed in the hue of envy. She drew in a breath, looked down, and crossed her arms under her breasts. Hugging herself and drinking in the moment. And then. Both arms exploded out and upwards in triumph as she greeted the LAW audience! Her eruption promising the audience a dynamic show!

The mature woman walked down the ramp all smiles. She sashayed towards the ring in her new attire. A green one piece that highlighted her best assets. The leotard was painted on; it hugged the swell of her breasts and barely covered her thick backside. It was cut in the classic 80's style, an homage to her roots, with some modern embellishment. Pulling everything tight and making The Ring Therapist look every bit as sexy as she was powerful.

Once inside the ring she'd lift her palms to the bottom of her bobbed hair and plump it up before placing one foot on the bottom turnbuckle and bending over slightly. She looked over her shoulder at the audience with a coy smile. The pose offered the crowd a full view of the side of her heavy breasts. But more importantly, it flashed the full length of her leg. From her ankles, all the way up to her pale thighs, to the fullness of her curvaceous, plush butt.
Once inside the ring she moved to the center where she'd await tonight's rival. She knew little of the woman she'd face. Only that she was a new entrant to the league. Eager to meet her, she paced in the ring. Waiting. Watching. Little did she know what she was about to see would be -far- beyond her expectations!
Last edited by SuckerPunch on Sat May 16, 2020 12:35 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Sonic Cat [D] vs. Dr. Mina Takemi

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Now that Dr. Takemi had taken her place in the ring, it would be time for her opponent to make her entrance. There were people wondering who this would be, and while there were some rumors, nothing was concrete yet. The audience was wondering about the identity of this mysterious newcomer. Whoever this was, her identity was well-hidden even among those who had access to backstage management. This indicate that the management put extra effort in hiding this newcomer's identity, which meant that the newcomer in question was quite a big deal.

Soon enough, the lights in the arena began to dim as the big screen of the titantron began to flicker. The crowd and the commentators alike were confused by this at first. Then, a logo began to emerge on the screen. Those who were fans of professional wrestling would recognize what the logo meant, and the crowd was getting animated and excited over the logo flashing in the screen.

It was the name of a wrestling promotion that had been merged with LAW quite some time ago, and excitement started filling the arena. For a time, Ring Dream was a massive wrestling promotion alongside Wrestle Angels, and they even had collaborated with each other in the past. But now, with LAW already exceeding both of them, many began to wonder about who this mysterious newcomer would be. Several names came up, though nothing was proven yet.

And then, a music started playing, and the crowd went crazy as they recognized whose theme it was.

The arena began shaking from the cheers of the crowd, and the screen even began displaying some short vignettes, confirming the identity of this mysterious newcomer. Pyro began to work as a lone figure surged forward amidst the cheers of the crowd as the music continued playing. A petite young woman clad in red-and-gold, whose energetic entrance elicited a big pop that resounded throughout the arena, stopped at the ramp as she raised her arms in a rather theatrical manner. The vignettes on the screen had ended, replaced by two big words, the name of the newcomer.

Sonic Cat
The newcomer in question, Sonic Cat, seems to have a microphone in her hand. She then brought it to her mouth and addressed the crowd in the most bombastic manner possible. "GOOD EVENING... BELIEVERS OF JUSTICE!!!" Making an exaggerated heroic pose, she continued, "I, SONIC CAT, AM HERE!!! ARE YOU READY FOR ANOTHER BATTLE TO SAVE THE UNIVERSE?!!" The crowd cheered despite how cheesy she looked and sounded, and many seemed to be eating it up despite how ridiculous the way she acted and the way she addressed her fans.

Sonic Cat continued engaging the crowd as she made her way down the ramp while her music continued playing. She acted as if she were a real-life superheroine, and she even did some dancing, following the tune of her own theme as she approached the ring. The face of Ring Dream, one of the memorable alumnus of Wrestle Angels, Sonic Cat, had joined LAW.

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Re: Sonic Cat [D] vs. Dr. Mina Takemi

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Mina expended the lion's share of her patience as she waited in the ring for the arrival of the nights competition. Her arms crossed, she tapped her foot as the arena's lights dimmed. "About time..." She huffed out of the side of her mouth. However, Mina's attitude changed as the screen flickered to life presenting a familiar logo!

Anyone who knew anything about Japanese Women's Wrestling knew the Ring Dream promotion! Knew that they had put on some of the greatest matches in history with one of the most dynamic rosters on earth! It had only been within the last couple of years that they had found themselves eclipsed by LAW... And as such, it made sense that someone with their pedigree would seek to swim in these waters!

Mina grew excited at the thought. Her fists clenched and unclenched in anticipation. As the music began to play she found her skin prickling with anticipation. And as the crowd began to cheer, she couldn't help but get into it herself. She resisted theburge to celebrate of course... Appearences and all that!

And then the mystery woman's identity was revealed! Sonic Cat! A well known member of their roster! And a brilliant opportunity for Dr. Takemi! The crowd roared with delight and the green-clad middleweight didn't blame them. At least... Not until the woman spoke.

"B-believers of justice? Save the Universe?" Dr. Takemi's expectations plummeted. Her hands dropped to her side as she fell backwards against the turnbuckles in exasperation.

Just what exactly did this woman think she was here to do? And just who did she think Mina was. And what's worse... The crowd ate it up! They were screaming her name and chanting Justice over and over in a way that made Mina feel entirely alone. The spotlight had been entirely stolen from her. And so she stood in the center of the ring awaiting the challenger's approach. Her expression dour and her arms slumped. Looking the perfect picture of depression and disbelief.

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Re: Sonic Cat [D] vs. Dr. Mina Takemi

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Seemingly unaware of her opponent's disappointment, Sonic Cat continued rousing the crowd with her energetic attitude, engaging with her fans in a way that only a perfect babyface could manage. The superheroine then made her way down the ramp, reaching the ring. Waving at the crowd for a bit, she would then perkily leap up onto the apron before slipping through the ropes.

Now that she was in the ring, she would then look at her opponent, sizing her up a little. Smiling and nodding to herself, Sonic Cat placed her hands on her hips and began addressing Dr. Takemi. "Greetings and salutation!" Still speaking in her usual theatrical manner, complete with a hand gesture, she spoke to her opponent. "How do you do, fellow believer of justice? Are you ready for the match of a lifetime to save the universe?"

One might consider Sonic Cat to be rather comical, but there was some kind of genuineness and earnestness in her attitude and temperament, and no matter how ridiculous she acted, the crowd still considered her to be endearing. It helped that back in the day, she was considered the face of Ring Dream. The fact that she was a skilled wrestler also helped.

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Re: Sonic Cat [D] vs. Dr. Mina Takemi

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Mina continued to watch in disbelief as the woman entered the ring. She was brazen and committed to her... Act? Whatever it was the crowd certainly loved it. The Ring Therapist approached the ...Heroine... With her arms still crossed. "Hmm... I'm well, thanks for asking?" She rubbed the back of her head as she looked towards the referee for help. The referee was bent over. Her hands on her knees and stars in her eyes. "I..." She couldn't find words. She felt as though she was losing her mind. Can one truly claim to be sane when they think everyone else in the world is crazy?

"Is this some sort of... Climate Change thing?" Dr. Takemi looked lost. She looked like she'd already suffered a round of consecutive piledrivers. She extended her hand towards Sonic Cat with trepidation. Her fingers splayed as she waited for the woman to take it. "I'm Dr. Takemi. Welcome to LAW. Let's have a good match?" She blinked, clearly still trying to process what she was seeing. There was something cute about her innocence. However, the crowd didn't seem to feel that way. They didn't think that she was cute. They adored her far beyond that concept.

"sonic! CAT! sonic! CAT!" They cheered loud enough to make it hard for Mina to hear. Just what had she gotten herself into?

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Re: Sonic Cat [D] vs. Dr. Mina Takemi

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Normally, this sort of thing would be something that wrestling fans, the most fickle group of people out there, would scoff at. One of the reasons why this kind of thing even worked in the first place was due to grandfather clause, or something similar to it. Sonic Cat started out her career as a professional wrestler in Ring Dream, with younger demographic and much more whimsical nature compared to its contemporaries back in its days. Due to her exposure outside of Ring Dream, people outside the promotion just sort of accepted her for who she was, even embracing her silly nature and gimmick, and many found her endearing despite her gimmick literally wouldn't work if it were to be used by anyone else.

So, that was one of the reasons why Sonic Cat was adored by many despite her ridiculous gimmick. Of course, being a show-woman, she wouldn't allow her appearance to be a dull occasion. She would certainly find a way to make it as ridiculous as possible. "Oh, a doctor? A fellow hero, indeed!" Sonic Cat said, nodding to herself as she put her hands on her hips. Then, she narrowed her eyes, shooting Dr. Takemi a suspicious gaze. "Still, I can see your doubt in your eyes. GASP! Do you perhaps doubt Sonic Cat, the champion of UNIVERSE?!!" At this point, she just said the word 'gasp' out loud instead of actually gasping. "How can a fellow hero doubt the hero of justice, the bane of evildoers, the soother of crying BABIES??!"

Sonic Cat's gaze sharpened as she pointed a finger at the other woman accusingly. "Perhaps you are NOT a fellow hero! You are just a PRETENDER!! A DECEIVER!! A CHARLATAN!!!" She exclaimed in the most bombastic manner possible, and the crowd rallied behind her despite the ridiculousness behind her words. "Yes, I see now. You are a villain whose existence threatens the safety of the UNIVERSE!!! ALSO!! Only a villain who would clad herself in such a garb that seduces the weak-willed! Yes!! It is clear as day now that you are a VILLAIN!!" Sonic Cat pointed out that only a villain would dress themselves in such a titillating manner, disregarding the fact that her outfit itself was pretty revealing, although her figure was more lithe and limber compared to the other woman.

The superheroine sure could find a way to get the crowd to rally behind her, and through her sheer force of personality, she tried to shift the dynamic between both herself and her opponent as a conflict between a plucky hero and a terrible villain. At this point, Mina would have no choice but to play along, or else she might get herself showered in a huge heat from the crowd.

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Re: Sonic Cat [D] vs. Dr. Mina Takemi

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It wasn't possible for Mina's expression to get more idignant. She harumphed mightily, the force causing her breasts to shake. She listened to Sonic Cat's monologue and by its conclusion was certain that she would rather have been at the dentist...

"I don't think doubt is the w-" She started to argue before the hero interjected! "Now listen here!" She started again, but Sonic Cat was ankle deep in her next tyrade. Mina's fists began to ball as she was getting tired of listening to the woman's irreverant banter.

"M-my garb?" Oh honey... You should have seen what I used to wear. The thought brought a smile to her lips. A smile that was quickly washed away as she looked to the crowd. They were... Fully behind the super heroine! Mina's shoulders slumped.

She rubbed her face with one hand and shook her head. The fist at her side still had balled to critical mass! She was tired of the Cat's antics and without warning shot a curling right hook into the center of the woman's face! Decking her! This was so absurd! It was comical she thought as she began to laugh!

"Mwa ha ha ha!" She covered her mouth suddenly... What... What the hell was that laugh!? "Curse you Sonic Cat!" Who the hell talks like that!?

Despite the absurdity... Mina was completely trapped in Sonic Cat's rhythym.

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Re: Sonic Cat [D] vs. Dr. Mina Takemi

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For her trouble, Sonic Cat took a sudden hook into her face, and her only saving grace was her instinct and reflexes which allowed her to pull herself back, lessening the blow. Though it still hurt a little. Scrunching up her face as she staggered a few steps back, Sonic Cat would then regain her footing, directing her resolute gaze at the doctor who had just attacked her out of the blue.

"Owie..." She rubbed her nose a little before she pointed her finger at Dr. Takemi. "Now you have shown your true colors, VILLAIN!! Did you not see that I could sense the VILENESS in your HEART?!! Did you not see that I could smell the STENCH of your VILLAINY?!!" Sonic Cat's voice boomed out as she declared. "Now then... now that everything is sorted out, I, Sonic Cat, will do my duty as the heroine of justice and the defender of the universe. With my SONIC POWAH, I shall defeat YOU!!!"

The crowd cheered, completely enraptured by the whole thing despite its sheer silliness. The referee, who was confused by the whole thing, just sighed in resignation and called for the bell, starting the match between the superheroine Sonic Cat and supervillain Dr. Mina Takemi. "I will bring you back to the path of JUSTICE and cleanse your blackened soul, villain..." Sonic Cat said as she would take a stance.

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Re: Sonic Cat [D] vs. Dr. Mina Takemi

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The feeling of the lovely heroine's face compressing against her fist ALMOST made listening to her unending drivel worthwhile! It would have been... If it wasn't for the fact that she immediately launched into a new lecturing monologue!

Mina's face screwed up into an unflattering grimace. It was hard to say which was more frustrating. Sonic Cat's stoic adherence to her character; or the audience's daft support of her. But it was clear that the frustration had burrowed into her heart and was slowly driving her mad!

She stomped her foot petulantly! The ring shook under the force, as did Dr Takemi's lewd body! "Nobody talks like that! Stop your pointless banter!" She demanded as the bell rang!

Despite her words it was clear that the woman wasn't going to shut up unless somebody shut her up! "If this is what justice means to you! Then I'm going to become an enemy of peace!" Oh no... She fell into her rhythym again!

Dr. Takemi lashed out during her bold proclamation! Her powerful arms looking to secure a lock-up with the Sonic Cat. She would crush the hero with her own hands!

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Re: Sonic Cat [D] vs. Dr. Mina Takemi

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Sonic Cat showed a confident smile, as if rejoicing that she had revealed the truth of her opponent, or if one wanted to give an alternative interpretation of her actions, happy that she could get into her opponent's mind with her stunt. Of course, no one could tell whether she was faking it or not, and the crowd didn't seem to care one bit as they filled the arena with their cheers and pops.

"Come, enemy of peace! I'll show you the power of Sonic Cat!!"

Sonic Cat saw Mina coming towards her, as if trying to lock up with her. Raising her arms, as if preparing to tie up with her opponent, the heroine surged out, but at the last second, she would slip past her opponent, running towards the ropes and rebounding from them, returning back to her opponent. Using her momentum, she would then leap up and try to hit her opponent with a running dropkick!

"Taste the kick of JUSTICE!!!"

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