Sonic Cat

120lbs/54.5kg and below
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Sonic Cat

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Name: Sonic Cat (real name: Yuki Mika)
Sex: Female
Age: 25 (as of 2021)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Green
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 118 lbs
Nationality: Andromeda Galaxy, Sonic Star! (Actually, Japan)
Alignment: Face
Entrance music: Century Color

Wrestling Information

Strategy: Sonic Cat uses a combination of theatrical high-flying maneuvers and power-based moves which belie her diminutive frame. She is also one of those wrestlers who prefer using straightforward moves instead of relying on trickery, though she is in no way stupid and is capable of improvising. Her moves are often exaggerated and done with flair and style, and due to her tendency to perform dangerous stunts, she is definitely a crowd-pleaser.
Style: Puroresu
Type: High-flyer, combined with strong style and power-moves.

Preferred Attacks: High-flying maneuvers, strikes and a handful of power moves. Quite well-rounded despite her petite frame.

Preferred Matches: Any

Endurance: ★★★★ - A heroine must stand strong before any opposition!
Strength: ★★★★ - Great things come from small size!
Speed: ★★★★★ - Sonic Speed ahead!!
Defense: ★★★★ - A heroine is like a shield who stands before evil and all sort of bad stuff!
Technique: ★★★★ - A powerful heroine must be skilled at defeating evildoers!


Fisherman Buster
Sonic Kick (flying kick from the top rope)
Sonic Splash (frog splash)
Rolling Sonic Kick (rolling koppu kick)
Suplex Variations:
Tombstone Piledriver


Sonic Star Press (shooting star press)
Super Sonic Bomb (jumping/flipping powerbomb)

Visual Appearance:

Sonic Cat is a petite young woman with short green hair and blue eyes. In the ring, she often wears red-and-white wrestling outfit with blue outlines. Her most defining feature is her tiara, which is actually made of soft material and isn't really made of metal but looks realistic enough that people may think that she uses it to poke at her opponent.


Energetic, sweet, caring and a little bit of an airhead, she rarely if ever answers to her real name. She often mentions that she is a superheroine who hails from outer space and often makes a huge and long spiel about heroism and all things related to superheroes. It's hard to tell whether she's just playing up with her 'superheroine' persona or honestly believing that she's really a superheroine, but due to her talent in wrestling as well as her accomplishments in both Wrestle Angels and Ring Dream, people tend to let such a thing slide. Sonic Cat also has a strong moral compass and was once considered the epitome of perfect babyface in both Wrestle Angels and Ring Dream, her eccentricities aside. She steadfastly loyal to the causes that she believes in, and having her support may bring a huge impact in one's career as a professional wrestler.

Still, do not remove her iconic tiara. She truly hates it when people do that to her.


Yuki Mika was always 'one of the boys' throughout her childhood and teenage years. Back then, she was obsessed with TV shows depicting superheroes such as Super Sentai or Kamen Rider, and he could easily be spotted playing with the neighborhood children well into her high school years. Soon enough, she began wrestling for Ring Dream wrestling federation, where she adopted a persona of an actual superheroine named 'Sonic Cat'. She eventually allowed this persona to completely take over her life as she started claiming she was an alien from the Andromeda Galaxy and that all of her matches were 'battles to save the Universe!!!' Thanks to her stint with Ring Dream, her popularity skyrocketed, especially among younger fans, and she became synonymous with the organization itself, becoming the poster child of Ring Dream.

Her popularity reached a new height when she joined the legendary Wrestle Angels, and despite her run in the promotion was brief, it was considered the most memorable moment of her career as a professional wrestler. After leaving Wrestle Angels, she returned to Ring Dream before moving out to various other promotions, leaving her marks. Then, the superheroine made her way to LAW, and after seeing familiar faces, she decided to make her move into the promotion, declaring herself the savior of the universe (or professional wrestling) in the process!

Wrestling Attire: (see pic)
Wrestling Outfit 1
Wrestling Outfit 2
Christmas Outfits
Wrestle Angels Sonic Cat
Casual Outfit
Fun Facts:
-Sonic Cat has a huge collection of Super Sentai merchandises and is proud of them.
-To this day, she offers no explanation as to why she calls herself Sonic Cat.
-Sonic Cat made some appearances as guest star in some Super Sentai shows.

LAW Information

Record: 4-1-0

-Defeated Mina Takemi via pinfall
-Defeated Misaka Satan via pinfall
-Defeated Witch Misa via pinfall
-Defeated Natalia Dominique via hentai submission

-Defeated by Arachne via knockout

-Not yet


Last edited by PrinceArjuna332 on Tue Oct 01, 2024 11:44 am, edited 9 times in total.

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Re: Sonic Cat

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

  1. Sonic Cat vs. Mina Takemi
    Result: Win via pinfall (Super Sonic Bomb)
  2. Sonic Cat vs. Misaka Satan
    Result: Win via pinfall (Super Sonic Bomb)
  3. Sonic Cat vs. Witch Misa
    Result: Win via pinfall (Facesit Pin)
  4. Sonic Cat vs. Natalia Dominique: Hentai Submission Match
    Result: Win via hentai submission
  5. Sonic Cat vs. Arachne
    Result: Loss via knockout (Sleeperhold & body scissor)
  6. Sonic Cat vs. Annie Clark
    Result: Pending
  7. Promo: The Jungle Cat Roars!
    Result: Finished
  8. Sonic Cat vs. Jungle Cat Hori: Hentai Submission Match
    Result: Pending
Last edited by PrinceArjuna332 on Tue Oct 01, 2024 11:44 am, edited 12 times in total.

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