A Kingly Punishment (Killer King vs. Lilah Wells)

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A Kingly Punishment (Killer King vs. Lilah Wells)

Unread post by SweetHeart »

Erotic iron man match
35 minutes (5 pages)
Scoring System: Submission, Knock Out, Orgasm

Lilah groans as she adjusted her outfit. She had gotten into trouble for attack one of the young lioness with her partner Ella, which had caused the management to put her in a single match with an opponent who will "teach her not to do this stuff again". Ella was gonna get similar treatment but she was off for the night. She scoffed "Yeah cuz someones gonna teach me a lesson" She got up sighing before heading out of the locker room

She walked to the ring, obviously less happy to be on her own, hardly even posing as she slides into the ring. She grabbed a microphone from the announcer saying "Alright let me get this straight. If you really think anyone in the back is gonna be able to teach me a lesson, you're just gonna end up with another injured wrestler. So however you are you might as well just come down and lay down for me, cuz otherwise you're gonna be getting a lot of punishment" She handed the mic back waiting to see she would be "punishing" tonight
Last edited by SweetHeart on Mon Feb 24, 2020 9:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Kingly Punishment (Killer King vs. Lilah Wells)

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King is listening to her making an issue that she isnt afraid to get punished for the night as the big bad beast is being requested to do the job since he is famously known to do a great job and makes the crowd see the worst he could of done to his opponents. He agreed to do it and willing to make her suffer as he went through while ago, looking forward to make her feel all the pain for his sick pleasure.

Instead of coming out from his locker room and showing up on stage, the beast heading out through the other way where he coming through the crowd and getting over the barricade to see her from behind the blind spots, he reaches up for the ropes and sliding himself inside as he stood up behind her in his dark red trunks, black boots, and his signature black jaguar mask. The beast snarling down behind her as he scanning her amazing sexy body in that black latex suit that just holds her luscious body in. He would bump her sweet ass with his hot bulges to see if she'll turn around so that he would be kneeling down and reel his arm back just to get in time to swing it up, aim to slam his rock hard bicep right between her legs and stick it up there for the hard low blow! "Hurgh!"

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Nathan Ballwin
Killer King (Retired--- for now)

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Re: A Kingly Punishment (Killer King vs. Lilah Wells)

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She would wait for some kind of person to show up, tapping her foot, saying "Well where are they?" She shook her head. Did they just have nobody to take her on.She considered just leaving before she noticed something. A snarling noise, then a something hit her in her butt, making her blush. She turned around quickly

"Oh you son of a- OOPFH!" She grabbed her crotch after it was slammed by Kings giant arm, making her lean over his arm wheezing in pain. If he want he could just pick her up from here but if not she would fall over, holding her lower region as the referee would call for the match to begin.

She pants holding her crotch looking at him "Who...are you?" She said in a shaking voice

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Re: A Kingly Punishment (Killer King vs. Lilah Wells)

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King feel his muscular arm slam and wedge it up between her sexy legs as she double over on tip of his attacking arm, she took it like a jobber and thats how it should be, looking up enjoy the expression on that babe face as she questioning him. "Grrrr I am Killer King. Your opponent, dominator, and will have some fun time with you!"

Slowly he slide his hand out brushing against her warm crotch as the referee ringing the bell starting the match between the babe and the beast. His hand slowly moving up against her sexy body, rubbing between those ample breasts until reaching to her chin as he stand in front of her.

The beast chuckles and ready to show her some good beatdown, putting both hands on her head thrusting it between his legs to lock thr girl Lilah as he remembered. Leaning over to wrap his strong arms around her waist and lift the sexy woman upside down, hold with one arm as the other hand rubbing with his fingers over the crotch. "Feel good? Im sure but this one is better!" He quickly hop up to sitout, drive to slam her head right on top of the mat into his Piledriver! "Hurgh!"

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Nathan Ballwin
Killer King (Retired--- for now)

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Re: A Kingly Punishment (Killer King vs. Lilah Wells)

Unread post by SweetHeart »

She gritted her teeth, refusing to make any kind of noises as he rubbed her chest. She would try to wiggle away from him, before being lifted up. She let out a gasp as she felt him tease her crotch, before her head bounced off the match, her body flopping down onto the ground with her butt jiggling on impact.

She tried pushing herself up, still very much out of it. She looked at her giant open, obliviously seeing how this was suitable punishment for her, with the male being ten times her size. She scoffed and tried standing up

If she was able to she would attempt to grab a hold of kings leg, weakly trying to lift it off the ground but seeing as how she was still dazed, she let go seeing it wasn't working, instead throwing her fist and smacking king in the face, followed by a "Screw you"

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Re: A Kingly Punishment (Killer King vs. Lilah Wells)

Unread post by KillerV »

King putting the sexy babe down hard with a big vicious impact of the piledriver and watch her jiggly ass shaking when she landed on the mat.

He briefly mesmerized thise curvy cheeks as his wrestling trunks bulged a little more, slowly pushes himself up while seeing the babe also trying to get up, Lilah is struggling which likely her head rattled from the powet move.

He watches her trying to lift his heavy legs but no prevail, then he could tell she given up on it only to swing her fist at the beast face out of frustration. His head turned from the blow and slowly looking back at her with a light growl. "Is that all?"

King would suddenly goes a strike of his own, balling up his right hand and snap out to quick jab righy between her eyes with a little power. "Hurgh!"

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Nathan Ballwin
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Re: A Kingly Punishment (Killer King vs. Lilah Wells)

Unread post by SweetHeart »

The strike would make her stumble back, leaning on the ropes. She pants a bit dizzy still but realized a opportunity she had. She would try to wait till King went after her, the tried pulling him into the ropes, hoping to catch him off guard

If this worked she would jump onto his back wrapping her legs around his neck trying to weaken him with a headscissor, using the ropes to pull back and squeeze his head

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Re: A Kingly Punishment (Killer King vs. Lilah Wells)

Unread post by KillerV »

King indeed jabbed her in the face to send the babe back into the ropes before following her there where he wanted to keep it up the pressure to the babe, as he moving in closer, he got caught by her attempt to pull him to the ropes and shortly after suddenly her legs jumping up to catches his head by into submission hold.

She is still jumping and moving around a lot even being head slammin into his piledriver and a punch between the eyes, the girl still moving around some. He growls while putting his hands on her thighs, gripping tightly as he tries to pull onto her in hope to yank the babe off the ropes and sling her over to slam her front right down on the mat face first. "Grrrrr!"

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Nathan Ballwin
Killer King (Retired--- for now)

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Re: A Kingly Punishment (Killer King vs. Lilah Wells)

Unread post by SweetHeart »

She would slip out of the ropes "Awe shi-" She was cut off by her face slamming into the mat, making her groin. She whines a bit holding her face, slowly trying to get up on her hands and knees panting in pain

She looked back at King, and angry look on her face as she then would say "Do your worst you fuckin cunt" Flipping of the big cat

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Re: A Kingly Punishment (Killer King vs. Lilah Wells)

Unread post by KillerV »

King escaped from her damn legs that nearly catching him into submission, he didnt want to go through another humiliation as it isnt his preference or known for, the beast is out to enjoy his opponents not other way around!

After throwing her off and down on the mat, he clutches his neck to ease the pain while his opponent cursing him even adding insults to the beast, he glares back at her with a angry growls. "Grrrrr....."

He got up and start moving for her as he reaches down for her short hair to pull up trying to tuck it under his muscular arm to lock in. Using his free hand to cup over her crotch and scoop her up straight in the air, not planning to slam her on the mat, not even throwing her out of the ring, instead he would suddenly drop down on his knee to kneel and aim to slam top of her soften skull right on top of his knee, may hope it rattle her even further. "Hurgh!"

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Nathan Ballwin
Killer King (Retired--- for now)

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