Peggy McIntyre (D) Vs. Alizeh

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Re: Peggy McIntyre (D) Vs. Alizeh

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The pin count began and Peggy was groaning, gritting her teeth as she realized what position she was in! She let out a scream as she thrust a shoulder up off the mat just before the two count, trying to shove Alizeh off of her! "Not gonna get me that easy ya daft woman...." Peggy said as she tried to roll away, hoping to at least get back up to her feet before Alizeh was further able to work away at Peggy. This woman was good but Peggy wanted to show that she was better!

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Re: Peggy McIntyre (D) Vs. Alizeh

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Pulling on Peggy’s leg tightly as the ref slapped the mat for the first count Alizeh wasn’t overly surprised when the red head kicked out of the hold. Grunting and getting sent back a few feet by the force Alizeh slid over to her hand and knees looking at Peggy’s direction. “Yeah but who has the first pin now!” She bragged with a smug grin on her face as she pushed herself up into a crouch. Pushing forward with her hand and legs Alizeh dashed at Peggy determined to keep her opponet on the back foot. As she approached her opponet Alizeh would swing her leg forward going for a running knee to Peggy as she was rising up in a effort to hit her while she was vulnerable.

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Re: Peggy McIntyre (D) Vs. Alizeh

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Peggy saw Alizeh running right at her and she knew she couldn't let whatever this was connect! Peggy braced herself and reached out as she tried to grab hold of Alizeh, lifting and spinning! "Yaaaaahhhhhhh!" Peggy howled as she tried to counter the running knee strike into a powerslam in her favor! Peggy was out to storm her way back in and what better way to do that than to work in as high impact offense as her old school move set could? Peggy wanted to slam her hard enough to make the ring ropes shake for seconds after the impact allowing her to stand up and flex her arms, trying to fire up the crowd!

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Re: Peggy McIntyre (D) Vs. Alizeh

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Alizeh’s smirk from trying to push her advantage was suddenly wiped away as her plan hit quite a heavy snag. Feeling the mat underneath her disappear and everything go weightless Alizeh had no time to comprehend the counter that Peggy pulled off before her back hit the mat exploding in pain making her scream out “Gahhhhh!” As she arched her back and placed a hand on her stinging back.

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Re: Peggy McIntyre (D) Vs. Alizeh

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Peggy managed to pull off the counter and she rose to her feet, seeing Alizeh down on the mat. "What's wrong? Mad ya had things turned on ya?" Peggy said as she stomped down on Alizeh's abdomen a few times before bending down to pull her up by the hair. Peggy dragged Alizeh to the ropes and began to press her throat against them to choke her! Peggy cried out as she choked her as hard as she could before the referee warned her to stop.

Peggy was going to stop all right using the rope to slingshot Alizeh back towards the middle of the ring!

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Re: Peggy McIntyre (D) Vs. Alizeh

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Alizeh winced and tried to sit up despite the stinging sensation flaring up all around her back. However that was before another dull impact resonated through her abdomen making her wheeze as her breath was stolen.

Falling back on the mat Alizeh tried to cover her stomach with her arms and curl up as much as possible to mitigate the damage to her stomach while she tried to recover her ability to breath normally.

Unfortunately this didn’t come in time as her hair was grabbed making Alizeh wince again as she was forced up to her feet, the split pain between her stomach and now her head causing her to be defenseless as she was hauled to the middle ropes. Eyes widening Alizeh shot her hands to the ropes trying to push them back as Peggy brutally force her neck against them!

Once again doing her best to minimize the amount of pain she was racking up Alizeh sighed in relief before grunting as Peggy richochetted her off the ropes and back to the middle of the ring. Bowling over onto her hands and knees Alizeh wheezed but luckily was able to at least breath again as she rubbed her throat in a kneeling position on the mat, one hand in front of her to support her weight as she tried to look more hurt and dazed than she was. The greenette’s plan of attack going a bit more tricky oriented.

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Re: Peggy McIntyre (D) Vs. Alizeh

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Peggy felt like she had started to build up some momentum and when Alizeh was down the Irish woman bolted towards the ropes, jumping up onto the middle rope and sprindboarding off! Peggy swung her legs around, attempting to aim a springboard dropkick right at Alizeh while she was trying to rise back up to her feet.

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Re: Peggy McIntyre (D) Vs. Alizeh

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Alizeh as she was kneeling on the ground kept tabs on her opponet by looking through her hair to see what she was doing. Seeing Peggy jump off the rope the green haired girl tensed her body in preparation. Then as Peggy sailed through the air for the spring board drop kick Alizeh would vault herself forward tumbling under the human projectile that was Peggy. Stopping in a crouch Alizeh took a glance behind her to double check Peggy’s position and if she landed where her body was previously Alizeh spring up and backflip through the air angling herself to hopefully come down knee first on Peggy’s chest.

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Re: Peggy McIntyre (D) Vs. Alizeh

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"Oomph!" Peggy groaned as she missed her dropkick. Alizeh moved out of the way and unfortunately for Peggy the pain hadn't begun to set in yet! She took the flipping knee to the abdomen and howled out in pain while she wheezed after having the wind painfully knocked right out of her! Peggy's face was red and twisted in pain as she rolled onto her side, cradling her abdomen after that big impact by Alizeh! She was down and stunned, at the mercy of her opponent at this point leaving her in a very bad spot as the match was progressing without her being able to fully grasp control against a pesky foe.

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Re: Peggy McIntyre (D) Vs. Alizeh

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After managing to successfully pulling off the backflip knee drive Alizeh had to press this advantage. Thus reaching forward and grabbing Peggy by the arm she would haul the irishwoman to her feet. Bending down and curling her other arm over Peggy’s groin area Alizeh would huff and go to stand up lifting Peggy up. Alizeh knew that Peggy was much too tough an opponet to be brought down by submissions or highflying moves. So Alizeh was turning to some slams to try and weaken the irishwoman. “Hurrah!” Alizeh would cry out as she lifted Peggy up and turned her over before going to slam the woman down back first on the mat with a scoop slam.

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