High-speed clash! Miranda vs Asuka.

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High-speed clash! Miranda vs Asuka.

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Standard match

Bouncing around on her feet Miranda tried to calm the butterflies in her stomach for this match. After her last match left her with a bad taste in her mouth she had to be reassured that she was not facing some bigger brute but an actual lightweight. Even then she wasn't able to shake her nervousness that she would get manhandled again by another girl. Determined that regardless this match would be different
Coming out in her usual attire and not as eager as before to show off quite yet. Still she was all smiles and waves down to the crowd, moving down to the ring as she rolled inside. Running to the corner she jumped on it and posed for the fans before jumping down and looking at the entrance. Time to see if they were telling the truth or not.

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Re: High-speed clash! Miranda vs Asuka.

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Asuka was sort of excited tonight. Of course, she was excited every night she got to fight, but tonight was a little more exciting. For once, she was fighting someone that was a perfect match, or so she was told. The big screen in the locker room was showing the LAW TV channel, with the announcers discussing the upcoming fight. Every so often they had the statistics for each fighter pop up, their physical measurements and their match history.

The blonde streamer had quite an impressive history, and her stats reflected that. She had yet to come across a match where her opponent fought to a draw, but her winrate was extraordinary for someone who, just over a year ago, had never set foot into a wrestling ring. Miranda, meanwhile, had no record to speak of, but matched Asuka perfectly in height, and only weighed a few pounds more than her. Perhaps tonight would be a fun match, where Asuka could take her time and make sure Miranda's introduction was a good one.

A knock at the door let Asuka know it was time to go out, and she eagerly jumped to her feet and headed out to the top of the ramp. When her music hit, she stepped out of the shadow and threw her hands up to get a deafening roar from the audience. It was interesting that LAW management had matched her against a total rookie, but Asuka didn't pay much attention to it, she enjoyed making friends, and new girls tended to be on the friendlier side.

She ran down to the ring and slid inside under the bottom rope, rolling over onto her knees and then onto her feet in a smooth, quick motion. Miranda looked great tonight, a young, slim girl dressed in a mostly-orange attire that suits her dark skin perfectly. Asuka gave her a wave and a smile, "Kon'nichiwa!"
Last edited by DizzyKnight on Sun Oct 15, 2017 6:24 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: High-speed clash! Miranda vs Asuka.

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When her opponent came out Mira stared at and then had a huge sigh of relief just wash over her. The girl I question looked to be just about the same size as her, If she wasn't the exact same size that is. Either way it was a far cry from being completely outmatched and feeling that way from the get go as she might actually have a chance to showcase what she can do here. A much bigger smile was on her face as Asuka came down to the mat and gave her a friendly greeting Mira ran up and started shaking her hand.

"Oh my gosh hi! You have no idea how good it Is to see your not twice my size! Names Miranda, what's your?" Mira said excitedly, loving the prospect of a match that she could potentially go toe to toe with her opponent in and wondering how good Asuka was or how experienced she was in general.

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Re: High-speed clash! Miranda vs Asuka.

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Asuka gladly took both of Miranda's hands with her own, and held them up between their chests. This girl was adorable, Asuka definitely wanted to befriend her. The way she spoke so excitedly and happily, with the slight hint of nervousness that usually came with a girl's first few fights, all combined to melt Asuka's heart. They stood so close together that their knee pads bumped, and their breasts smooshed slightly together.

"I'm Asuka, like the celebrity! Don't you know me?" she asked in her friendliest tone, smiling and almost blushing at Miranda's adorable face. "I hope you don't mind losing tonight~" she teased, sticking her tongue out at her soon-to-be opponent.
Last edited by DizzyKnight on Sun Oct 15, 2017 6:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: High-speed clash! Miranda vs Asuka.

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Mira didn't protest her bringing there hands up and together like that as her smile never even wavered. She looked super friendly too which meant she might not go out of her way to humiliate her because she could, not that she planned to get humiliated but it was nice to know it was less likely to happen. Feeling there chests and knees bump when she got close Mira looked at there heads trying to see if she cold see any difference in height at all. Were they perfectly at each others size?"

"Oh well I kinda have but you never know with this place. My last match was not at all what I was expecting, your a much more pleasant surprise I promise you. Hehe." Mira responded as she could tell she was friendly enough. "Funny I was just about to say I hope you don't mind losing to someone less experienced." She winked at the girl.

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Re: High-speed clash! Miranda vs Asuka.

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The two lightweights shared an awkward moment in the middle of the ring, the referee trying in vain to explain the rules to them while they stood and held hands. After a few seconds of staring into Miranda's dark eyes, Asuka leaned in and put her lips against Mira's, then pulled back and winked at her. At the same time, she let one of her hands drop and slap the girl on the backside!

The sight of Asuka spanking the rookie made the crowd cheer, they were always fans of lewd or suggestive things, and LAW management gave them just what they wanted from time-to-time, but tonight wasn't supposed to be one of those fights. The referee stepped in to separate the two girls, and Asuka drifted back to her corner just before the bell rang, giggling.
Last edited by DizzyKnight on Sun Oct 15, 2017 6:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: High-speed clash! Miranda vs Asuka.

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Mira didn't mind the closeness, she loved to be personal with her friends and shed given random strangers hugs back home simply because they looked sad. She hadn't done it here simply because she new that a new place wasn't going to be as receptive to it yet but Asuka simply found Mira leaning in close as well, the same smile on her face as before. The kiss on the other hand caught her off guard, her face looked shocked and flushed and followed immediately by getting slapped on the rear made her jump in embarrassment.

"Hey!" She said despite the crowd loving it, it reminded her of getting spanked like a child in her last match. Looking at the ref who was getting ready to start things made her decide to just drop it for now, shed have to deal with that little act during the match. "Oh it doesn't matter. Ill just pay you back during the match." She said backing away and in the corner ready to start things off.

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Re: High-speed clash! Miranda vs Asuka.

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Miranda's threat of vengeance made Asuka laugh and tinted her cheeks red, she swung her hips around to present her butt to Mira, and then wiggled it at her. "Oh, please do!" she said in her most seductive tone, but couldn't hold it for too long and burst out with the giggles again. She pressed herself into the corner, and then when the bell rang she launched herself forwards, charging right at Mira!

If she got close enough, she'd leap into the air and bring her feet up to try and crash into the girl's chest with a dropkick!
Last edited by DizzyKnight on Sun Oct 15, 2017 6:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: High-speed clash! Miranda vs Asuka.

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Her wanting to be smacked on the rear made the urge to do it back less desirable, no fun if its what she wanted. So shed just settle for winning to ruin her day for her, since Asuka had to want that at least and it was something she could take from her. Staying in the corner she watched Asuka and waited there until the bell rang. Stepping forward she saw Asuka charge out the gate and go straight for her!

Mira took a step back before she decided to move out of the way and not take the dropkick, barely escaping its sights as Asuka was pretty damn fast. Running to the ropes and moving back to where Asuka was she'd jump in the air and try to nail Asuka with a spinning dropkick and send her down to the mat and hopefully get the first hit of the match.

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Re: High-speed clash! Miranda vs Asuka.

Unread post by DizzyKnight »

Asuka's dropkick missed, but it wasn't all bad. She wasn't going to fly out of the ring or anything like that, just crash down onto the canvas with a deep *thud*. As soon as she landed, Asuka used the momentum to roll herself forwards and onto her feet, quickly standing back up and spinning around to find out where Mira was.

Mira, as it happened, was flying. Right at her. Which was bad. Asuka barely managed to get her arms up to defend agaisnt the dropkick when Mira's boots crashed into her. If she'd been bigger, it might have broke Asuka's wrists, but it still was bad enough to leave some big bruises later for Asuka to complain about. The impact knocked her flat on her back, but Miranda fell down just beside her, the side effect of landing a dropkick successfully. Not wanting to let her get away, Asuka reached out and tried to grab her by the ankle.
Last edited by DizzyKnight on Sun Oct 15, 2017 6:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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