Paint Me Like One of Your Smother Girls - Ducky Williams vs Ying Tao!

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Paint Me Like One of Your Smother Girls - Ducky Williams vs Ying Tao!

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Smother Match
Victory Via KO from a smother

Ying Tao. The woman had made quite a name for herself even though her stint at LAW hadn't been the longest, the psychotic painter having made quite the impact on the promotion as a whole with her presence, which was considered a good thing by many of the board members at the top of LAW, though a good deal of wrestlers would be plenty eager to argue the opposite. Still, she was here to stay, and had gotten a fair few matches under her belt in that time. The next of which was about to be one Ducky Williams.

But not just any Ducky Williams. Quite recently, the blonde had underwent a change of persona, something that the LAW crowd hadn't even seen yet. A new look and a new way of doing things, one that few in LAW had been privy too, minus a certain pesky wrestler that had brought about this change. But soon enough, they were all about to meet "The Hitwoman."

When time drew near, Ducky herself would be found waiting just outside of the entrance to the ring, an easygoing smile on her face as she waited for her cue to head out to the ring! The crowd around her looked somewhat nervous, knowing damn well the reputation Ying had. But the blonde was more than a little prepared, something she was more than ready to show off tonight...

And as soon as the cue was given, she would step out through the curtain, turning a showing off her jacket to the crowd, striking a pose as The Hitwoman showed off to the LAW crowd!
"That's right everyone! The Hitwoman is here! And boy am I ready to put on a show for you tonight!" Ducky called to the crowd, an eager smile on her face, the fans still worried for her, knowing just who her opponent was. But such a thing didn't seem to bother Ducky even in the slightest, heading down to the ring and climbing through the ropes to give one last little lap around the ring, greeting the fans before retiring to her corner, waiting for the psycho painter herself!

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Re: Paint Me Like One of Your Smother Girls - Ducky Williams vs Ying Tao!

Unread post by GrapplerGoddess »

Ducky Williams. Within the prestigious walls of LAW that name had garnered quite the reputation. One couldn't go five seconds talking about some aspect of wrestling without Ducky popping up as an example in some shape or form, she really was that famous. Whether it be for her charming personality, stunning submissions, or that world renowned body there was just no denying she had made quite the mark on not just LAW but the wrestling world as a whole.

Though truth be told all of that couldn't have meant less to Ying. The Avant-garde Amazon never was one to give a damn about reputation in the ring, it just wasn't her primary field of work after all. Besides what good would that kind of reputation serve anybody's artistic potential once they were primed and ready to be laid out as a canvas? In the end all it would amount to was a few thousand more viewers at the display, and considering the attendance numbers to the gallery showcasing were usually in the millions that wasn't saying much.

Though as the Hitwoman made her rounds in the ring and riled up the worrisome fans with her darling performance, Ying's golden eyes pierced the shadows around her and made one analyzing gaze after the other at her opponent's every move. At this point despite her holier than thou attitude, the psychotic painter had more than learned her lesson not to completely underestimate her targets. The risk of hunting more beautiful and gorgeous canvases in this league usually came with the risk of them knowing damn well how to fight back. When it came to Ducky many had the impression that she was some kind of jobber, her face a glorified cushion for anybody to rest their butt on. One wouldn't have to do the extensive amount of research this psycho undertook however to figure out that more likely then not, it was Ducky's opponent who was going to end up a as the throne by the time the night was through. Going into this Ying made damn sure to curb her ego just enough to not grandstand and underestimate her target. A canvas of Ducky's caliber wouldn't drop into her grasp everyday; this was an opportunity to revolutionize the art world with a divine masterpiece, something that she couldn't even dream of throwing away.

Meticulous planning was cut short however by the ear grating sound of her cue, and with it Ying stepped out from the shadows of the curtains and into the near blinding lights of the runway. What tension Ducky had managed to ease had gone back to panic levels of worrisome and doubled down even further. There was no praise nor cheers for the prodigy painter that walked among them, yet at the same time there wasn't a single viewer present or watching from home who could take their eyes off her.
"My, my, my you're even more beautiful in person Ducky. Your body is almost a work of art on its own, but it could be so much more with an...artist's touch." Ying cooed, twirling her brush about before sliding it into place on her leg strap. Promo for her as of late was short and to the point, after all in her eyes it was a waste of time. Hyping up the crowd wasn't her job anyways. A few giggles slipped out every other breath as she tensed up. Ideas of what to decorate that gorgeous figure with ran through Ying's head a million times a minute, the excitement was just too much to contain. It wasn't long until that signature unnerving grin flashed, a clear sign that she was ready for the hunt to begin!

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Re: Paint Me Like One of Your Smother Girls - Ducky Williams vs Ying Tao!

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

As Ducky waited a few moments for Ying to arrive, the blonde did some stretches in her corner, not wanting to be unprepared for when her foe showed up, as one never could quite predict where or when Ying would arrive, and Ducky wanted to be warmed up. But despite the worry about where and when the painter would strike, Ying Tao seemed to at least be willing to play by the rules for now, as the curtains at the top of the entrance ramp parted and a monster of a woman walked out, the painter showing herself. Ducky straightened up a tad as she saw her opponent for the night step out, and one look at Ying made it clear why she had such a reputation.

A woman who stood a good deal taller than Ducky, and pitch black hair that flowed behind her as she walked, Ying Tao was someone that caught eyes no matter where she went, and for many reasons. She was busty, quite stacked when it came to her breasts and with thick thighs and a round rear end, though the curves weren't all. An hourglass figure she did indeed possess, but underneath it was rippling muscle, only glimpsed occasionally while she walked, her arms and legs showing their definition in subtle ways.

All in all, it was clear why people were terrified of her, even if Ducky herself had been preparing for this!

Ying's eyes never left Ducky as the painter climbed up onto the apron before entering the ring, making Ducky somewhat uneasy as she was evaluated by the crazed artist, knowing that this wasn't simply because of her looks, but because of Ying's sinister intent.

"Is that so? Quite an interesting way to hit on someone, but hey, points for originality I suppose." Ducky said with a smirk, facing Ying with an even gaze, even though the painter's eyes on her made her skin crawl. Still, Ducky would be ready, lowering down just a tad and stepping forwards, ready for the bell to sound and for Ying to come at her!

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