Thus far at LAW, we've been doing roughly two PPV events a year, with smaller, user-run events and match ideas in between, based on demand and user activity. We here at LAW are flexible in our desire to accommodate events and ideas that people want to see. We skipped out on our midyear PPV in 2019, for example, because of the other events going on and the matches from the previous official, mod-run PPV at the beginning of the year.
But now it's time once more for our greater official PPV, We Are LAW 2020. I'm aiming for this event to take place on February 7th, 2020. Feel free to comment/reply to weigh in on whether or not that date works for you or people in general.
There may be those of you are a little more out of the loop as to what PPV's are or how events are typically conducted.
What are PPV events? How/Why do I take part in them?
I'm glad you asked. The following is straight copypasta from a previous thread where I offer an explanation
PPV is short for pay per view (event). You can think of it the same way you would a special event of real-life wrestling promotions. Matches and occurrences that happen during these events are usually held to a higher standard and usually entail of more than you would find in your usual weekly show. So aim to do the same thing in these types of events.
For the LAW-specific PPV info/attitude - you can think of these PPV events to be official site events where you can begin or end major stories/matches for your character's character development arc. This can be the climax or a feud, title challenge, or event a significant promo that happens in Korakuen Hall where LAW PPV's take place, or even elsewhere if the story you're going for demands it. What this does on some level is to allow every character the opportunity to reference, relate to, or even insert themselves into events that affect LAW as a promotion. For example, maybe your character wants to become the hardcore champ and the hardcore champ was injured in the same PPV where they were going to become number one contender. Or maybe your character and another character are friends and wished each other luck in their respective PPV matches, and they meet up later in a thread right after the PPV to discuss their two different perspectives on the same event they both partook in. By having everyone acknowledge and relate to the events of the same PPV, LAW feels more like a whole organization rather than a series of isolated stories and matches. Or at least, I hope it does.
There's also the expectation that all champions able to defend their championships at the time do so during PPV events. And we'll be using this PPV and a couple of future ones to establish and set up new championships/champions.
Lastly, there is something of an expectation that if you do participate in an official PPV event, that you finish the match or segment you sign up for before attempting to join in on official events later. To be very highly specific: if you still have a PPV/official event match or thread (not a user-run event) that is one year or older and is still in progress, you will not be allowed to partake in future official events.
Please follow this link to a full rundown of the previous We Are LAW PPV, if you're new or need a primer. The upcoming PPV will have a similar format so it'll help.
PPV is short for pay per view (event). You can think of it the same way you would a special event of real-life wrestling promotions. Matches and occurrences that happen during these events are usually held to a higher standard and usually entail of more than you would find in your usual weekly show. So aim to do the same thing in these types of events.
For the LAW-specific PPV info/attitude - you can think of these PPV events to be official site events where you can begin or end major stories/matches for your character's character development arc. This can be the climax or a feud, title challenge, or event a significant promo that happens in Korakuen Hall where LAW PPV's take place, or even elsewhere if the story you're going for demands it. What this does on some level is to allow every character the opportunity to reference, relate to, or even insert themselves into events that affect LAW as a promotion. For example, maybe your character wants to become the hardcore champ and the hardcore champ was injured in the same PPV where they were going to become number one contender. Or maybe your character and another character are friends and wished each other luck in their respective PPV matches, and they meet up later in a thread right after the PPV to discuss their two different perspectives on the same event they both partook in. By having everyone acknowledge and relate to the events of the same PPV, LAW feels more like a whole organization rather than a series of isolated stories and matches. Or at least, I hope it does.
There's also the expectation that all champions able to defend their championships at the time do so during PPV events. And we'll be using this PPV and a couple of future ones to establish and set up new championships/champions.
Lastly, there is something of an expectation that if you do participate in an official PPV event, that you finish the match or segment you sign up for before attempting to join in on official events later. To be very highly specific: if you still have a PPV/official event match or thread (not a user-run event) that is one year or older and is still in progress, you will not be allowed to partake in future official events.
Please follow this link to a full rundown of the previous We Are LAW PPV, if you're new or need a primer. The upcoming PPV will have a similar format so it'll help.
So how do you go about taking part in it? You can do that by either commenting here or messaging me directly in a PM or on discord. Please supply all the appropriate info: 1) The wrestlers involved, who vs who, 2) The type of match, please be very clear about the stipulations, and 3) The card the match is taking place on (main card or undercard). Before officially adding any match the card, I'll ask for consent from the other rp'er (s)/opponent (s) that are involved in it. The fastest way to get a match added is for yourself and your partner to both let me know you want a particular match, with the information I specified above.
As a general rule, champions are expected to defend during official PPV events. As it stands, @anime_hentaifighter's Linda, @ADarlingDucky's Lillian, @Dragonofdarkness's Aoi, and @PrinceArjuna332's Eirina have plans and challengers to defend against this PPV. Meaning the heavyweight, middleweight, lightweight, and hentai championships will all be on the line at the PPV. As always with these belts and future ones, being an active, amicable, creative rp'er and member of this community is the best way to involve yourself in the title scene. Our loser's champion Holly, owned by @Luncha_Libre won't be required to defend due to Luncha's public discussion post concerning his life circumstances (congrats on the baby! Hope they're healthy and happy!). If you find you'll be available, Luncha, or if you'll be too occupied later down the line to keep Holly champ, please update me and let me know.
Finally, the very last constraint is the general expectation that users finish their ppv matches. If you have a match from last year's We Are LAW or an earlier official PPV event, you may be asked to finish it prior to participating in this upcoming PPV. Of course, every situation is different and if you can't finish a match due to circumstances beyond your control like a user having left or someone being unable/unwilling to see the match through, please raise it to me and I'll see if I can make an exception.
The last disclaimer I need to make since I was approached about it during last year's We Are LAW, is that it's that generally, a character won't appear in multiple matches/segments in a PPV, but as with all other things, if you approach me with a good reason or idea, I may make an exception, especially if your character is appearing in a promo or non-match segment followed by a match or vice versa.
Last last thing is that the purpose of these events outside of shaping the LAW landscape and providing a focal point for characters to convene and storylines to culminate is that these events are supposed to be about having fun. So please, more than anything else, focus on having a good time and wrapping yourself up in stories and matches that you look forward to and enjoy, and want to elevate using a PPV event as a backdrop.
I know I've been busy as usual but I'll continue giving this community all the attention and support I can muster. I welcome any feedback or questions you guys have concerning this event.