Ai the Heart Bandit
She is excited that her manager, Blair Pacifica managed to get her a spot in the LAWLESS Title Hunt. Ai wasn't too interest in the LAWLESS Championship. No... she has... other plans. The plan is this:
1. Find the LAWLESS Belt
2. Present the Belt to one of the other sexy wrestlers here at the Title Hunt.
3. Protect that wrestler out of the building.
4. Ride away together on her motorcycle!
5. Win something more precious than any title... A HOT GIRLFRIEND!
Her flawless plan to "win" the LAWLESS Hunt, at least in her mind, brings hearts to Ai eyes. What if she able to land a real cutie: like Yuki Oona, Camie Young, or Hailey Helga Hamner? It makes her all gitty just thinking about it.
Ai will not back down from any fight, but she has no wish to fight anyone at Title Hunt. But if she had to fight somebody, she would go for somebody smaller than her, like Rosie Soto, or somebody who sucks, like Gold Liger. She is fairly certain nobody would really be gunning for her; Ai is a small fish in this pond. But she can use that to her advantage, the bigger girls would be likely to underestimate her.