Final Round
Bianca Valentine vs Rose Gold
Win by Knockout


Rose Gold sat upon a bench in locker room. She was slumped over, hands upon her knees with her eyes closed in quiet contemplation.
One of LAWs physicians stood behind her, a disappointed scowl on her face. "What do you mean, take them off?" Growled the ring doctor as she gestured fruitlessly at Rose's beleaguered body.
The Sinister Siren looked like a mess. She was nearly naked. A pair of too small underwear preserved her lower half's modesty. Her flat belly was covered by pale purple bruises. Bandages wrapped about her ribs and breasts. Her back was littered with welts and scratches. Her pretty face was unmarred, but more bandages veiled her golden blonde tresses.
"This is preposterous. I'm going to management, and I'm going to have this whole thing called off." Sighed the doctor as she spun towards the door, the tail of her white lab coat swirling in her wake.
Rose Gold's path to the finals had perhaps been the most difficult in the tournament. The headstrong lightweight had gone through a heavyweight who had likely cracked her ribs in the opening moments. She'd managed to overcome her through cleverness rather than strength.
Then, she had challenged a delinquent middleweight who had bounced a baseball bat off of her skull. She'd taken the lithe lightweight to her limit and concussed her terribly. The doctor was right. She wasn't fit to fight. Perhaps LAW management would delay the match...
The doctor's hand touched the doorknob that led out of the locker room just before her eyes bulged! She gasped, her hands clawing at her throat. Rather than relief, the physician found the soiled cloth that had been keeping Rose Gold's head together. "Gck! Shtp!"
It only took another few second for the woman's eyes to roll into the back of her head. A second later she was laid upon the locker room floor. Dreaming sweetly.
This might have been the first time a lightweight had made it this far in the Last Woman Standing Tournament. Rose Gold was going to prove to the world that the strongest woman in the world could be a Lightweight. That the division wasn't full of models, porn stars, and victims. All she had to do was win one more match. Against another woman twice her size.
The bandages fell to the floor in a pool beside the physician. The locker door swung open with a creak, hiding her half-naked silhouette. She could hear the roar of the crowd as her leotard lifted and slid over her perfect backside. She slipped her arms into the shoulders and drug the nylon up over her bandage wrapped breasts with a wince.
They were calling for blood. And they were going to get it. "Sorry Doc. I'm not going to let anyone get in my way."
Without a shred of doubt lingering in her mind, Bianca was poised to claim what was rightfully hers- Namely, the title of knockout queen. Not only would this accolade propel her career forward, potentially giving her the title opportunity she had been yearning for, but it would be concrete proof of her acumen in the squared circle as a tangible threat to anyone she faced!
"Well, I can't keep my adoring public waiting~" After dawning her trademark black and gold ensemble, The Queenpin of law sashayed through the hallway, giving the commoners that flanked her side eye glares; they were nothing but peons in her eyes, and tonight, she would prove this as an axiomatic fact.
As her theme finally dropped, she emerged from the curtains, conveying a look of pure intensity despite her fans clapping in tandem with the beat. As she strolled down the ramp and ascended the metallic staircase, Bianca's curvaceous body slipped through the gap in the rope, discarding her robe and scepter before stretching her hands towards the ceiling.
The lights went out as Bianca stretched her hands towards the ceiling!
The lights cut out as the electronica of 'Gold' pulsed through the arena. The stage filled with smoke, obscuring it further in the inky darkness. The crowd roared as the vocals kicked in! The stage lighting flared to life! Illuminating the woman that would make up the second half of tonight's Last Woman Standing finals. She stood among tiny flecks of gold confetti that sparkled brilliantly as they fell about her. Light reflected off of the tiny pieces of gold, illuminating her black attire.
She was still for a moment, drawing in deep breaths that accentuated her shapely silhouette. And finally... the music stopped for a few beats. The lights cut once again enveloping the crowd in pitch black silence!
And when the beat dropped, they once again illuminated this Women's Wrestling World! Rose Gold appearing in the ring, her hand raised triumphantly behind Bianca!
"Introducing her opponent, fighting out of Hokkaido Japan! Weighing in at 115 lbs! ROSE GOOOOOOOOLD!"
She smiled, disguising her exhaustion. Her body was already aching. Her head was unadorned by the bandages. Her leotard his the bruising upon her belly and ribs. She was entering this battle about the goliath Bianca battered and bruised. She'd gone through hell; and found herself face to face with the devil.
"I hope you're ready sweetheart. I'm gonna make this a night you'll never forget." One way or the other...
While preparing her body for what was to come next, she arced her head sideways to get a good look at her impending opponent- Despite her diminutive size, Rose seemed to carry herself quite well, and the audience cherished her entrance by showering her with praise and adoration! "Hmph, she doesn't seem all that special to me." Bianca remarked, crossing her arms over each other as she witnessed the slender woman scale the steps and enter the ring. strolling towards the center of the squared circle, she struck a brilliant pose to accentuate her gorgeous figure.
"Trust me sweetheart, you're going to need all the luck that puny husk of yours can muster." The Queenpin snapped back, allowing the audience to worship her immaculate physique for a moment before continuing. "I've crushed many like you underfoot, and I have no intentions of forfeiting this match under any circumstances. You might have a fighting spirit, but I possess something you'll never be able to boast- Power!" She stared daggers at Rose while declaring this, dropping her arms to her side while waiting for the bell to sound!
The Caustic Cutie grinned from ear to ear as her opponent immediately began to bleat. "Oh my. Do you feel the need to justify yourself to me?" She asked, placing a palm over the swell of her own modest breasts.
She gave her a smile so icy that it would freeze a waterfall.
"Very well. I'll allow you another few moments of bragging about conquering women of smaller stature. When you're done, you let me know. I'm sure the crowd will be absolutely enthralled by your accomplishments."
She'd examine her nails and tap her foot if Bianca continued. It was a ruse of course. Something to pull at Bianca's mental. Throw her off balance or push her towards brazen foolishness. The bell hadn't yet rung... But for Rose Gold, the match had already begun.
With her baleful glare transforming into a dry smirk, Bianca assumed a three point stance, a modern twist on the traditional stance of the typical sumo wrestler.
"My accolades speak for themselves, just as my adoring public is the mouthpiece of my hubris. In other words, I don't need to lower myself to your measly level, outside of the thrashing your about to receive from yours truly~"
With her personal resolve as rocksteady as an unshakable mountain, The Queenpin patiently waited for the bell to sound, quietly pondering her plan of attack!
"All this talk of not needing to justify yourself. Surely, even you must see the irony in it?" She smiled sweetly as she took her place in the center of the ring.
She observed the large woman as she assumed a low stance. She took note of it before bracing herself. She stood square with the woman and readied her stance, palms out. It was a grappler's stance and looked comical when comparing the size of the two women. She nodded her preparation to the referee. A moment later, the bell rang.
Ding Ding Ding
The finals had begun. Who would prevail. The heavyweight fan favorite on the other side of the ring. Or the lamentable lightweight with a chip on her shoulder?
"And certainly, you're aware of the thrashing I'm about to unleash upon you for condescending to someone of my stature, yes?" The Queenpin retorted, and once the bell finally sounded, she launched herself forward to try and taking a commanding position early on in the fray!
"Perhaps a bit of an attitude adjustment will help you change your tune~" Folding her gargantuan body sideways, Bianca was determined to make a powerful statement at the beginning of this fight, tearing through the skies with a massive cross body slam!
Bianca was eager to attack. Seemingly, she was provoked into her opening assault by Rose Gold's relentless, arrogant taunting. Either way, the bell brought on the point of no return. There was no backing out of the match now. The advice the doctor's had given her was cast on the floor... And Rose Gold had to hope that she wouldn't suffer the same fate!
Bianca charged her and... Contrary to Rose Gold's expectations, took to the air! She hurled her massive form horizontally in an impressively athletic cross-body! This was a move that, when Rose Gold used it, often found her caught. Given their difference in size however... There was no chance of Rose performing such a counter.
Using her speed to her advantage, Rose met Bianca's charge, but dove beneath her as she soared over head! She maintained her speed and hit the ropes with her back, using them to amplify her momentum! She wasn't sure how Bianca was going to land... And it didn't matter! When Rose got back to wherever, however she was, she would deliver a sliding kick. With any luck, the blow would push the larger woman out of the ring and under the ropes. Rose wanted to make a statement! That this was her ring!
As the gargantuan sumo coasted towards her intended target, it seemed as though she had underestimated her opponent's dexterity and would inevitably miss Rose all together! "Hmm!" Refusing to give her adversary an iota of respect, Bianca managed to catch herself on the palms of her hands, attempting to roll sideways and regain her composure. Unfortunately, she hadn't anticipated the subsequent kick to her mandible! "Gggnnh!" She gnashed her pearly whites together in an attempt to assuage the damage, but it was simply too much, eventually forcing her to roll away and land against a nearby turnbuckle. "'ll regret that..." She meekly muttered aloud, slowly trying to scale the ropes to stay competitive in the fight!
The Caustic Cutie was on her feet by the time Bianca's roll had waned. She was already charging, reengaging! "Haaaa!" She yelled as she leapt towards the downed Queenpin! This time, with one of her signature moves. The Gilded Wizard. It was a variant of a Shining Wizard. A kneeling knee strike to the opponent's head that utilized their posture as a jumping point. However. With Bianca's compromised position, the blow would have the additional factor of smashing her head backwards against the turn buckle as well!
It was a devastating and scary maneuver to watch. But for Rose Gold fans... It was even more worrying.
This wasn't how she normally performed. Plotting and calculating. Wearing her opponent's down through technique and cunning. Rose Gold, from the opening bell... Was fighting on little more than desperation. The Venomous Vixen knew she couldn't let up. She needed to end this match fast and definitively. If the Queenpin caught her, surely she would be in danger. She would Humiliate her. Destroy her.
Rose had to act first... Even if it meant unwisely emptying her already compromised gas tank. It wasn't that she was a fool. It was that the Queenpin already had her in Check!