10/10/21 - Inter-Company Roster Exchange

General updates. Character signings, retirements, prods for upcoming events or feuds. Could be a good point to give an in-world reason as to why your character hasn’t seen action in a while.
The Ominous Future
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10/10/21 - Inter-Company Roster Exchange

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Following the shock releases of yesterday evening, LAW is eager to announced that going forward, Valentina Nieto will no longer be a part of the active superstar roster. In her place, we are pleased to announce that there is to be a temporary exchange of talent with our smaller sister company SWF, based in New York City. This exchange is to last a year minimum, with the review on the results of said exchange to be completed in October 2022. The superstar joining us from SWF shall be announced later on in the week.


Valentina Nieto
Valentina Nieto admitted that despite her progress within the world of LAW, "business has been difficult" ever since her dismantling at the hands of heavyweight giant, Lizzie Borden. Valentina has quoted that she is "eager to try new things at SWF" and hasn't ruled out a return to LAW in the future. We wish her all the best.
Last edited by Devilish53 on Mon Oct 18, 2021 8:31 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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