Hey everyone, long time no writing! My workload in the ring has been crazy and with the twins playing more sports Charlie and I have been traveling all over the place to keep up with all the games. I swear the whole mom thing is more tiring than slamming women around between the ropes so to anyone who has wrestled while juggling kids: You are amazing. Speaking of amazing there is no way I could have returned to the ring in 2017 without Charlie being the dad he is, so consider this an official spousal shout-out to the man of my life.
Okay before I start mumbling about mom stuff a woman I interviewed recently, Miss Gemma Faraday. The spunky British babe reminded me of an old friend and rival of UK womens wrestling fame Lisa Rampart. Lisa and I were actually tag team champions in Europe, training partners and friends. At least we ended that way. However when I showed up in European Union Womens Wrestling in 2002 from the USA I hardly got a warm reception. My debut opponent was among those who weren't quite sold on the cocky, muscular 'bodyslamin' babe' from San Diego.
I remember being backstage in two piece tiger print attire very much like I wear now, but a bit more of my backside showed since I was a 27 year old 5'9'' 175lb woman eager to show off every muscle and curve in my body. I remember thinking that I would come with some clout given my USWW success.... and I had clout... but the European crowd wasn't as used to a woman with the defined muscle I had. I remember an article saying that was critical to say the least. A few highlights from that were:
"She is big and has strength from eating steroid laced hamburgers all day. She just muscles women around but it not a proper wrestler."
"Alaina doesn't dress like a proper wrestler. She has boots, pads and barely covers anything else. If she wants to shake her ass for a crowd she should go to a strip club for gym enthusiasts."
Needless to say I was hurt by that. To make matters worse I was up against a champion in the UK, the widely loved and respected Lisa Rampart. Lisa was not as fit as I was, with a fair bit of muscle but less definition on a big powerhouse of a frame. The 31 year old was super popular, 5'11'' and weighing in at about 195lbs. She wore an elegant ring coat to the ring, her championship belt, a one piece swimsuit styled like the British flag, and red boots with blue kneepads as well as elbow pads. She was the classic British wrestler facing this loud upstart American clad in tiger print always shouting about strong being the new sexy. Before our match I remember Lisa said something about my fake gym muscles not amounting to anything in a ring with actual tough competition.
When my music hit I was not going to back down when I stepped out into the arena. I heard a few loud cheers, some loud booing, and a lot of middle ground polite applause. At the top of the ramp I flexed and posed, showing off. I tensed up my whole body, kissed biceps, slapped my own hard, defined abs... if it was something I was criticized for I amped it up to an 11. I strut down the ramp, shook my ass, swayed my hips, ran my hands through my hair. I was a strong confident woman, and the European scene was getting a jolt of the amazon.
When I entered the ring I didn't call for a mic, instead I screamed loud enough for people to hear a few rows back. I remember pointing at Lisa who just shook her head at me. She said I was a showoff. I remember saying "I have something to show off. I don't have to hide soft abs. I am proud of my muscle. I shake my hips because I don't have a jello bowl ass and thunder thighs that quake just from taking a step down to the ring. I am gonna slam you so hard your flubbery figure never stops shaking, just like the ring ropes."
As the bell rang I realized if I didn't deliver my entire tour in Europe... which went on to last three years and see some gold around my waist... would be marred by false promise, and tarnished by failed expectations. Thankfully for me I put together a dominant matchup against a tough opponent that left everyone in shock. I also came to find out I left a young, stunned Gemma Faraday in complete shock putting a big bullseye on myself that night from the match.
Lisa came rushing at me with a clothesline and I let out a scream stepping in and tanking it! The big grappler (whom I now affectionately still call my 'big British battle bitch') looked at me in shock. Still screaming like a lunatic I stepped forward two steps and crashed my arm across her chest with a clothesline flooring her. The crowd saw a woman 20lbs lighter and 2 inches shorter just take a shot then level the larger woman. I think in that moment it started to set in what they were going to be getting from the cocky 27 year old. Hell... I am 47 now this match was 20 years ago!? Anyhow, the tiger clad amazon flexed over Lisa, pulling her up and whipping her to the ropes before turning around and bolting towards the ropes. I bounced off and the two of us were on a collision course. I lunged and extended my arm hitting one of the best running lariats of my career smashing Lisa so hard she flipped over before landing on her stomach. She was down and I was feeling the adrenaline. I pulled Lisa up grabbing her from behind and hitting a deadlift release German suplex, rolling over and deadlifting her for a second one this time keeping bridged for the pin! The referee got to about a 2.25 before I heard Lisa scream kicking out. I rolled and got to my feet just as she did. the two of us rushed at each other clubbing each other in the chest with forearm smash after forearm smash. To the crowd and Lisa's dismay she fell to the mat in a heap first while I flexed my arms and strut around her. I jumped up and crashed down with a big amazon leg drop, clamping my legs around her head while she thrashed and struggled. I flexed my arms to show off, and at one point I reached down to give her thighs a slap to show off the shake while she flopped about. The crowd who booed me earlier were booing more loudly, but I was getting a lot of loud cheers too from the people who cheered me earlier. I was a polarizing woman in Europe to say the very least. Lisa squirmed out and we both got up. She tried to whip me to the corner but I countered it sending her flying and I ran after ramming my shoulder into her! I did it a few more times then tossed her back into the ring by the hair. She had enough and I was taunting the crowd, then when I turned around she grabbed hold to scoop me up and slam me hard to the mat! It was a real ring shaker, and Lisa began to flex and strut around the way I do. I was fired up though and I got to my feet as her back was turned so when she turned around she saw me standing, shaking her head in shock. She was so surprised she was still flexing as I scooped her up and slammed her to the mat! I bent down, deadlifting her up and slapping her butt to make it jiggle before doing a second slam. Now I strut around and flexed sending a few stomps down on her as she laid on the mat. I shouted "One more time" at the top of my lungs deadlifting her again, spinning around and giving that beautiful backside of hers a final spanking before slamming her. It was the first of many times I would do the 3 slammigos like that, and I splashed down on top of her flexing an arm and smiling as I pinned her. She weakly kicked the mat and I slapped her thighs each time she did and shouted "thunder thighs" at her a couple times as I pinned her. She may have had her legs free but she meekly kicked the mat three maybe four times as the three count came and went.
The bell rang and the cocky American amazon beat a British champion in under two minutes leaving many people shocked. They figured out I was the real deal and just because I hit the gym and showed skin didn't mean I couldn't wrestle at all. Afterward I bumped into Lisa in the locker room and we ended up having a nice talk. We both apologized to each other and to this day I count her as one of my closest wrestling friends who I still talk to regularly. One of her biggest fans growing up, the previously mentioned Gemma Faraday, is one of my current rivals who I have beat but who has also beaten me. I know for a fact that Lisa is quite proud of Gemma Faraday in the ring too.
I hope this little article and jaunt through history was fun. Probably one of my more dominant matches against a big-name wrestler to be sure but without a showing like this I probably never would have had the level of popularity in Europe that I did.
Career Chronicles Of An Amazon: "Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs. Lisa Rampart 2002
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