USPW Spotlight Match: Jonathan Steele vs. Preston Starr (Buried Alive Match at Rush Hour)

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USPW Spotlight Match: Jonathan Steele vs. Preston Starr (Buried Alive Match at Rush Hour)

Unread post by Pegasus »

Author’s Note
This is a Buried Alive Match between “The Instant Classic” Jonathan Steele and Preston Starr at their PPV Rush Hour. This is a very lengthy match lasting over 24 minutes in the process and is the first five-star match awarded to USPW. The match is called by commentators Russ Markely, Greg Justice, and Jasmynn Relect, which are all OCs made by me.
(Back at ringside, a mount is seen as an open grave is revealed to the world with a black tombstone placed at the end saying “Jonathan Steele vs. Preston Starr-March 8th, 2020” and a shovel stuck into a big pile of dirt. The crowd cheered as the first main event would be starting to cap off the first half of the pay-per-view as Richard is in the ring to announce the participants.)

“The following contest is a Buried Alive Match and here are the rules: there are no countouts, no disqualifications, no pinfalls, and no submissions. The only way to win is to throw your opponent in the grave at the top of the stage and bury them under the dirt provided.” Richard announced.

(The crowd started booing real loud as Preston came out in his attire from earlier with the exception of wearing a brown leather jacket. He carried a metal shovel with him over the shoulder as he looked into the crowd. Preston held his head high starting his stroll to the ring down the ramp.)

“First, from Austin, Texas, weighing 198 lbs., he is the self-proclaimed “Hero of USPW,” Preston Starr!” Richard announced.

“What a scumbag…I think his ego got too big for him to even enjoy the reunion of the Bloodline after many years not tagging together. They gave him space for his appearances in other companies. He’s so ungrateful!” Greg stated.

“Preston, of course, betraying Jonathan and William to set himself free as a result, but he did reveal he believes Jonathan and William are stuck in this bizarre trance that they are the heroes, but the Bloodline is holding them back from being their true selves. He seems to want this corrected.” Russ added.

“These two are going to possibly hurt each other to their breaking point. One of them won’t be the same coming out.” Jasmynn added.

(Preston walked slowly with the shovel attached over his shoulder as he sat the shovel down and laid it on the ring apron. Preston did a cutthroat motion as the crowd booed even louder and he walked slow towards the steel steps walking up them before grabbing the ropes. Preston came in and took off his jacket handing to a producer outside the ring as he slaps his face looking sternly at the entrance ready for his best friend to come down that ramp.)

“This is the moment Preston has waited for and now we wait to see what Jonathan might have in store.” Russ stated.

(The lights start going out as the crowd waits in anticipation as holy sounds could be heard and chanting was recited in an angelic tone. Bright lights surrounded the stage as they all went in very few directions as Preston looked around with the crowd cheering for the custom entrance and then the lights went out once more as the countdown from “5” to “1” started as they went back up fast which cued the smoke coming out of two cannons and it shot it’s way up to cover the entrance.)

(Jonathan came out in his normal white hoodie and the jeans became revealing to as they had a bright gold trim to them and they glowed in the dark. Jonathan turns around outstretching hands as golden sparkles fall from above announcing his entrance.)

“His opponent, from Columbus, Ohio, weighing 237 lbs, he is one-half of the USPW Global Tag Team Champions and the Instant Classic, Jonathan Steele!” Richard announced.

“What an entrance for the Instant Classic as he is here to finally make Preston pay after the secret attacks for weeks.” Russ stated.

“Preston got a taste of his own when he attacked Jonathan after the match with Orange Cassidy as Jonathan shot him over our announce table until referees had to pull them apart.” Jasmynn added.

“This is gonna get ugly real fast as these two won’t let anything get in the way of clobbering the other into dirt.” Greg stated.

(Jonathan made his way down the ramp as he stopped in the middle for the next chorus as he tore off his hood revealing himself wearing a gold theater mask with the left side in a frown and the right side curving into a smile. He stared daggers of anger into his best friend as Preston put up his hands beckoning Jonathan in the ring. Jonathan turned towards the steel steps as he ran up them strolling on the apron on the west side as he gets in staring down his opponent. Jonathan slowly took off his mask revealing white face paint with golden angel wings on his cheeks.)

The crowd cheered as the music died down with these two staring each other in the face as Jonathan took off his hoodie throwing it to the ground outside as the ref kept both men separated until the bell. Jonathan and Preston circled each other as the ref told them to keep it locked until it was time and he called for the bell announcing the three rings that followed. Both men then jumped at the opportunity to hit the other’s head as the crowd ate up the opening and the punching war scaled up with Preston hitting Jonathan in the upper left corner kicking him down into a sitting position. Preston went over to the other corner before running straight into a Spear from Jonathan as he reversed the motion to a roaring cheer and taunted Preston by outstretching his arms. Jonathan then grabbed the shovel that Preston brought as he hit the back of Preston as the shorter star grabbed his back in pain.

“This is starting off hard as Jonathan goes straight for the shovel and puts it to good use attacking the back of Preston.” Russ observed.

Preston then gets two more hits to the back as he rolls out to the south end of the ring and he holds onto the barricade as Jonathan hyped the fans up running the ropes trying for a Suicide Dive, but Preston jumps hitting a Jumping Roundhouse Kick making Jonathan crash down onto the floor as he holds his jaw from the kick he suffered and the crowd cringed booing Preston as he trash talked a few men to their faces. Preston punches Jonathan in the head as he gets up before slamming the head of the Instant Classic on the barricade making some fans back up and then Preston grabs the head of Jonathan talking calmly to him about hows he’s a villain through thick and thin before hitting a DDT on the floor as the crowd boo Preston even more.

“Now we the ruthlessness of Preston shining through the character as he is bringing the entire fight to Jonathan right now.” Greg added.

Jonathan groans as some of his face paint seems ruffled upon the camera zooming in on it as Preston grabs the camera away from the cameraman waiting for Jonathan to rise. Jonathan slowly rises as he turns around as Preston runs with the camera firmly in the hands, but Jonathan hits a Big Boot making Preston drop the camera and fall to the floor as he holds his left elbow over his mouth. Jonathan then gets Preston up knocking his head into the ring post as Preston slumps to one knee and Jonathan kicks Preston firmly down and dragging him by his feet to the beginning of the ramp before searching for a weapon under the ring as he grabs two singapore canes as the audience screams with joy. Jonathan then uses both canes to hit the back of Preston breaking both simultaneously as each broke in half leaving Jonathan to throw them away before he gets Preston up.

“Looks like Jonathan wanting to go for the early end as he begins taking Preston towards the gravesite.” Jasmynn added.

Jonathan takes Preston up the ramp pointing at the gravesite as Preston reverses the stroll into a Belly-to-Back Suplex on the ramp as Jonathan screams rolling around even off the ramp. Preston crawls on his hands and knees rolling off the ramp getting Jonathan up before he hits a Snap Suplex on the bare floor as Jonathan sits up grabbing his back in sheer agony. Preston then kicks Jonathan down as he goes straight to a production area telling the workers to beat it as he grabbed a steel chair heading back over to Jonathan before popping the Instant Classic with a straight shot to the head as Jonathan falls to the floor. Preston yells down at Jonathan and then begins wailing the chair on Jonathan as the crowd boos with the shooting star putting his former friend’s left leg in the chair before he walks around Jonathan taunting the fans. Preston then attacked the left leg stomping down on the chair as Jonathan tries freeing his leg screaming in utter pain.

“Oh my god! A straight stomp down on the left leg of Jonathan.” Russ stated.

Preston laughed to himself as he kicked Jonathan around the floor as the Instant Classic held his aching leg. Preston then hops on the ramp as it had a slight height to it and Preston was ready for an aerial attack jumping hitting a Diving Elbow Drop onto Jonathan as both men got a stiff backlash from that. Preston gets up dragging Jonathan back onto the ramp as he gets up as well. Preston then gets Jonathan over near the gravesite pushing him off the other side of the ramp and getting him to the site before trying to push him into the open grave, but Jonathan elbowed Preston away from him. Jonathan then pushed Preston away enough to hit a Superkick as Preston fell into the pile of dirt getting some on himself. Jonathan then grabbed Preston as both boys head to the top of the pile before Jonathan hits Swinging Neckbreaker on top of the pile as the crowd cheers on the Instant Classic.

“Neckbreaker to the Hero of USPW as Jonathan looking to get his second wind and they are really getting dirty now.” Greg joked.

Jonathan gets Preston up throwing him off the pile as he comes down getting Starr up and he looks deep in his eyes before throwing him into the side of the stage design. Preston ricocheted off as he goes on the floor with Jonathan hoisting Preston onto the stage itself climbing up with him as he stands back up. Jonathan then punches the head of Preston a whole lot really sicking him like a feral dog against an intruder. Jonathan then bodyslammed Preston on the back of the Alfa Romero as Preston cracked the back window and it caused Preston so much pain. Jonathan gets on top of the car with Preston in tow, but Preston knees Jonathan in the gut as he lifts Jonathan on his shoulders before executing a Shooting Comet (AA) onto the front hood as Jonathan goes straight off the car onto the stage holding his back and neck.

“Good god! Shooting Comet to the front of that red car as Preston is truly driving to the extreme against his former friend.” Russ stated.

Preston gets on the front hood looking down in disgust before hitting a 450 Splash onto Jonathan from the hood of the car and the crowd admitted that looked cool. Preston held his stomach rolling away as he gets up smirking before getting Jonathan up himself, but Jonathan kicked the crotch of Preston getting a low blow as Jonathan rammed the back of Preston into the LED minitron of the set causing a brief glitch before the screen became normal. Both men are now down as Jonathan gets to his feet aching as he grabbed his back and his leg still selling the injury from earlier. Jonathan then goes over to Preston as Preston low blows him as payback for earlier as he starts escaping to the backstage area and Jonathan follows him as cameramen rush backstage to see where the boys were going. Preston passes the normal lobby with production crates and stage equipment set up as well as an interview area while Jonathan clobbers his back taking him to the ground.

“This battle has spilled into the backstage area as Jonathan catches up with Preston and it looks like more trouble for the hero fan.” Jasmynn stated.

Preston crawls near a production crate as Jonathan tries charging for a Knee Strike, but Preston rolls away as Jonathan injures his knee further screaming in pain as he lies down on the crate. Preston gets on top of the crate dragging Jonathan up before hooking both arms hitting a Pedigree on top of the crate as the crowd boo the smaller star and Preston rolls Jonathan off making the Instant Classic’s vision pitch black after that move. Preston then hopped off getting Jonathan up as he dragged his former friend over to the interview area running Jonathan straight into the flat screen TV breaking the screen as glass shards go everywhere. The referee backs Preston up as he checks on Jonathan and pull shards out of the skin as some scratches trickle blood splotches. Preston moves the referee away as he grabs a wire and tries choking Jonathan with it, but Jonathan slips under Preston’s legs and hits a German Suplex on the bare concrete as Preston grabs his back in pain slapping the floor.

“German Suplex to Preston on the concrete as both men are now taking more dire measures. Jonathan going through the TV could cause some damage to the eyes if he didn’t protect them.” Russ stated.

Preston screamed as his back was redder than most tomatoes and Jonathan wiped blood off his face with his face paint half gone from his face. Preston gets up using a nearby massage table as Jonathan gets up himself before coming over to Preston punching the head as Preston goes on the table. Jonathan then saw the table had wheels as he started pushing the table through the arena as they both made it to the concession stands of food and refreshments and Jonathan dumped Preston onto the floor. Jonathan then got a high chair from a food court table before climbing it hitting a Double Axe Handle down on the back of Preston further hurting his best friend. Jonathan then grabbed Preston by the head up to his feet before sending his former friend straight into a cotton candy stand knocking it over. Preston stumbled over the cart as he tried escaping away before Jonathan chases after him.

“This fight has spilled into the concessions area and Jonathan isn’t letting up going after his former friend.” Greg stated.

Preston got to his feet punching Jonathan a few times in the face and then he hits a few gut punches before hitting a Roundhouse Kick knocking Jonathan into a trash can barreling it over. Jonathan rolled off the trash can getting a few kicks to stay down by Preston as he yelled at his friend before heading over to some building pipes looking in the cart bringing out a pretty big white one as Jonathan started getting up. Preston held the pipe like a javelin before chucking onto Jonathan as it made the Instant Classic go down with a heavy THUD! and the referee helped pulled the pipe off as Jonathan held his body. Preston then started walking away escaping from the scene as the crowd booed the cowardice act while Jonathan quickly tries getting back on his feet to go after Preston. Preston made it to a stairway door as he opened it trying to escape up the stairs as he tried getting away further from Jonathan while Jonathan made it inside as well. Both men continued climbing the stairs as Preston opened another door that opened to local offices in the building as many workers started wondering why he came up there.

“Now it’s spilling into the arena offices. Not even the local hangout is safe from these two as Preston is on high alert to get away.” Russ stated.

Preston tried finding a place to hide, but not before Jonathan opened the door with a fuming look as he rammed Preston straight into a part of the wall that stuck out. Preston slides down on the floor as many workers started evacuating the scene as Jonathan punches his best friend down on the ground before getting a swivel chair setting it in the middle of the room. Jonathan grabbed Preston pushing him into the chair slapping his face before he backed up before running to hit a Running Knee knocking Preston onto the floor in the swivel chair! The crowd cheered chanting “THIS IS AWESOME! THIS IS AWESOME! THIS IS AWESOME!” from out in the arena as Jonathan gets Preston up before slamming his head off a office desk, but Preston hits an uppercut to the Instant Classic as he grabs Jonathan’s head running off the desk before hitting a Tornado DDT on the floor!

“Tornado DDT and Jonathan is on the losing end again as Preston continues a vicious onslaught.” Jasmynn observed.

Preston then started getting the stuff off the desk really clearing it as he gets Jonathan up slamming his head off the bare wooden desk as he lays Jonathan on it. Preston then pulls another desk over before hopping on it as he smirked before saying “Down with the evil!” before hitting a elbow drop that puts both men through the middle of the desk breaking through inside. The crowd cheered as the action just got bigger and bigger as they chanted “HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT!” as Preston got up and hit the floor holding his elbow. The referee helped Jonathan out so he didn’t get stuck leaving him to fly to the floor as both men were down for the moment. Preston then used the unbroken desk to get to his feet smiling at his fallen prey before he picked Jonathan up leading him outside the offices. He then bashed Jonathan’s head off the concrete hold as Jonathan bled some more from his cuts.

“These men are just tearing one another up and the question is where they plan on taking this next?” Russ asked.

Preston tried throwing Jonathan down the stairs, but Jonathan elbowed Preston away before kicking the gut of his former friend and turning him around to hook the arms hitting a surprise Lights Out (Killswitch) on the floor! Jonathan took his turn to escape running down the stairs and hopefully to get back to ringside as he took the first door he saw going through a few areas before reaching double doors that led back to the arena as Jonathan came out in the crowd. He took a breather laying against the concrete wall as he tried to regain strength after going through many weapons and being demolished backstage. Jonathan then waited a few minutes before getting up not noticing that Preston stood up above him as he found a way to the upper deck from the stairwell. Jonathan looked confused at the crowd looking up as he turned around getting hit by Preston with a Shooting Star Press off the balcony! The crowd chanted “THIS IS PERFECT! THIS IS PERFECT! THIS IS PERFECT! THIS IS PERFECT! THIS IS PERFECT!”

“A Shooting Star Press off the top of the upper deck down on Jonathan as the Instant Classic may be running out of steam. Preston has always been one step ahead in this match.” Jasmynn explained.

Preston gets up after about two minutes of being down and then gets himself to Jonathan getting him up by the hair trash talking to his face. He then bent Jonathan over trying to go for a Piledriver on the concrete below them as he laughed, but William burst through the double doors to thunderous cheers as he attacked Preston getting him up against the barricade punching the head with chants of “WILLIAM! WILLIAM! WILLIAM! WILLIAM! WILLIAM! WILLIAM!” made it around the arena as the big man hit a big chop to the chest of Preston. Preston held his chest as William hammered the back of the smaller star and then hoisted him on his shoulders leading him back to the mount as the crowd cheered for the big man and Jonathan followed his friends. The fans cheered even louder when William hit a Samoan Drop on the big pile dirt as Preston slides off.

“William making his presence known in this match helping his tag partner finally put an end to this saga.” Russ stated.

Preston was then rolled into the grave as Jonathan grabbed the shovel holding it up for the audience to cheer him on before starting to shovel dirt into the spot until William turned him around hitting a KO Punch to the jaw as Jonathan falls straight into the gravesite causing the fans to react with shocking sounds. William has a look of instant remorse as he checked into the spot seeing Jonathan fell straight in as he quickly gets the shovel throwing dirt on top of both boys as the referee questioned what he was doing, but William filled the hole halfway up as the crowd started booing him a lot. He then pointed at the ref saying “Ring that damn bell.” The referee was confused, but called for the bell as William sat down holding his face listening to the jeers around him. The commentators were even shocked at what happened.

“What the hell just happened?! I’m in complete and utter shock!” Greg exclaimed.

“William just socked Jonathan right in the glass jaw sending him straight into the abyss with Preston and he buried both of them.” Russ added.

“This crowd ain’t having it…what was William thinking?” Jasmynn added.

“Ladies and gentlemen, this match is considered a draw since both men have been buried alive.” Richard announced.

(William got up with tears in his eyes as he took his glasses off looking at the site of both men being buried under the dirt, but he nodded and then got off the mount, back on the ramp, and went backstage like nothing ever happened with the boos following him inside.)

“I’m confused…Jonathan had that match won…” Greg stated.

“It looks like William felt some kind of responsibility needed to be taken care of. Maybe this was taking business into his own hands.” Russ added as he turned to his broadcast partners.

“What a way to end a brilliant fight for both men…there’s definitely more questions than answers in this drama angle. Why did William do that?” Jasmynn wondered.
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