Career Chronicles Of An Amazon: "Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs. Brynhild Ederne for the USWW American Championship 1998

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Career Chronicles Of An Amazon: "Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs. Brynhild Ederne for the USWW American Championship 1998

Unread post by Highfly »

Hello again everyone! After I had my head scrambled by Brynhild in our last match for the Legacy Championship I was once again reminded of an old slobber knocker where we first met, tussling for the USWW American Championship the top title of that promotion and of womens wrestling in North America at that time... way back in 1998.

At that time I was one year in to wrestling, and in my first year I was a mid-card champion holding the USWW TV Championship for 9 months, and during that time I was a double champion winning the USWW Tag Team Championship alongside Latasha Day. We were known as the Slam Sisters, and both had a similar oldschool style of wrestling. Come early 1998 I was feeling good about myself as a 23 year old lady wrestler. I had been performing well against the top of the card in the ring during solo matches and I... rightfully in my opinion again... was the stronger half of the tag team champions. Latasha will debate that one all day and I feel like she will be calling me as soon as this is published.

Brynhild Ederne was the biggest woman I had ever seen at that point, and she is still among the largest, strongest women I have ever wrestled against. I would dare say she is THE strongest woman to ever set foot in a wrestling ring. So when she came out and issued an open challenge for the USWW American Championship I had to accept! After all, no one else was woman enough to go out there apparently although I moved so fast that no one really had much of a chance to respond.

Brynhild was running her mouth saying that no woman could handle her in the ring and that she was the future of womens wrestling or something. She was 3 years older than me so really you put two powerful musclebound women together so you knew what was going to happen. I came strutting out in a leopard print pair of briefs, sports bra, kneepads and boots flexing and kissing my biceps, shaking my butt and the whole nine to rile up the crowd. I remember promising Brynhild that I would send her down to the mat so hard that she went through the ring! It didn't quite happen that night. However at 5'9'' and 171lbs at the time I was one of the biggest women on the roster although I was giving up a lot of height and like 100 pounds to this monster.
So when she asks if I am ready to face her down in a falls count anywhere then slaps me in the face I surprised her by remaining on my feet even though my head spun around, responding with a scream and uppercut to the jaw that sent the champ stumbling back to the ropes as the bell rang!

I remember pouncing and deciding that we wouldn't be in the ring much so I ran in and clotheslined her over the top rope to the outside, flexing my biceps and screaming at her before rolling underneath the bottom rope kneeling next to the stunned champ and punching her head in before whipping her hard into the barricade, sending her flopping over into the crowd for a hard landing at their feet. I was pumped, clapping and high fiving fans before heading over to the barricade to climb over and yank Brynhild up by the hair.

Unfortunately I underestimated the toughness of the champion. As I pulled her up those hammer fists smashed me in my defined abdomen, doubling me over. She hit me with an uppercut so hard I lift off me feet and collapsed to the ground in a heap. I didn't know what was going on and while I was yanked up by the hair I took knee shots and body punches before my head was smashed off the barricade repeatedly! I was one woozy amazon and the next thing I knew I was being choked by Brynhild pressing my throat down on the top of the barricade! I looked pathetic while my limbs flailed and I struggled to escape, just barely doing so by shoving hard to the side and collapsing to the ground once more in a coughing, wheezing heap.

Brynhild hauled me up and said something, I honestly can't remember what since my ears were ringing but I slammed her with a knee and body punch before I scooped her up and slammed her down onto the concrete as hard as I could. She looked up in a mix of pain and surprise while I flexed an arm, running my other hand through my hair. I jumped up and hit a leg drop, then looked to choke her back with a thick thigh headscissor. She was struggling and when she tried to pry my legs off I kept hitting her abdomen with hammer punches, stunning her just enough to prevent her from powering out. I must have had her between my legs for a solid thirty seconds but when she tried to power out again I abandoned the hold trying to beat her back to her feet. I backed off then rushed in, managing to hit a running lariat hard enough to send her back to the concrete ground. My aching body was running on adrenaline when I pulled her up by the hair punching her face and walking her to a wall smashing her head off it a few times before tossing her by the hair down the hall towards the back.

I stalked after her and when she got up I treated her like a punching bag, landing some solid hits and then grabbing her. However as I squeezed her head in a standing side headlock she lift me up and dropped me down on the concrete with a backdrop. I was hurting bad and she went for the pin, but I managed to thrust a shoulder up at 1.9. I don't think she expected that kickout that quick. However I was in very rough shape and the champion smelled blood. She threw me all over the hallway into concrete walls as we headed towards the back. Brynhild lift me up like I was weightless for a vertical suplex, sending me crashing through a table. I screamed so loud it echoed all through the back, and she pinned me again while I kicked out at 2 thrusting my shoulder up. I was reeling though and Brynhild lift me up again, and put me through a second table. This time when she went to pin me I screamed and arched by my bridging out of the pin at 2, sending that giant rolling off me.

Brynhild was pissed and she pulled me up, looking to lift me high. I wrapped a leg around hers to stop the lift then I scooped her up instead slamming her down at my feet as hard as I could. I rolled her onto her onto her back and grabbed hold, deadlifting that massive woman up and over for a German suplex! I rolled with her and did a second deadlift German suplex this time keeping my back bridged! Brynhild isn't used to being woman handled so this cocky upstart showing up and doing a scoop slam followed by back-to-back deadlift Germans? She was hurting bad. The pin count must have reached two and a half (actually 2.25) when she kicked out. I knew I could do this. I yanked her to her feet and she swung, but I ducked and scooped her up lifting her and stepping forward for one back breaker.... then a second... then lift her again to slam her through a table! I covered her and hooked a leg, feeling like this was it. I was powering around the biggest titaness of the wrestling world and the amazon was the queen of the ring! However at 2.75 Brynhild thrust a shoulder up to break the pin leaving me aghast. I was totally stunned that didn't do it. I still am to this day.

I shook my head and shoved her head between my legs. I was going to amabomb her so hard onto the concrete that I left a damn crater. At least I would have if she didn't stand straight up flipping me over onto my back, falling immediately on top of me with a standing elbow drop! She squeezed my head while we laid on the ground and punched the hell out of me. I flailed and struggled but my lip was bust open and by the time we stood up and I shoved her away I was in a haze. I heard footsteps coming and she hit me with a running lariat so hard that I flipped over landing on my stomach. I groaned and flopped about, kicking my legs limply as she covered me for a pin. Now it was my turn to leave her in shock as I thrust a shoulder up at 2.5. However Brynhild was enraged, pulling me up by my hair and now she lift me up spiking my head to the ground with a pile driver before I could act! The world nearly went black and I felt her bulk crushing me down. The referee counted and at 2.9 I managed to buck my hips and thrust so hard she rolled off me! I flopped about and kicked the ground in pain after, not even fully knowing where I was.

That is when the world went black after a huge blunt force smashed my skull. I woke up and my ears were ringing. For the first time in my career I got knocked out in a match and had no recollection of the end. I staggered up and the referee had to help me out. Brynhild was down the hall celebrating her successful championship defense. I also noticed I was wiping blood out of my eyes at this point. I was informed while I staggered about she grabbed a cowbell... why one was lying around backstage I simply have no idea... and hit me cowbell first with another running lariat! I flipped over and the cowbell crushed my skull flat-out busting me open, knocking me out and giving me a concussion that kept me out of action for nearly a month. It is the first time I challenged for a large promotions top solo championship and as much as I hate saying it I fell short.

Rest assured later that year I got a rematch against Brynhild, and that time I evened the score walking out with the USWW Championship around my waist for the first, but not last time. Brynhild and I would go on to trade title reigns, and in the end the amazon was 3-2-0 against her in my original stint in USWW. The two of us became friends, sort of. It is similar to how Thereisa and I get along now that she ditched the Cyberwidow phase. Crazily enough Brynhild and I have not faced each other between USWW and our reuniting here in LAW! Tough to believe but true. Now I look forward to the two of us at a 47 year old amazon (a far cry from the 23 year old booty shaking muscle bound amazon beach babe I used to make myself out to be) and the 50 year old titaness made of rock (much closer to what she was at 26 than I am) and I imagine we are still capable of putting on some showstoppers!
Last edited by Highfly on Tue Jul 19, 2022 2:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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