The iron ladies of LAW big shout-out!

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The iron ladies of LAW big shout-out!

Unread post by Shura »

Greetings dear readers, I've stepped away from the gym's benches for a few minutes to take the time to write a new article for your favorite magazine. It took me significantly more than a few minutes to be honest as it is my very first piece here. First of all, a few words about myself so I don't come as a complete stranger to you. My name is Avalie Reza, I am 26 and I come from Iran. I've been recently hired as a fitness trainer here at LAW and if you're a regular user of our gym you've probably already seen me as I almost live there, I've even slept there more often than I'd dare to admit. So yes I'm guilty as charged, lifting and bodybuilding are my drugs. I've started at a young age and never stopped since then, always pushing the limits further and further. And that brings me to our present article, it is a big shout-out to our strongest and fittest ladies in LAW. It's not a top list or another ranking exercise, just me putting a few of our girls under the spotlights. I've tried to cover all weight classes and build types, even if you'll find a bit more heavyweights for obvious reasons I guess. I'm not going to discuss records or in ring achievements here, so it is not redundant with our legendary Alaina's Amazons Spotlight. It will be solely focused on these fine ladies hard bodies: tone, mass, balance, definition, strength etc...

So without further ado let's get to business.

Vritra Savage - 6'4"/220 lbs - Heavyweight
I feel like a judge in a heavyweight bodybuilding competition here because Vritra could give a lot of professionals of the sport a run for their money. It shouldn't come as a surprise though, because she used to be one! She is an absolute unit. Her physique is almost perfect in every aspects. Impressive mass (look at the size of those guns!), superb definition and density with a great balance overall: her muscles are huge, everywhere, she doesn't skip leg day, nor arms, chest, back or abs day either. Her workout routine and diet are obviously flawless. She's massive, shredded, her strength is mind blowing and at 26 she still got plenty of years ahead of her to perfect the formula even more! Beware, she isn't called "Savage" for nothing.

Theresia "Cyber Widow" Niedermeyer - 6'6"/209 lbs - Heavyweight
Say what you want about her personality and attitude but if we're talking fitness Theresia is a real role model. It is hard to believe that this fiery lady is 47, time seems to have stopped for her. Like a couple of other girls on this list she could enter a bodybuilding competition and come back with a medal around her neck. Her muscles are very well shaped, exhibit exceptional density and their definition is beautiful. And while these absolutely killer thighs show a stronger focus on her lower body strength her overall figure is still quite well balanced: her thick shoulder muscles and biceps are nothing to sneeze at, it's just that her thighs are massive! What few people know is that it is much harder for taller women to build muscle mass, Theresia is measuring a towering 6’6” and look how easy she makes it seem! If she were a professional bodybuilder she would fit nicely in the physique divisions, she'd just need to tweak her diet and her workout routine a little to start collecting gold. Few of us can hope to look this good at her age!

"Amazon" Alaina Sanders - 5'9"/187 lbs - Heavyweight
Do I really need to introduce Aliana Sanders to you folks? The woman is legendary. And so is her physical condition. Most of what I said about Theresia "Cyber Widow" applies to Alaina as well, they are both past 45 and they still look better than most athletes of half their age. I'm sorry if sound like I'm comparing the two but I just can't do otherwise, and it is actually to both's advantage. What Alaina slightly loses in sheer muscle mass compared to the Cyber Widow she makes it up in perfect body balance, her figure's harmony is a work of art. Did I mention that her abs are incredible? And none of this is just for show as she still demonstrate in the ring, her raw strength more than matches her looks. She's also one of the nicest person around, what else can I say... I'll conclude just like I started, the woman is legendary.

Karen Starring - 5'11"/180 lbs - Heavyweight
Karen Starring, her physique is as explosive as her personality. Believe it or not, but most of you will probably believe it, the girl once threatened to tear my head off with her bare hands, no less, and while I don't think she's got what it take to actually pull it off (not to beat my own drum here but take a look at my neck muscles) I gotta say that she looks impressive nonetheless. The only things bigger than her massive biceps are those huge twin orbs on her chest. She's definitely curvy, which means that diets aren't a priority to her, but it can't hide the fact that she's also been hitting the gym pretty hard. Her muscles are just too big to disappear under under her generous curves. And please take note that I said generous, not fat. Karen may not always be the friendliest but she's strong, very strong, this girl can lift and you have to respect that.

Ayame “The Wolf” Akan - 6'0”/172 lbs - Heavyweight
I had to pick one in the Akan family and I chose the youngest, Ayame. I'm sure her sister Kyoko will pardon me, I'll have other occasions to write about her. We're taking some distance from some of our most impressive entries so far. Ayame isn't the most muscular, nor the most defined of the heavyweight roster but she's still well worth mentioning. She's one of our youngest but her physical development and athleticism are already praise worthy. She's got absolutely beautiful and rock hard abs, some would say that it obviously runs in the family but Ayame's are the most defined and prominent, which makes me think that she went the extra mile to have them look this good. But she's more than just abs, her whole core muscles are well developed as well as her legs. All this combined allows her to move very quickly for someone her size, and I wouldn't be surprised to see her pull off some impressive power moves on occasions. She's already doing good but there is a lot of potential just waiting to be tuned and unleashed.

Momo Kazan - 5'2”/123 lbs - Middleweight
We're leaving heavyweights for now and taking a look at the middleweights division. This is an opportunity to showcase new body types and show that being an athlete doesn't automatically means having big bulging muscles. And almost belonging to the lightweights division Momo Kazan is a very fine example of that other type of athletes. When looking at her you can immediately tell that she spends quite a lot of time working out. She is very well toned, with a flat and muscular stomach and while her muscles are not impressive in size they are still perfectly visible. With the notable exception of her legs, her quads are massive, these can seriously squeeze and squat. Her body is perfectly tuned to retain its effectiveness through the longest matches with some occasional bursts of power through the strength of her legs and core muscles. A beautiful athlete overall.

Carol Cacchione - 5'11”/168 lbs - Middleweight
Another fine example of very well balanced athleticism here. Carol isn't showing off the most impressive muscles here but she still displays an interesting level of tone and definition. Her figure is downright gorgeous, and you don't get one like this without sinking a significant amount of hours in training. A body like this one means a lot of commitment and dedication, in your diet and at the gym. Again while not massive her muscles shape every parts of her body, her rock hard abs look exquisite, her shoulders and arms are well cut and beautifully defined and her legs seem strong as hell. And despite that slim and muscular body she managed to retain a buxom chest. Some girls just have everything.

Rumi "Mirko" Usagiyama - 5'6”/150 lbs - Middleweight
And to continue with the trend, let me introduce Rumi. I'll get straight to the point, this girl turned her body into a true work of art, period. She is the living example of what the figure division is about in bodybuilding competitions. Clearly apparent muscles with nice volume and great definition, exemplary balance between her limbs, core, upper and lower body. Rumi would just annihilate the competition should she choose to make a few tweak (diet mostly) to enter such contests. A body like this one is capable of extreme explosiveness that translates into incredible bursts of speed and the ability to unleash her full strength in a fraction of a second. This means that while not the strongest Rumi's got a high knock out potential with her strikes and can sometimes overpower people stronger than herself in situations where the lightning fast activation speed of her muscles can end the challenge before her opponent's own muscles are able reach their maximum strength. A truly splendid physical accomplishment.

Sandra Taylor "The Tyrant" - 5'9”/165 lbs - Middleweight
And we're back to another "powerhouse-like" type of athlete but still among middleweights, Sandra Taylor. A very interesting combination of a light build with a not so light muscle mass. This girl is all muscle, they're large and they're beautifully shaped. Look how these biceps and triceps strain her armbands, I bet a good flex would just tear them off. And her tummy looks like a brick wall. If I had to nitpick I'd say that I'd like to see an even sharper definition on these thunder thighs to balance it with the rest of her body but that's just me being overly perfectionist here. Since I've made comparisons with actual professional bodybuilding divisions I might as well keep at it. Sandra would fit nicely between the figure and physique divisions. Able to switch from one to another with just a few adjustments to her training. In short, another rocking body here.

"The Powderbuff" Gisele LeBlanc - 5'3”/112 lbs - Lightweight
You may already know that muscle is heavier than fat, does that mean that we can't find iron ladies among the lightweights? Gisele will be happy to explain how wrong it is. Look at this fine example of a powerhouse packed into a small frame. It's like everything (even her breasts) have been optimized to its absolute maximum to fit in her 5'2”/112lbs body. If you've ever wondered how much muscle you can cram into such a slim and gracious silhouette you've got your answer. Gisele used to be an international fitness competitor and it shows. She definitely knows her stuff on nutrition and workout routines, probably just as much as I do, and I'm the professional fitness trainer here! Her muscle density is just mind blowing for her size, she's rocking one of the hardest body out there and pound for pound one of the strongest woman on the roster.

Blaze Fielding - 5'5”/119 lbs - Lightweight
Maybe you thought that Gisele was some sort of exception, an anomaly, a unicorn. Well you'de be wrong again. Because here comes the other lightweight division's all-in-a-small-package powerhouse, Blaze Fielding. Unlike Gisele she has no fitness competitor background but she could have wrecked the stage if she wanted to. Blaze is the perfect iron woman incarnation of "small is beautiful". Her muscles are no where near the size of Vritra's or Karen's and yet they're definitely spectacular. Density and hardness is the key here and you'd be surprised to see how much power such a frame can produce. Blaze is a beast, a concentrate of pure explosive muscle. Another serious contender for the pound for pound strongest women tier list.

Anita Anderson - 5'0”/231 lbs - Heavyweight
And I saved the most extravagant(?) entry for last. People, meet Anita. At only 5'0 tall she is the shortest girl in our list but that's the only small thing about her! I don't even know where to start. I've never seen a body type like this one, she's like... a miniature sumo wrestler addicted to bodybuilding. How she manages to both look out of shape and outrageously muscular at the same time is a mystery to me. Her muscle mass is off the charts and her definition is completely unexpected for someone who looks so little concerned about her fat intake, of which a non-negligible part seems to go right into her chest. I've heard that her personal best lifts are just as incredible and I can't say that I'm surprised, the girl's got everything it takes to be a truly exceptional power lifter. She's like a mini me but who would had never heard the words "balanced diet" and "optimized nutrition" in her life. Anita if you're reading these lines don't take it the wrong way, I'm not criticizing. I realize how hard you've worked to get to this far, you're just... one of a kind. And it is awesome in its own way.

And this is it for our first big “Iron ladies of LAW” shout-out. I hope you enjoyed the ride and took the time to appreciate and admire the great physiques of our federation’s wrestlers. Of course there are still many more girls in LAW worthy of attention, but I had to restrict myself to keep this article to a reasonable length, and save a few for later! Don't feel bad if you or your favorite wrestler didn't appear in this first installment, it doesn't mean anything as there will be more and you might very well be the focus of my next one.
Last edited by Shura on Wed Mar 24, 2021 6:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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