The Road to Apex and the LAW World Openweight Championship

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The Road to Apex and the LAW World Openweight Championship

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The Road to Apex and the LAW World Openweight Championship
Written by Lexy Alan. Reviewed by low-level LAW Management

Betcha missed the coverage of LAW's most prominent and beloved interviewer/show host/writer/wrestler, didn't ya! Well, fear not! It's been a while but I'm here to hit you with the most hard-hitting and unbiased reporting in this business bar none! And we'll start by talking about the grandest prize in wrestling right now: The LAW World Openweight Championship!

Apex has been going on for some time now, hasn't it? There had been hype from everyone from fans to coaches and producers to the wrestlers themselves and now that we're in the thick of it, now that the home stretch is on the horizon, a lot of that hype has finally died down, hasn't it? Guess DeFranco should have made a cooler event, but that's another article!

Let's talk about the status of things so far, shall we?

The boring stuff:

Apex is still in progress, yadda yadda yadda.

Even at this point, there's no harm in throwing your hat in, signing up, and trying to get qualified. Even if you don't get a chance to get featured on the Apex tour and have an Apex match to get a chance to become champion, impressing the judges in your qualifier matches and becoming qualified for Apex still earns you the status of world title contender and allows you to compete for the world championship in the future.

That's a really nice way for management to throw you a bone and all that but let's be real, most of you ladies that signed up aren't gonna make it. Most of you are either still waiting for Qualifier matches, or you're too scared/not driven enough to step up and ask for them.

By and large, the ladies that have already qualified have (in at least one way or another) proven themselves to be something more than just another name on the list of this ever-growing roster. Apex was and is a chance for most of y'all to prove you're not just footnotes. And let's just say that I spy a great many of your names at the bottom of the page.

Thankfully, there's no shortage of ladies that are ACTUALLY making a difference! Which leads us to our next topic!

The JUICY stuff:

Due to....recent events (they let me talk a lot of trash but I can't touch THAT for whatever reason) Apex will now be used to crown not one, but TWO champions! Crazy, right? No one could have foreseen that a middleweight champion would be crowned by the end of this. But let's look into the finer details, shall we? Going by the GM's heartfelt email and by the terms and rules of Apex itself, I don't see a rule saying that the same wrestler can't win both belts! Do you?

Think about it! If any middleweight performs well enough, heck middleweights are the only weight class that win at Apex, DeFranco will HAVE to crown them as BOTH World Openweight Champion AND LAW Middleweight Champion! We could be on the precipice of crowning the FIRST EVER Double Champion in this company (ignore any and all SWAT Cats matches at the Fight The LAW PPV this year. I'll be rooting against them with every fiber of my being, anyways).

I'm sure you thought I was done! But there's more tea to spill! See, this is what separates us seasoned journalists in the wrestling biz from total HACKS like Eiji. It's insane that no one's called attention to this up until now. I guess I'll have to be the first. Thank me later.

Take a good look at the list of qualified Apex participants as of the time of this writing. Take a look at the middleweights.
  • Tina Armstrong - Inaugural Middleweight Champion
  • Diana Accera - Former LAWLESS Champion
  • Amber Skye - Inaugural LAWLESS Champion
  • Eirina Makishima - Inaugural Hentai Champion
  • Rei Tachibana - Current Hentai Champion
  • Tracy Canon - Current World Tag Team Champion
Do you see it yet? No? I'll spell it out for you. If no other middleweights join this list of qualified women by the time Apex ends, when the new Middleweight Champion is crowned, they will become the VERY FIRST TWO TIME CHAMPION IN LAW HISTORY. That's right!

I don't praise DeFranco for much but the fact that we're in a situation where LAW history has to be made for not one BUT TWO major titles at this promotion is entirely his own design/fault and I kinda dig it!

The wildcards:

Well, there'd be wildcards if I expected literally any of you unqualified gals to become qualified and have a match on the Apex tour.....buuuuut I don't! So go kick rocks :^)

The only real variables left at this point are why some of the current and former champions (Astrid Ostberg, Linda Halloween, Raina Jaeger, etc.) haven't entered Apex. They're probably scared, I guess (your ever-selfless Lightweight Champion and I are biding our time until we feel like capturing the big gold belt).

The real questions are who our qualified women will be taking on at Apex. What match-ups we'll see.

Lastly, I'm convinced that the good ol' GM has an agenda. Something he's not telling us about Apex. And I won't rest until I corner him and his expensive suit and grill him for answers!

Yours truly,
LAW's premiere interviewer, writer, hostess, and wrestler: Lexy Alan
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

If you just need plain old winner, please reach out via If you're interested in scoping out my characters and/or pitching RP ideas, here's my roster
:raised_hands: Peace, Love, and Sexy Wrestling Roleplay Stories :raised_hands:

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