The St. Cross Sisters vs The Ashford Sisters

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Re: The St. Cross Sisters vs The Ashford Sisters

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Marie stumbled back to her feet, somewhat dazed before hearing the crowd suddenly getting louder. Confused, she turned around to see Mara mid moonsault and was brought back down to the mat, her arms flopping over her head as the plus-sized fighter was properly downed.

Back in the ring, Chloe grabbed a handful of Toni's hair much to the referee's chagrin and started to slam fierce forearms to the younger Ashford's face in an attempt to swing control back to her side.
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Re: The St. Cross Sisters vs The Ashford Sisters

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Mara managed to hit Marie with the moonsault, though the move also hurt her in the process. Now outside the ring, Mara tried to regain her bearing as she would try to push herself up, hoping that her sister was doing alright in the ring.

Meanwhile, back in the ring, Toni got her hair pulled as she was then forcefully pulled back up on her feet by Chloe. Then, she took a couple forearm smashes to her face, causing her to cry out in pain. This would leave her disoriented for a moment.

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Re: The St. Cross Sisters vs The Ashford Sisters

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"You are persistent, I'll give you that!" Chloe said while pulling Toni into a sitting position.

"But its time I put you to sleep for good!"

Chloe got to a knee and hooked her arm underneath Toni's left arm before tightly wrapping around the younger Ashford's neck, locking in her submission finisher, the Cross-Lock - rumored to be a complete match ender once applied.
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Re: The St. Cross Sisters vs The Ashford Sisters

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Toni was then put into some kind of hold that seemed to be pretty painful, and Mara saw this as she rose back up on her feet. She knew that she had to do something in order to stop Chloe.

"Aaahhhh... aaAAGHHH!!!" Toni cried out in pain as she was trapped in the hold. Hearing her sister's cries of pain, Mara would grab onto the ropes and pull herself up onto the apron before slipping through the ropes.

Then, she would charge towards where Chloe and Toni were. She was aiming to run towards Chloe so that she could hit her with a running knee strike, stopping her from hurting her sister.


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Re: The St. Cross Sisters vs The Ashford Sisters

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"You aren't getting out of this easy!" Chloe exclaimed as she put on the pressure on the hold eager to choke Toni out. She would've accomplished the task had Marie not come back and slam a knee into her skull, forcing Chloe to release the hold and dropped her on the mat. Chloe laid there staring at the lights, a glazed look in her eyes and now vulnerable to the sister's machinations.
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Re: The St. Cross Sisters vs The Ashford Sisters

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Successfully landing her knee on Chloe's head, Mara managed to save her sister from being tortured in the hold. Gasping as she was finally freed, Toni looked at her sister and gave her a quick thanks. Then, they looked at the downed Chloe, and they nodded to each other before Mara went to grab her, pulling Chloe up.

Mara would make sure to shove Chloe's head between her thighs as Toni would limp towards the nearest corner. From there, Mara would grab onto her waist and try to hoist her up into a powerbombing position. Despite Chloe being bigger than her, Mara was strong enough to lift someone bigger than her.

Seeing that Toni had climbed up the turnbuckle, Mara would then throw Chloe down with a powerbomb, and at the same time, Toni would soar in the air, flipping majestically as she would land onto Chloe right after she crashed into the mat, hitting her with a tag-team move, a combination of a powerbomb and a moonsault!

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Re: The St. Cross Sisters vs The Ashford Sisters

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Chloe was alone to deal with the Ashford's, feeling herself be hoisted up into the air before being driven to the mat by power bomb. She cried out in pain, arching her back just as Toni was climbing the ropes and felt the younger Ashford's weight crash onto her via moonsault. Chloe was left flat on the mat, barely conscious after taking the double team move while Marie was slowly getting back to her feet after taking the splash to the outside from earlier.
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Re: The St. Cross Sisters vs The Ashford Sisters

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Hitting Chloe with a combination of a powerbomb and moonsault, it was clear that the move had taken quite a lot out of her. Mara looked at Toni and said, "Go for it, Toni!" Hearing this, Toni nodded as she rushed over to the downed Chloe, looking to place herself on top of her for a pinfall.

At the same time, Mara would turn to look at the direction of Marie, making sure that she wouldn't interfere while Toni was going to pin Chloe. The referee made her way next to Toni and Chloe and started counting for the pin.


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Re: The St. Cross Sisters vs The Ashford Sisters

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Marie saw the pinfall taking place and slide into the ring. If Toni attempted to stop her from making it to Chloe, Marie would swing her leg to deliver a roundhouse kick to the head.


Chloe managed to break the pinfall of her own accord, still having the strength to keep fighting.
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Re: The St. Cross Sisters vs The Ashford Sisters

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Mara saw Marie rushing in to stop Toni from pinning Chloe, and she tried to stop her, but she took a roundhouse kick to her head for her trouble. "AUGHH!!" Mara fell down onto the mat, clutching her head.

Meanwhile, Toni maintained her position on top of Chloe, but after two, Chloe managed to break the pin, much to Toni's irritation. She got up, grabbing her by her hair to pull her up.

"You want some more, huh?!" Toni asked in frustration as she would force Chloe to get on her feet, unaware that Marie managed to knock Mara down and was about to reach her.

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