Miranda Tomi vs Rosie Knuckles

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Re: Miranda Tomi vs Rosie Knuckles

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Mira couldn't believe this was Rosie's idea of helping her, it was just a thinly veiled excuse to insult her like everyone else did. Her blood boiled and the desire to knock Rosie out grew when the pink haired brawler actually spat at her, before moving in to shove her. By then Miranda was already seething and her next move was one of someone who had reached a boiling point.

"You don't even have what it takes to stand up and fight!" Mira screamed pushing Rosie's hands off her before throwing a knee into Rosie's gut, not stopping there she would pull her head in so she could start throwing punches, mainly uppercuts into her face and chest while slowly pushing her towards the ropes.

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Re: Miranda Tomi vs Rosie Knuckles

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Rosie Knuckles rolled her neck, looking incredulous as Miranda started firing back. First with a knee to the gut, connecting and doubling over before the brunette ripped her back upright and started wailing on her with punches and uppercuts. The pinkette blocked as many as she could, grunting and groaning as she was being forced back into the ropes, looking even more worse for wear by the passing moment. Exhaustion was hitting her and the cute brawler eventually staggered back against the ropes, giving her enough space to breathe.

Then, Rosie laid back on the ropes, head tilted back for a moment before she leaned forward again, putting her middle finger directly into Tomi's face. "Nobody is ever going to have any respect for you... No matter how good you do. Because you'll always be... pathetic!" said Knuckles, panting as she glared back at Miranda, trying to dig that knife in just a little bit deeper.

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Re: Miranda Tomi vs Rosie Knuckles

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Mira was beating Rosie's ass knocking her closer to the ropes and soon had the cute brawler on the ropes. normally Rosie would be in trouble and Mira in completely control but somehow Rosie was refusing to do anything buy insult her, even throwing a middle finger in her face while Miranda had her like that. This time Miranda was too angry for words and all Rosie got was her hand smacking the finger away so Mira could move in and throw another knee into Rosie's body. Grabbing her head she would throw her off the ropes putting her back in the center of the ring so she could knock her out.

Aiming for Rosie's head Mira would bounce off the ropes and spin as she got close aiming for a Discuss elbow to knock Rosie down to the mat. If it connected and ripped through her skull Miranda would fall down on Rosie and go for a final pin to end the match.

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Re: Miranda Tomi vs Rosie Knuckles

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Rosie could tell that Miranda was furious beyond words when she smacked her hand away, even grinning as she doubled over from the knee, battering her already demolished belly. Just as Rosie was about to say something else, the Pink-Haired Pugilist was grabbed by the head and whipped over to the ropes! Knuckles rebounded and watched Mira's stance. Her livid expression, and she could see her turning, throwing all of her momentum around it before firing with that Discus Elbow!

But Rosie had ducked the strike entirely as she passed around behind Tomi! The brunette whiffing entirely in her anger and desire to absolutely level Rosie. Knuckles would then grab Miranda by her shoulder and spin her around while she was off center, doing a spin of her own and then landing the Discus Punch, Mean Right Hook, directly onto Miranda Tomi's jaw, a loud THWACK echoing into the arena as the devastating punch crashed into her opponent!

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Re: Miranda Tomi vs Rosie Knuckles

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Mira was aiming purely for Rosie's head, she wanted to see that skull bounce off her neck and hit the floor because she hit it that hard with her elbow. And if she had actually connected she might have gotten her wish but Rosie managed to avoid it. Ducking under the elbow right before it would have hit Rosie's head Mira spun around having missed her mark by what felt like a mile stopping right in front of Rosie who was in motion herself, quickly turning around and using a discuss strike of her own but connecting with Mira's head just as she completed her turn.

"Gaagh!" Mira's head was struck by the punch dead in the face. What followed was near silence as all of Miranda's senses shut off at once and she toppled to the floor from her feet landing flat on her back. She had fallen like a tree cut in the woods and she hit the mat so hard many could see that it would take a mircale to bring her back up to her feet after a clean hit like that.

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Re: Miranda Tomi vs Rosie Knuckles

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Rosie Knuckles stood there, watching Miranda Tomi's head get rocked as she fell straight back, stiff as a board from her expert strike. There were few who could possibly get up after her Mean Right Hook and this match had gone on for long enough she knew no matter what kind of willpower Toni still had, it wouldn't be enough.

And then Rosie, drenched in sweat, her pink hair unfurled and knotted to frame the side of her face, and the various marks and scrapes from their fights present on her body just smirked a bit, then let herself flop right on top of Miranda, turning her body to land back-first on her chest. Rosie would then grab Mira's leg and tug it towards her, holding a fist up with her free hand as the referee counted.




Rosie released Mira's leg as her music hit and she grimaced in pain before smiling all over again while the crowd was a mixture of boos and cheers for her victory. She didn't bother to move off of Tomi for a good thirty seconds as the referee checked on her, and then Mira.

"Back off..." said Rosie, swatting the ref away as she rolled over slightly, still draped over Mira as she started to pat her cheek with a hand to stir her, forehead pressing against her defeated opponent's. "Hey... Mira. Wake up. Wake up!" she said, not seemingly content to celebrate quite yet, having even more she wanted to say to the girl she had spent the whole match berating at this point.

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Re: Miranda Tomi vs Rosie Knuckles

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Mira was so out of it that Rosie falling on her barely got a reaction out of her, as did the pin that followed that got Rosie the win. Mira didn't stir when the bell rang but her body shuffled in frustration as if she still understood that she had lost and hated it, she had come so close and Rosie had been taking a beating from Mira only to make one mistake and put the match away because she got careless. Nothing she could do about it and she only started to wake when Rosie tried to wake her up herself.

"mmhh..huuh? Who..W-what?" Miranda muttered shaking her head and looking around, everything was blurry at first, but soon Rosie's face came into focus...and the fact that it was her music playing and not Mira's. Frustration started to etch on her face as the final moments before she got knocked out started to come back to her, and she felt like punching the mat but for now she would just wait to hear what Rosie had to say.

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Re: Miranda Tomi vs Rosie Knuckles

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Taking a few deep breaths before speaking again, Rosie gently moved Miranda's head so that she was looking at her. Knuckles pushed herself up a bit, giving her a very serious look. "I just want you to know... Everything I said was bullshit," Rosie tilted her head back briefly. She knew what she wanted to say, generally, but it seemed like the words were difficult to say. Looking back at her opponent, she then added, "I was saying it... to get you to a place you need to get to, if you want to stand a chance here."

Rosie's face scrunched up, looking like the most emotion that Mira had ever seen from her other than outright anger. "You are tough... You are as tough as you need to be, but you need to hold in what you found here tonight and bring that to ever match or they will tear you apart. But you'll never stop having to prove them wrong... no matter what they say," said Rosie, her voice wavering slightly. She then gave Tomi a rough pat on the chest. "I respect the hell out of you, Mira. And I don't respect many people, so... you hold that, alright?" offered Rosie Knuckles, biting her lip and then taking a deep breath, letting that moment linger as she looked away so Mira couldn't catch her expression.

The pink-haired girl then up-nodded, slinging Mira's arm around her shoulder as she attempted to help her up. "Come on... let's get you up..."

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Re: Miranda Tomi vs Rosie Knuckles

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The obvious disappointment that followed any loss was heightened by the fact that this loss was her PPV debut, a grand stage for people to see her lose again. This was slowly becoming something people were going to remember her for instead of just a hitch on the road as she got better. Her doubts were growing in her head when she was stopped by Rosie, who slowly started to reveal her words were bs trying to get Mira riled up and fight for real. Deep down she knew that but Mira had to admit Rosie was good enough that she often started to doubt that, and hearing it and the following words that showed that she considered her someone worthy of respect left Miranda unable to speak. Only when Rosie started to help her up did it occur to her that she should try to say something.

"T-Thanks..." Mira muttered, her mind blurry fresh from being knocked out and taking in all of Rosie's unexpected praise. This match did show that she had a chance and focusing too much on the negatives wasn't going to help her. Reminding herself of all the positive things she pulled off like Rosie was telling her was the only way she was going to get better and she was happy that she had done so much to prove herself to the brawler.

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Re: Miranda Tomi vs Rosie Knuckles

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Rosie Knuckles gave a small nod and a smile to Mira as she helped her up. For her, the less Mira had said on the subject, the better for her. It was about the deepest that Rosie had wanted to delve with anyone, let alone a fellow competitor. But she at least wanted to make her thoughts clear, because she saw too much in Tomi that reminded her entirely of another version of herself she had tried desperately to escape.

Standing and letting out a groan of pain, she still managed to pat Mira on the chest, then her shoulder. Her expression and mannerisms towards her opponent made it very clear to the crowd she respected her, despite all of the trash talking and awful insults from her end. With a win in the PPV, Rosie Knuckles was content to take her hard-fought win, and she took the time to celebrate in the ring as she limped around, a toothy smile on her face the whole time.

Winner: Rosie Knuckles

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