Kieda Uzai vs Christie Myers - Casket Match

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Kieda Uzai vs Christie Myers - Casket Match

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Casket Match: Victory to awarded by trapping the opponent in a casket at ringside for a full ten count

Last edited by winner3 on Wed Feb 12, 2020 2:04 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Kieda Uzai vs Christie Myers - Casket Match

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"Alright...deep breath..." *The Mauve Shadow raised her heavy head to face the mirror, her sulking reflection staring back at her. Tonight would prove to be a battle of unrelenting force versus unstoppable will, and given her track record against her impending adversary, her probability of emerging victorious was staggeringly low. Christie Myers, a name synonymous to satan himself, was the diabolical hellcat that had made Kieda's life a living nightmare ever since they had crossed paths- Regardless of having an impressive record on the professional circuit, having procured numerous accolades throughout her span in the competitive spotlight, her encounters with Christie had tarnished her otherwise outstanding career between the ropes. Tonight, however, she was going to finally bury this tremendous weight that had burdened her- Tonight, Christie would finally be laid to rest.*

"You're not just some Jane Doe being lead to the slaughter; You are Kieda Uzai! You brought an unprecedented level of poise and grace to law, that without you, wouldn't exist! Someone of Christie's repulsive existence should consider herself privileged to be standing in the same state as you, let alone the same stadium!" *Through her bluster and encouragement, The Cerulean Silhouette felt her encumbering depression begin to alleviate itself as she made her final preparations.* "And this is YOUR night! Nobody else's!" *With that, she pulled her tanktop over her perky breasts and grabbed her jacket on the way out, catching the eyes of some prospective rookies while striding towards the arena!*

"Mrs. Uzai!" *A young fledging peeped up at the sight of the illustrious middleweight.* "Good luck in your match tonight!" *Another one addressed her, coaxing out a light wave from the Fashion Assassin. Hearing her theme begin to blast throughout the coliseum, Kieda burst onto the scene to an overwhelmingly positive reaction!* "Hmhm, they can't get enough of me, can they?" *Whipping her hair around to showcase her turquoise ponytail, Kieda promptly waltzed towards the ring. However, unbeknownst to the audience, they were in for a special treat~*
*Without warning, the auditorium was filled with a confluence of rose and cerulean mist that engulfed Kieda in a ubiquitous fog, causing the crowd to gawk at the mesmerizing spectacle! Meanwhile, as Kieda scaled the staircase, she glanced towards the imposing casket near the outside of the ring, stifling a nervous gulp as she shook the anxiety off of her.* "Easy now, you can conquer this!" *She reassured herself, steeling her nerves for when Christie finally arrived.*

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Re: Kieda Uzai vs Christie Myers - Casket Match

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The lights and fog were all brilliantly going off without a hitch for dear Kieda. Many knew how much of a big deal this fight would be to her, as this was a battle against Christie Myers. The woman had exploded onto the scene like an omen of the apocalypse, and in many of Kieda’s fan’s eyes had shamed their beloved Kunoichi in front of all of them! Then came the rematch. So many had thought the rookie had gotten the victory by beginners luck! Kieda wasn’t expecting Christie's fortitude and sheer disregard for decency and respect, and fell to her underhanded tactics. But again, the Grave Keeper had come out on top!

Now was the final challenge Kieda could issue to Christie. If the fashion assassin lost this fight, her popularity would plummet! Wrestling articles would write about her fall from grace at the hands of Christie Myers for years to come, and though her fans would never admit it, her popularity would likely wain. The stakes were incredibly high, and the fact that this match type seemed right up her opponents ally made things seem like Kieda was already fighting an uphill battle!

Already, her past failures were worming their way in. While she indeed made a spectacular entrance, the roar of the crowd was nowhere near as deafening as it had once been. What had once been a building shaking roar was simply the cheers of an excited of about half the stadium. The seas of baby blue and purple attired fans that held up there signs for their beloved fashionesta were more sullen, and in fewer numbers. In fact, it seemed there were quite a few in the audience that had come to root for her opposition! If one were to put it into numbers, then roughly forty five percent of the audience was on her side, with the remainder either being neutral or on Christie’s side.

Things were looking bad for Kieda…and her foe hadn’t even walked out yet.

As the smoke from Kieda’s entrance cleared away, the lights overhead began to dim. They got to the point where an entire side of the arena was covered in darkness, leaving only the overhead screen that hung above the entrance door. The crowd hushed as they waited for the dreaded foe that was one of the key ingredients to tonight's exciting brawl. Everything was silent…

And then the screen began to bring forth a video.

In the center of the screen was a familiar silhouette, one with a long ponytail and jacket. Surrounding the figure was burning red lights, as though they were surrounded by flames! As the camera approached, the figure was revealed to be an effigy of Kieda herself. The details were down to the smallest detail. Only the blank face, with two buttons for eyes kept anyone from mistaking it for the true Kieda.

A tune would begin to rip through the speakers! Unlike Christie’s usual music, this tune was oddly upbeat! Almost…exciting! The lyrics were cold and cruel, with every beat showing a clip of the effigy being tormented in some fashion by a smiling shadow! The doll was beaten, stabbed, and smashed against the environment! Fake blood splattering against the camera lens as the music continued to play! Spliced in between the vicious, violent beating was clips of previous fights! A shot where Kieda was smashed through a table, another closeup of her unconscious face beaten and bloody! The famous scene of Christie using her finisher, Grave Digger on her helpless foe! All of it was in plain view on the monitor.

Finally, the video would stop, only for the real beaten effigy to be lowered from the rafters. A rope hung around its neck, as though it had been hung. Standing next to it was the woman that had been haunting Kieda’s nightmares for the past few months.

Christie Myers.

She smirked as the climax of the song began to erupt and shake the very speakers the vocals were bursting from! Her fans cheered and raged louder than ever before! There were so many more of them, but even so Christie ignored them. Instead, she readied her trusty shovel and swung as hard as she could at the Kieda pinata! The tool struck its head! The false face sailed across the arena, falling as the fashion assassin’s feet.

A cruel fate indeed.

Christie wasn’t far behind! She easily rolled in the ring, carting her shovel over her shoulder. She wore her usual leather jacket, but she also had the pair of purple sunglasses she had taken from Kieda the very first time she had bested the kunoichi. The snake-like grin was filled to the brim with ill-intent and confidence! Christie wasn’t shy, walking right up to Kieda, looking down at her through her own glasses. The Crypt Keeper pushed her chest out, bumping Kieda in the spirit of bullying!

The venomous eyes of the kunoichi’s tormentor narrowed as she leaned in, her smile seemingly ready to spring open and latch onto Kieda at any moment.

“This is the hell you’ve chosen, little Kieda! I hope you are ready to experience all I have to offer. Because tonight, you aren’t walking out of here. I’ll get the pleasure of putting you in your place, and then everyone around here will know what a little bitch you are!”

Christie straightened back up, reaching up and plucking Kieda’s sunglasses off her face. Without hesitation, she dangled them in front of Kieda, then dropped them to the floor where they were quickly and totally crushed! The Grave Keeper snickered, daring the fashion assassin to try and make a comeback!

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Re: Kieda Uzai vs Christie Myers - Casket Match

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*As the tentative kunoichi remained uncharacteristically silent in the face of her impending battle, Christie music rippled through her like a lightning bolt- She clung against the ropes that flanked her, watching the titantron unveil quite the unique montage of Kieda's potential fate that awaited her!* "Mmmh..psychological warfare was always her strongest weapon..." *Struggling to rip her eyes away from the gruesome sight, she winced at the makeshift creature having been smashed open, its sugary entrails spewing everywhere! Then, she saw it- That condescending, smarmy smirk that could bring satan himself to his knees, groveling and pleading for clemency. Despite how tenacious the Mauve Shadow proclaimed to be, she still felt a miniature tremor of unmitigated fear pierce her mettle. However, she was adamant on transforming this into a catalyst for her victory.*

*Well aware of how Christie's derogatory tactics granted her an easy advantage in any fighting affair she engaged in, Kieda tightened her fists and waited for the inevitable to transpire. Without skipping a beat, she met her nemesis in the center of the squared circle, but it seemed as though the hellhound wanted to push things just a bit further than usual.* "...Oh?" *Was the solitary utterance that escaped The Cerulean Shadow's lips, nonchalantly watching her designer shades become trampled underfoot by Christie's gigantic boots.*

*The audience unanimously responded with an elated* "Oooooooh!" *As if the sadistic succubus had just been called to the principle's office over the intercom. Struggling to maintain the facade of a composed, rational woman Kieda unleashed a ponderous sigh to address the instigator that stood before her.* "It's always so nice to see you, Mrs. Myers~" *But instead of generating some platitudinous insult, she turned the tables on her with a sugary sweet compliment!* "You have such a special way of brightening up the atmosphere with your own, unique persona!" *She wasn't attempting to fight fire with fire; rather, she wanted to extinguish any and all trace of her roaring conflagration right from the get go!*

"Ding ding ding!" *The bell finally sounded, officially beginning this highly anticipated scuffle. Wasting no time in attempting to establish her dominant presence, Kieda once again defied gravity by leaping upwards and catching Christie with her shapely legs before subsequently tossing her backwards for a hurricanrana! Such a dazzling move early on could lead to a colossal payoff, or potentially a huge setback for the overzealous acrobat if her target were to manage a reversal!*

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Re: Kieda Uzai vs Christie Myers - Casket Match

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Kieda’s sweet complement was certainly a surprise for her mortal enemy and hated rival who was expecting an insult in return. It was a bit of back and forth they always had done since they first fought one another, and now Kieda was avoiding Christie’s challenge. Christie’s eye cocked at such a strange reply, but the smile on her face only went from sinister to smug, the Gothic gladiator reaching up and squeezing Kieda’s cheeks as she chuckled under her breath.

“Fucking really? You finally broke, didn’t you? Proud, smart-ass Kieda goes away after only two ass whoopings? No comment on attires or subtle insults? Well, I guess when you failed to deliver on any of your other promises, you wise up and shut up, don’t you?”

Christie’s eyes blazed in sadistic pleasure! Kieda’s silence was deafening, her polite little compliment coming off as a beaten dog trying to appease its master any way it could to stave off a cruel beating! The powerful veteran standing up to the smart mouthed rookie was gone. Now it seemed like Kieda was just biding time and playing nice, something Christie’s fans in the audience picked up and began jeering the kunoichi for. Trying to sooth a demon with compliments only served to flare up its desire to wreak havoc! Christie was no different, and she smirked over her shoulder as Kieda backed away to her corner so the match may start.

Removing her jacket and shovel from the ring, Christie was ready to put an end to this rivalry once and for all. They say third time's the charm, so hopefully Kieda getting utterly humiliated would be enough to finally put her out of commission for good. Beating her over and over wasn’t getting any more fun, Christie already writing the assassin off as little more then a jobber at this point.

No sooner did the bell ring then Kieda flew off towards Christie. The Grave Keeper’s smile was no longer on her face, her hellfire gaze blocked off by Kieda’s approaching figure! The kunoichi would suddenly jump up and wrap her legs around Christie’s neck, the fashion assassin suddenly pulling back to fling Christie over and get her down on the canvas early in the fight.

But when she pulled backwards, her opponents form remained strong and standing! A terrifying feeling would creep through Kieda as she felt one of her foe’s hands gripping her top, and another holding onto her waistband.

“You’re getting too predictable, Kieda…” The sadist muttered, her eyes peering down at her foe, “Whenever you get scared, or nervous, you rely on your speed for fast and heavy attacks. Last time we fought, you darted towards me just like what you did now. I just had to watch and see what you would try and pull once you got to me.”

Suddenly, Christie would hoist Kieda right back up onto her shoulders, only to attempt to SLAM her into the canvas with all the grace of a car accident!

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Re: Kieda Uzai vs Christie Myers - Casket Match

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*Kieda had a proclivity of engaging anyone and everyone she encountered with a bit of verbal jousting- wether it was a seasoned veteran or a weak-kneed rookie, The Fashion Assassin never hesitated when it came to establishing her unrivaled dominance in the field of derisive banter. Christie, however, thrived on it- It fueled her ire and disdain to the point of empowering her, something that the mauve shadow had discovered too little too late in her previous meetings with the sadistic she-devil. That was certainly not a mistake she would replicate tonight, and as her thighs wrapped around the cruel taskmaster's neck, she was obstinate on tossing her backwards and against the canvas below!*

"Hhnn...?!?" *That is, until Christie proved to be just a bit more tenacious than she had anticipated. Her words echoed throughout the kunoichi's mind like a gunshot as her body was put on a collision course herself!* "GGAAAH!" *She shrieked from the unimaginable pain welling in her backside, the immediate sensation nearly causing her to relinquish the grip she had on her nemesis's body entirely!* "Hhnhh..this...isn't..last time!" *Summoning every ounce of expendable energy she had, Kieda lurched forward and latched onto Christie's face, pulling her forward while angling her body just right.*

*While not particularly savvy pertaining to any form of a ground game, the illustrious assassin had witnessed this particular move performed at least a dozen times over, and could very well replicate it just by what she had picked up on. The close proximity to someone she despised so much nearly caused her to regurgitate her lunch, but she knew that sacrifices had to be made in order to emerge victorious. With each passing second, she grew closer to synching in her submission, until finally~*

"Gotcha~" *She whispered with an organically empathetic cadence in her voice, having devised such an elaborate plan from the very beginning.* "I wasn't sure if you'd let your hubris control the flow of this fight, but I should have guessed that you were as predictable as every, Chrissy~" *Deliberately pouring salt in the freshly opened wound, Kieda would give her foe's forehead a playful poke while simultaneously squeezing against the edges of her throat in an effort to both confuse and infuriate her!*

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Re: Kieda Uzai vs Christie Myers - Casket Match

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The boisterous bully felt her foe’s body impact against the canvas through the grip she had on Kieda. The kunoichi’s howl of agony rang out into the crowd as history already seemed to be repeating itself. Kieda was off her feet, below her tormentor and apparently at her mercy. While few had seen Christie’s ground technique, few would think that she was at a disadvantage. Already, a few of the audience members were jeering at Christie…but not because of her cruelty.

They didn’t want her to wipe out Kieda too quickly. They had purchased tickets tonight to see blood! The crowd didn’t want their favorite predator to tear apart it’s prey so fast when it could play with it a bit more and entertain them. Of course, Christie had very little interest in entertaining anyone but herself, and their complaints went unnoticed. Kieda’s legs were weak after the impact, and her tormenter seemed to enjoy the position of power she earned herself. Christie’s face leaned closer towards Kieda’s struggling expression, as though she were marveling at a painting.

But just as it seemed like this fight would be a one sided beat down, the fashion assassin seemed to breath new life! Her terrifying foes gaze narrowed as Kieda squeaked out her retort, telling her that this was not going to be like the fights that came before. Before the snake woman could mock her helpless foe, Kieda proved that Christie’s greatest weakness was her own ego. The devil had been suckered into a trap! Kieda’s legs suddenly wrapped around Christie’s neck and head while the fashion assassin grabbed ahold of her wrist. Before she knew it, Christie found herself snatched up in a strange form of a chokehold.

And that was when the assassin decided to sneak in and jab her with her biting banter!

It was well known that Christie Myers had a temper. She had displayed it in pretty much every single one of her appearances around LAW, and it was an attribute many fans liked about her. Many would have thought that getting tricked into a hold would have set the beast in between Kieda’s legs off, and it did. Christie was clearly fuming in the hold, but what really set a spark off in the demon’s eyes was her Kieda’s smug taunting. Christie was already glaring at the ninja with eyes like a crocodile, but as she poked her in the head, it was like a switch had been flipped.
Kieda's comment hit home!


A gloved hand would swing around and grab ahold of Kieda’s thigh, and with a grip like steel, Christie’s fingers would grasp at the flesh of her foe and squeeze down on it! Muscle and all! As she did so, Christie would also look to break out of the hold she found herself in. Like a beast in a cage, Christie was ferocious in her attempts for freedom, slowly climbing back to her feet while swinging her free arm to smash a fist into the fashion assassin’s ribs!

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Re: Kieda Uzai vs Christie Myers - Casket Match

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*While continuing to revel in Christie's own ineptitude, Kieda could hear the audience beginning to chant* "Ass-ass-in! Ass-ass-in!" *In unison as The Sadistic Succubus continued to thrash and flail around. Could she potentially conquer this infernal bitch of a woman with such a brilliantly laid plan, that she and she alone had concocted? Of course, even the best laid plans go awry, and before long Christie had begun her retaliatory advances. Without squandering a solitary second, Kieda completely relinquished her seething foe while simultaneously rolling to her side, narrowly avoiding Christie's insatiable wrath!*

"Aww, is that the only word you could summon from that vast lexicon of yours? I expected something a little more creative~" *She nonchalantly waved, attempting to goad out the powerful being that lurked beneath the surface of her condescending exterior.* "I have a litany of colorful verbiage that I could toss in your direction, Chrissy, but for the time being I'll postpone on clobbering you with my elevated diction~" *flipping her hair as a sign of pure dominance, her overzealous fans couldn't get enough of her unparalleled grace and poise!*

"Do you hear that audience, Chrissy?" *Continuing to peel off the scab each time she referred to her in such a derisive fashion, Kieda gestured towards the audience with the tips of her manicured nails.* "They came here to witness my undeniable style and elegance. You?" *The Cerulean Shadow momentarily paused before continuing.* "Why, you're merely an appetizer to the main course that is moi, of course~" *Suddenly striking a dazzling pose, Kieda's voluptuous frame was put on display for the world to marvel at, as the sound of a thousand camera flashes filled the arena!*
"Now, are you ready to feel the full force of my sensational style, child?" *Still basking in the radiant glow of her own aura, Kieda's tongue peaked out between the divide of her lips before running it along the edges of her mouth, eager to taste whatever it was that Christie had in store for her.* "I've been oh so anxious to sink my teeth into you, darling. So please, don't hold back~"

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Re: Kieda Uzai vs Christie Myers - Casket Match

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Christie had planned on fighting her way out of the submission hold, knowing full well that she could probably overpower the fashion assassin so early in the fight. Kieda was quick and her blows could certainly leave a mark, but more often than not she needed momentum to bring about any truly devastating attacks. Here, underneath the sadistic succubus, there was no question who would emerge triumphant in this situation. Why Kieda thought poking the incredibly wrathful demon that was a shaky submission hold away was anyone's guess, but the azure assassin was known for her confidence as well as her pride.

But rather then try to hold out against Christie’s thrashing, Kieda would actually flee. The ninja became a blue blur, rolling off to the side as Christie quickly climbed up to her hands and knees. The hellish eyes peered after Kieda once she kipped up to her feet and pranced around for the crowd’s amusement. Her words struck a nerve, and it seemed like the vile villain would suddenly strike like a snake in the grass. But instead, she exhaled a long and heavy sigh.

Slowly, calmly, Christie made her way back to her feet. She let Kieda’s fans scream and cry, let the ninja do her little monkey dance to wring the adulation out of her little groupies, and endured the various insults that were flung at her. A scowl rested on her face, but she otherwise let Kieda go through the song and dance she had seen twice before.

“God, you’re annoying.” Was her simple reply.

“I don’t know how you have any ego left, but let me try to remind you of something; You have said all this shit before. You’ve had the entire group of manchildren scream your name, and you have promised to beat my ass. You called me names, you got in a few good hits, but ultimately you lost...humiliated, humbled, and knocked the fuck out.”

Christie stood tall, her presence giving off a feeling of hidden danger. An animal that could sink its fangs into the unwary prey at any moment…

“In case you didn’t notice, your audience is half of what it was...your style can’t hold up when you lose all the time. Your old news, and I’m just playing along to make sure you understand something. You’re beneath me. Your first challenge, the second one was cute. This third challenge reeks of desperation. Perhaps that's just your cheap perfume…”

Christie meant what she said, seeing Kieda as little more than a bad joke that was no longer funny. However, as she spoke she had gotten closer with hardly anyone noticing. It was like her voice was a siren’s song, her calm tone nearly hypnotic compared to her enraged cackling. Like a mirage, Christie didn’t seem to move, but was suddenly right in front of Kieda.

An elbow would be carving through the air, looking to slam into Kieda’s jaw! Christie herself didn't see, to care. She was already sure of her victory...the fight was just a formality!

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Re: Kieda Uzai vs Christie Myers - Casket Match

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*While she continued to nonchalantly limber herself up in the face of immediate and terrifying danger, her adoring zealots continued to hang off of her every movement. However, it appeared as though the insatiable sadist that stood across from her was unamused with her antics, going so far as to voice her derisive opinion towards the affable assassin.*

"Let's go Kieda!" *Chants became more and more pervasive as the crowd began to rally behind their fashionable fighter, reassuring the kunoichi that regardless of whatever obstacle stood in her path, that her loyal fandom would always showcase their unconditional support towards her. Never one to disappoint her audience, Kieda threw a solitary hand skyward, causing a massive eruption from the auditorium to remind Christie of who had the advantage regarding moral support!*

*Returning to a defensive stance, Kieda's outwardly, confident facade masked the underlying strata of insecurity that constantly bedeviled her; the vast quantity of her foes easily crumbled beneath her ornate footwear, but Christie carried a different aura about her- Ever since their initial skirmish, The Cerulean Shadow had walked with a more tentative stride in her step. As the verbal gutting continued, Kieda balled her fists as a response before finally composing herself enough to retort.*

"I would never refute the matches I lost to you." *Her voice trembling and apprehensive at first, as she continued it gradually became more defined and powerful.* "But I grew reckless with my technique; you weren't some headstrong rookie that caught me on a bad day, you're genuinely talented in the art of fighting." *Having firmly established a baseline of respect towards her rival, Kieda curved her lips to reflect a smug expression.* "But I have taken the time to assess my flaws, and tonight shall be your ruination!"

*Feeling the palpable animosity reach a tipping point, Kieda watched Christie dash towards her to try and capitalize on her weakened state. Never the type to be outdone, especially when the spotlight is focused on her, The Illustrious Kunoichi reciprocated her intentions by slamming her reinforced knuckles across her maw, the parallel damage sending both women staggering backwards, causing the discombobulated kunoichi to collapse against the canvas!*
Last edited by SubtleRoar on Sat Feb 29, 2020 2:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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