Soledad vs Cecelia LWS2019 Round 2
Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 6:52 pm
Last Woman Standing 2019
Round 2
Soledad Vega vs Cecelia Lombard
Win by Knockout
The second round of the tournament, and Cecilia was still going strong. As she thought back to the pathetic showing Samantha had given her back in her last match, she couldn't help but shake her head, scoffing. What a waste of her time. If all of the competitors in this tournament were going to be anything like what she had seen, this was going to be a shoe-in for her victory. She hadn't even bothered watching the rest of the matches, or studying who her opponent would be. After the last match, she was confident she wasn't going to need to.
Soon enough, the time came for her to make her way onto the entrance ramp. The stage was dark, and once again, her name rung out through the arena.
"Coming first to the ring, from Detroit, Michigan! At 5'5, weighing 135 lbs., CECILIA LOMBARD!"
As Cecilia proceeded down the ring, she tossed her head from side to side, shaking out her silver-highlighted hair as she looked out to the crowd with a confident grin on her face, smug and secure in the match ahead of her. Coming off her recent victory, Cecilia was sure there was nothing that could go wrong with her, and she would gloat all she wanted. She came to the side of the ring, stepping up on the ring apron and leaning herself backward until her body was practically bent over horizontally in order to slip in through the ropes before she straightened herself, putting in her hair tie once again and grinning a toothy grin out towards the crowd. She came over to the side of the ring, leaning on the ropes to look out ahead of her.
"Come on," she said, "I've got better places to be than this! Why don't you come out and show me who I'm going to have to kick the ass of this time?" She jabbed her finger in the direction of the entrance, waiting for her opponent to make her appearance.
Soledad Vega jerked her head from dude to side, working out the last of the kinks before it was her turn to step out. The Latina street fighter adjusted her top, bounced on her heels a couple of times to make certain everything was going to stay in place. When a production assistant asked if she was ready, Sola simply smirked & stepped out.
"And her opponent! Hailing from Ponce, Puerto Rico ... Soledad Vegaaaaa!!!" Sola stepped out onto the ramp with both hands held high, turning on her heel to show off for the fans. Grinning, Sola locked eyes with her opponent in the ring and started to step her way down to the ring.
"Hope you're ready for this, chica!" Sola brushed her hand across the chest of a breathless fan as she passed by the front row, then stepped up the ring stairs. Stepping between the ropes, Sola twisted at her hips to enter with a flourish. The Latina whipped the long, free half of her raven hair over her shoulder and fixed Cecilia with a smirk. Sola had clearly decided this tournament was a way to make her mark on LAW, and she was seizing it! Sola rolled her eyes as the ref checked her over, and shook out her legs, looking ready to get this thing rolling!
Despite the energy Soledad showed in coming to the ring, Cecilia was apparently less invested. She leaned back casually, with one hand on the ropes doing all the work in supporting her weight. She wanted to look like she had no concern for what would happen to her in this match at all; that's how confident she was in her victory. Even as Soledad entered, Cecilia would simply mime a yawn, casually rolling her shoulders before she finally pushed herself up from the ropes to close in on the center of the ring in order to meet her opponent.
"Oh, you bet I'm ready," Cecilia chuckled. As the ref would finish with Sola and move on to check Cecilia likewise, she met her with crossed arms, a smirk on her face as she rolled her head back on her shoulders in order to work the kinks out of her neck. She hoped that such a display of her natural flexibility would intimidate Sola, or at least distract her going into their bout. But soon enough, the bell had rung - and Cecilia had other things she could worry about than mere intimidation. She would move to take Sola by the shoulders - but no sooner had she done that, she would throw a knee straight up to aim at Sola's ribs!
Sola watched her opponent's causal attitude with interest. Cecilia showed no worries, which was fine by the Latina. Taking a confident girl and wringing some cries out of her was much more satisfying than breaking some mousy, timid little girl.
The two would lock up right off the bat, Cecilia wasting no time in getting things rolling. The Latina street fighter was good with this, eager to get moving. Sola wasn't a great technical wrestler, however. Not by her nature. With Cecilia locked up with her, Sola would thrust forward with a rough headbutt, a nasty way to introduce herself to her for. Also, however, a tactic that did nothing to prevent Cecilia's knee from driving had into Sola's belly, sinking into her account and doubling her over!
Cecilia's knee might have landed against Sola's stomach, but she wasn't going to have much time to appreciate the fruits of her labor when Sola had landed a blow of her own at exactly the same moment, her forehead colliding straight with Cecilia's nose. With a frustrated cry of pain, growling through her teeth, Cecilia broke her lockup with Soledad and went stumbling backwards, her hands reaching up out of instinct to clutch her face. She winced from the pain, doubled forward as she blundered around on an uneasy footing, and eventually ended up back at her side of the ring, opposite her opponent.
Cecilia wasn't going to stop at this, however, and while the pain would subside, her anger and desire for victory certainly would not. As she lowered her hands from her face, the visage beneath was one of fury, her eyes fiery and her teeth locked in a grimace. "Oh, you think you're so tough, huh?" she said, rushing back at Sola with a clothesline. She hoped that she might be able to catch her off guard, but with how long it had taken Cecilia to recover, it wouldn't be surprising if she had the time to get back up.
"Nnngh!" Sola grunted, holding her aching belly in both arms. Seemed both women were feeling cocky enough to go in hard, right off the bat. "Not bad, chica ..." Sola said, rising back to her full height.
Cecilia, however, had rolled with the blow enough to come back hard with a clothesline! Eyes widening, Sola tried to duck low and rush. A little slower than usual after Cecilia's knee struck her in the abs, Sola nonetheless tried to run the ropes herself. If she could, Sola would try to rush back with a clothesline of her own- assuming, of course, she could escape the one coming right at her head!
Captain Lhurgoyf03/15/2019
The two women crossed paths in the center of the ring, flying by one another as the momentum carried them both onwards, With Sola going for an evasive maneuver herself, she would be able to slip out of the way just in time, causing Cecilia's elbow to only hit the air with a whiff as she ducked underneath her outstretched arm and rolled behind her. Skidding to a halt, Cecilia grit her teeth in frustration at having her chance to punish her opponent taken away from her, turning back to face Soledad as she snarled at her with narrowed eyes and clenched teeth.
Continuing with the momentum the two had established, Sola would be coming straight back at Cecilia as she hit the ropes opposite her. Cecilia, likewise, would be one to respond with the same gesture, as she lowered herself to charge right back towards her opponent on cue. This would be different, however, as this time, Cecilia would try and grab her as she passed, trying to use Sola's momentum to suplex her and take her to the mat!
Sola rushed through the ring, building she'd with every step. She hit the ropes hard, bounced back, and just barely managed to get her head below Cecilia's waiting elbow!
Running the ropes again, Sola tried to focus her energy. Shifting forward, Sola leaned in, curvy body bouncing with every step. Reaching Cecilia, Sola extended her arm, ready to take aim with her own clothesline ... Right up to the moment that Cecilia side-stepped her! "Ah!" Sola gasped, feeling Cecilia's arms wrap around her belly. Before she knew it, the Latina street fighter was getting hoisted end over end, legs splayed out, until her shoulders came crashing down to the canvas! Groaning, Sola tried to roll off her opponent, withing in misery in her grip.
Cecilia had Sola in her sights, and as the two of them started to close in on each other to make their next move, it was suddenly her time to strike. She swerved out of the way of the blow, and in the process she would be poised perfectly to snatch Sola up around her side, flipping herself backwards along with her opponent as the two were taken to the mat!
Now grounded, Cecilia could better secure her dominance over her opponent, and that was exactly the way she liked it, a smirk spreading over her face as she thought about just what she could do with Sola in this position. She would allow Sola to roll off - but only so that a moment later, Cecilia could try and roll back on top of her, moving to meet her face to face so that she might be in a better position to get her in a headlock, wrapping her arm about her temples.
Rolling off the suplex, Sola gasped for air. She could feel Cecilia's arms around her waist, and knew her opponent was still in control. Sola took deep breaths, trying to ready her body for the punishment she knew was coming ...
However, where Sola expected more harsh physical punishment, Cecelia rolled around her. Arms holding her head fast, Cecilia was looking to take control of Sola's body from the top. There Latina street fighter grunted, then opened her eyes to see Cecilia's face starting back. Tensing her arm, Sola leaned back, pulling her body up toward a kneeling position. Then, Sola would fire off with a forearm strike, aimed directly at Cecilia's chest, trying to create some distance between the two women!
Oh, Cecilia did have harsh physical punishment coming - but she wasn't going to run into it headlong. No, that'd be too easy. The way Cecilia liked to do things, she would need to get herself into just the right position first, and then she would be poised to exploit her control to her benefit. Grinning with anticipation of what she would put Sola through, Cecilia held down her head, then began to circle her legs around Sola's waist so that she would be in position to clench down and hold off her airways. Then she would start to bring her legs back out around her legs to try and force those apart. And all the while, Cecilia was taking her time, going slow and steady, so that Sola would be stricken with fear for her ultimate fate...
But in doing so, Cecilia had made a mistake - at this stage of the match, Sola's reaction wasn't one of fear! Taking the confident Cecilia by surprise, Sola threw her forearm right up into her chest, causing her to fall back with a cough. Abandoning her position, Cecilia fell to Sola's side, letting her go.
Sola squirmed in her opponent's grip, Cecilia doing an expert job of grappling the curvy Latina street fighter. Light moans escaped Sola's throat as Cecilia circled her, but Sola refused to lose focus. Flexing her arm, Sola lashed out with the elbow, and it found its mark!
When Cecilia fell to Sola's side, she had an opening. However, she was in no shape to capitalize, with the abuse she'd just taken. Sola wrapped an arm around her aching belly, grunting as she got up to a knee. Staring down at Cecilia, however, Sola didn't want to just let her go. Rising up a bit, Sola extended an arm, then came down hard with another elbow strike, dropping down with the hard joint aimed right at Cecilia's chest!
Hearing the groans coming from Sola, Cecilia could only snicker to herself with anticipation of putting this woman in her place and squeezing the life out of her. She was sure she had her right where she needed her in order to exert some pain, the kind she would need to win this tournament - and moreover, the kind she would enjoy dishing out. But Soledad had other plans - and Cecilia would be feeling them!
She dropped over onto her back, shuddering and gritting her teeth in rage as she met Sola's eyes with her own fiery ones, locked in a hateful scowl. She would go to swing another blow for Cecilia's stomach - but this time, Cecilia would be ready. As Sola's arm would come towards her, Cecilia would try to grab for her wrist to stop her oncoming blow. If she could succeed at that, Cecilia's next move would be to roll her weight to the side to try and bring her back down, so that she could then get into position to move her legs around Sola's arm for an armbar.
Sola locked eyes with Cecilia, the two starting each other down. Cecilia looked enraged, ready to tear Sola apart. The teenage street fighter, meanwhile, smirked, looking like Cecilia's rage only got her more excited! Sola seeing down hard with the elbow drop, aimed square at the woman's chest!
Sola's eyes went wide with shock, however, when Cecilia simply caught her arm, and started to roll with it! On instinct, the Latina grabbed her wrist with her free hand. Sola planted her feet on the mat, trying to use her vantage point to keep Cecilia from rolling her over, and prevent her own arm from being hyper-extended in the armbar!
Cecilia's plan was going smoothly enough so far, as she managed to catch Sola's elbow. That was good, she thought; she had saved this situation from getting worse than it could've. However, things wouldn't get as far as Cecilia had hoped, as Sola refused to go down, planting her feet against the mat to steady herself as she tried to upset the balance. Seeing her attempts thwarted, Cecilia glared up at Sola - not only would she have much preferred to have bowled her over, she was now on her back while Sola was above her; not exactly the most favorable position to be in when in the ring.
Cecilia saw that she'd need to change her tactics, but she had another plan - she'd think on her feet, as much as that saying was applicable with her presently being on her back. Sola might have secured her footing, but Cecilia would try and kick at her ankle to try and unseat her anchor.
Sola grunted and moaned as she clutched her own wrist, blocking Cecilia's armbar. It was tough going, especially since the move caught the teenage street fighter totally off-guard!
Beads of sweat were forming on Sola's body, running down her curves, as she struggled against her opponent. "D-damn," Sola grunted, all of her focus on blocking the armbar. Which, unfortunately, meant that none of her focus was on what Cecilia was doing: namely, kicking out her foot!
"Shit!" Sola cursed, as the kick took out her leg. Sola tried to squeeze her arms to her chest for protection, but that didn't chance the fact that she was going down hard! "Ugh!" Sola moaned as she hit the mat, rolling over Cecilia and landing with a shoulder to the canvas!
Round 2
Soledad Vega vs Cecelia Lombard
Win by Knockout
Tournament Bracket



The second round of the tournament, and Cecilia was still going strong. As she thought back to the pathetic showing Samantha had given her back in her last match, she couldn't help but shake her head, scoffing. What a waste of her time. If all of the competitors in this tournament were going to be anything like what she had seen, this was going to be a shoe-in for her victory. She hadn't even bothered watching the rest of the matches, or studying who her opponent would be. After the last match, she was confident she wasn't going to need to.
Soon enough, the time came for her to make her way onto the entrance ramp. The stage was dark, and once again, her name rung out through the arena.
"Coming first to the ring, from Detroit, Michigan! At 5'5, weighing 135 lbs., CECILIA LOMBARD!"
As Cecilia proceeded down the ring, she tossed her head from side to side, shaking out her silver-highlighted hair as she looked out to the crowd with a confident grin on her face, smug and secure in the match ahead of her. Coming off her recent victory, Cecilia was sure there was nothing that could go wrong with her, and she would gloat all she wanted. She came to the side of the ring, stepping up on the ring apron and leaning herself backward until her body was practically bent over horizontally in order to slip in through the ropes before she straightened herself, putting in her hair tie once again and grinning a toothy grin out towards the crowd. She came over to the side of the ring, leaning on the ropes to look out ahead of her.
"Come on," she said, "I've got better places to be than this! Why don't you come out and show me who I'm going to have to kick the ass of this time?" She jabbed her finger in the direction of the entrance, waiting for her opponent to make her appearance.
Soledad Vega jerked her head from dude to side, working out the last of the kinks before it was her turn to step out. The Latina street fighter adjusted her top, bounced on her heels a couple of times to make certain everything was going to stay in place. When a production assistant asked if she was ready, Sola simply smirked & stepped out.
"And her opponent! Hailing from Ponce, Puerto Rico ... Soledad Vegaaaaa!!!" Sola stepped out onto the ramp with both hands held high, turning on her heel to show off for the fans. Grinning, Sola locked eyes with her opponent in the ring and started to step her way down to the ring.
"Hope you're ready for this, chica!" Sola brushed her hand across the chest of a breathless fan as she passed by the front row, then stepped up the ring stairs. Stepping between the ropes, Sola twisted at her hips to enter with a flourish. The Latina whipped the long, free half of her raven hair over her shoulder and fixed Cecilia with a smirk. Sola had clearly decided this tournament was a way to make her mark on LAW, and she was seizing it! Sola rolled her eyes as the ref checked her over, and shook out her legs, looking ready to get this thing rolling!
Despite the energy Soledad showed in coming to the ring, Cecilia was apparently less invested. She leaned back casually, with one hand on the ropes doing all the work in supporting her weight. She wanted to look like she had no concern for what would happen to her in this match at all; that's how confident she was in her victory. Even as Soledad entered, Cecilia would simply mime a yawn, casually rolling her shoulders before she finally pushed herself up from the ropes to close in on the center of the ring in order to meet her opponent.
"Oh, you bet I'm ready," Cecilia chuckled. As the ref would finish with Sola and move on to check Cecilia likewise, she met her with crossed arms, a smirk on her face as she rolled her head back on her shoulders in order to work the kinks out of her neck. She hoped that such a display of her natural flexibility would intimidate Sola, or at least distract her going into their bout. But soon enough, the bell had rung - and Cecilia had other things she could worry about than mere intimidation. She would move to take Sola by the shoulders - but no sooner had she done that, she would throw a knee straight up to aim at Sola's ribs!
Sola watched her opponent's causal attitude with interest. Cecilia showed no worries, which was fine by the Latina. Taking a confident girl and wringing some cries out of her was much more satisfying than breaking some mousy, timid little girl.
The two would lock up right off the bat, Cecilia wasting no time in getting things rolling. The Latina street fighter was good with this, eager to get moving. Sola wasn't a great technical wrestler, however. Not by her nature. With Cecilia locked up with her, Sola would thrust forward with a rough headbutt, a nasty way to introduce herself to her for. Also, however, a tactic that did nothing to prevent Cecilia's knee from driving had into Sola's belly, sinking into her account and doubling her over!
Cecilia's knee might have landed against Sola's stomach, but she wasn't going to have much time to appreciate the fruits of her labor when Sola had landed a blow of her own at exactly the same moment, her forehead colliding straight with Cecilia's nose. With a frustrated cry of pain, growling through her teeth, Cecilia broke her lockup with Soledad and went stumbling backwards, her hands reaching up out of instinct to clutch her face. She winced from the pain, doubled forward as she blundered around on an uneasy footing, and eventually ended up back at her side of the ring, opposite her opponent.
Cecilia wasn't going to stop at this, however, and while the pain would subside, her anger and desire for victory certainly would not. As she lowered her hands from her face, the visage beneath was one of fury, her eyes fiery and her teeth locked in a grimace. "Oh, you think you're so tough, huh?" she said, rushing back at Sola with a clothesline. She hoped that she might be able to catch her off guard, but with how long it had taken Cecilia to recover, it wouldn't be surprising if she had the time to get back up.
"Nnngh!" Sola grunted, holding her aching belly in both arms. Seemed both women were feeling cocky enough to go in hard, right off the bat. "Not bad, chica ..." Sola said, rising back to her full height.
Cecilia, however, had rolled with the blow enough to come back hard with a clothesline! Eyes widening, Sola tried to duck low and rush. A little slower than usual after Cecilia's knee struck her in the abs, Sola nonetheless tried to run the ropes herself. If she could, Sola would try to rush back with a clothesline of her own- assuming, of course, she could escape the one coming right at her head!
Captain Lhurgoyf03/15/2019
The two women crossed paths in the center of the ring, flying by one another as the momentum carried them both onwards, With Sola going for an evasive maneuver herself, she would be able to slip out of the way just in time, causing Cecilia's elbow to only hit the air with a whiff as she ducked underneath her outstretched arm and rolled behind her. Skidding to a halt, Cecilia grit her teeth in frustration at having her chance to punish her opponent taken away from her, turning back to face Soledad as she snarled at her with narrowed eyes and clenched teeth.
Continuing with the momentum the two had established, Sola would be coming straight back at Cecilia as she hit the ropes opposite her. Cecilia, likewise, would be one to respond with the same gesture, as she lowered herself to charge right back towards her opponent on cue. This would be different, however, as this time, Cecilia would try and grab her as she passed, trying to use Sola's momentum to suplex her and take her to the mat!
Sola rushed through the ring, building she'd with every step. She hit the ropes hard, bounced back, and just barely managed to get her head below Cecilia's waiting elbow!
Running the ropes again, Sola tried to focus her energy. Shifting forward, Sola leaned in, curvy body bouncing with every step. Reaching Cecilia, Sola extended her arm, ready to take aim with her own clothesline ... Right up to the moment that Cecilia side-stepped her! "Ah!" Sola gasped, feeling Cecilia's arms wrap around her belly. Before she knew it, the Latina street fighter was getting hoisted end over end, legs splayed out, until her shoulders came crashing down to the canvas! Groaning, Sola tried to roll off her opponent, withing in misery in her grip.
Cecilia had Sola in her sights, and as the two of them started to close in on each other to make their next move, it was suddenly her time to strike. She swerved out of the way of the blow, and in the process she would be poised perfectly to snatch Sola up around her side, flipping herself backwards along with her opponent as the two were taken to the mat!
Now grounded, Cecilia could better secure her dominance over her opponent, and that was exactly the way she liked it, a smirk spreading over her face as she thought about just what she could do with Sola in this position. She would allow Sola to roll off - but only so that a moment later, Cecilia could try and roll back on top of her, moving to meet her face to face so that she might be in a better position to get her in a headlock, wrapping her arm about her temples.
Rolling off the suplex, Sola gasped for air. She could feel Cecilia's arms around her waist, and knew her opponent was still in control. Sola took deep breaths, trying to ready her body for the punishment she knew was coming ...
However, where Sola expected more harsh physical punishment, Cecelia rolled around her. Arms holding her head fast, Cecilia was looking to take control of Sola's body from the top. There Latina street fighter grunted, then opened her eyes to see Cecilia's face starting back. Tensing her arm, Sola leaned back, pulling her body up toward a kneeling position. Then, Sola would fire off with a forearm strike, aimed directly at Cecilia's chest, trying to create some distance between the two women!
Oh, Cecilia did have harsh physical punishment coming - but she wasn't going to run into it headlong. No, that'd be too easy. The way Cecilia liked to do things, she would need to get herself into just the right position first, and then she would be poised to exploit her control to her benefit. Grinning with anticipation of what she would put Sola through, Cecilia held down her head, then began to circle her legs around Sola's waist so that she would be in position to clench down and hold off her airways. Then she would start to bring her legs back out around her legs to try and force those apart. And all the while, Cecilia was taking her time, going slow and steady, so that Sola would be stricken with fear for her ultimate fate...
But in doing so, Cecilia had made a mistake - at this stage of the match, Sola's reaction wasn't one of fear! Taking the confident Cecilia by surprise, Sola threw her forearm right up into her chest, causing her to fall back with a cough. Abandoning her position, Cecilia fell to Sola's side, letting her go.
Sola squirmed in her opponent's grip, Cecilia doing an expert job of grappling the curvy Latina street fighter. Light moans escaped Sola's throat as Cecilia circled her, but Sola refused to lose focus. Flexing her arm, Sola lashed out with the elbow, and it found its mark!
When Cecilia fell to Sola's side, she had an opening. However, she was in no shape to capitalize, with the abuse she'd just taken. Sola wrapped an arm around her aching belly, grunting as she got up to a knee. Staring down at Cecilia, however, Sola didn't want to just let her go. Rising up a bit, Sola extended an arm, then came down hard with another elbow strike, dropping down with the hard joint aimed right at Cecilia's chest!
Hearing the groans coming from Sola, Cecilia could only snicker to herself with anticipation of putting this woman in her place and squeezing the life out of her. She was sure she had her right where she needed her in order to exert some pain, the kind she would need to win this tournament - and moreover, the kind she would enjoy dishing out. But Soledad had other plans - and Cecilia would be feeling them!
She dropped over onto her back, shuddering and gritting her teeth in rage as she met Sola's eyes with her own fiery ones, locked in a hateful scowl. She would go to swing another blow for Cecilia's stomach - but this time, Cecilia would be ready. As Sola's arm would come towards her, Cecilia would try to grab for her wrist to stop her oncoming blow. If she could succeed at that, Cecilia's next move would be to roll her weight to the side to try and bring her back down, so that she could then get into position to move her legs around Sola's arm for an armbar.
Sola locked eyes with Cecilia, the two starting each other down. Cecilia looked enraged, ready to tear Sola apart. The teenage street fighter, meanwhile, smirked, looking like Cecilia's rage only got her more excited! Sola seeing down hard with the elbow drop, aimed square at the woman's chest!
Sola's eyes went wide with shock, however, when Cecilia simply caught her arm, and started to roll with it! On instinct, the Latina grabbed her wrist with her free hand. Sola planted her feet on the mat, trying to use her vantage point to keep Cecilia from rolling her over, and prevent her own arm from being hyper-extended in the armbar!
Cecilia's plan was going smoothly enough so far, as she managed to catch Sola's elbow. That was good, she thought; she had saved this situation from getting worse than it could've. However, things wouldn't get as far as Cecilia had hoped, as Sola refused to go down, planting her feet against the mat to steady herself as she tried to upset the balance. Seeing her attempts thwarted, Cecilia glared up at Sola - not only would she have much preferred to have bowled her over, she was now on her back while Sola was above her; not exactly the most favorable position to be in when in the ring.
Cecilia saw that she'd need to change her tactics, but she had another plan - she'd think on her feet, as much as that saying was applicable with her presently being on her back. Sola might have secured her footing, but Cecilia would try and kick at her ankle to try and unseat her anchor.
Sola grunted and moaned as she clutched her own wrist, blocking Cecilia's armbar. It was tough going, especially since the move caught the teenage street fighter totally off-guard!
Beads of sweat were forming on Sola's body, running down her curves, as she struggled against her opponent. "D-damn," Sola grunted, all of her focus on blocking the armbar. Which, unfortunately, meant that none of her focus was on what Cecilia was doing: namely, kicking out her foot!
"Shit!" Sola cursed, as the kick took out her leg. Sola tried to squeeze her arms to her chest for protection, but that didn't chance the fact that she was going down hard! "Ugh!" Sola moaned as she hit the mat, rolling over Cecilia and landing with a shoulder to the canvas!