Victory by KO only

She could see her opponent already standing in the middle of the ring, a cute girl in all red, looking ready to wrestle. Ducky was always one for making allies instead of enemies, so entering the ring, she walked up to the girl, smiling and extending her hand. "Hello there! My name's Ducky, it's nice to meet you!"

Megumi watched her opponent making her appearance, a cute blondie in sexy attire. Still, Megumi wasn't one to underestimate her opponent as she knew that this girl might have some surprises for her in this match. So, as the girl, Ducky, made her way down the ramp, heading over to the ring, Megumi kept her eyes on her, watching her every step before she finally entered the ring.
It seemed that this Ducky was affable enough that she offered a handshake before the match. While Megumi might not be the most sociable person out there, she didn't see any harm from a handshake. "I'm Megumi. Pleased to meet you," she said, smiling slightly. "I hope you're ready, because I'm not planning to hold back..." she added, showing her confident smile to the bespectacled cutie before her.
With her opponent seeming to accept her handshake, giving her a friendly greeting as well as a playful warning, Ducky smiled back at her, before breaking the handshake. She was more than happy to have this girl throw everything she had at her, as Ducky wanted to make sure that she was beating Megumi at her best.
"Well, I wouldn't have it any other way!" Ducky said, before turning around to move back over to her corner turning to wait for the bell to ring, eager to begin her match with Megumi!
After shaking hands with Ducky, Megumi also did the same, heading back to her corner to wait for the bell to ring. Once the referee called for the ring, she stepped away from the corner, taking a stance as she looked at the blonde before her. In this match, the victor would be decided by knocking out her opponent.
So, Megumi would circle Ducky a little before closing in, looking to lock up with Ducky with a traditional collar and elbow tie up. Her boots would skid on the canvas as she would try to find an even footing so that she could overpower the blonde cutie before her.
Ducky had a brief moment to stretch in her corner, before commencing with the match, the reg ringing the bell and starting things off! Immediately, Megumi would begin to circle her, with Ducky doing the same, before both girls rushed forwards to lock up in the center of the ring!
Both Megumi and Ducky quickly began to push one another, both trying to gain an advantage. However, Ducky’s strength was never her strong suit, so Megumi began to take control and shove her back. However, thinking quickly, Ducky would suddenly roll backwards, yanking Megumi with her and using her momentum against her, before planting her foot in the red-clad girl’s stomach, attempting to surprise her and fling her over with a quick monkey flip!
Being the more experienced and physically stronger, Megumi began to take control, shoving Ducky back. But the bespectacled cutie was a quick-thinker as she immediately rolled backwards, yanking Megumi with her before planting her foot in her stomach, flinging her over with a monkey flip!
"Waah!" Megumi yelped from being flung over, but she immediately regained her bearing as she would quickly bend her body in midair before landing on the mat, doing a forward roll, getting herself on her knees before springing up. Right after that, she would turn around to look at Ducky, preparing herself for her next clash with her.
Ducky's plan to catch Megumi off guard was a success, the girl suddenly flipping Megumi over the top of herself, looking to get her foe with a monkey flip. However, Megumi was quite the athletic gal, managing to flip forward in the air, catching herself and performing an athletic forward roll, popping back up on her feet!
Rising up once more, Ducky gave a slight gasp as she turned to see Megumi also up on her feet, the girl having managed to get back on her feet quite easily, before turning to face Ducky! However, the blonde is ready to try and take the girl in red down again, rushing forward and lowering her shoulder and looking to spear Megumi to the floor!
Turning around after getting back on her feet, Megumi saw Ducky going for a spear. This time, she was more prepared and readied herself to get into action. As Ducky rushed forward, lowering her body to spear her, Megumi would leap up, spreading her legs for a leapfrog, letting Ducky pass under her harmlessly before landing on her feet.
Upon landing, Megumi would twist around, looking to deliver a thrust kick right into Ducky's back, hoping that it could deal some damage on the blonde cutie. She was planning to chip away at Ducky's defense first before going for big moves.
Lunging forward, Ducky would do her best to take down Megumi, looking to spear the girl out of her shoes, charging wildly. However, Ducky would find herself missing entirely, as the girl leaped up athletically, spreading her legs in air to leapfrog the blonde, before landing behind her, throwing a hard kick to Ducky's back, sending her stumbling into the ropes!
"Augh!" Ducky gave a loud cry as Megumi's boot connected solidly with her back, and she grunted as she hit the ropes, turning around to face Megumi. So now Ducky would approach slowly and cautiously, sliding forward ever so slightly before suddenly going low, looking to grab Megumi's legs and yank them out from under her!
Delivering the thrust kick right into Ducky's back, Megumi managed to send her stumbling into the ropes. Going through her momentum, Megumi twisted around before stopping, planting her feet on the mat as she looked at the direction of her foe who was at the ropes. Still, Ducky managed to recover quick as she came over to her, sliding forward and closing in before suddenly going low, grabbing Megumi's legs and yanking them out from under her.
"Uwaah!!" Megumi yelped when her feet were yanked out from under her, and she ended up falling backwards, hitting the mat back first. "Nnghh!!" Wincing, she would try to stop Ducky from following up with another attack by kicking her feet at her direction, hoping that it could discourage the bespectacled cutie from keeping up with her offense.
With her plan working out, Ducky had Megumi floored now, having been able to yank the girl's feet right out from under her! The only problem was, Megumi quickly thrust her legs out again, throwing another kick Ducky's way to discourage the girl from keeping up any offense at all!
The blonde backed off, looking to circle Megumi and try to get out of range from her legs, before suddenly darting in close, looking to grab the girl in a headlock and ground her on the mat!
Megumi managed to discourage Ducky from keeping up with her offense by kicking at her way, and she was planning to regain her bearing as quickly as possible. But her opponent seemed to be going for another approach as she went to circle her before closing in, grabbing Megumi in a headlock before bringing her down to the mat!
"Aah!!" Megumi yelped as she was brought down onto the mat as she was held in the headlock. She would frantically get her feet on the canvas before bridging herself up, getting herself on her tiptoes. Then, she would try to twist her body, looking to get herself a perfect angle for her to try to pull her head out of the headlock, escaping whatever Ducky had in her mind.
Things seemed to be dead even as Ducky fought Megumi for control, neither woman finding a way to get a leg up on the other so far. And even as Ducky would get Megumi down, it didn't last long, with Megumi quickly pushing back up to her feet, standing up before shoving away from Ducky!
Once more, it would seem like Ducky was having a rough time getting ahold of Megumi. She relied on submissions, and if she wasn't able to get Megumi on the ground, or keep her in her grasp, then she was going to have a rough time. But she knew that she needed to stun her first, so as the other girl stumbled away, Ducky would thrust her leg out, trying to catch her with a quick superkick!
Escaping Ducky's headlock, Megumi would quickly get back on her feet and turn around to face her bespectacled opponent. She had consistently escaped all Ducky's attempt to keep her down, and now, Megumi decided that this would be her turn to get Ducky trapped.
But, before she could do anything, she saw Ducky thrusting her leg out, delivering a superkick right into her face. Having no time to react, Megumi took the superkick right in her face. "Ghoughh!!!" Her head recoiled back from the kick, and she staggered back before falling flat onto her back. "Uuuhh..." she groaned, seeing stars after taking the superkick from her opponent.
Nailing Megumi in the face with her foot, Ducky could see that the kick had completely rocked Megumi, having laid her out on the mat. And now, Ducky was in the perfect position to make a move, looking to continue with her offense.
Quickly, she would run over to Megumi, looking to quickly capture one of Megumi's legs, before crossing it over, while threading her own legs through. And once she was set up, she would quickly throw herself backwards, landing hard on her back and locking in a brutal figure four leg lock, looking to properly kick things off by going after Megumi's legs!