LWS 2018 - Ducky Williams vs Megumi Mutoh - Round 1

The second annual 8-woman tournament consisting entirely of Last Woman Standing Matches.
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LWS 2018 - Ducky Williams vs Megumi Mutoh - Round 1

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Last Woman Standing 2018 Round 1
Victory by KO only
Standing backstage, Ducky couldn't help but reflect on this, her first tournament. With all the impressive competitors in LAW, she couldn't imagine the kind of talent she might face. But now, as she was told that it was her turn to enter, thoughts of her foe faded away, replaced with a steely determination to win, no matter who it was. Quickly, Ducky would step out onto the ramp, getting a warm reception from the crowd as she made her way down to the ring.

She could see her opponent already standing in the middle of the ring, a cute girl in all red, looking ready to wrestle. Ducky was always one for making allies instead of enemies, so entering the ring, she walked up to the girl, smiling and extending her hand. "Hello there! My name's Ducky, it's nice to meet you!"
Megumi watched her opponent making her appearance, a cute blondie in sexy attire. Still, Megumi wasn't one to underestimate her opponent as she knew that this girl might have some surprises for her in this match. So, as the girl, Ducky, made her way down the ramp, heading over to the ring, Megumi kept her eyes on her, watching her every step before she finally entered the ring.

It seemed that this Ducky was affable enough that she offered a handshake before the match. While Megumi might not be the most sociable person out there, she didn't see any harm from a handshake. "I'm Megumi. Pleased to meet you," she said, smiling slightly. "I hope you're ready, because I'm not planning to hold back..." she added, showing her confident smile to the bespectacled cutie before her.

With her opponent seeming to accept her handshake, giving her a friendly greeting as well as a playful warning, Ducky smiled back at her, before breaking the handshake. She was more than happy to have this girl throw everything she had at her, as Ducky wanted to make sure that she was beating Megumi at her best.

"Well, I wouldn't have it any other way!" Ducky said, before turning around to move back over to her corner turning to wait for the bell to ring, eager to begin her match with Megumi!

After shaking hands with Ducky, Megumi also did the same, heading back to her corner to wait for the bell to ring. Once the referee called for the ring, she stepped away from the corner, taking a stance as she looked at the blonde before her. In this match, the victor would be decided by knocking out her opponent.

So, Megumi would circle Ducky a little before closing in, looking to lock up with Ducky with a traditional collar and elbow tie up. Her boots would skid on the canvas as she would try to find an even footing so that she could overpower the blonde cutie before her.

Ducky had a brief moment to stretch in her corner, before commencing with the match, the reg ringing the bell and starting things off! Immediately, Megumi would begin to circle her, with Ducky doing the same, before both girls rushed forwards to lock up in the center of the ring!

Both Megumi and Ducky quickly began to push one another, both trying to gain an advantage. However, Ducky’s strength was never her strong suit, so Megumi began to take control and shove her back. However, thinking quickly, Ducky would suddenly roll backwards, yanking Megumi with her and using her momentum against her, before planting her foot in the red-clad girl’s stomach, attempting to surprise her and fling her over with a quick monkey flip!

Being the more experienced and physically stronger, Megumi began to take control, shoving Ducky back. But the bespectacled cutie was a quick-thinker as she immediately rolled backwards, yanking Megumi with her before planting her foot in her stomach, flinging her over with a monkey flip!

"Waah!" Megumi yelped from being flung over, but she immediately regained her bearing as she would quickly bend her body in midair before landing on the mat, doing a forward roll, getting herself on her knees before springing up. Right after that, she would turn around to look at Ducky, preparing herself for her next clash with her.

Ducky's plan to catch Megumi off guard was a success, the girl suddenly flipping Megumi over the top of herself, looking to get her foe with a monkey flip. However, Megumi was quite the athletic gal, managing to flip forward in the air, catching herself and performing an athletic forward roll, popping back up on her feet!

Rising up once more, Ducky gave a slight gasp as she turned to see Megumi also up on her feet, the girl having managed to get back on her feet quite easily, before turning to face Ducky! However, the blonde is ready to try and take the girl in red down again, rushing forward and lowering her shoulder and looking to spear Megumi to the floor!

Turning around after getting back on her feet, Megumi saw Ducky going for a spear. This time, she was more prepared and readied herself to get into action. As Ducky rushed forward, lowering her body to spear her, Megumi would leap up, spreading her legs for a leapfrog, letting Ducky pass under her harmlessly before landing on her feet.

Upon landing, Megumi would twist around, looking to deliver a thrust kick right into Ducky's back, hoping that it could deal some damage on the blonde cutie. She was planning to chip away at Ducky's defense first before going for big moves.

Lunging forward, Ducky would do her best to take down Megumi, looking to spear the girl out of her shoes, charging wildly. However, Ducky would find herself missing entirely, as the girl leaped up athletically, spreading her legs in air to leapfrog the blonde, before landing behind her, throwing a hard kick to Ducky's back, sending her stumbling into the ropes!

"Augh!" Ducky gave a loud cry as Megumi's boot connected solidly with her back, and she grunted as she hit the ropes, turning around to face Megumi. So now Ducky would approach slowly and cautiously, sliding forward ever so slightly before suddenly going low, looking to grab Megumi's legs and yank them out from under her!

Delivering the thrust kick right into Ducky's back, Megumi managed to send her stumbling into the ropes. Going through her momentum, Megumi twisted around before stopping, planting her feet on the mat as she looked at the direction of her foe who was at the ropes. Still, Ducky managed to recover quick as she came over to her, sliding forward and closing in before suddenly going low, grabbing Megumi's legs and yanking them out from under her.

"Uwaah!!" Megumi yelped when her feet were yanked out from under her, and she ended up falling backwards, hitting the mat back first. "Nnghh!!" Wincing, she would try to stop Ducky from following up with another attack by kicking her feet at her direction, hoping that it could discourage the bespectacled cutie from keeping up with her offense.

With her plan working out, Ducky had Megumi floored now, having been able to yank the girl's feet right out from under her! The only problem was, Megumi quickly thrust her legs out again, throwing another kick Ducky's way to discourage the girl from keeping up any offense at all!

The blonde backed off, looking to circle Megumi and try to get out of range from her legs, before suddenly darting in close, looking to grab the girl in a headlock and ground her on the mat!

Megumi managed to discourage Ducky from keeping up with her offense by kicking at her way, and she was planning to regain her bearing as quickly as possible. But her opponent seemed to be going for another approach as she went to circle her before closing in, grabbing Megumi in a headlock before bringing her down to the mat!

"Aah!!" Megumi yelped as she was brought down onto the mat as she was held in the headlock. She would frantically get her feet on the canvas before bridging herself up, getting herself on her tiptoes. Then, she would try to twist her body, looking to get herself a perfect angle for her to try to pull her head out of the headlock, escaping whatever Ducky had in her mind.

Things seemed to be dead even as Ducky fought Megumi for control, neither woman finding a way to get a leg up on the other so far. And even as Ducky would get Megumi down, it didn't last long, with Megumi quickly pushing back up to her feet, standing up before shoving away from Ducky!

Once more, it would seem like Ducky was having a rough time getting ahold of Megumi. She relied on submissions, and if she wasn't able to get Megumi on the ground, or keep her in her grasp, then she was going to have a rough time. But she knew that she needed to stun her first, so as the other girl stumbled away, Ducky would thrust her leg out, trying to catch her with a quick superkick!

Escaping Ducky's headlock, Megumi would quickly get back on her feet and turn around to face her bespectacled opponent. She had consistently escaped all Ducky's attempt to keep her down, and now, Megumi decided that this would be her turn to get Ducky trapped.

But, before she could do anything, she saw Ducky thrusting her leg out, delivering a superkick right into her face. Having no time to react, Megumi took the superkick right in her face. "Ghoughh!!!" Her head recoiled back from the kick, and she staggered back before falling flat onto her back. "Uuuhh..." she groaned, seeing stars after taking the superkick from her opponent.

Nailing Megumi in the face with her foot, Ducky could see that the kick had completely rocked Megumi, having laid her out on the mat. And now, Ducky was in the perfect position to make a move, looking to continue with her offense.

Quickly, she would run over to Megumi, looking to quickly capture one of Megumi's legs, before crossing it over, while threading her own legs through. And once she was set up, she would quickly throw herself backwards, landing hard on her back and locking in a brutal figure four leg lock, looking to properly kick things off by going after Megumi's legs!
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Re: LWS 2018 - Ducky Williams vs Megumi Mutoh - Round 1

Unread post by Noob »

Her head throbbed after taking the superkick, and Megumi was unable to stop Ducky from capturing one of her legs and crossing it over while slipping her own legs through, putting her in a figure four leglock. Once the pressure was applied in the hold, Megumi's eyes widened as she threw her head back, crying out in pain.

"Aaahhhh!!" Megumi cried out, shaking her head as she tried to endure the pain. She would claw on the canvas, trying to regain her bearing and composure, hoping that she could somehow reverse the leglock back on her opponent as she would try to roll herself over, applying the pressure back on Ducky, all while trying to endure the pain from the figure four.
Wrenching down hard on the hold, Ducky would quickly apply pressure to Megumi's leg as much as she could, looking to have the girl limping for the rest of the match! However, it would seem that her plan wasn't exactly the best, as Megumi suddenly pivoted her body hard, managing to roll the blonde over onto her stomach and reverse the pressure of the hold!

"Aaaaggghh!" Ducky cried out, her eyes going slightly wide as she felt the pain rush into her leg, before quickly beginning to claw at the mats, looking to drag herself over to the bottom rope of the ring as fast as she could, wanting to get out of the reversal of the hold as fast as she could!
Megumi successfully reversed the figure four, causing intense pressure into Ducky's leg. She would make sure to keep the pressure coming to weaken her opponent. Sensing that Ducky was trying to drag herself towards the ropes, she would keep the hold so that even though Ducky might be able to secure herself a rope break, she would be left weakened by the hold, allowing her to capitalize on her weakened state.

"Rrrgghhhhhh!!!" Megumi growled, looking to make Ducky's trip towards the ropes as difficult as possible. She planned to deliver more beatdown on the bespectacled blonde next before she could finally go for a win by knocking the cutie out.
Crying out in pain, Ducky's legs were being tortured quite a bit by her foe, with the blonde girl doing her best to try and crawl away, though not getting to the ropes while her attempts were stifled by Megumi. And with her trip to the ropes lengthened by Megumi, Ducky would try her best to crawl to them as fast as she could, though she was now being forced to feel every single painful yank and wrench on her legs. However...

"Aaahhh! Ropes!" Ducky cried as she suddenly reached the edge of the ring, reaching out and grasping onto the ropes as fast as she could, yelling out that she made it so Megumi would let go.
Megumi would make sure that Ducky's trip towards the ropes was a difficult one as she continued applying pressure in the hold. Eventually, the bespectacled cutie managed to reach the ropes, and she had to let go of her opponent, untangling her legs before scooting back, giving herself some distance from Ducky so that she could get back up on her feet.

Still, Megumi wasn't one to let her opponent rest even for a second. Right after getting herself back on her feet, she kept her eyes on Ducky before she rushed over to her the moment the bespectacled blonde got herself back on her feet so that she could try nailing her with a thrust kick right into the side of her body!
Managing to scrape and pull her way to the side of the ring, Ducky was eventually able to reach out and grab the ropes, causing Megumi to let go of her, rising to a stand to move away and give her some breathing room. However, this didn't mean Ducky was out of the deep end just yet, as the redhead soon stepped back in, thrusting out a leg to slam Ducky in the side with yet another kick!

"Augh!" Ducky hissed as she was kiced in the side, the blow knocking some of the wind out of her lungs, as she was sent into the ropes again, leaning heavily against them as she tried to recover!
Kickin at the side of Ducky's body, Megumi managed to leave her winded, giving her more opportunity to deliver more attacks on her. Now that Ducky was at the ropes, the former Wrestle Angel would then try to capitalize on this as she would rush over to the ropes before leaping through the middle and the top ropes, grabbing on them. Using her momentum, she would twist around as she would attempt to deliver a very picture-perfect tiger feint kick, which Megumi thought would send Ducky back into the ring.
Groaning as she laid up against the ropes, Ducky would soon find herself in more trouble, as Megumi darted over to where she leaned up against the ropes, leaping in between them while grasping the top and middle ones, swinging around to throw a quick kick to the blonde's face!

"Ugh!" Ducky cried out as she was struck, stumbling backwards after suffering the kick to the face, trying to recover as Megumi kept up her offense, the blonde staggering to the middle of the ring before going down to one knee, trying to catch her breath!
After landing the tiger feint kick on Ducky, Megumi wouldn't stop her momentum as she would use it to slip out onto the apron, holding the top rope as she prepared herself for another attack. Seeing where Ducky was, Megumi would get herself onto the top rope, using it as a springboard to launch herself into the air.

She would aim her knees to Ducky's head, hoping to hit her with her springboard diving double knee strike, which would surely deal a lot of damage on the blonde cutie!
Stumbling backwards, Ducky clutched her face after having been hit with the kick, moving back to the center of the ring while she tried to shake off the daze that filled her head. This left her entirely not ready for what came next, as Megumi leaped up onto the top rope, before springing off, slamming both knees into Ducky's head!

"Augh!" Cried the blonde bombshell, as she was nailed with the knee strike, causing her to fall to the mat, slamming down on the canvas on her back, clutching her head after being hit!
Normally, this was the part where Megumi would try to go for the cover, but considering that the winner could only be decided with a knockout, she needed to continue with her attack. So, getting back up on her feet, Megumi would grab Ducky by her head, bending down as she did so before she attempted to put her head between her thighs, setting her up in a standing headlock.

Then, she would grab Ducky by her waist, pulling her up, holding her upside down. She would shift her hold on her body for a bit, holding the blonde cutie by her right thigh rather than her waist before getting herself into a sitout position, dropping Ducky head first into the mat with a cradle piledriver!
Hit hard with the leaping knees to the face, Ducky was stunned by the blow, stumbling back as her vision went blurry, Megumi having connected solidly, eventually falling to the mat! However, she wasn't allowed to nurse her aching head for very long, as the redhead girl bent down low, grabbing Ducky by the head and pulling her back up to her feet, before bending the blonde over and forcing her head in between Megumi's legs! Ducky squirmed, but quickly found herself being hauled up, Megumi's arms tight around her waist as she picked the blonde bombshell up!

"Nnngh... No!" Ducky cried out, however, she was unable to stop Megumi as the girl transitioned her grip to be holding Ducky around her thigh, before suddenly dropping down onto her butt, drilling Ducky's head into the canvas with the brutal cradle piledriver!

"GAH!" Ducky screamed out as she was slammed down right on her head, the blonde girl nearly bouncing from the force of the impact before slowly falling to the mat, not completely unconscious, but damn close!
Driving Ducky's head into the mat with the cradle piledriver, Megumi took a look at her opponent to see whether she was knocked out or not. When she saw that Ducky was still conscious, she decided that she needed to go for a finishing touch. After dropping Ducky's body, she would position herself so that her legs would be wrapped around her opponent's head.

She planned to try squeezing her head between her legs, looking to try knocking the blonde bombshell out with a triangle choke.
Slammed down to the mat, Ducky was nearly knocked out immediately by being dropped down on her head, slammed to the mat with brutal force by the redheaded wrestler! Still, the blonde girl wasn't knocked out yet, something that Megumi noticed, as she quickly moved to wrap her legs around Ducky's neck, clamping down on a triangle choke, and squeezing the life out of the blonde!

"Nnngh... damn..." Ducky hissed as she was choked out slowly, squirming and writhing, trying to reach her hand up to throw a few quick jabs to Megumi's stomach in order to hopefully break away from the redhead!
Squeezing Ducky's neck as hard as she could, Megumi was looking to knock the blonde bombshell out in order to get herself a win over her. But, as she continued applying the triangle choke, Ducky squirmed and writhed before she threw a few quick jabs at her stomach, causing Megumi to gasp, and her triangle choke loosened thanks to those jabs.

"Hrgh...!" Grunting, Megumi knew that she wouldn't be able to keep Ducky in the hold anymore. So, she had no choice but to release Ducky from the triangle choke. She would try to regain her breath, but she wouldn't let her opponent get away from her as she would pursue after her, looking to grab her by her arm, not letting her go. She still had lots of things in store for her in order to knock the cutie out.
Barely hanging on at this point, Ducky did her best to throw a few hard jabs to the stomach of her opponent, just barely fighting Megumi off and saving herself from being choked out by the redhead's dangerous legs! Giving a slight cough as her foe released her, Ducky rolled to the side, clutching her throat and trying to get her breath back, before Megumi could get to her!

Still, after a moment, Ducky felt Megumi grab her arm, trying to get a hold on the blonde bombshell in order to keep her close! However, Ducky was driven by her desire to stay in this match, so as Megumi would grip onto her to try and keep the blonde close, Ducky would use this opportunity to force herself up to her feet, before tugging her arm in, aiming to reel Megumi in before hitting her with a huge clothesline from her other arm!
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Re: LWS 2018 - Ducky Williams vs Megumi Mutoh - Round 1

Unread post by Noob »

Grabbing Ducky's arm, Megumi would try to come up with a way to knock the blonde bombshell out, but it seemed that her opponent was adamant to do the same to her. As her arm was held by the former Wrestle Angel, Ducky tugged her arm in, reeling Megumi in before hitting her with a huge clothesline using her other arm!

"Hrghhh!!" Megumi was caught off-guard by the clothesline, and her grip slipped before she fell backwards, hitting the canvas with her back. Grunting and wheezing after taking the attack on her chest, Megumi would try to recover as fast as she could, looking to roll over onto her side, but at the moment, she had no real way of protecting herself from anything that Ducky would try to throw at her next.
Finding a brief moment of levity, Ducky took full advantage of it, grabbing Megumi's arm and pulling her in close, before leveling the redheaded girl with a massive clothesline, sending her tumbling to the ground! With a grin, Ducky would finally have a bit of control here, as she moved closer to her opponent, looking to take advantage of the girl on her side! With a quick movement, Ducky would kick Megumi back over onto her back, before stepping back.

And then, with a quick dash to Megumi, Ducky would leap up and kick her legs out, aiming to come down butt first on her foes chest, looking to give her a massive bonzai drop!
Still reeling from the clothesline, Megumi was unable to stop Ducky, who kick her over onto her back before stepping back. Then, she dashed towards Megumi before leaping up, kicking her legs out to land a banzai drop right onto her chest!

"GUAGHH!!" Megumi's eyes widened as she felt like her chest caved in from the impact. Her limbs were lifted up from the impact before flopping back onto the mat. Wheezing for air, Megumi was certainly in a very precarious position at the moment, with Ducky having more opportunity to deliver more beatdown on her.
Ducky came down hard, right on Megumi's chest, smushing the air out of the girl and leaving her breathless, Ducky sitting atop her chest with a slight smile, having fought her way back into the match! And now, the blonde would have a golden opportunity to knock out her foe, as she turned to Megumi, ready to try and put her away!

"Hope you're ready to go out!" Ducky teased with a smile, aiming to wrap her thick thighs around Megumi's neck, clamping down in order to trap the redhead in a tight headscissor, looking to choke the air out of her!
With Ducky sitting atop her chest, Megumi was having difficulty to breathe properly, and she knew that it was just the beginning. Looking at the bespectacled cutie sitting on her chest, Megumi tried to muster her strength to push her off of her, but before she could do that, Ducky brought both her thighs around her neck, clamping it down in order to put her in a tight headscissor!

"MUAGHH!!!" Feeling those thick thighs squeezing the air out of her, Megumi flailed her legs in her desperate attempt to buck Ducky off of her. Her eyes widened as she opened her mouth as wide as she could as her hands would go to the blonde's thighs, trying to pry them off of her neck.
"Hrrrgh!" Ducky let out a groan of exertion as she sat atop Megumi's chest, wrapping her thick thighs around the redheaded girl's neck, clamping down as hard as she could and looking to choke the life out of her! Megumi, for her part, struggled hard, but Ducky did her best to ignore it, wrenching harder with her legs to fully put Megumi out, and move onto the next round of the tournament!

"Just... stop... struggling!" Ducky hissed out, but Megumi would still fight back, moving her hands up to the blonde girl's thighs, grabbing ahold them and trying to yank them apart! Ducky struggled to keep her scissor applied, trying to fight back against Megumi's pulling, clamping down hard, though having a hard time fighting off the redhead!
Struggling as hard as she could, Megumi would continue yanking at Ducky's thighs, looking to pry her legs off of her neck in order to release herself from the scissor. She would also continue struggling, hoping to buck the blonde bombshell off of her.

"J-just... let... me go!!!" Megumi roared, hoping to make use of her burst of energy to pry those thighs off of her head and buck Ducky off of her. She needed to escape this if she ever wished to win this match and move on to the next round of the tournament.
"Hrrrgh... Ack!" Ducky cried out, the redheaded girl's struggling paying off finally as she managed to yank Ducky's legs apart, freeing herself from the blonde girl's headscissor! And while Ducky found herself being shoved off of Megumi, she would land with a grunt on the mat, groaning and rubbing her rear before looking over at Megumi.

"Rgh... Alright then! More than one way to knock you out! If you wanna go the hard way, then so be it!" The blonde cried, aiming to reach down and grab her foe by the hair, tugging Megumi up to her feet, in order to set up for something truly devastating!
Finally, Megumi managed to free herself from the headscissor, and she shook her head as she tried to regain her bearing. Ducky's legs were quite powerful, and if she stayed there for a while longer, things would be bad for her. But, now that she was freed, Megumi could now come up with a plan to counterattack.

But, before she could do anything, Ducky had already grabbed her by her hair, tugging her up to her feet. She seemed to be preparing herself for something devastating, but Megumi would have none of that as she would deliver a palm strike right under the chin of the blonde bombshell, looking to have her stunned in preparation for a counterattack, which was a clothesline in order to take her opponent down.
Thrown off Megumi, Ducky now needed another way to put the redhead out, with this one hopefully keeping her down for good! However, as Ducky’s plan to lift Megumi up and slam her down on her head moved along, the blonde found herself suddenly slammed with a palm strike to her chin!

“Augh!” Ducky let out a grunt of pain as the move hit, causing her head to snap back, blonde locks flying as she was hit. But before she could even process what happened, Megumi surged forward with a clothesline, this one hammering into her chest and sending her falling to her back, landing with a dazed grunt!
Knocking Ducky down with the clothesline, Megumi decided that it's about to end this, and considering that the match could only end with a knockout, there was only one way that she could do without resorting to brutal violence. Standing over the downed form of the blonde bombshell, the former Wrestle Angel would bring herself down onto her face, pressing her crotch against the cute face of the blonde. She would also clutch onto her head, lifting it up a bit in order to clamp her thighs at the sides of her head, looking to lock her in a headscissor.

Once the hold was locked in, Megumi would give Ducky's head a squeeze while pressing her face against her crotch. The move might be a little lewd for someone like her, but Megumi wasn't a stranger to this kind of hold, and she would make sure to keep her opponent's head trapped between her legs as she tried to squeeze the life out of her cute opponent, hoping that it would soon knock her out.
Sent to the mat with a brutal clothesline, the blonde would remain on the mat, dazed and confused, after having her advantage turned around against her! And now, as she lay on the mat, Megumi would have free reign to do whatever she pleased, moving to stand over the blonde girl, as she slowly began to lower herself down! Ducky had just enough time to look up and focus on what was coming to see Megumi's crotch slowly coming towards her face, before Megumi sat down fully, planting her womanhood right on Ducky's face and wrapping her legs around the blonde's neck for a headscissor!

"Gah! Nnnngh..." Ducky hissed out, squirming and writhing beneath Megumi, the blonde trying her best to bring her hands up and pry at the redhead's thighs, hoping that she still had enough strength to save herself from this bad position!
Putting Ducky in the headscissor while pressing her face against her crotch, Megumi would exert her strength in the hold before she decided that she might as well end this in a more appropriate fashion. After squeezing Ducky's head for a while, Megumi would loosen the hold for a bit before shifting her position on top of her, going to turn around in order to put the bombshell in a reverse facesit instead.

"Alright, hope you like it down there," Megumi said before chuckling, making sure that Ducky would experience the entirety of this, with the former Wrestle Angel's plush butt covering the entirety of her face, hoping that it would stop her from breathing. She planned to remain there until Ducky passed out.
Trapped in the headscissor, Ducky would squirm and grasp at the redheaded girl's legs, trying to pry them off of her in order to escape from the headscissor! And soon enough, Ducky would indeed manage to escape from the headscissor, however, Megumi would quickly replace it with something that was just as bad, if not even worse for the blonde!

Quickly shifting around, Megumi would soon turn so that her thick, round cheeks were hovering over Ducky's face, the blonde having just enough time to realize this before Megumi sat down, trapping Ducky in the reverse facesit! The blonde bombshell gave a muffled cry as she she became trapped, but her face was wedged deep between Megumi's thick, plush butt cheeks, leaving Ducky to squirm and struggle, her attempts to escape becoming weaker as she lost air!
Megumi smiled when she sensed that Ducky had become weaker as time passed on, and she knew that as the blonde bombshell was losing air, it would only be a matter of time before she would eventually pass out. All the former Wrestle Angel had to do was to keep herself up there, trapping Ducky's face under her butt, depriving her of precious oxygen.

"It's my win now..." Megumi said, knowing that her victory was imminent. Sooner or later, she believed that Ducky would stop her struggling, which would mark the end of this match as well as her moving up to the second round in this tournament.

Her struggles growing weaker and weaker, Ducky would find herself rapidly running out of air, trapped beneath the redhead wrestler! Not only was the position quite the humiliating one to be in, but she was growing weaker and weaker, hardly able to fight back as her air left!

“Mmmmph... mmmm...” Ducky moaned weakly, as finally, with her face wedged deep between Megumi’s thick cheeks, she passed out, going limp, knocked out in the reverse facesit!
Eventually, Megumi sensed that Ducky had finally stopped her struggling, going limp. She would remain on top of her for a few seconds before she got herself off of her face, looking to get back up on her feet. Smiling in satisfaction, she looked down on Ducky's unconscious face as she would have her arm raised by the referee, declared as the winner of this match, which meant she would be going up to the next round.

After celebrating for a while, Megumi would take her leave, hoping to give herself some well-earned rest after defeating a tough opponent like Ducky. She never thought she would use a move like a reverse facesit, but since she got herself a win from the move, she didn't feel like complaining at all.

Winner: Megumi Mutoh!
Noob's Cavalcade of Combatants
Discord - Noob6737
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