Victory by KO only

Thunder Ryuko smiled as she looked herself over in the mirror. She was signe dup for a tournament which would serve her twofold. She would make the crowds recall why in Wrestle Angels the thunder empress was so feared for starters. Secondly, she would crush any of these giaiin pretenders in the ring and show the crowd that Japanese women were truly the greatest wrestlers on earth naturally.
As her music played the confidently walked out to the ring, staring forward as the crowd cheered Ryuko, although a few boos were heard. Ryuko was a tweener and her disrespectful attitude towards international women was known, and not always appreciated. She climbed up into the ring, standing dead center and holding her arms otu to the side as she took in the crowd reaction. She grinned as she waited for her foe, eager to put the woman in her place.
Anna was just done chancing into her wrestling attire. It consisted off blue wrestling shoes , blue mini skirt , white blouse with a red tie and blue color and a pair of mna gloves which she was making sure was firmly in place.As the redhead was a little worried she was only given an invitation to this tournament so that she could be an easy victory for whoever she faced.Still those thoughts should be pushed down as she knew that having those thoughts in her head could end up costing her the match.
After taking an look on the clock she would walk out the door of the locker room , and make her way to the backstage area. Since this was her first match she had not really thought about what she would do for her entrance as she would just walk down to the ring when it was time to start. So when she heard the voice of Christina Aquiliar , and quickly walked onto the entrance ramp as she would do some fake punches as she walks to the ring. Halfway down the ramp he would hear the announcer say ''now entering the ring from London , England.Weighing at 155ibs , it's Anna Holmes'' as she stepped up the steel steps and climbed to the ring as she made her way towards Thunder Ryuko to get an good look at her.
Ryuko raised an eyebrow as the woman came out. She couldn't wait to kick this woman off her shore and back to wherever she came from. Ryuko stood with her arms crossed, clearly looking unimpressed. "Hmph... this will be easy." Ryuko said as she uncrossed her arms and readied herself for action.
As the bell rang Ryuko circled Anna and moved in, getting close as she swung her knee up in an attempt to hammer Anna in the abodmen! IF she could catch Anna off guard at the start that was a good sign for the thunder empress!
Anna would just stand across from her opponent , but she could easily hear what the other wrestler is saying about her.It was rather unflattering to be honest as the redhead could not wait to prove the Japanese wrestler wrong. So once the bell would ring the British wrestler would circle around Ryoka as her opponent would move in close faster then she could react to , and ram her knee into her abodment as she would bend forward as an result
"Hmph... foreign trash." Ryuko muttered as she reached up to grab two handfuls of Anna's hair, pulling her head forward before slamming it back, trying to send her flying to the mat landing on her head, neck and upper back first! Ryuko would stand over Anna and shake her head afterward.
"You are big, but that doesn't mean stronger or better. You can't hang with me inside these ropes girl." Ryuko admonished her, shaking her head. Ryuko scowled as she bent down, again trying to pull Anna to her feet by her hair.
Anna would just growl as she got insulted yet again as she did her best not to scream as the Japanese bitch grabbed her by the hair.The quick pulling of her head forward , and then pushing her back caused the British wrestler to become unbalanced as she would easily be send flying backwards as Ryoka would stand over her.
Rather then waste energy and time getting up it seemed the Japanese wrestler would help her out as Anna would only lash out with an punch of her own once she was on her feet as she whispered ''you talk to much''
Ryuko hauled Anna up only to take a hard punch to the jaw! She howled as she stumbled back a few steps, her hand rubbing her jaw as she glared at Anna. "I can back it up don't you worry!" Ryuko said as she stepped up, trying to send a punch at Anna's face in retaliation!
Anna would smirk as she was able to land a punch to her opponent's jaw as she watched as Ryuko would stumble backwards as an result. Wanting to capulise on this the redhead would move forward with her right fist raised as she sceamed ''too bad you never get to show me''as she lashed with an right hook just as Ryuko's fist connected with her left cheek.
Ryuko felt the other hit land and she staggered back even worse. It was like her hits weren't doing much to this woman. Gritting her teeth Ryuko decided to stop playing around.
She surged forward and lunged right at Anna, her arm extended as she tried to clothesline Anna!
Anna would slowly start to smile as she watched as Ryuko would stagger back after she got hit.This caused the redhead to take a step forward as she wanted to attempt hitting the Japanese wrestler with an uppercut just as the other wrestler rushed forward as the British looked in shock as Ryuko's arm connected with her chest.
Ryuko landed the clothesline, but the uppercut did manage to hit a glancing blow to the side of her head! It hurt and frustrated Ryuko but didn't have the effect it would have had it connected to her jaw. "Insolent pain in the ass..." Ryuko growled as she crouched, waiting for the right moment to swing a sharp roundhouse kick up at the side of Anna's head!
Anna would go down , but did so with a slight smile on her face as she thought her uppercut had fully connected with the side of her opponent's head. She believed this because of how the Japanese wrestler had reacted , and as she was attempting to get up would soon realize she was wrong when Ryoku who had crouched down would hit her with an roundhouse kick to the side which snapped her head back
Ryuko was pleased to see an opening and she decided to pounce. Ryuko rushed in, lowering her shoulder and trying to ram into Anna with a spear! Anna was proving to be an incredibly tough woman, and Ryuko had to start going for higher impact offense.
This match was proving far tougher than Ryuko expected, and the challenge was a surprising joy for the thunder empress!
Anna would be knocked down as after that roundhouse kick she would be unable to defend against what followed next.As Ryuko would run towards her , and then ram her shoulder into the redhead's chest as both wrestlers feel down as the result of her opponent's spear. The crowd were now fully behind their fellow Japanese native as they wanted to see the British wrestler be defeated
Ryuko drove into Anna as hard as she could, loving the fact that the crowd was rallying around her!
"Take this!" Ryuko shouted as she rained a few hard punches down on Anna before discounting her. Ryuko let out another howl as she began stomping down on Anna's mid section over and over until the referee grabbed her and pulled her away!
Anna had the air knocked out of her with that damn spear as the crowd were on their feet as Ryuko was pummeling the redhead with an barage of punches.This would continue for a few seconds as the British wrestler was unable to defend herself as she finally had a chance when the Japanese wrestler would get up as she attempted to kick her , but ended up being stomped on. As this continued the redhead was glad the referee interfered , and allowed her some time to recover as she gasped in pain
Ryuko had to back off at this point as the referee was making room for Anna to get up. "Come on Anna! Get up! Let me finish showing you why gaijin can't handle being in the ring with Japanese women! We are the absolute best wrestlers and you know it!" Ryuko shouted, taunting Anna as she laid on the mat.
Ryuko began to strut around the ring holding her arms out as she looked over and sneered at Anna, waiting for her to get up and rejoin the match. Ryuko was very confident now at this juncture, sure she would soon put Anna away and advance in the tournament!
Anna would just growl as she had to listen as her opponent was taunting her. As while she may not know exectly what an gaijin was at the moment.She suspected it was likely an insult for foreigners with how the crowd was chanting the word the whole time the Japanese wrestler had bin in control. So that was all the motivation that the redhead needed to try , and wipe that damn smirk of Ryuko's face as she would not be beaten tonight.
So after she had gotten to her feet , and saw her opponent was struting around the ring the redhead would attempt to clothesline her from behind to knock her down an peg literally.
Ryuko was cocky and that spelled her downfall at this moment in the match! The clothesline hammered her in the back of the head, sending Ryuko down hard to the mat. She groaned in pain and grabbed the back of her head, kicking the mat in pain. Simply put she had no idea what had just got her!
With her opponent falling to the floor after the redhead attacked her from behind the crowd did not respond favorable for her actions. As the boos were raining down on Anna as he would just ignore them for now as she just needed to get an opening to land an attack so she could turn the match around.
Grabbing the Japanese wrestler by her feet she would drag her towards the center of the ring , and rolled her onto her back.After that she would climb into the nearest corner , and once she stood on the turnbuckle she would turn around and jump off it for a frog splash
Ryuko was still in a daze as she was rolled over, her vision blurry. She regained her focus and vision but it was too late. Anna was already in the air sailing at Ryuko!
She wasn't able to move, and cried out in agony as the frog splash connected leaving Ryuko screaming in pain after Anna came crashing painfully on top of her!
Anna had bin on an roll as she had managed to land two blows in an row as she rolled off the Japanese wrestler.As while the redhead would have hoped that the other wrestler that she would be in too much pain to fight back as she went for a cover
Ryuko groaned and struggled unsuccessfully to kick out until she thrust her shoulder up right after what would have been two! A confused Ryuko knew she kicked out in time but looked at the ref as she hobbled to her feet.
"Last Woman Standing ladies, no pins!" The referee said to both.
Anna could not believe she had forgotten the rules as she would turn bright red for making an mistake like that.As the redhead would quickly get up as she yelled ''I knew that , but wanted to see her act like an idiot'' in an attempt to protect her image.
Ryuko just stared down Anna, keeping her focus. She tried her best to circle Anna and not appear to be overly rattled. As she kept an eye on Anna she took a shuffle step forward, trying to knock Anna in the jaw with a fast superkick! That type of kick to the head would do a number on anyone and Ryuko knew it to be true! All she could hope for was a solid hit, as if Anna dodged this she would be in a great position to counter!
It seemed for now that Ryuko believed what she had said about wanted to make her act like an idiot.As the redhead seriously doubted that the referee did as she would turn around only to get hit by an Superkick as the Japanese wrestler would keep her eye on the price.The force behind the blow would send her onto her behind as she ended up rubbing her chin in responds to the kick
Ryuko felt good as the kick connected. One good shot to the head deserved another as Ryuko made her way over to Anna. She smiled as she approached as she tried to grab Anna up by the arm and hook up both arms with Anna's head underneath Ryuko's arm. With a grunt she would try to lift Anna up and drive her skull hard to the mat with a double underhook DDT!
After she got hit in the chin she would watch as Ryona would make her way over to her , and grab her by the arm.From their she would feel the Japanese wrestler hook up both arms around her head as she would be forced back onto her feet.Only to than be driven into the mat skull first as Ryuko delivered one heck of an double underhook DDT
Ryuko got up and stood over Anna, fully expecting Anna to stay down for quite a while. "Start the ten count ref, she just ate the mat!" Ryuko said as she strut around the ring, striking a few poses for the crowd as the referee began a ten count on Anna!
Anna would not be able to hear or notice what was going on as the referee would start to count.The blow to her skull had stunned her as the referee counted to one , and then yelled out ''two , Threeeee,,Fourrrr'' before the redhead started to stir as he would attempt to slowly get up
Ryuko shook her head with disapproval as Anna was rising ba k to her feet. "Damn fool.... stay DOWN!" Ryuko screamed as she rushed at Anna!
The thunder empress was charging right at Anna attempting to spear her to the mat!