Signing on the dotted line, Marissa's grin couldn't be wilder. In a nutshell, the Toyko Brawl
was her. Wild, furious, and sure to be a riot. Marissa couldn't wait to get started.
"Al-fucking-right..." She'd muter to herself, dusting her hands off as she looked to the glass doors she had entered through. The moment she had stepped through those doors, she was fair game to be attacked. And, to attack. All she had to do of course, was lay eyes upon a possible foe before then. And with her figure approaching those glass doors, she tried to do just that.
'Ah fuck...probably should of looked at the roster a lil' more...'
Thoughts running through her head as she put hands to her hips, Marissa could only shake her head. There was no use in simply standing there, and praying a woman would have paced out alongside her, allowing herself to become victim to the Brit's assaults.
"Guess I'll just have to go for anyone who looks like a wrestler..."
With no better option to mind, Marissa stepped foot into Tokyo itself. From here on in, the fight was on.