Marissa Wiltsure's Worst Start Ever (Marissa Vs Alexia)

Shops are opening, traffic is heavy, the streets are packed. For Tokyo, another day begins. For everyone involved, the longest 24 hours of their lives starts too...
The Ominous Future
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Marissa Wiltsure's Worst Start Ever (Marissa Vs Alexia)

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Signing on the dotted line, Marissa's grin couldn't be wilder. In a nutshell, the Toyko Brawl was her. Wild, furious, and sure to be a riot. Marissa couldn't wait to get started.
"Al-fucking-right..." She'd muter to herself, dusting her hands off as she looked to the glass doors she had entered through. The moment she had stepped through those doors, she was fair game to be attacked. And, to attack. All she had to do of course, was lay eyes upon a possible foe before then. And with her figure approaching those glass doors, she tried to do just that.

'Ah fuck...probably should of looked at the roster a lil' more...'

Thoughts running through her head as she put hands to her hips, Marissa could only shake her head. There was no use in simply standing there, and praying a woman would have paced out alongside her, allowing herself to become victim to the Brit's assaults.

"Guess I'll just have to go for anyone who looks like a wrestler..."

With no better option to mind, Marissa stepped foot into Tokyo itself. From here on in, the fight was on.
Last edited by Devilish53 on Tue Jun 04, 2019 6:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Marissa Wiltsure's Worst Start Ever

Unread post by TheManVan »

Alexia was waiting in wait, she was ready for this Brawl thing to get on it's way. She actually wasn't sure when the brawl itself was going to start, but she assumed due to the nature of the battle, it could happen the second she spotted an opponent. She mostly glanced over the contract before slathering the contract with ink for what she apparently called her signature as she waited in the perfect place to lay an ambush.

Right outside the door.
Seeing a tough looking woman exiting the building, she knew that she had to be part of the Brawl, even though knew was a very loose and uninformed word to use. Rushing out from the side of the sliding doors, she rushed with all of her might as she would let loose a warcry as she left her feet, twisting in mid air in what looked like a cross body, but had both of her elbows primed and ready to strike the head and chest of Marissa!

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Re: Marissa Wiltsure's Worst Start Ever

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Confident she'd be the first through those doors, and with her eyes already on the perfect street corner from which she could rest upon and eye-up potential victims, Marissa found a war cry and a body in motion coming her way the moment she turned her head to watch for passing traffic. Obviously unable to raise even the slightest bit of defence, this unknown beauty would land on Marissa with near enough both of those elbows impaling her; the Brit lucky and then some that her head didn't bounce off the road itself!

"GHH..WHAT THE...FUCK!" Her hands raised only after a good set of strikes had been delivered, with Alexia given something of a free reign on top of this spiky haired, now-dizzy Brit!

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Re: Marissa Wiltsure's Worst Start Ever

Unread post by TheManVan »

Flinging her entire body into Marissa, whipping off of the woman as she crashed into her, Alexia landed on her knees as she let out a loud laugh as she completely blind sighted her target. "Hahaahahaha! Come on! I know you're part of this too! Why should we wait!?" she screamed out as she immediately started to scramble over to Marissa, quickly climbing on top of Marissa.

She would quickly grab a handful of that spiky hair to pull her up off of the ground as she would begin flinging her fist over and over again into the head of Marissa in a flurry!

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Re: Marissa Wiltsure's Worst Start Ever

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Given even less time to recover, Marissa's hands crossed over her top half as she was pulled a little off the ground. Grunting at that nasty hair pull, the Brit had to be careful to avoid her head being smashed against the canvas as Alexia bared down with fist after fist, apparently not only seeking a brutal start to this hellacious brawl, but to put Marissa out of commission and then some!

Cheeks burning as her foes strikes connected every now and then throw her raised mitts, Marissa could but try and press the fingers up into her busty foes face, pushing roughly as she squealed in agony!

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Re: Marissa Wiltsure's Worst Start Ever

Unread post by TheManVan »

Throwing wild punches, one after the other, Alexia was having little trouble deciding on what to do. Her laughter filled the air as she was forced to stop, Marissa's hands getting into her face as her laughter stopped. But the smile on her face did not vanish as she gripped at the wrist, holding it in place as she brought her tongue out to drape against the back of the hand.

She was getting a quick taste before her dreaded smile returned, opening her mouth as she would give a bite on Marissa's hand!!

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Re: Marissa Wiltsure's Worst Start Ever

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Unsure of how the hell one would go on about such a scenario, Marissa was forced to stay on the backpedal and then some. Disorientated yet still from hitting the solid ground so, her vision still blurred, she could but hear the footsteps around her as that busy Tokyo crowd had come to a small stop around the duo; circle formed around the two beauties trying to tear one another in two.

Her hands raised and refusing to move them even if they were only partially effective, Marissa's eyes opened wide before shutting tightly, given the sharp pain that came with a bite!

Her screams heard even amongst the bustling traffic of Tokyo at peak times, as she forced her pained, almost bloody hand free to finally give this sadist a response.

Hands grabbing a hold of Alexia's hair, to try and yank that skull down. Not into her own, mind, but straight into the concrete that lie over her own shoulder!

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Re: Marissa Wiltsure's Worst Start Ever

Unread post by TheManVan »

Alexia was savage in her attack, showing that there was no lengths she wasn't going to go in order to bring the pain to Marissa as she bit on the hand, enjoying the screams of pain coming from her ambushed opponent. She couldn't help but giggle, muffled as it as with her jaw on the hand, but with both of her hands occupied with holding on to Marissa's hand, it left her completely vulnerable as one of her pigtails was grabbed and yanked on.

Alexia was not expecting the burst of power as her head went crashing into the cement, her jaw immediately loosening over the hand as she flopped onto the ground, a glassy look in her eyes as she struggled to compose herself as her body was shooting with numbing pain!

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Re: Marissa Wiltsure's Worst Start Ever

Unread post by Devilish53 »

The move was desperate and rough, but it paid the bills. The only issue was, that right now, regardless of the state of Alexia, Marissa herself was far off being in a state to actually fight back after that successful hit. So when the sadistic beauty turned to mush and numbed atop of Marissa's own, the spiky haired Brit could only shove upon her shoulders.

Her efforts being put towards creating space, as she tried to nudge her own frame left as she shoved Alexia right. Only when she had rolled free and got onto her knees, did she realise just how hard her head was throbbing!

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Re: Marissa Wiltsure's Worst Start Ever

Unread post by TheManVan »

Alexia was easily rolled off of Marissa as her entire body was almost dead weight, her recovery time even with her inhuman endurance was slow to kick in as her head was throbbing as feeling came back to her. Moaning out, she tried to push herself back up onto her fours, but before she could stabilize and lock her elbows, they slipped out from underneath her as she flopped on the ground again.

THe brutal move from Marissa had left her stunned and vulnerable as a trickle of blood dripped down her forehead, but even then as feeling was nothing but pain, her lips started to curl into a smile!

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