Epicsnivy's Current Requests
Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2020 2:24 pm
Hello There, here is my list of wrestlers and if they are currently open for matches
Ryori Bleck (2 matches rn, Currently closed)
Natura Grace (Open)
Sylphia Grace (2 matches, currently closed)
Marianne Von Edmund (1 matches, Open)
Kotone Shiomi (2 matches, Currently closed)
NEEDS MATCHES : Natura Grace, Marianne Von Edmund
Ryori Bleck (2 matches rn, Currently closed)
Natura Grace (Open)
Sylphia Grace (2 matches, currently closed)
Marianne Von Edmund (1 matches, Open)
Kotone Shiomi (2 matches, Currently closed)
NEEDS MATCHES : Natura Grace, Marianne Von Edmund