SimplePride's Mood Tracker
Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 12:51 am
I decided to take an idea from fellow RPer TickTock and do a "mood" setting for each of my characters. Every character on my roster is going to be here, but, will be labeled in one of five tiers:
1: Lowest interest: This is the least likely to garner interest. Usually because that particular character is busy.
2: Lower-mid interest: More likely than 1, though still unlikely. Usually here because I simply don't want to play with them at the moment
3: Mid level interest: These are the "meh" characters. Don't really care if I RP with them or not
4: Higher mid level interest: These are the characters I'm intrested in RPing with, but, not top priority
5: Highest interest: These are the ones I REALLY want to use.
Keep in mind, just because they are in a lower tier, DOES NOT MEAN THEY ARE UNAVAILABLE. It's just unlikely to garner any interest from me. Don't let the tiers discourage you. If you really like a character and really want to have a match. I'm all ears.
As of June 2022, I have decided to update this monthly. It is simply easier for me this way.
All females are available for intergender. Those in RED can do Hentai matches.
Tier 1:
Tier 2
Tier 3:
Tier 4: Tier 5:
1: Lowest interest: This is the least likely to garner interest. Usually because that particular character is busy.
2: Lower-mid interest: More likely than 1, though still unlikely. Usually here because I simply don't want to play with them at the moment
3: Mid level interest: These are the "meh" characters. Don't really care if I RP with them or not
4: Higher mid level interest: These are the characters I'm intrested in RPing with, but, not top priority
5: Highest interest: These are the ones I REALLY want to use.
Keep in mind, just because they are in a lower tier, DOES NOT MEAN THEY ARE UNAVAILABLE. It's just unlikely to garner any interest from me. Don't let the tiers discourage you. If you really like a character and really want to have a match. I'm all ears.
As of June 2022, I have decided to update this monthly. It is simply easier for me this way.
All females are available for intergender. Those in RED can do Hentai matches.
Tier 1:
No one at the moment
Tier 3:
Tier 4: Tier 5: