Nothing But The Truth Podcast -- looking for material!

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Nothing But The Truth Podcast -- looking for material!

Unread post by FreestylePoet »

Hey everyone! I just posted a profile for Suki Harada, who is my version of a sports/wrestling talk show/podcast host. Think of folks like Stephen A. Smith, Pat McAfee, Anthony Fantano, Skip Bayless, Colin Cowherd, and all the rest. Sometimes they have flagrantly hot takes that throw the fans into discourse. Sometimes they have a cute attachment to a team or player, only to go totally off the rails with despair when they go down. Other times, they're just funny people to listen to rant about things related to sports and not. They're a hater and a supporter, a comedian and a critic, a celebrity and a fan all at once.

Suki is my version of that. As I write up posts for her to represent her podcast episodes, I'll always be looking for material for Suki to rant about! So if you have a controversy you'd like her to wade into, a hot take you'd like to spit, or anything in LAW to weigh in on, just let me know. You can even have people ask her silly questions for her to answer, a la Stephen A. Smith on his show. (non-silly questions are also very much appreciated!) Suki can also be a big help if there's anything you'd like to build up as part of a feud or storyline; after all, she's got a huge following.

Feel free to run things by me via DMs on discord or the site, or (if it's a Q&A style thing) by @'ing her or the show on LAW Twitter. Naturally, I make no promises that anything suggested to me will end up in a post. But I'm eager to hear what people wanna read!

This is not a request for an RP, though I'm not against doing threads with Suki! I'm primarily gonna be writing her podcast episodes as big, single, promo-like posts. I'm just hoping to use this to build out more of the fandom side of LAW and engage more/in a new way with LAW characters.
Last edited by FreestylePoet on Sat May 25, 2024 11:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

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