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TV Show and Movie

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 4:32 pm
by ZorzLeth
Hello, so a while back I made a thread proposing about some ideas for the "out of continuity" and "fantasy threads" that relate specifically to different tv shows and movies that Fang can star in.

Well, I am currently looking for people are may be interested in doing some of those ideas in the threads here. Now, what do I have in mind. Well, for tv shows:

1) Jungle Series
The premise is that Fang is a goddess in a jungle girl form that will get involved in several different situations and perils, including fighting monsters (such as snakes) and other encounters that can be expected in the jungle. I'm up for discussing different ideas as well, but one thing is that I'm aiming for a pg/pg-13 with this; since it is to be a tv show. Also, this will be more random encounters than having a cohesive story.

Some other pics here can give an idea of what to expect in such a premise, but not limited to:
2) Warrior Princess Series

Taking inspiration from Xena, Fang will be a warrior princess that goes around and fights baddies/monsters and helps out in different scenarios. The setting takes place in the far past of times of swords and sorcery, heroes and monsters. Unlike the previous idea, this one will look to have some more story-telling incorporated, as Fang will be on a journey of her own and dealing with different encounters while resolving her own problems. Considering she has one set of attire perfect for this, there is potential:
What I am looking for, if anyone is interested, I am looking for people who would like to incorporate their characters to be any of the following:
- Allies and friends that can help Fang out.
- Enemies/Antagonists to oppose Fang.

This one can be aimed more towards a mature audience, due to possible violence, language and other subject matter.

3) Dinosaur Survival Horror Film

Taking inspiration from Jurassic Park and Dino Crisis, the main cast in this (including Fang) are a group of elite soldiers sent in to deal with some type of crisis. Little do they know that they will be faced with more than enemy human combatants, but also prehistoric monsters that will turn a simple smash-and-grab mission into a fight for survival.

This one will require more than a couple of people to do.

Also, I'm thinking for this to be a "movie" with a hard 'R' rating, as there is going to be violence, gore and death (thank god this is a movie and not canon here, haha).

If anyone is interested in reaching out to me about taking part in any of these, or have other questions, you can message me here or on my discord: JungleDeities#7072

Re: TV Show and Movie

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 7:19 pm
by ragaz
Are threads on here even allow stuff like death?

Re: TV Show and Movie

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 7:27 pm
by ZorzLeth
Good question. That's something I'll have to check.

Perhaps with these being "fictional" in LAW's world, it's a maybe, but I should ask.

Thanks for bringing that up.

Re: TV Show and Movie

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 10:05 pm
by ThurmanMermanPlx
Not a mod, but I feel like a 'TV death' like that might be okay although I'm not sure how graphic it would be. A fictional scripted death wouldn't actually be killing off the character which I think is the point of the rule. That said, I could see a case for... not really wanting to allow explicit, gruesome detail either.

I'm curious what you'd be looking for for the first one (the jungle series)? I'm all for quicksand peril, but it looks like most of the things you'd be possibly doing wouldn't necessarily require multiple people? So what would the other participants be doing, trying to rescue Fang?

Re: TV Show and Movie

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 10:26 pm
by ZorzLeth
Yeah, I'll have to find out, cause these ideas are not canon (as they are just meant to be 'shows' and 'movies'), so I'll have to see about that.

I can do quicksand peril. What I put were some examples, but not limited to them. And so the characters can either help Fang or oppose her in some manner.

Re: TV Show and Movie

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 11:03 pm
by ScylliasExoter
I don't see why you couldn't have, within the context of a show or movie, someone dying a PG-13 kind of death (e.g. "Helen was struck in the chest by the blaster bolt and crumpled to the ground.")

Re: TV Show and Movie

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2024 9:18 pm
by MappleMan7
I admit- the idea of tossing my fella Oscar into the warrior princess series as a legit Barbarian does sound pretty baller. I'd be totally down for something like that!

Re: TV Show and Movie

Posted: Wed May 22, 2024 2:10 am
by ZorzLeth
Alright, so bringing this back up since rl is starting to lighten up, I'm just going to bring this idea back up.

Sorry for the wait for any who may have been interested.

First off, I did check with winner3 about the concept of "tv/movie death" (as and the TL:DR version of the answer is that: It is okay, so long as it is not actually happening in LAW.

So, therefore, some of the ideas suggested are okay so long as they are not canon in the universe of LAW; since these are characters in LAW that are acting in tv shows and movies.

I think I would put disclaimers and make sure that these "shows" and "movies" go into the "Non-Canon Roleplay" Section.

So, if anyone's still interested, cause this was quite a wait, feel free to let me know.

And of course, I figure that in all of these, there will still be wrestling moments.

Re: TV Show and Movie

Posted: Wed May 22, 2024 3:20 am
by MappleMan7
I'd still be down for it! yee!