Salmon's request thread

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Salmon's request thread

Unread post by FreshBritishSalmon »

So I have been out for a while and, though I have got a few threads ongoing, I thought it would be wise to put a post up saying what I am looking for for each of my fighters.


Looking for a debut match, any style but hardcore, open to any result. Also open to training threads/friendship and rivalry threads/intergender.

Apartment fights and hentai fights are Clara's thing, so either of those works. She is open to new styles too, but will likely lose. Also open to training threads/friendship and rivalry threads/intergender.

For my YL greenette, I am looking for any kinds if matches aside from hardcore, perhaps matches against other YLs or lewd/WAM matches against anybody. Also does hentai. Also open to training threads/friendship and rivalry threads/intergender.

Yuuka is just looking for any kind of opponent. She is a semi-jobber (She will probably narrowly beat jobbers but will lose to everybody else), so anything that would suit that archetype would suit her well. Also open to training threads/friendship and rivalry threads/intergender.

My beach fighter/sumo wrestler/Keijo fighter is looking for opponents of all sizes and personalities. She can do other styles too. Also open to training threads/friendship and rivalry threads/intergender.


Suki is looking for a debut, likely in apartment fighting or something catty. She can do hentai too, but isnt as experienced. She wants to develop rivalries too.

Yunyun needs a debut in anything but hardcore. Result and style doesnt matter. Also open to training threads/friendship and rivalry threads/intergender.

Lindsay is looking for opponents that can rival her strength, being my most physically strong fighter. She is also looking for a debut and is looking for friends/sparring partners.

My streamer YL is looking for all kinds of matches with the exception of hardcore. She excels in lewder match types and likes POW matches, so she can show off to her fans. She is also looking for rival streamers to start feuds with.

Noel is effectively a 2 sided coin. On the one hand, she is a good standard wrestler/mat wrestler, and I am looking for good opponemts to take to the mat with her. On the other hand, she is my hentai jobber, so I am also looking for girls to lewd her up. She us also open to hentai training.

Like D.Va, Iono is looking for streamers to spark feuds with, as well as hentai/apartment matches to give her viewers some juicy content. She is also open to meeting fans in the ring, as well as meeting haters.

Kafka is looking for weaker opponents she can dominate and take as her own, as well as opponents who think they can rival her in apartmebt/hentai wrestling skill. She is open to feuds too

Nilou is looking for matches of all kinds, with the exception of hardcore. She is also in the market for meeting fellow dancers and either befriending them or making rivalries with them.

Emily is my main, and she is currently deep in a long story sequence. She is open to hentai matches/training provided they work in with her story.

Yahagi is looking for all kinds of matches, including belly matches and body to body. She will not partake in hardcore matches. She is looking for opponents she deems worthy and valiant.

Akiko is one of my jobbers. I am primarily looking for 2 things for her. Firstly, I am looking for opponents to absolutely crush her in any style, whether it be accudentally or purposefully, depending on their alignment. Secondly, I am open to trainers coming to help her, due to her immense lack of skill.

Uzume is a wildcard. She can do anything with anybody, with any result.

Makoto Kikuchi
Makoto is another of my stronger fighters, so it pretty good at mat wrestling/matches that involve brute strength. She is also interested in getting lewd and catty, so apartment/hebtai fifhts are on the table for her.

Read Akiko's paragraph. Same applies to Amy.


Natsumi is my main WAM wrestler. She loves oil matches, especially ones where she can get close and dominate all kinds of women. She can also do nude matches, apartment matches, hentai matches,titfights, mud matches, jello matches, ice cream matches, sumo and keijo.

Addison is my main heel. She is brutal beyond belief and wants to dominate anyone in her path, and I want to show her just how brutal she is. She can face any face/tweener and weaker heels in any kind of matches.

Gunnthra is a relative newbie to wrestling, so training matches/matches against gentler fighters would be preferable. She can do any style but hardcore.

Fern is looking for matches of all kinds except hardcore, agaibst any opponent.

Keiko is looking for girls who think they can rival her at apartment wrestling. She is humble but highly competitive. She is also looking for WAM matches, sumo matches, titfights and hentai matches.

Oriana will do anything with anybody, with the exception of hardcore.

Kusa is looking for hentai rivals/hentai YL s to train and help out in any way. She also does topless boxing and titfights.

Shiho is looking for women to lock horns with in any form of combat with the exception of hardvore. She especially prefers lewder match styles or apartment fighting.

Unzen is another of my heels, and is looking for tough matches of any sort against any opponent. She may also be open to other sorts of threads, if the pitch is good for her.

Another of my heels, though she is more seductive than my others. She will excel in aparrment matches and hentai matches, though can do standard and hardcore occasionally.

Male wrestlers

Huang is looking for opponents of all kinds, male or female, in any style with the exception of hardcore. He is also open to relationships.

Same as Huang, is also looking for relationships

Tag Teams

The Mommies are looking for their debut tag team match, or handicap matches. They can do all styles of fighting.

If anybody wishes to discuss a match with me, you may DM me on Discord at FreshBritishSalmon. Similarly, you can DM me here if you do not have it, though my replies here will be slower. Thank you for looking at my request page, and happy tussling!
Last edited by FreshBritishSalmon on Thu Sep 05, 2024 9:02 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Salmon's request thread

Unread post by FreshBritishSalmon »

Updated 5/9/24

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