I have some fishy requests

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I have some fishy requests

Unread post by FreshBritishSalmon »

I will update this as regularly as I can. Please note, these requests are only a guide. If you want to message me about any match idea with one of your character, and one of mine, just say. If I put a * next to any part of the match request list, this WILL be mandatory for story purposes. If you are interested, my characters are all in The Aquarium on my sig, and my Discord is FreshBritishSalmon#9111.

Collei: any match type, any outcome
Erika: Any match type, loses standard or hardcore*, any outcome for others.
Beth: Any match type, any outcome
Kusanali: Preferably hentai/softcore, any outcome
Oriana: Busy
Yahagi: Anything painful, or a hentai match, any outcome
Emily: Busy
Kaitlyn: Hardcore or standard, any outcome
Nilou: Busy
Clara: Debut match, any result, Hentai, softcore, bed or messy only

Thanks for anyone who read this. If you havent got Discord (Which I use more regularly), I can use PMs here, but I may be slower.
Last edited by FreshBritishSalmon on Wed May 03, 2023 8:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: I have some fishy requests

Unread post by FreshBritishSalmon »


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