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Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Name: William ‘Willy’ Preston and Theodore ‘Theo’ Logan
Age:(Willy) 20 and (Theo) 21
Eyes:(Willy) Brown, but wears red lenses (Theo) Blue
Hair: (Willy) Brown, dyed dark red (Theo) Blonde
Height: (Willy) 6’ (Theo) 5”10’
Weight: (Willy) 192 lbs (Theo) 160 lbs
Birthplace: Flagstaff, Arizona
Entrance Music
Wrestling Information

Strategy: Like a good tag team, they work on covering each other's weaknesses. Willy's a bit more of a slow, methodical brawling type of fighter - he's got a powerful physique and he can do plenty of solid throws, as well. Sidewalk slams, torture racks, bearhugs. Good upper body power.

Theo’s lighter and quick on his feet; his blows lack Willy's raw force, but he can rattle them off quick, and he's got good style. He's good at working with the ropes and is capable of doing some high flying maneuvers, his personal favorite being the flying dropkick. He also has a decent grasp on submissions.

Strengths: As a team, there isn’t much they can’t handle. Anyone that Theo isn’t strong enough to handle, Willy can crush. Anyone that Willy is too slow to lock down, Theo can catch. Between them, they’re a complete wrestler, adept at any situation that might come up, able to adapt on the fly and execute almost any move in the clutch.

Weaknesses: Their biggest problem is realizing that potential. Willy is easily distracted in matches, particularly when women are around, and goes out of his way to showboat, making him an easily led target. Theo, on the other hand, suffers from the problem of thinking too much, making him hesitant in situations where being bold would be more beneficial.

Style: Hard Hitting and Fast Flying
Type: Brawler (Willy) Technical/High-Flyer (Theo)

Preferred Attacks: Willy's style is pretty akin to MMA, though a bit dirtier than you would except from such a style - he's not big on defense, prefers to just power in an overwhelm an opponent. He goes for a lot of chokeholds and quick slams to compliment his punches and knee strikes.

Theo's the more technical member of the team - unless Wily, he's actually trained in formal martial arts (Karate, to be specific) and can perform numerous kicks and counters, preferring to break them down in a technical fashion. He is also fairly skilled in submission holds.

Preferred Matches: Tag Team matches, obviously, though Theo's been toying with the idea of trying solo. Tend to prefer things leaning on the hardcore side.

Physical Statistics


Endurance: ★★★★★- From years of starting fights, Wily's developed thick skin.
Strength:★★★★ - Was a bit of a jock in his high school days, and it shows.
Speed:★★★ - While not as fast as Theo, he can catch you off-guard from time to time.
Defense:★★ - Has some simple blocks and can handle himself up close reasonably well.
Technique:★★ - Educated only in the School of Extremely Hard Knocks


Endurance:★★★ - Not the toughest - Willy's the brawn, he's the brains.
Strength:★★ - While not a weakling, he's a bit below average in this apartment.
Speed:★★★★ - Where he starts to shine. Willy has a mixed martial arts background, and it shows.
Defense:★★★★ - Very solid on the defense, too. He tends to work better defending, biding his time and waiting for a good opportunity.
Technique:★★★★ - While he's not a master in any one style, he has a lot of techniques and moves blended into his own.

Favored Moves:

(Willy) - The Gore, Big Boot, Running Knee, Clothesline, Powerbomb, Facebuster
(Theo) - Enzuigiri, DDT, Lionsault, Hurricanrana, Drop Kick

Signature Moves
Sour Note
With an opponent running at him, Willy turns to the side, dips down, picks them up, throws them over his head, catches them with a fireman’s carry, then falls back with a slick samoan drop.
With an opponent on the floor and kneeling, Theo runs to the ropes, bounces off, and hits them a high-speed knee to the face.

Finishing Moves
Willy brings his opponents up for a powerbomb, but instead of just slamming them down, he gets a running start, jumps up and hammers them down with a running powerbomb, coming to a seat at the end.
Cold As Ice
With the opponent down, Theo goes over to the turnbuckle and gets up to the top rope. Crouching down, he jumps off and spins air with two forward somersaults, coming down on his opponent with his upperback for a devastating impact.
Head Games
ImageWith an opponent running at him, Willy dips down, catches them at the legs, lifts them up and falls back. At the same time, Theo comes up from behind and leaps up, catching the falling opponent with a Codebreaker on the way down to devastating effect.
Promotional Work
Willy's mouth is both his greatest strength and his downfall. He's an excellent singer, incredibly talented, but he has a terrible history of writing checks with his mouth that the rest of his body is not prepared to cash.

He's impulsive, thinking only after he's done with something, and typically long after. This brings him into constant conflict with Theo, the more level headed and methodical of the two. Ever since the two met and became friends, there's been a consistent pattern of Willy getting them into trouble that Theo has to break him out of, numerous cases of him swimming out too far and needing to get pulled back.

Comparatively speaking, Theo is far more level-headed and controlled. He pretty much has to be in order to balance out Willy's craziness. All his stunt-pulling, girl-chasing, all of his crazy ideas - up to and especially the one their currently a part of-. He's got a soft spot for the guy, since they're long-time friends, and he's learned to put up with things about Willy that would send most people screaming away. Their love of music is a constant bond between the two of them. No matter what happens or how much they fight, they come together in the end like real brothers should.

Willy and Theo go back. Way back. All the way back to Elementary School.

Back then Willy was just a little runt with a big mouth, who had a habit of getting into fights with slightly bigger runts with big mouths and getting smacked around because of it. Theo stumbled on one of the beatings and took pity on him. He intervened, and thanks to some karate training, was able to fend off the bully long enough for the teacher to intervene.

This started their friendship and the tone of their relationship - a neverending stream of Willy saying and/or doing stupid things, and Theo coming to pull his fat out of the fire. Willy would commit to grandiose projects, and Theo would have to come in at the last moment and help him finish. Willy would date that one girl everyone warned him was no good, and Theo would have to come with his parents to pick him up after getting stood up at the theater. Willy's parents were never around and didn't seem to care much, so in a weird sort of way, Theo raised Willy, always trying to give him advice and guidance, even if it didn't always get through that thick head.

In their teenage years, the two of them developed a love of music and learned how to play guitar, toying with the idea of starting a metal band. They actually did well at first, gaining a small but loyal following throughout their state and having some success doing videogame covers on Youtube. Theo was content to just leave it at that, wanting to go to college to become a professional photographer. Willy's ideas, though, were far more grandiose.

It took a few weeks, but Willy managed to convince Theo that they could go the distance and actually make a career out of it. They started playing bigger audiences. Giving out CDs and turning a profit. Gaining popularity throughout the state. For a while, it seemed like this was the rare good idea that Willy had.

But, no - after a few months, things started to sour. They never could quite take their act out of state, and their funds started to dry up quickly. It wasn't long before they found themselves in straight debt, in a hole with no rope to climb out with. Desperate, Willy threw one last idea Theo's way: Wrestling.

They had a decent gimmick. They had a look. And from a lifetime of fighting, they were both decent combatants and knew how to cover each other's backs. Theo had to admit, it wasn't the worst idea he'd ever heard, especially considering who it was coming from. Reluctant as he was, he certainly had no better idea.

So they joined the LAW.

Fun Facts
+For all his faults, Willy is an extremely talented individual with a lot of potential. He has an excellent singing voice and can manage a great Freddie Mercury impression. His talented fingers explode on the electric guitar, and he has a great talent for songwriting, even if it never got them out of the state. Despite his obvious impulsiveness, he's actually a straight A student, though Theo constantly helping him and making sure he doesn't miss deadlines helped immensely with that.
+Theo is a bit of a tech geek - the above photos, taken for their CD covers, were designed in Photoshop by him. When this is over and they get out of debt, he plans to go right into a computer technology and photography career.
+Theo has been trying to teach Willy Chess for the longest time, hoping it might teach him patience. Willy always seems to learn it, get it down, then forget it right after.

LAW Information:



Last edited by BlackAkuma on Wed Mar 01, 2023 12:55 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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