Angela Gil
Name: Angela Gil
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Red
Nationality: England
Height: 152 cm/4'9
Weight: 66 kg
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Red
Nationality: England
Height: 152 cm/4'9
Weight: 66 kg
Enki Gale
Name: Enki Gale
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Hair Color: Green
Eye Color: Green
Nationality: England
Height: 151 cm/4'9
Weight: 65 kg
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Hair Color: Green
Eye Color: Green
Nationality: England
Height: 151 cm/4'9
Weight: 65 kg
History: Their parents was good friend, while the two are also friend, but they also fight each other in occasion, after Enkidu left and return after 6 years, they graduated together before he promise her that he'll follow her where ever she go, after Angela joined LAW, Enkidu simply follow her, like he promised, they were like siblings to each other
Personality: Even though they're like siblings, their personality are completely opposite, Angela is prideful, Enki is careful. Angela is easily angered while Enki is calm, they're polar opposite yet they're royal to each other, nothing can break their friendship and most importantly, Enki is the only one that can calm her down
Tag Team move:
Enuma Elish EA:
Angela will perform a Suplex before Enki follow by the Piledrive before Angela finish their oppoenet with a power bomb