Someone's Gotta Win: Sailor Theta vs. Chantelle Calderwood

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Someone's Gotta Win: Sailor Theta vs. Chantelle Calderwood

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Sailor Theta vs. Chantelle Calderwood
Normal Match
Win by pinfall, submission, or KO

Sailor Theta sighed as he put on his boots, he had not had the best start to his LAW career, basically becoming a boy toy jobber to the stronger females of the League, and Theta knew this wasn't going to get any easier. However, thee was a slight comfort in the fact that his opponent tonight, a woman by the name of Chantelle Calderwood, wasn't exactly setting the world on fire either. Maybe this was the match to finally right the ship. He hd new entrance music, and maybe that change would bring him some luck. He got his cue to enter, and, surprisingly, he still came out to a positive response:
Maybe they just thought he was cute, or maybe they just wanted to see this girly boy get beat up, but the crowd had clearly had not soured on him. He didn't understand it, but, he certainly wasn't going to complain about it. He gave the crowd a wave before going to his corner to await his opponent's arrival...

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Re: Someone's Gotta Win: Sailor Theta vs. Chantelle Calderwood

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Backstage Chantelle Calderwood braced herself to take to the ring once more. For this match she had spurned her classic blue leotard, instead clad in a flimsy black lycra bodysuit that cover her legs and lower torso. Coupled with that was a purple wrestling top, briefs, boots and black fingerless gloves. Ruffling her short brown hair, she stretched out, trying to psyche herself up. Her attempts to carve a less dismal reputation in LAW had so far amounted to nothing, but she knew this match represented a better chance than any before - taking on a male wrestler with a less than stellar record. She had to start somewhere!
Chantelle Calderwood
Her music What the Hell began blasting out of the speakers and the veteran Scot tried to put on a cheery face as she strutted out to the ramp and into the limelight.

Plenty of cheers still greeted her as she made her way down the ramp towards the ring, but to her embarrassment she did notice one or two fans holding up enlarged posters with photographs of some of her ignominious defeats in LAW already. It was hardly an uncommon sight for her, but she had hoped to try and shed her reputation as a perennial jobber in this new promotion.

But to do that she needed to actually win some matches!

With her cheeks flushing red, she clambered into the ring to join her male opponent, and looked the scantly dressed male up and down with a curious eye. He certainly was not intimidating - maybe she had a shot at etching her first LAW win into history at last!

"Good luck," she said, sticking out a hand for him to shake. "Let's try an' have a good match, aye?"

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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Re: Someone's Gotta Win: Sailor Theta vs. Chantelle Calderwood

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It was now clear to Theta that Chantelle was in the same boat he was in: at risk of becoming a jobber. At least he had his cute persona to fall back on, but, judging by some of the signs and posters he saw the fans hold up for her, she had no such luck. Sailor Theta's getup and overall looks usually only elicited two different responses, one, the "ara ara" reaction, where the opponent looks like the finally found a femboy toy to play out their fantasies, or the "WTF am I looking at?" reaction in which his opponent didn't know what to think. It seemed Chantelle fell into the later category at first, but still offered a handshake and good luck. Sailor Theta accepted it, now he was the one who didn't know what to think.

The bell eventually rang and the match was on! Chantelle had a few inches on Theta, but, it seemed that they were, at least on paper, pretty equal, so, in order to feel out his opponent, he would attempt a lockup, if only to see just how strong this woman was...
Last edited by SimplePride on Wed Aug 11, 2021 6:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Someone's Gotta Win: Sailor Theta vs. Chantelle Calderwood

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After a moment her male adversary accepted her grip, the femboy apparently not used to such sportsmanship. Chantelle did not disrespect her opponents - given her record she had no business doing so - and she was determined not to let Theta's unorthodox attire and cute exterior distract her from what needed to be done.

With the bell ringing both wrestlers came together in a tie up, jockeying for position in the centre of the ring.

Chantelle knew she did not have a lot of assets as a wrestler as her string of losses attested to, but she was a strong woman. With Theta locking up to test her, she decided to leverage one advantage she was sure she had, and attempted to push back in retaliation. If she managed to move her opponent backwards, she would attempt to overpower Sailor Theta and shove him right back into the turnbuckle!

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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Re: Someone's Gotta Win: Sailor Theta vs. Chantelle Calderwood

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Theta had plenty of weaknesses: his record would show that, and one of the bigger ones is that he wasn't all that strong, and sure enough after about a minute of jockeying for position, Theta soon began to lose ground and wound up hitting the corner turnbuckle. The impact was such that Sailor Theta was forced to sit down in the corner, a very familiar and rather uncomfortable spot. Theta looked up at Chantelle, she didn't look like the kind of woman who would do the move he was worried about, but, only time would tell at this point...

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Re: Someone's Gotta Win: Sailor Theta vs. Chantelle Calderwood

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Things actually worked out even better for Chantelle than she'd expected as she exerted herself against Sailor Theta, managing to drive the male wrestler back hard into the turnbuckle. The force was enough to dump him into a sitting position, leaving him very vulnerable to the veteran Scot's follow up!

Wanting to quickly press her advantage, Chantelle took a hold of the top rope for balance and delivered a series of stomps to Theta's stomach, hoping to knock the wind out of him before pulling him back to his feet. If she was able to get him upright again, she would wrap her arms around her smaller foe pressing their bodies tightly together. Then she would heave him off his feet in a belly to belly suplex, trying to slam him hard to the canvas.

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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Re: Someone's Gotta Win: Sailor Theta vs. Chantelle Calderwood

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Theta was half expecting to have Chantelle's butt all over his face, but, as he observed earlier, she didn't seem like the stinkface type, and sure enough, he only felt a series of stomps to his belly, before being hoisted up in a bearhug, however, before he could struggle to get out, he found himself going ass end over tea kettle in a belly to belly suplex! He hit the ground with an impressive thud. This was new territory for him: normally his opponent's toyed with and teased him, this was probably the first time he had been treated like an opponent, rather than a toy. He was kind of been thrown a curveball here, and he wasn't sure what to think...

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Re: Someone's Gotta Win: Sailor Theta vs. Chantelle Calderwood

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Huffing for breath after her exertions, Chantelle clambered upright to observe the results of her suplex, and do her satisfaction Sailor Theta seemed to have taken the full impact, still down on the canvas and reeling.

Not wanting to waste this rare advantage, the veteran Scot advanced across the ring and grabbed Theta by the arm.

"Gonnae hav' tae to better than that!" she quipped confidently as she dragged him to his feet, attempting to send him bouncing off the far ropes with an Irish whip. If the manoeuvre succeeded she would try and catch him when he came running back, sweeping him up and using his momentum to plant him back into the canvas with a scoop slam!

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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Re: Someone's Gotta Win: Sailor Theta vs. Chantelle Calderwood

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Theta was soon dragged up on to his feet and whipped into the ropes, as this was something he wasn't used too, he didn't really have a counter for it and was soon scooped up and slammed onto the canvas! Theta was not used to being treated like an opponent, and it was showing. Theta looked up, and by the angle he was laying at, he was right below Chantelle's tights clad butt, which made him slightly blush, but, he quickly turned away and pretended like he was looking at something else...

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Re: Someone's Gotta Win: Sailor Theta vs. Chantelle Calderwood

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Chantelle succeeded in scooping the male wrestler up of the mats after whipping him off the ropes - so far she was in a good rhythm putting a beatdown on the femboy. So far he hadn't shown much sign of offense, and given the current state of her LAW tenure, Chantelle wasn't about the question a good thing.

She landed atop of Sailor Theta, draping her spandex clad body across him, and when he didn't immediately try to escape from her, the veteran Scot attempted to quickly hook his leg for a swift pin.

"Count it!" she barked to the referee.


Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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