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Sheepherder's Lamentation: Isaiah Bowen vs. Ashley Lucas

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 12:43 am
by SimplePride
Isaiah Bowen vs. Ashley Lucas
Normal Match
Win by pinfall, submission, or KO

"God help me..." Isaiah whispered a prayer as he fixed the rest of his entrance gear on him. He really didn't want to face Ashley, but, here he was, about to go against the girl with courage to stand up to the Sheepherder. deep down he wanted to run away and hide, but, knew that in LAW, there was nowhere to hide. Isaiah sighed as his name was called to enter the famed LAW arena. He came out to his normal, hushed response.
He actually noticed some were booing him, he didn't think too much about it, he entered the ring and went into his corner, not really making a fuss. He decided to leave on his entrance clothes on for now...

Re: Sheepherder's Lamentation: Isaiah Bowen vs. Ashley Lucas

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 2:59 pm
by pikazard
Ashley stood backstage as she made some last minute adjustments to her outfit, making sure her gloves and her knee pads were on securely as she waited for her entrance. She was up against Isaiah Bowen, a so-called Sheepherder who had made an open challenge to the women of LAW, one that Ashley had angrily accepted. Maybe she had been a bit too aggressive when she answered the challenge, but even if she wanted to it was far too late to back out now. That's why when she heard her entrance theme starting to play she'd walk out of the gorilla position, met with the cheers of her fans.

Ashley would pump a fist into the air as she stood atop the ramp, basking in the cheers for a moment before she started jogging down the ramp towards the ring. As she entered the ring she would once again be face to face with Isaiah, staring him down as she walked to the corner opposite him and settled in it "Are you really going to be wearing that the whole time?" she asked him. Unlike the last time Ashley had encountered Isaiah she wasn't really angry, right now she was just confused. She was also slightly curious as to what he looked like under the mask, she hadn't gotten much of a good look last time.

Re: Sheepherder's Lamentation: Isaiah Bowen vs. Ashley Lucas

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 4:07 pm
by SimplePride
Isaiah Bowen had felt uneasy this whole time, and it only multiplied when his opponent made her entrance. She seemed well beloved by the LAW faithful. Eventually, Ashley made it to the ring and commented on his entrance clothes, the same outfit they first met in, "No, give me a minute..." This was the part that Isaiah was dreading the most: taking off the mask, revealing that behind all of that bluster, lie an ordinary man. He removed his coat first, then his hat, he hesitated for a moment, then removed his mask, and placed it on the ring post, he turned to face his opponent...

Re: Sheepherder's Lamentation: Isaiah Bowen vs. Ashley Lucas

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2020 4:00 pm
by pikazard
Ashley watched with curiosity as Isaiah removed his entrance attire, taking off his coat and hat before he finally took off the red mask revealing... a very plain looking face. Ashley couldn't help but fail to hide her disappointment at how underwhelming the reveal was, the emotion clearly visible on her face for a moment before she quickly recovered her neutral expression. Ashley would quickly try to move on, stepping forward and staring Isaiah down "Hope you're ready, you said you were going to make me repent, right?" she would say, pounding her fist into her palm as she waited for the match to begin.

Re: Sheepherder's Lamentation: Isaiah Bowen vs. Ashley Lucas

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2020 6:34 pm
by SimplePride
Isaiah could tell Ashley was somewhat disappointed in her opponent. That wasn't even close to the disappointment he had in himself for even accepting this match. When Ashley mentioned repentance, Isaiah just sighed. What Ashley didn't realize was that the "Sheepherder" was slowly and surely being chipped away, and Isaiah the man was starting to crack through. Isaiah motioned the referee to start the match, she obliged and the bell rang. The match was officially on! Isaiah would attempt a lockup, hoping to start things slow, and work from there...

Re: Sheepherder's Lamentation: Isaiah Bowen vs. Ashley Lucas

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2020 12:49 am
by pikazard
Despite Ashley's attempts at some pre-match banter Isaiah seemed to have little interest in talking, only giving a sigh in response to her words. Ashley wasn't exactly heartbroken at this development but it was still quite confusing considering how chatty the man was last time they had met. Maybe the silence was from him psyching himself up for the fight? In the end Ashley wouldn't dwell on it too much and would just focus on getting ready, doing some last minute stretches.

When the bell rang Ashley would make her way over to Isaiah, meeting the man in the centre of the ring as he attempted a lock-up. Ashley was by no means a slouch when it came to physical strength but she had to accept that in a mixed match she was almost always going to be the weaker one in the match-up. For that reason she had no real intention of accepting the lock-up, but as the two of them got close to each other she would have her arms raised as if she was going to accept it. At the last second her knee would suddenly shoot out as if it was fired out of a cannon, aiming to strike Isaiah right in the gut "Haaah!!!"

Re: Sheepherder's Lamentation: Isaiah Bowen vs. Ashley Lucas

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2020 2:56 am
by SimplePride
Isaiah didn't even wat to be there, but, he was getting paid the whole hog for taking the match, so he took it. It seemed at first Ashley wanted to take it slow as well, and accept the lock up, leaving Isaiah vulnerable to Ashley's actual attack, a hard knee to the gut, Isaiah doubled over, and went down to one knee, "You...are stronger...than you...look..." Isaiah said. Isaiah had never been hit like that before. Ashley was going to be a tougher customer then Isaiah realized...

Re: Sheepherder's Lamentation: Isaiah Bowen vs. Ashley Lucas

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 12:26 am
by pikazard
Ashley's plan had worked, she was successfully managed to trick Isaiah into accepting her fake lock-up and lowering his guard, leaving him open to a swift knee to the gut that forced him down to his knees. Ashley couldn't help but grin confidently as Isaiah reluctantly admitted that she was stronger than she looked "You haven't seen anything yet!" With that she would bend down and try to put Isaiah in a front facelock before attempting to lift him up off the mat with a cry of exertion. If she was successful she would hold him upside down in the air for a second before falling back and attempting to slam him back first onto the mat for a Vertical Suplex "Haaah!"

Re: Sheepherder's Lamentation: Isaiah Bowen vs. Ashley Lucas

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 12:34 am
by SimplePride
Isaiah soon found himself being pulled into Ashley, and soon found himself upside down in a suplex. Isaiah severly underestimated her opponent and was now on his back, staring at the lights, with little birdies tweeting around his head. Isaiah would never admit it to anyone, but, at least at this moment, he was completely helpless to whatever attack Ashley had planned. No one knew it at the time, but the Sheepherder was slowly dying...

Re: Sheepherder's Lamentation: Isaiah Bowen vs. Ashley Lucas

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 1:21 am
by pikazard
With a cry of exertion Ashley would heave Isaiah up into the air before falling back and slamming him down onto the mat with a vertical suplex! Ashley took a moment to wipe some sweat from her brow before turning back to Isaiah, eager to keep up a relentless assault against the man. She had been the one to pick this fight after all, so it would look bad if she lost. With that in mind she would sit down on the mat behind Isaiah's head before extending her legs and attempting to wrap them around his head. If she was successful she would lock in a Headscissors, squeezing his neck in an effort to start choking him. She doubted she could get a submission from him this early in the match, but it was a good way to drain him of strength to bring her closer to victory.