Playing for Keeps: Mixed Tag POW Match, Holly & Blanco vs The Queen and Her Chain

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Playing for Keeps: Mixed Tag POW Match, Holly & Blanco vs The Queen and Her Chain

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POW Tag Match, to be won by pinfall or submission. Winning team will then get to take losing team as their Prisoners of War for the night, to be used as they wish.

Blanco Sombre and Holly Matheson emerged onto the ramp at the same time, with Blanco’s theme on the loudspeakers. The young couple welcoming the fans with Blanco's arm wrapped around Holly's waist, and her hand on his back, both of them waving to the crowd with their free hands. The fans greeted them with a mix of cheers and laughs, unsure what to think of how this tag team was going to fare. Tonight, Holly had been booked into a POW match, but the couple had pulled some strings and made it a mixed tag affair. With Blanco backing her up, and she hoped ready to prevent her from winding up suffering another humiliating defeat and worse afterward, Holly was walking down to the ring much more confidently than usual, sure that this time she would be the one walking out of the arena with her head held high! Blanco, meanwhile, was grateful that he could actually step in this time, and had a chance to keep Holly from wandering into danger and painfully likely doom, for once!

Holly and Blanco made it down the ramp to the ring, and Blanco placed his hands on Holly’s hips before hoisting the buxom British Bombshell up onto the apron. Holly posed on the ramp, flexing her arm as she hung from the ropes, as Blanco jumped up onto the apron. He then put his hands on the top rope, stepping on the middle one so that Holly could step in between the ropes. Holly bent low, ducking into the ring after she wiped her boots. She then raised her arms to 'present' Blanco as he rocked off the ropes, and slingshotted himself into the ring, flipping into a roll to the center of the ring. The duo were greeted by the fans with a mixture of cheers and laughing taunts once again, as Blanco took Holly’s Loser’s Championship off of her waist, and handed it to the official. The British Bombshell and the masked legacy would wait patiently for their opponents, then, looking warmed up and, they hoped, looking ready for this high-stakes contest.
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Re: Playing for Keeps: Mixed Tag POW Match, Holly & Blanco vs The Queen and Her Chain

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Angela and Enki would waiting in their locker room as they heard Holly and Blanco's, they would saw the couple wave at their fans as they walk toward the ring as they pose for their fans, giving the couple a min or so to pose, Angela's and Enki's theme would play after that, a remix and mashup of their theme as they also walk out together side by side, with smile on Enki's face while Smug smirk on Angela's face, wave at their fans before both slide into the ring.

While Enki was the nice one, people would view Angela being the while one, which proves as they also walk into the center, while Enki look relaxed while Angela fold her arms under her chest with a smug smirk they look at the couple, Enki would said a simply "Greeting, let's make this a good match" while Angela would smugly taunt "Oh my, it's the loser" said with a smug smirk as she stand there with arm folded, before Enki would sigh "What did I say, Ange, try to be nice for a while" which cause Angela sigh "Fine Fine"
Last edited by Void-Effect on Sun Nov 22, 2020 4:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Playing for Keeps: Mixed Tag POW Match, Holly & Blanco vs The Queen and Her Chain

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Holly and Blanco would keep a close eye on the other pair making their way to the ring. Blanco massaged Holly’s shoulders reassuringly, while hopping up and down to keep himself limber. Holly took deep breaths, trying to keep herself relaxed. When the other duo entered the ring, Blanco would back off a bit. The luchador smiled when Enki spoke, saying “Hey, there!” and reaching out a hand to offer a respectful handshake, until Angela spoke and Holly swatted his hand away.

“Loser?” Holly scowled, crossing her arms under her ample chest. “Big talk for someone just coming out to the ring. Looks like you need to learn some respect,” Holly said. Blanco tried to speak, but Holly put a hand on his chest and motioned for him to head to the corner. Blanco nodded, hands raised, heading to the apron.

“Now,” Holly said, “how about you lock up, and we see who the real loser here, is?” Holly would hop up and down on her heels, body bouncing, before raising her hands, ready to lock up with whichever member of the team would step up to her. Blanco Sombre, meanwhile, stepped out to the apron, watching his girlfriend nervously, hoping she knew what she was doing …
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Re: Playing for Keeps: Mixed Tag POW Match, Holly & Blanco vs The Queen and Her Chain

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Angela would smile as she heard Holly's scowl, she would simply smirk as Enki scratch back of his head, she would had a smug smirk before Enki would facepalm, he did told her to restrain herself from making other's mad, which failed. He would simply not to Blanco as he give him a apologetic look as he nod his head

Angela would smirk before heard Holly's challenge, she would accept it as she walk toward her and Enki goes to outside the rope, Angela would walk toward Holly and raise her hands too, letting their hands meet. As the bell ring, Angela would start pushing against Holly with a confident smile as she aiming to push Holly into a corner.

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Re: Playing for Keeps: Mixed Tag POW Match, Holly & Blanco vs The Queen and Her Chain

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Blanco stood on the apron, holding the top rope, watching intently as Holly went to lock up with Angie. The British Bombshell’s pride got her into trouble in the ring, but at least, he figured, she had him there to back her up. The luchador watched intently as his girl locked up with the more fit and toned Angie … then groaned as the blonde girl took control!

“Ngh,” Holly grunted as she locked up with her opponent, the blonde immediately pushing back on her. Holly tried to resist, arching her spine and thrusting her chest forward against Angie to try and push back, but it was obvious who the stronger woman was. “D-damnit …” With trembling legs, Holly started stepping back, trying hard to keep control, right up until Angie had Holly’s back right against the corner turnbuckle!
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Re: Playing for Keeps: Mixed Tag POW Match, Holly & Blanco vs The Queen and Her Chain

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Angela would smirk as she look at Holly before she would taunt as she slowly force Holly to the corner "What's wrong? Am I too much for you?" She said with a smug smirk as she push, meanwhile Enki would simply watch at outside as Angela pushed Holly into the corner turnbuckles, she would smile before raise her legs, and aiming to give Holly a knee to her gut

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Re: Playing for Keeps: Mixed Tag POW Match, Holly & Blanco vs The Queen and Her Chain

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“I’m just getting started,” Holly growled, trying to push back against Angela from the corner. Seeing the smug look on Angela’s face made Holly’s cheeks burn, making her want even more to put this woman in her place. Before Holly could try anything else, however, Angela slammed a knee into her belly. “Hnngh!” Holly grunted as the air was knocked out of her. She draped her arms over the top rope, letting herself hang there, as she took deep breaths. Holly sat there a moment, chest heaving as she gasped for air, left stunned in the corner. Meanwhile, Blanco paced lightly on the ring apron, wondering how long Holly was going to hang in there.
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Re: Playing for Keeps: Mixed Tag POW Match, Holly & Blanco vs The Queen and Her Chain

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Angela would smirk before she would let go of the lock up, before she would pull up her leg and give Angela's belly a kick, pushing herself few steps away from Holly too, before she would smirk and decide to taunt the two a bit "Is that all you got?" Angela would taunt and Enki facepalm, still the same Angela

Enki did told Angela to hold back her taunting, which she didn't listen, so of course, He could do nothing but face palm, but then again, this is normal to him now, even then, he still sigh as he facepalm

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Re: Playing for Keeps: Mixed Tag POW Match, Holly & Blanco vs The Queen and Her Chain

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“Ooof!” Holly let out a loud groan as Angela’s kick flattened her belly, knocking the wind out of her. The British Bombshell doubled over, arm held over her aching midsection, bust threatening to spill out of her ring gear as Angela mocked her.

“Come on, Missus,” Blanco said, “keep in there, you can do this!” Blanco clapped a couple of times, trying to snap Holly back to reality and keep her from getting panicked. Nodding, Holly took a deep breath, and bit her lip. Forcing herself upright, Holly took a wide step, reaching out with one arm to try and return fire against Angela, with a hard chop across Angela's chest!
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Re: Playing for Keeps: Mixed Tag POW Match, Holly & Blanco vs The Queen and Her Chain

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Angela would smirk as she had been in the lead as of right now, but of course, Holly would fight back and chop her in the chest, cause her to yelp in pain as she hold it before she would growl and give Holly a kick to the belly, hoping to push her away as Angela also use it to push herself away as she glare at Holly "Not bad" Angela simply said while smirking and look at Holly

Of course, next, Angela would be charge at Holly, attempt to spear and tackle her into a corner once again, if worked, she would back few feet backward before give Holly few kick to her belly, if failed, she would growl as she rub her head as she would attempt to give a random kick, hope it would kick Holly

Discord: Void Effect#1624

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