

Blanco Sombre and Holly Matheson emerged onto the ramp at the same time, with Blanco’s theme on the loudspeakers. The young couple welcoming the fans with Blanco's arm wrapped around Holly's waist, and her hand on his back, both of them waving to the crowd with their free hands. The fans greeted them with a mix of cheers and laughs, unsure what to think of how this tag team was going to fare. Tonight, Holly had been booked into a POW match, but the couple had pulled some strings and made it a mixed tag affair. With Blanco backing her up, and she hoped ready to prevent her from winding up suffering another humiliating defeat and worse afterward, Holly was walking down to the ring much more confidently than usual, sure that this time she would be the one walking out of the arena with her head held high! Blanco, meanwhile, was grateful that he could actually step in this time, and had a chance to keep Holly from wandering into danger and painfully likely doom, for once!
Holly and Blanco made it down the ramp to the ring, and Blanco placed his hands on Holly’s hips before hoisting the buxom British Bombshell up onto the apron. Holly posed on the ramp, flexing her arm as she hung from the ropes, as Blanco jumped up onto the apron. He then put his hands on the top rope, stepping on the middle one so that Holly could step in between the ropes. Holly bent low, ducking into the ring after she wiped her boots. She then raised her arms to 'present' Blanco as he rocked off the ropes, and slingshotted himself into the ring, flipping into a roll to the center of the ring. The duo were greeted by the fans with a mixture of cheers and laughing taunts once again, as Blanco took Holly’s Loser’s Championship off of her waist, and handed it to the official. The British Bombshell and the masked legacy would wait patiently for their opponents, then, looking warmed up and, they hoped, looking ready for this high-stakes contest.