Daisuke Takeuchi vs. Ossi Shamar - 'Partners turn Rivals'

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Daisuke Takeuchi vs. Ossi Shamar - 'Partners turn Rivals'

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Match Type: First to three falls, each fall is a separate match type. 1) Standard Pro 2) Submissions only 3) Oil Wrestling 4) Smother only 5) I Quit
Special Conditions: Shower break after oil wrestling round if needed.
Attire: Whatever is preferred by the wrestlers.

"Perhaps I have been too lenient with you Ossi" Daisuke would say, snapping his briefs into place before putting on a pair of shiny black wrestling boots. The Wrestling Royalty tag team were still sharing their locker room being a tag team despite the two scheduled for a very personal grudge wrestling match. They were in the process of breaking their tag team partnership to go back to single competitions with their first rivalry, ironically, being against each other. Until they officially break up after their match tonight, they had to share the locker room as tag team partners.
"However, after tonight I will return back to full glory when I beat you and prove to the world that you were the weak link in our arrangement. Good luck, my Heiress" he said leaning in to kiss her. Daisuke would put on some deodorant under his armpits before putting on a robe and heading out to the gorilla position. The LAW faithful were only privy to their first match which was a draw, unknown to the many private wrestling matches they had. However, tonight the two were looking to settle in publicly.

Daisuke's theme would cue and he made his way out to the LAW arena, making his way down the ramp towards the ring while the announcer announced him as being, oddly enough, one half of the Wrestling Royalty. Daisuke would dis-robe and hang his robe over the top turnbuckle before stepping up on the steel steps and entering the ring. The prince would make his way towards his corner of the ring and started to do his pre-match warmups and stretches to get ready for this royal wrestling match.

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Re: Daisuke Takeuchi vs. Ossi Shamar - 'Partners turn Rivals'

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Ossi watched as Daisuke readied himself, a mix of emotions within her as she ogled her former tag partner. She was insulted by his dismissal of their partnership, but still found the Wrestling Prince ravishingly attractive despite his arrogance. She scowled at him as he spoke, adjusting her own green-gold lycra briefs more comfortably and tossing her hair.

"Hmpph, lenient? You insult me, Wrestling Prince, throwing such a partnership aside on a whim," she retorted.
Daisuke was unperturbed and as he leaned in to kiss her the heiress felt her body shudder at the pleasure of being so close to him. She let out a faint squeak of pleasure as their lips met, before Daisuke stepped away, wishing her luck before disappearing to the sound of his entrance music.

"And good luck to you, my Prince," she muttered after him, waiting for her own cue to join the match.

Her music Fierce Pop Starlet was not long in coming, and the arrogant Arab swiftly followed Daisuke out into the light of the arena, taking up a pose at the top of the ramp to show off her exquisite physique. She swaggered down the ramp, hips swaying from side to side and eyes locked on her partner-turned-rival in the ring. She clambered up the apron and stepped between the ropes, facing down the Prince in the ring. Rather than any meaningful warmup, the haughty heiress simply folded her arms and glowered at him, awaiting the beginning of their grudge match.

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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Re: Daisuke Takeuchi vs. Ossi Shamar - 'Partners turn Rivals'

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It wasn't long until Ossi would maker her way out to the LAW arena herself. The two had a big falling off which culminated in this high stakes grudge match. Daisuke still blamed Ossi for their tag team losses whereas Ossi was more reasonable in agreeing to share the blame but the hard headed prince wouldn't agree to a compromise until the two had to agree to terminate their relationship and now be rivals instead of partners. Daisuke would clench his fist and grit his teeth in anger at the sight of the beautiful woman who would simply make her way into the ring and glare at him without warming up or stretching.

Daisuke would walk from his corner towards the middle of the ring to face her. "You see this is your problem! You don't warm up or stretch before matches and then you always complain of not being ready. This is one of the reasons we always lose Ossi" he argued, beginning to lecture her in the middle of the ring for all to see.

"No matter, after I win the first three falls to nil everyone will see who truly was the weaker link" he glared pressing into her head to head, chest to breast for a staredown. "Are you ready to wrestle me for everything on the line, for all to see? You can still back out" he whispered.

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Re: Daisuke Takeuchi vs. Ossi Shamar - 'Partners turn Rivals'

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Ossi rolled her eyes as Daisuke continued ranting at her, complaining about her lack of preparation and blaming her for their tag-team woes, even though she knew they shared equal blame for their failings! She placed her hands on her hips as the Wrestling Prince approached her, standing her ground as he pressed his body to hers, chest to chest, forehead to forehead.

The Syrian heiress snorted derisively at Daisuke's 'offer', placing a hand on his sternum and gently easing the Prince away from her.

"Oh, do be quiet," she sneered, stepping back and nodding to the referee. "I've no need to back down from an arrogant blowhard like you. You're all talk, Daisuke! You're no match for the women in this ring, and that includes me!" And with that she took up her wrestling stance, ready and waiting to fight the Prince out for their pride in front of the LAW fans!

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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Re: Daisuke Takeuchi vs. Ossi Shamar - 'Partners turn Rivals'

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Upon being astonished at the fact that his former tag team partner would not only deny his fair offer to her but dare get physical against him before the actual match would begin, Daisuke would raise his eyebrow and frown when she not only pushed him back but also suggested that he should stay quiet and that he was no match for the women of LAW, including Ossi herself. The wrestling prince would sigh in disappointment and shake his head.

"I thought you were better than that Ossi but it appears I must teach you a lesson in respect on top of one in wrestling" he would snort. Daisuke would adjust his briefs and nod to the referee that he was ready to start round one of this very physical and endurance best wrestling match. He was confident he could defeat his former partner in a clean sweep victory.

Round One: Pro Wrestling

The Referee would signal for the bell to ring and for the first round to start. Both Daisuke and Ossi would take up their wrestling stance and the prince didn't wait to get his hands on his opponent, immediately lunging in to grapple with her in a collar and elbow grapple. "Nrgh! Y-you...are weak!" he growled struggling against her before suddenly raising his knee up into her belly and transitioning the lock up into a side headlock, wrapping his strong arms around her head and squeezing it tightly.

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Re: Daisuke Takeuchi vs. Ossi Shamar - 'Partners turn Rivals'

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Ossi rolled her eyes as Daisuke's foolish tirades continued, no longer wishing to waste her breath or her time arguing with him. It was time to get the match underway and put the so-called Wrestling Prince in his place once and for all. Readied herself as Daisuke indicated to the referee for the match to begin. She was only partly into her wrestling stance before the Wrestling Prince leapt at her.

Taken off guard, Ossi struggled to hold her ground, shaking her head against Daisuke's words as she tried to push back against the strength of her former partner. However, the grapple was little more than a ruse as she soon found out.

"OGUHH!" Ossi blurted as the Prince's knee struck her in the stomach, knocking the wind from her and doubling the heiress over. Before she could recover she felt the Prince's arms wrap around her in a side headlock, jamming Ossi's face into the side of his chiseled torso. "Nghh-NO!" she blared, flailing in his grip, hands clawing at his tight headlock as he squeezed, exerting himself over her quickly.

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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Re: Daisuke Takeuchi vs. Ossi Shamar - 'Partners turn Rivals'

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Getting in command of the first fall of their wrestling marathon, Daisuke's knee would firmly ram up into the belly of his newest rival. She doubled over in front of him with the wind knocked out of her which was the perfect opportunity for the wrestling prince to lock in a side headlock. His strong bicep would squeeze hard around Ossi's head while her face was pressed into the side of his pecs. Daisuke would grin in satisfaction having taking control of this jobber.

"Tonight, I prove to the world who truly was the weak link the wrestling royals and with that our partnership truly will end. The whole world will see that I am the better wrestler and you are nothing but a weak jobber" he hissed at her, still squeezing. Daisuke would bump his hip into Ossi and flip her over him and down onto her back in a expert hip toss throw. If that worked, Daisuke would follow up and lay down on top of her across her chest and still have that head trapped in the headlock, squeezing harder in a grounded headlock now.

"You are weak woman" he hissed.

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Re: Daisuke Takeuchi vs. Ossi Shamar - 'Partners turn Rivals'

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Ossi gritted her teeth, trying to ignore Daisuke's taunts and focus on some kind of escape as the two jostled for position, the Syrian Heiress trapped in a headlock by the Wrestling Prince. She bucked and squirmed, but he held on tight, before suddenly slinging her into an expert hip toss!

"Unnghhh!" Ossi blurted as she hit the canvas, but Daisuke followed through, landing on top of her and still maintaining his headlock as he draped his chisled body across hers. Ossi tried to ignore the shimmer of arousal at having the Prince atop her, instead trying to hook her legs around his. Beneath him she had no leverage, so she attempted to roll them over, trying to turn the tables on Daisuke and pull her head free from the lock at last!

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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Re: Daisuke Takeuchi vs. Ossi Shamar - 'Partners turn Rivals'

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Starting off aggressively to hammer home the point that Daisuke was indeed the superior wrestler, the prince would toss Ossi down onto her back and follow it up by laying across her body with the headlock still locked in tight. He squeezed his bicep tightly around her head, forcing her cheek against the side of his pec while grinning in satisfaction. "Do you submit Ossi?" he would say before yanking her head upwards and squeezing tighter.

Comfortably on top, Daisuke would fake a yawn to signal to the crowd and to his opponent that he was barely trying at all and that victory would soon be his. However, the arrogant prince was not expecting a nimble counter attack from the Heiress. Her legs would hook around his before bucking up and rolling the two over and in the process freeing her head from the headlock.

"Nrgh?! Im-Impossible" Daisuke growled, finding himself trapped under the royal body of his greatest rival.

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Re: Daisuke Takeuchi vs. Ossi Shamar - 'Partners turn Rivals'

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Ossi successfully managed to turn the tables on the Wrestling Prince, hooking their legs together and rolling him onto his back, finding herself atop Daisuke and pulling her head free from his lock. Smiling deviously she did her best to exert herself and prevent Daisuke from squirming away from her grasp.

"Hah," Ossi panted as she shifted her position, attempting to drape her body over the prince and pin him to the canvas. "I believe you'll find that it's perfectly possible, you arrogant fool!" To accent her newfound position of control she thrust her hips forward against Daisuke's crotch, trying to grip his wrists and hold him beneath her where he belonged!

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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