The Hangman and The Hero! Jessie Nolan vs. Dave Blake

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The Hangman and The Hero! Jessie Nolan vs. Dave Blake

Unread post by overlordofkings »

Match Type: Standard Match
Rules: Victory is determined by Pin Fall, Submission, Knock Out, Count Out or Disqualification

”Well, this day got a lot more interesting,” The model thought, smirking. And he was right. It was a bit at the last minute, but he just found out that the powers that be decided to book him against a man. Up to this point, Jessie had been wrestling with women. Dolls. But now he got a match with his own sex.

As Jessie was getting into his attire (not too hard, since he barely wore anything), another text came, with a pic. Jessie bristled and frowned as the booker told him he had to find his opponent, Dave (something was apparently wrong with Dave’s phone).

Jessie growled but calmed down. He resented having to play messenger boy but this had a silver lining. At least he can scout and get a feel for his foe. And with that he set off. Thankfully, he found Dave hanging about catering. Or at least it was someone that

”Hey, Dave right?” Jessie asked as he approached (who he hopped) his opponent
Last edited by overlordofkings on Sun Feb 16, 2020 10:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Hangman and The Hero! Jessie Nolan vs. Dave Blake

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Dave's phone had been a bit tempermental as of late, so it wasn't a big surprise that the message didn't come through. Not that he had to worry though. His match didn't go on for at least another 15 minutes, leaving the jobber plenty of time to lounge about in his spandex tights. Craning his neck around at the sudden call of his name, his brunette eyes widened considerably at the sight of the model.

"Jeez, he's certainly confident with that attire,' he thought, scratching the back of his head. Giving a small wave, he cleared his throat, "Oh...uh....hi there! You must be Jessie right?"

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Re: The Hangman and The Hero! Jessie Nolan vs. Dave Blake

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Jessie frowned. Didn't the booker say that this was a last minute thing. He had to go and inform Dave about the match. Jessie soon shrugged it off. It didn't really matter in the long run. Certainly wouldn't save Dave any pain. The blonde took a note at the way that the superhero wannabe was looking at him and gave a flirty grin.

"Yep, that's me. Booker told me that we have a last minute match tonight," Jessie said as he subtly posed, making sure that Dave's eyes were all on him. "Hope you go easy on me."

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Re: The Hangman and The Hero! Jessie Nolan vs. Dave Blake

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Dave gave a light blush at the tease, reaching back to scratch his head in embarrassment, "Hahaha....well.....I mean.....sure.......of course man!"
Damn not even five seconds and already his opponent got inside his head. That little voice in his head was already screaming at him, knowing this kind of thing would fuck him over in the long run, but he just smiled and kept on going!

Gesturing to the ring, the jobber gave a polite smile, "After you?"

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Re: The Hangman and The Hero! Jessie Nolan vs. Dave Blake

Unread post by overlordofkings »

A boyish giggle escaped Jessie's lips as Dave stuttered. Guys like these were so easy. "Oh the look of his face when he finds out I'm straight as an arrow," the model maliciously thought as he kept the facade. Suddenly, he was struck with inspiration when he looked over Dave's Spider-Man-esque outfit. "But give me a few minutes. I mean, I'm a bit undressed for our match," the blonde teased, sending another wink at Dave before he swiftly headed back to his locker.

Years as a teen model gave him the surprisingly helpful skill of dressing quickly. He posed as he looked over his new superhero digs. "Spider-Dork is going to get a taste of the Golden Hangman," the model said as he quickly made his way to ring. He ignored the stage hand berating him as he walked on the ramp to Danzig's "Mother"

Tell your children not to walk my way
Tell your children not to hear my words
What they mean
What they say

"The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Making his way to the ring, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania… Jessie Nolan! Misa announced enthusiastically.
Appearance (Alt Outfit)
The blonde model got in an action pose to the boos and smattering of high pitch cheers in the crowd. Smirking, he made his way to the ring and entered it, lazily leaning back in his corner as he waited for Dave.
Last edited by overlordofkings on Sun Feb 16, 2020 10:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Hangman and The Hero! Jessie Nolan vs. Dave Blake

Unread post by SleeperAgent94 »

To say Dave was flustered by the young model was quite the understatement. By the time Jessie made his way back to the ramp, dressed in the form fitting spandex attire, Dave was ALMOST able to calm down the flushed cheeks that made his attraction so obvious. Well so much for that. All he could do now was watch as his opponent made his way down to the ring, turning over the words in his mind and thinking on his own career. His losses had been mounting, and as they grew, his own confidence was starting to dwindle.

Don't get him wrong. Losing was part of the whole gig, and losing to a few hot guys was fine. But he hadn't even gained momentum, instead being squashed in every match! He HAD to try and turn this around, or else.....well.....he didn't want to think about hanging the boots up.....not now anyway.

Cracking his neck, he took off at his own introduction and sliding into the ring, shooting Jessie a wink and waving to the crowd

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Re: The Hangman and The Hero! Jessie Nolan vs. Dave Blake

Unread post by overlordofkings »

Jessie merely gave a wry smirk at the wink, hoping to make it as flirty as possible. "That idiot actually thinks I'm into him. Even I fucked guys, I wouldn't even think to go out with this loser," Jessie cruelly thought, still giving a cute smirk and concealing his malice.

"Remember, you said you'd go easy on me," Jessie teased, stretching out as the referee gave the sign to ring the bell, offically beginning the match.

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