Standard Match Rules
Victory Via Pinfall, DQ Or Submission.
Eileen was the definition of confidence. But today? Even more so. Resounding success in the world of wrestling, both in the decimation of those she had deemed her male rivals, and those whom she had opted to fight of the same gender, had left Eileen on a high. Today, she'd seemingly feel more inclined to focus on the former, as the red haired beauty opted to slide her figure between the middle and top ropes after quite the usual roar-filled entrance. Waves given aplenty to the crowd, Eileen's grin upon her face was more so genuine than it usually was, given the redhead usually held one purely to try and appear lovely before the masses. Said masses had recently caught onto Eileen's true persona however, though it was difficult not to be caught in the pace of the strong-baring redhead.
Her feet parted as she rested either arm behind her, Eileen set herself against the nearest turnbuckle whilst turning her head towards the ramp. She had yet to even lay eyes on the the male she'd be facing this evening, but she had the utmost confidence in the singular fact.
He would fall like all the rest.