The Divine Stars vs Infernal Hierarchy: Tornado Tag Match

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The Divine Stars vs Infernal Hierarchy: Tornado Tag Match

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Match Type: Tornado Tag Match
Rules: Victory by submission, pinfall, or knockout. Hentai moves are legal in this match.

Like several times before Nate and Kate found themselves in the locker room. They were once again preparing themselves for another match in LAW. Having done a couple of them they had gotten used to it, though this time the match would be a bit different than what they were used to. This time they would be taking on the group known as the Infernal Hierarchy. It was made up of five members in total, it might be more accurate to call them a stable. Luckily they were only facing two of them at the time. But two issues with this match would make things interesting.

First, it was a tornado tag match, meaning all of them would be in the ring at the same time and fighting at the same time. While they were a great tag team and had constantly fought side by side, a tornado tag match was something they didn't have too much experience with. Sure back in their earlier days, they had done a free-for-all and a few other strange matches but those were rare occasions. Still, they were confident about their combined abilities and how well they could function in such a match.

But then there was the second issue, hentai moves would be allowed. This was something they didn't have match practice with. Sure the two weren't virgins and knew their way around the sheets, but this would be the first time in a match they would perform such moves in a real match. They had done some practice and even came up with a hentai finishing move but never versus a true opponent, an actual wrestler with skills. For the most part, it would be best if they stuck with standard moves at first until they got an advantage.

The two wrestlers would now glance at each other, giving a moment to take a look at one another and make sure everything was in order. Kate would then take a moment to look at Nate's shorts before smirking. "What?" said Nate with a bit confused look. "Just wondering if your package will perform." she stated in a teasing tone. "Oh, it will perform and then some. Both of them combined won't be able to handle it." said Nate in a confident tone before taking a moment to look up and down on Kate. "Just like you, they won't be able to handle you either." stated the male wrestler in a supportive tone to his partner. "Of course, now come on, we have a match to win." said Kate as the two of them would then exit the locker room.

With that, the duo would make their way down the hallway and towards the entrance. They would give a few nods to the staff before then making their way to the lightning crew and having a small conversation with them. Once that was done the two blonde wrestlers would make their way to the gorilla position, waiting for their signal to go in. Then their theme song would begin to play.
Theme Song
All the lights would suddenly go dark until two of them suddenly came on, and both of them would shine on Nate and Kate who were both striking a pose. It was like they were a divine light in the darkness. With that they would make their way down the ramp towards the ring, the two lights following them, as if it was their divine aura.
Nate and Kate
The announcer would then speak, though this time it was a bit louder than usual, almost like a divine voice announcing their presence. "AND NOW MAKING THEIR WAY OUT FOR THEIR THIRD MATCH. WEIGHING IN FOR A TOTAL OF TWO HUNDRED AND NINETY-SIX POUNDS, COMPOSED OF NATE AND KATE, THE DIVINE STARS!" said the announcer as the crowd would then started to clap and a few of them would whistle. Some probably held up some signs but with the lights only on tag team, none of them could be seen at the moment.

The duo wrestlers would arrive at the edge of the ring and climb up the steps before they both then jumped over the rope, acting as if they were above everyone. The two Greek wrestlers would then make their way to opposite turnbuckles and raise their fists in the air, striking another pose. Just as their fists were raised a flash of flight would appear and suddenly the entire stadium would light up, as if the Divine Stars fist had created light for everyone. The Nate and Kate would then jump off the turnbuckle and make their way to their corner, where they would await their opponents.

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Re: The Divine Stars vs Infernal Hierarchy: Tornado Tag Match

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Emma was simply waiting for Saria outside her locker room, the white-haired girl's animatronic demon tail moved from side to side with some impatience as she remembered who she was going to face, a team called "The Divine Stard" or something like that but the good thing is that it was a mixed team... but the bad thing is that they were fucking big, since practically Kate and Nate were really big, the only one who won in height at the moment was her dragon partner but Nate was almost the same height as the white-haired woman and Kate... she completely surpassed the speed demon girl in height but even so Emma won in the field of speed, so it wouldn't be a problem in that but what worried the speed demon the most was that this match was a tag tonado match, which meant that this match was going to be completely chaotic but also the rules allowed to do hentai moves... well at least she and Saria were ready for that and hoped that their opponents weren't ready for that but at least Either way, this match was going to be pretty cool, plus Saria has been claiming her "treasures" to collect while she would just enjoy the match and nothing more.

The thoughts of the leader of the infernal hierarchy stopped when she heard the locker room door begin to open until finally the dragon woman came out wearing her classic wrestling outfit as well as her dragon horns "Hehe I'm glad to have you on my team on these occasions" The speed demon girl commented with great enthusiasm as her tail moved in a more relaxed manner and she placed a hand on her hip "I understand but we should better walk backstage to discuss what we should do" The white-haired woman commented looking at her leader who was now smiling "okay, this will be really interesting" The white-haired girl and the dragon woman began to walk through the halls of the facilities, the members of the infernal hierarchy now had much more confidence in each other and lightly joked and from time to time they made the odd joke, Emma and Saria were no exception to this rule "So we will apply the same strategy as always?" She asked as she spoke to her teammate who looked at her out of the corner of her eye "Yes, although this will be much more difficult for you because both are really big opponents, they are not comparable to Pool Party or Crimson Legacy in height" Saria commented as she continued walking but the demon girl put on a smile as she remembered something "You know, I find it ironic that the demonic and the divine are at war, because after all, the demonic and the divine will always be at war" She commented while remembering the name of that team and it was somewhat ironic because she and Mudrock had defeated two gods before, so this would be added to her list of defeated divine beings.

Both girls continued talking and discussing various things until they got backstage where they had to wait for the opposing team to finish their performance and now they simply waited for their entrance music to play, although in Emma's mind she thought that if she had to fight alone against Nate and Kate, she would need to use her "bloodlust" or demon eyes so that they would not dominate her so easily, she may be small and seem like someone weak but she was not entirely due to her fights that made her stand out although more in her moments where without realizing it, she humiliated her opponents with her speed.

The entrance theme of Infernal Hierarchy began to play while the public became excited to know who was going to enter and as was suspected, Emma and Saria came out from behind the stage, one with a very happy and excited smile and the other with a really serious, cold look that hid a great bestiality behind those cold eyes, Emma greeted the public while the white-haired woman simply limited herself to adjusting her arm bandage as she had always done in every match she had had and after a few moments both girls began to walk down the metal ramp but as they walked, columns of fire rose behind both girls every time they walked as if they wanted to let their opponents know that they were facing demonic beings while their gazes were fixed on the ring or more precisely on their blond-haired opponents although it certainly reminded them of Pool Party due to their hair but they seemed somewhat more serious "AND ENTERING THE PUBLIC'S FAVORITE DEMON TEAM, HERE IS THE INFERNAL HIERARCHY" The announcer commented as both girls reached the outside of the ring while the lights of the duel stopped when both girls reached the outside of the ring.

The white-haired girl quickly slid under the lower ropes as she stood up, for Saria's part, she simply climbed up the edge of the ring and then, stepped over the ring ropes to finally both be inside the ring, Emma and surprisingly Saria came closer to see their two respective opponents "Well, it seems that we will have good opponents for this match, don't you think Saria?" Emma asked while Saria simply remained silent and looked at her opponent but more at Nate, who seemed the most dangerous for Emma and therefore she would take care of the blond-haired boy "Divine stars, let's see if you are strong enough not to fall into corruption" Emma commented as if issuing a challenge to both opponents.
Last edited by the funny girl on Wed Mar 05, 2025 7:11 am, edited 3 times in total. ... 56#p211856 all my girls are here and if you are interested in having a match with some of them let me know ^^

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Re: The Divine Stars vs Infernal Hierarchy: Tornado Tag Match

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The Divine Stars were now waiting in their corner. Nate resting on the turnbuckle while Kate was leaning on the ropes. Then the duo heard the theme song start to play and would focus their attention on the entrance. They then saw their opponents make their entrance and columns of fire rise behind them. It seemed they had a flash entrance, if anything, they had to admit it was probably better than theirs but an entrance was only one thing. Besides they needed to focus on their opponents. The two blonde wrestlers would now start sizing up their opponents. Emma seemed to be the smallest among them all but Saria was the biggest one, even slightly outclassing Nate. Nate and Kate had similar size and weight, allowing them to switch positions and be a bit unpredictable but with Emma and Saria, it was clear who was the muscle and who was the speedster.

The two then watched as their opponents entered the ring and Emma began to talk and even throw a bit of a challenge to them. Nate would scoff at such things while Kate would push off the ropes. "Corrupt divine beings such as ourselves? We are above such things. Try if you wish but you will fail." said Kate in a confident tone. Nate would then push off the turnbuckle. "Even if we weren't, as corrupt gods we would still crush you." said Nate in a bit of a mocking tone. He would then take a moment to look at Saria before crossing his arms in a disapproving manner, sizing her up as well. "So awfully quiet, perhaps a bit too scared to say anything or are you starstruck by us? Can't say I blame you, most wrestlers are." said Nate in a slight teasing manner but he would have a serious look. He knew not to underestimate his larger opponent. But perhaps he could get under her skin and get her to be a bit reckless. Kate on the other hand would focus on Emma. "Demons overreaching and fighting gods. You better brace yourself and prepare for our divine wrath. It is only natural for a god to punish a demon." said Kate in a confident tone as she smirked. While she was talking up a game, she was actually looking forward to fighting Emma and seeing what she was capable of.

The referee would then appear and start checking everyone, making sure there were no weapons on them. Though the referee was a bit cautious of Nate and Kate, a bit worried due to what had happened to the last referee who had pissed them off. The duo would both glare at her, like Gods getting ready to bring down divine wrath if angered. The referee would quickly back off once she was done her check and then signal for the start of the match.


With that, the match was now underway. Nate and Kate were already on the same wavelength. They needed to isolate a wrestler and take them out. Most tag teams would probably aim for Emma, thinking she was the weaker one and it would be better but the duo wrestler knew that was a mistake. That would only allow Saria to come in and turn the tide. No, best to take out the muscle first, Emma would have a much harder time turning around a two-on-one. That being said, the Greek wrestlers couldn't underestimate their opponents, Infernal Hierarchy had not lost a single tag match. They knew how to work together and pick apart opponents, they probably had a similar plan to Nate and Kate. However, that only got the tag team excited, eager to fight someone worthy of their skill, someone who could give them a real challenge and it would make their victory all the more sweeter.

The two then charged forward, their legs stampeding on the canvas as they closed the gap with Infernal Hierarchy. Nate was making his way to Saria while Kate was making her way towards Emma. Though as they got close, suddenly Kate and Nate turned to face each other as the male wrestler jumped in the air. The female blonde wrestler would grab his arms and attempt to use him like a wrecking ball, spinning him in a circle. Usually, it would be the bigger wrestler, the guy swinging the smaller female wrestler. But the Divine Star size was pretty similar, allowing them to switch roles. As such, Kate was the one with her feet on the ground, while Nate's legs were spinning and attempting to hit and knock down both of their opponents.

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Re: The Divine Stars vs Infernal Hierarchy: Tornado Tag Match

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Emma simply looked at Kate and Nate, it was more than clear that her words had completely captured the attention of these two guys because if they called themselves "the divine stars" it was more than clear that they would not let themselves be corrupted so easily and that made the speed demon's smile grow because apparently this was going to be more exciting than she had thought although the blonde-haired girl had a name similar to that of her previous opponent who had practically left her in a really sorry state and she didn't even know how she had gotten out of it "And you think that your light will protect us forever? Sooner or later that light that protects you will go out and you will fall to the demonic side" Emma said looking at Kate with her red eyes amused by the blonde haired girl's response "Heh, you think so but there was no difference, we already crushed the goddess of justice and the goddess of the sun, you think you have a chance?" The speed demon was having fun provoking her opponents before the match started, since after all, demons and gods would always be in conflict, Saria raised her eyebrow at Erik's comment... it didn't impress her at all, since she had seen the darkest and most perverse side of humans when she was a police officer and security guard but she decided to respond to Nate's comment "Boy...I can only think of different ways to end your light besides burning it until there is no trace left." Saria commented with a serious and indifferent look, Nate couldn't get under her skin because Saria had had terrible experiences in her old job so this was nothing to her.

Emma's demon tail just moved from side to side excitedly as she looked at the blonde-haired girl, apparently Kate had no idea that the leader of the infernal hierarchy had an ace up her sleeve to surprise these two gods but she would better save it for later"We will see that, between the demonic and the divine, one must be exterminated" Emma commented as she backed up with Saria to the corner of the ring, this was just a roll that she did like the demon she had to be, waiting for the bell to ring and after a few moments the referee appeared to make sure that neither team had hidden weapons, although when the referee checked Emma and looked into her eyes, he felt fear when he saw that the colors of Emma's eyes changed, from red to orange and the referee felt in that look, a great anger, rage and hatred but the young leader blinked again and her eyes were normal, the referee knew what Emma was capable of and therefore decided to be cautious with her as well as Saria of course, because the height and gaze of the dragon woman intimidated anyone.


the bell had rang and that meant the match had begun, emma thought she would be the first target because almost no one looked for information about her and many fighters would think she was the weakest but in reality she was one of the strongest girls within the infernal hierarchy besides that she was the leader, it is true that she did not have those requirements to be a leader who imposed fear, she was not at all intelligent or she was someone who stood out in leading others but emma always played a fundamental role when it came to making her team reach unimaginable heights in addition to that she had a competitive spirit that was very outstanding in addition to the fact that the fighters would think that Saria was the leader of the infernal hierarchy because she had many of the requirements to be a leader worthy of the infernal hierarchy but she simply did not want to give orders as she did in her old job, since certainly the white-haired woman saw the possibility the infernal hierarchy wouldn't work if she was in charge, so she took on the role of being the group's strategist.

Both girls took two steps to get out of the corner of the ring and separate a little but demon/dragon looked as both opponents ran towards them, Emma prepared to receive Kate and Saria was going to do the same with Nate if he got too close but both girls opened their eyes when suddenly Nate and Kate did something unexpected that was not in their plans, Nate had jumped but not to attack Saria, but to attack Emma while Kate put her arms together as if she wanted to form a wrecking ball and spun to try to hit Saria, Emma quickly raised her arms to cover herself from Nate's attack "NNGGHHH!" She moans as she is knocked to the ground and her arms hurt, that was unexpected for the speed demon who thought she was going to have a duel against Kate, not Nate and that could be bad, this situation had to be reversed but now! before her blond-haired opponent could take advantage of this but right now the blond-haired boy had the advantage at the moment.

Saria was luckier than her fellow demon, as she quickly raised her arms to cover herself from Kate's attack but it made her take a step back and her arms hurt a little, it was unexpected but still, she intended to counterattack and she didn't have to lose this golden opportunity, she charged at Kate to try to land a punch against the stomach of the blonde-haired girl and then an uppercut against the lower jaw of her blonde-haired opponent to stun her and take some space, the intention was not to knock Kate down, it was simply to give Saria some space and if she succeeded, Saria would have to take care of Kate first so that she wouldn't attack her from behind, if she tried to help Emma, ​​so the speed demon would be alone for a few moments with the blonde-haired boy and internally she patted her forehead, because it was obvious that she wanted to eliminate Emma first so that she wouldn't be a nuisance but the white-haired girl was someone unpredictable.
Last edited by the funny girl on Thu Mar 06, 2025 5:37 am, edited 1 time in total. ... 56#p211856 all my girls are here and if you are interested in having a match with some of them let me know ^^

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Re: The Divine Stars vs Infernal Hierarchy: Tornado Tag Match

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It seemed that Emma had a bit of a mouth on her, responding back to their comments. Nate and Kate would both simply smirk at her comment. It seemed she really wanted to play this whole heaven vs hell theme. Well, the blonde duo were more than happy to take part, after all, it would probably be good for marketing, especially if they won.

With the match now underway, the two wrestlers had managed to close the gap. Switching positions at the last second, Nate managed to strike Emma, knocked to the ground by his attack. "Remember, Demons are nothing more than the rejected servants of the gods." said Nate in an insulting tone, as if she was nothing more than trash to be discarded. But he wouldn't spend much time on her, instead he quickly started to move towards Saria, not waiting for Emma or making another move on her. No, the idea was to keep their opponents on their toes, and constantly confuse them.

Like Nate, Kate had also switched positions and had attacked Saria instead of the expected Emma. Though unlike Nate, her attack hadn't taken her down and the dragon decided to attack back, hitting the female Greek wrestler with a gut punch, causing her to gasp and take a step back. "GAAH!!" she yelled out but she would bring her head back and barely avoid the uppercut. Kate and Nate were both boxers as well, as such, when it came to punches and how to avoid them, their skill and reflexes were almost second to none. The female blonde wrestler knew how devastating an uppercut could be, even if she could take the hit it was best to avoid it. Though this would cause her to take a few steps back.

Kate would then attempt to retreat, running towards the ropes and bouncing off them, at first it looked like she was running back to Saria. But then Nate would come in and attempt to spear Saria, trying to get to her while she was focused on his tag partner. While that was happening Kate would now be charging towards Emma. "You think we need light to protect ourselves? We don't need such things, just our skill and power." said Kate as she would then jump in the air before attempting to hit her with a drop kick and perhaps even send her out of the ring. The idea was simple keep switching, keep them confused and unbalance until they could divide and conquer.

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Re: The Divine Stars vs Infernal Hierarchy: Tornado Tag Match

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Emma always loved to play the role of the leader of the infernal hierarchy to show that they were demons and that she got into the role quite a bit when her opponents had themes of gods, angels, nuns or etc. and apparently Saria had also joined this and therefore this would be more fun and that her dialogues could perfectly enter some other dialogue from the Arknights game that had become quite popular and that if both won this, the infernal hierarchy would gain more popularity although surely this would not be easy for the dragon/demon who were more than willing to corrupt these two beings of light and let them fall into the depths of hell, since after all, no one could escape from hell and much less stay with a light of hope, so it was going to be really fun to see how these stars went out in the deepest part of hell although surely Saria would try to claim Kate or Nate as one of her treasures, since the white-haired woman was a dragon and dragons always looked for treasures to claim.

Emma had been knocked to the ground by Nate's surprise maneuver, the truth is that she thought that Kate would directly face her, not that at the last second the blonde-haired girl would change opponents and Nate would knock her down, the speed demon girl heard the blonde-haired boy's words and sighed a little, but she was still holding back a little and she still couldn't wait to use her "bloodlust" or demon eyes "Ah... well, that's because you are afraid of our power and that's why you reject us" said Emma in a rather defiant tone, Nate was really an arrogant boy and he got into the role of being an arrogant god but the white-haired girl knew that Saria could correct that, since surely the dragon woman would give a special punishment to that arrogant boy although when she began to get up and prepare for the blond-haired boy to hit her but surprisingly, she saw Nate run and that confused the leader of the infernal hierarchy a little, since Nate practically already had her in the palm of his hand although when she looked at where he was running, she realized that Nate was running towards Saria.

The dragon had been alert of her blonde-haired opponents, something was up to her opponents and therefore she had not let her guard down and because of that, she was able to defend herself a little better than Emma and had not been knocked down in addition to the fact that she was able to counterattack, giving a blow to Kate's stomach. She had moaned in pain but when the white-haired woman was ready to give her an uppercut against the blonde-haired girl's jaw to cause even more damage, Kate had dodged the attack by throwing her head back, apparently the blonde-haired girl had practiced some boxing and that was why she was able to dodge the uppercut in addition to the fact that Saria was able to recognize that head movement to avoid that blow to the lower jaw, so this was going to be more difficult than she thought, perhaps with Emma's mach punch she could do something but it would be difficult to say because Emma was now getting up from the ground from that blow that Nate had given her.

Saria watched as Kate ran towards the ropes and bounced off them to gain more speed and momentum, at first Saria prepared to attack Kate but suddenly she felt that she was attacked from behind by a spear "NNNGGHHH!" She moans in pain as she was knocked to the ground, she had already figured out who was to blame for that and didn't even have to look back since she knew perfectly well that Nate had made a surprise attack when her attention was focused on Kate, really when Saria got out of this, she was going to make Nate regret this in addition to attacking her this way and she was surely going to bend him in some hold or another so that he would suffer a little in addition to touching his private areas a little, for what? Simply to torment him and it was already something normal for Saria but right now she had to be focused on a certain thing, like how to defend herself from Nate although that yes, both the spear and the fall did make her moan in pain.

Emma had gotten up completely as she watched Nate knock down Saria with a spear... wait a minute if Nate was fighting Saria now, that meant that... the speed demon quickly looked towards where the blonde-haired girl was heading towards her and heard Kate's words and watched as she jumped, trying to give her a drop kick but Emma quickly moved to the side so that Kate would miss the attack and the blonde-haired girl would fall to the ground by her own movement, this time Emma would not have her guard down. "Too bad you two are fighting a speed demon and a dragon" Emma would wait for Kate to get up and turn around, and then she would raise her left leg to launch a roundhouse kick against the head of her blonde-haired opponent, the speed demon knew perfectly well that this was going to be a chaotic match but still, this would be perfect for Saria and her because they could improve their fighting style.
Last edited by the funny girl on Thu Mar 06, 2025 8:40 pm, edited 2 times in total. ... 56#p211856 all my girls are here and if you are interested in having a match with some of them let me know ^^

my discord name is: thefunnygirl

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