Rules: Victory by submission, pinfall, or knockout. Hentai moves are legal in this match.
Like several times before Nate and Kate found themselves in the locker room. They were once again preparing themselves for another match in LAW. Having done a couple of them they had gotten used to it, though this time the match would be a bit different than what they were used to. This time they would be taking on the group known as the Infernal Hierarchy. It was made up of five members in total, it might be more accurate to call them a stable. Luckily they were only facing two of them at the time. But two issues with this match would make things interesting.
First, it was a tornado tag match, meaning all of them would be in the ring at the same time and fighting at the same time. While they were a great tag team and had constantly fought side by side, a tornado tag match was something they didn't have too much experience with. Sure back in their earlier days, they had done a free-for-all and a few other strange matches but those were rare occasions. Still, they were confident about their combined abilities and how well they could function in such a match.
But then there was the second issue, hentai moves would be allowed. This was something they didn't have match practice with. Sure the two weren't virgins and knew their way around the sheets, but this would be the first time in a match they would perform such moves in a real match. They had done some practice and even came up with a hentai finishing move but never versus a true opponent, an actual wrestler with skills. For the most part, it would be best if they stuck with standard moves at first until they got an advantage.
The two wrestlers would now glance at each other, giving a moment to take a look at one another and make sure everything was in order. Kate would then take a moment to look at Nate's shorts before smirking. "What?" said Nate with a bit confused look. "Just wondering if your package will perform." she stated in a teasing tone. "Oh, it will perform and then some. Both of them combined won't be able to handle it." said Nate in a confident tone before taking a moment to look up and down on Kate. "Just like you, they won't be able to handle you either." stated the male wrestler in a supportive tone to his partner. "Of course, now come on, we have a match to win." said Kate as the two of them would then exit the locker room.
With that, the duo would make their way down the hallway and towards the entrance. They would give a few nods to the staff before then making their way to the lightning crew and having a small conversation with them. Once that was done the two blonde wrestlers would make their way to the gorilla position, waiting for their signal to go in. Then their theme song would begin to play.
Theme Song
Nate and Kate

The duo wrestlers would arrive at the edge of the ring and climb up the steps before they both then jumped over the rope, acting as if they were above everyone. The two Greek wrestlers would then make their way to opposite turnbuckles and raise their fists in the air, striking another pose. Just as their fists were raised a flash of flight would appear and suddenly the entire stadium would light up, as if the Divine Stars fist had created light for everyone. The Nate and Kate would then jump off the turnbuckle and make their way to their corner, where they would await their opponents.