The Lucha Coven vs Divine Stars [D]

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The Lucha Coven vs Divine Stars [D]

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Match Type: Standard Tag Match
Victory Stipulation: Pinfall, Submission, or KO

Nate and Kate were now in the locker room, already dressed in their wrestling attire. The duo were a bit nervous, it was soon time for their big debut in LAW. The two had done matches in the past, some in school and others in smaller wrestling promotions. But this was LAW, the big stage and this match would determine how their careers here started. Millions of people would be watching and one mistake could cut their careers short, so they both needed to be at their best, anything less would not be enough. The two would do one last check of their outfits, making sure there was nothing wrong with them before making their way out of the locker room and towards the entrance. They would soon reach their destination, just staying behind the curtains before getting the signal from the staff members. With that, their theme song would begin to play and the duo would make their entrance.
Theme Song
"MAKING THEIR DEBUT ON LAW, THE TAG TEAM COMPOSED OF NATE AND KATE, DIVINE STARS!" said the announcer as the blonde duo made their way out. The two of them were both hit by a wave of energy from the crowd. Seeing that many people look at you, all at once, clap, cheer or say other stuff was overwhelming. But the two had each other and would make sure to stay strong. Taking a second to compose themselves, they would both inhale before striking a pose for the entire crowd to see and build a bit of momentum.
Nate and Kate
After taking a moment to pose for the audience, Nate and Kate would make their way to the ringside. The two would climb the stairs at the same time, their movement in perfect synergy, each of them taking a step at the same time. Upon reaching the top, they would each make their way to the opposite turnbuckles, both of them climbing it and raising their right arms, posing for the crowd again. The duo would then jump back at the same time. With that, they would make their way to the center of the ring and give each other a high five and the duo would make their way to the corner. Nate would get behind the rope while Kate would remain inside the ring. The two of them would now wait for their opponent's arrival.

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Re: The Lucha Coven vs Divine Stars [D]

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Luzura and Amity had some experience working together before joining LAW, and they proved it after their match against The Pristine and The Cool, besides of that match ending with them losing. But this feels a bit different from them, because this is their first intergender match after being officially announced against Kate and Nate, duo that have in common the fact of being made with a face and a heel united, which might make things interesting... and dangerous, probably. Both girls changed in the lockers and got ready to face them in the ring.


Once their theme song started to play, Luzura and Amity stand in the top of the ramp, getting cheered by the fans while waiting for them to be announced while doing their poses... "AND THEIR OPPONENTS... 'LA TITAN DOMINICANA' LUZURA AND 'LITTLE MISS PERFECT' AMITY BLIGHT... THE LUCHA COVEN!!


After being announced, they stop posing and walk over the ramp, going towards the ring while looking up at Nate and Kate until stepping the rinsgside floor. Once there, they do a short and quick run to slide under the bottom rope, getting inside and standing up while looking at the Stars until their entrance ends. After the Coven's entrance ended, Luzura and Amity talk to themselves, and agreed with Luzura being the one to start. Before Amity goes to the apron, she just kisses Luzura in the cheek and then goes to her corner, standing on the apron with Luzura as the legal one before the match starts.

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Re: The Lucha Coven vs Divine Stars [D]

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Kate and Nate would watch at their corner as their opponents made their entrance. They took the moment to size up their opponents, Nate clearly had the size advantage in this. Still, it wasn't a massive mismatch, just a small edge but one they could probably make use of. In addition, it seemed to be a bit of a strange duo, then again, there was the old saying, opposites attract. Regardless, best not to underestimate them and take them seriously. The blonde duo would see the kiss on the cheek, this meant they were close, both in the ring and out of the ring. As such, they probably had excellent teamwork, no wonder they were a tag team.

Kate would leave her turnbuckle and made her way to the center of the ring, taking a moment to look who would be starting the match with her, Luzura. She seemed pretty well built. The female Greek wrestler would then extend her hand as she got to the center of the ring. "Hello, I am Kate, let's have a good match." she stated in a friendly tone, waiting to see if her opponent would accept the handshake.

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Re: The Lucha Coven vs Divine Stars [D]

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Luzura leaves her turnbuckle and walks in circles around Kate until doing a full lap inside the ring, and gets into a stance, ready to start things off until she sees that Kate extended her arm for a handshake in the center of the ring. Luzura, hears the crowds around and stands straight and walks to the center of the ring as well, taking her hand out to accept the gesture before the match starts... "Nice to meet you Kate. I'm Luzura." La Titan said in response to Kate's words, then ends the handshake and goes back to her corner.


Once the bell rang, Luzura walks in circles around Kate and gets into a stance with both arms slowly rising up, then she goes at the greek girl for a Collar-Elbow Tie Up to start things off!

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Re: The Lucha Coven vs Divine Stars [D]

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It seemed her opponent was pretty nice, as she accepted her handshake. With that, Kate would return to her corner as well. Then she heard the bell ring and the match was now on. Like her opponent, the Greek wrestler started to circle around Luzura, trying to get an idea of what she was capable of. She would move in and lock in with Luzura with Collar-Elbow Tie Up. Kate's opponent was pretty strong but she wasn't going to let this get to her and would continue to attempt to overpower her at the moment. "Not bad, you really got some good muscle and a well-trained body." said Kate as she smirked while trying to gain control. But there was one thing that would stick in her mind, the position of Nate. If she could get Luzura into her corner, she would get the advantage. Her first move would be trying to suddenly swing the two of them around so that her own back would be towards Nate, then she could start to pull her plan off.

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Re: The Lucha Coven vs Divine Stars [D]

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Luzura approached Kate into the Tie-Up, with both girls clashing forces in the center of the ring. At first, Luzura was going a few steps backwards when Kate tries to overpower her, but Luzura changes the tactic by moving forward, trying to push Kate back against one of the empty corners, and the Luchadora trying to get the advantage over the Greek woman.

If successful, she would pin her against the corner until the referee counted up to 4, ands Luzura does nothing more than stepping backwards to the center of the ring, to avoid getting disqualified by the referee.
Last edited by The460Slayer on Fri Jan 31, 2025 12:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Lucha Coven vs Divine Stars [D]

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Kate only managed to pull off half of her plan before Luzura began to overpower her and send her into an empty turnbuckle. The impact of hitting the turnbuckle did hurt a bit but it wasn't enough to break her or make her lose concentration. The referee would start to count, while Kate continued to try and push back. The Greek wrestler would be released as the referee got to the four count. The official would then make sure there was a bit of room between the two of them before letting the match continue. The blonde female wrestler would smirk at her opponent before pushing off the turnbuckle and charging right at Luzura. However, as she got close, she wouldn't go for an attack but instead ducked to dodge a possible counterattack. If she managed to pull this off, she would bounce off the rope and come back charging at her opponent, attempting to hit with a clothesline to knock her down.

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Re: The Lucha Coven vs Divine Stars [D]

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Luzura waits for Kate to see if she had something in mind until she went towards her for the clothesline, but Luzura was smarter and faster, then she ducks under her arm to dodge that move and go to the ropes, bouncing off to go back at Kate and jump up to her shoulders, swinging herself and tossing Kate down to the canvas with a pair of scissors takedown!

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Re: The Lucha Coven vs Divine Stars [D]

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Coming off the ropes, Kate would move in for a clothesline but missed. As a result, her momentum would continue to carry her, she would hit the ropes and turn around, still running forward only to see Luzura coming at her from the air. Before she could react, she would feel her body being swung and then thrown into the canvas. A large impact noise would be heard as she crashed into the wrestling ring floor. The attack hurt and took a good amount out of her but she still had enough energy at the moment to roll and make her way to the ropes, using it as support to pick herself up and get on one knee.

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Re: The Lucha Coven vs Divine Stars [D]

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After the scissors takedown as courtesy of Luzura, she does a kip-up and the crowds cheer at the Dominican Luchadora while flexing her arms, everything while Kate recovers and gets up. Luzura wouldn't waste any time and grabs her wrist to throw her at the ropes with an irish whip. If successful, her next move would be performing a dropkick at Kate's comeback...

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