A Double Dose of Blonde: Golden Time vs. Ivan Ramirez

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A Double Dose of Blonde: Golden Time vs. Ivan Ramirez

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Match Type: Hentai elimination handicap match
Stipulations: Opponents must be made to orgasm before a fall can be conducted or counted for that individual. If a member of Golden Time is submitted, pinned, or KO'd then that member is eliminated from competition.
Victory Conditions: Victory declared via KO, pin fall, or submission of all team members

The Golden Time duo was putting on the final pieces of their outfits as their next match as a team approached. "You sure you're gonna wear that? Sure gives this guy easy access." Lucy looked Rebecca up and down pointing to the zipper that allowed quick access to Rebecca's sex. "Oh come on! We get to beat up on this guy at the same time! Plus, I've never worn this before." Rebecca was normally the more clear headed of the two women, but the word handicap being on their side seemed to give her exceptional confidence.
Satisfied with themselves, the duo walked through the hallways capturing looks from any and all who caught a glimpse of them. What the pair had lacked in match success thus far, was sure nullified whenever they graced the eyes of onlookers. However, they were going into this match confident. Despite their opponent being an impressive specimen in his own right the blonde's would be able to attack him in tandem. "I can't believe I have to tell you this, but don't get too cocky." Lucy wanted to try and rein Rebecca in just a little bit. "Don't worry I'll keep my head!"
The pair burst onto the ramp as their intro reverberated through the arena much to the pleasure of onlookers that gave them a very warm welcome. Skipping down the ramp and sliding into the ring the duo would continue to play to the crowd blowing kisses and waving, basking in the welcome they'd received. The blonde beauties would retreat to a far corner even as the cheers continued and wait for Ivan to make his appearance.
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Re: A Double Dose of Blonde: Golden Time vs. Ivan Ramirez

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Ivan knew his up for a very rough time.

Fighting against multiple opponents before wasn't new to him. Heck, he grew up doing it in the streets to keep territory. But unlike before where it's uncontrolled, it's more tame here in LAW. Although additional rules is really out to get him. An orgasm before a pin, submission or KO? How can he even do that with both of them in the ring?

Ivan sighs, currently in the locker. His really in trouble tonight. Nothing new here.

After finishing his attire for today;

A simple shirt and shorts on and some gloves. Oh, his so glad he managed to convince management to let him wear something sensible once in a Hentai match. Most of the time, it's only a speedo or worst, naked, everytime.

Waiting in the Backstage, Ivan waited and watched as his opponents made their entrance. Two young blonde beauty's ready to wrestle climbing up the ring. Is that a cat girl he sees?

But then there's one problem. Which is which? Who's Rebecca and who's Lucy?

Better not tell them that.

Suddenly his music began. Time for action.

Love them SpongeCola.

Bobbing his head to the music, he ran down the ramp. On the way, he outstretched his arm to high-five his adoring and less adoring fans, the latter finding out what a one handed clap sounds like.

Sliding into the ring, he waved at the crowd before going to his corner and wait for the bell.

He got to plan this carefully.

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Re: A Double Dose of Blonde: Golden Time vs. Ivan Ramirez

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Ivan had made his appearance to the blonde's as he walked down the ramp to the ring. "He's kinda cute!" Rebecca looked their opponent up and down as he made his way closer to the ring before eventually sliding in. "I thought you were gonna keep your head." Lucy rolled her eyes as Ivan seemed to ready himself in his corner. "Oh come on say I'm wrong! Let's at least get introductions out of the way."

The duo would approach Ivan before stopping just a few feet from him and simultaneously extending a hand hoping they could at least start things off in a friendly manner.

"Hi I'm Lucy!"

"Let's have a good match and hopefully a little fun while we're at it!" Rebecca would tease Ivan a little bending forward to hopefully get his eyes to glance at her breasts tucked tightly into her outfit. Lucy would simply roll her eyes before turning back toward their corner giving Rebecca a little tug to bring her along. Returning to their corner the pair would stretch a little as they waited for the bell to toll and the match to begin.


With the bell the pair would separate and begin to approach Ivan from two sides slowly closing the distance curious to see how he would respond. If he didn't make a move then the pair would rush him and simply begin to pound away at him with a flurry of kicks and punches hoping to simply overwhelm him.
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Re: A Double Dose of Blonde: Golden Time vs. Ivan Ramirez

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Watching them approach him is a curious sight. Not afraid of him it seems. Obviously, they got numbers at their side. Fighting against two will be challenging but he can manage, probably.

Then they extended their hands for a handshake with smiles as they introduced themselves.

'So Rebecca's the cat girl and Lucy's the one wearing a two piece. Good to know.' Ivan thought in relief it would be very bad if he mistook one of them. Women certainly don't like that.

"Ramirez. Ivan Ramirez." Ivan introduced himself in return and accepting the handshakes. It's very rare for him to find friendly faces in LAW so he'll take what he can get.

Although he has to play the heel tonight so... Sucks.

They happily accepted his introduction, moreso with Rebecca as she tried to tease him by showing off some skin. Too bad for her, he had seen bigger and sex isn't something he indulges all the time.

Sex is just sex. No more and no less.

Her partner obviously saw attempt, leading to Lucy hauling off Rebecca to their corner. Good friends, probably? Maybe.

Suddenly the bell rang, cutting off his thoughts.

'Hmmmm, nice strategy.' Ivan watched as both blondes stalked him separately, an attack on two sides. If he faces the other, the second one will attack. It's basic and effective.

Too bad he grew fighting at such odds.

Immediately, Ivan backed off the nearest corner and took a hunched stance, fist raised up covering his face for protection as he waited.
This way, their avenue of attack is minimized and would hinder each other in the process.

He might be in the disadvantage here but he is in his element. This is his stage now.

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Re: A Double Dose of Blonde: Golden Time vs. Ivan Ramirez

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As the two women approached Ivan from different directions it was clear he wasn't going to make a move to engage first. However, Ivan had a calm aura about him despite the odds being stacked against. Whether this calm came from experience from being at a disadvantage in fights, or because Ivan had supreme confidence in his abilities the blondes were uncertain. Either way, the pair wanted to use their advantage in numbers to quickly put Ivan on the back foot.

Rushing forward the two would begin throwing kicks and punches into Ivan's body as he also began to shell up in a defensive posture. Although it protected some of the more vital areas of his body it would leave gaps here and there. It was clear though that Ivan was going to continue to shell up. Golden Time needed to open him up since this attack wasn't going to yield any significant results.

Rebecca would reach out and secure one of Ivan's wrists and pull to stretch it out. Lucy seeing Rebecca's actions would quickly follow suit with the other wrist. If they were successful, the duo would try to pull Ivan from the corner and place his back against the ropes before trying to launch him across the ring with an Irish whip. On the rebound, the pair would try and execute a double clothesline to put Ivan to the floor.
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Re: A Double Dose of Blonde: Golden Time vs. Ivan Ramirez

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Both women attacked in tandem.

Punch and kicks rained down on Ivan's body with no effect as his guard is air tight. Of course some slipped inside but it's negligible at best. As long his head, solar suplex and kidneys are protected, his alright to take a beating. Enduring a few blows isn't much for him. But as for now, he really can't fight back with both of them together.

He needs to find a chance.

And it came soon afterwards. They must have felt impatient with his turtle like defense and decided to pull him out at the corner to throw him to the ropes. Which in turn, stopped their attacks to secure him out of the corner. With both wrist bound by them, it's practically over for him.


Rearing his head back, he would headbutt Rebecca first and do the same to Lucy. He can take the hit but the girl's doesn't seem fit enough to take such a blow to the head. If this succeeds, he would be stunning them both at the same time in order to fight back.

His first target, Rebecca. If he got this right, he would use her as an impromptu battering ram against Lucy as she is the shortest and probably lightest of the two. It would be also killing two birds in one stone.

Not a bad plan but it will do for now.

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Re: A Double Dose of Blonde: Golden Time vs. Ivan Ramirez

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The blonde pair prepared to send Ivan across the ring, but they didn't expect what he would do next. As they pushed him against the ropes he would push himself off of them and send his head straight into Rebecca's rocking the blonde causing her to release Ivan's wrist. Rebecca would stumble away holding her head in her hands as it throbbed from the impact.

Seeing Rebecca stumble away Lucy's focus was lost for a moment as her concern for her teammate skyrocketed. "Rebec...Hrghhhh!" Ivan was quick to pull Lucy in and land the same headbutt to the other bodacious blonde sending her back away from him. Ivan was clearly used to handling multiple opponents as he had planned well ahead what his attack would be.

With both women stunned he would move quickly to grab hold of Rebecca before running her straight into Lucy like a make shift ram. Rebecca would impact Lucy as the heads of the two women would impact each other. Lucy collapsed to the floor laid out on her back with a severely pained expression. Rebecca would hang in Ivan's grasp as her head ached from the force of the two impacts.

Within moments, Ivan had turned a two on one fight completely on its head.
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Re: A Double Dose of Blonde: Golden Time vs. Ivan Ramirez

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That worked nicely.

Both girls are too occupied in the offensive they didn't even see his counterattack coming. Their mistake to stop and grab him was the opening for him to move. In a single combo, Ivan had both blondes stunned and dazed. With the opening provided, it was easy for him to grab hold of the smallest of the duo to turn her as a makeshift ram to her friend. With one stone, he attacked both blondes. One as a weapon and the other as his target.

Poor Lucy was sprawled on the canvas after her friend was used as a battering ram. Rebecca meanwhile remain in his grasp with a pounding headache.

"Nothing personal girls, just business." Ivan winced at what his about to do.

Grabbing Rebecca's hair, he would pull her up and drag her to Lucy's laid out form. Putting the shorter girl in a headlock, Ivan would execute a running bulldog with the intention to slam her head to Lucy's abdomen.
Last edited by MR. Q on Fri Sep 20, 2024 3:38 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: A Double Dose of Blonde: Golden Time vs. Ivan Ramirez

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With both the blondes out of it for the moment there was little they could do to mount offense against Ivan. They'd begun the match clearly over confident in their numbers and let their guard down. Adding to it neither woman had taken an intentional headbutt in a previous bout. They'd never even considered it a threat to be wary of.

While Lucy lay on the canvas nursing her still aching head, Rebecca was unstable within Ivan's grasp allowing him to guide her to the necessary position for him to execute his next maneuver. Hooking his arm around Rebecca's head he would run forward before jumping pulling Rebecca with him before slamming her head into Lucy's exposed stomach with a Bulldog. "Arrhhhh!...Hrgghhh!" Rebecca would roll off Lucy to one side landing on her back as Lucy's hands would shift to her stomach as she began coughing from the hard impact.

Rebecca lay very still. Her chest rising and falling with her breathing while Lucy continued to hug her stomach while laying on one side. Ivan had woken the two women up to the reality that their numbers advantage meant little against him. They would need to regroup and work flawlessly to best their opponent, but they were currently in a state of severe disarray.
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Re: A Double Dose of Blonde: Golden Time vs. Ivan Ramirez

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With a huge slam, Ivan successfully drove Rebecca's head to her partner's stomach. It's his first time using such a move so it's a surprise for him it work well except for the light throbbing at his ass after landing on it. Checking the blonde duo, he found them both and various state of pain.

Lucy is coughing, cradling her stomach in both arms as she curled up on the canvas. Meanwhile, Rebecca is laid out still. He probably rattled her head from that blow. That's good for him if she's out for now. Ivan's attention then went towards the curled up blonde.

"Sorry for this."

Closing the distance, he would grab her arm to pull her up to stand so he could carry her like a sac of potatoes on his shoulder. If he can do that, he can probably use slam her down to Rebecca's laid out form as an indirect revenge for Lucy.

The Q
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