Victory conditions: Pinfall, Submission, Knockout, Disqualification
Garnet lightly stretched out his arms, standing just in front of the entrance to the arena. This match he wasn’t too sure how it was gonna go. He usually likes surprises in his matches and didn’t know who he was gonna face this night but he was told to be careful with this opponent tonight. Which did make him a little nervous since they never really said the same thing to his previous opponents. Though it also made him a little curious as well, not to sure who his opponent could be. He wondered if he was gonna face someone dangerous? Or maybe someone that had a track record that causes trouble? Oh or maybe someone that was potentially at the top!
Though he didn’t need to worry anymore as within a few seconds, his music started to play. Snapping out of his musing, Garnet grinned in excitement and walked through the curtains. His grin grew more at hearing all the cheering and excited screams he got once he walked through the curtains. Waving towards every person he could see, he soon stopped and instead went to high five a few lucky fans before reaching his regular spot.
Outfit(No weapons)

Once he was near the ring, he would suddenly run and take off towards it. Jumping/sliding underneath the bottom rope he would use this momentum to keep on running towards the middle rope in front of him and jump on it! Smiling at all the cheering he got, he then twist jumped behind him, rolling till he was right back on his feet.
Running to a ringpost, he would hup on to the second turnbuckle and raise his arms, posing for a few moments. After a few seconds later, he would pull his hood off and remove his cloak. Moving towards his side of the ring, he would put it underneath his corner for safe keeping.